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Moderna Developed by mRNA 2- frozen The Moderna has Common side
Moderna DOSE between a success rate of effects :
Incorporated. -50°C 94.1 percent
and - when it comes to Chills
15°C (- avoiding
58°F and symptomatic difficulty in
5°F) moving fever
infection in those
who have never
had an infection
before. joint pain

stiffness or
soreness in the


swelling joints


pfizer Developed by mRNA 2- stored in Two doses of the Common side
the German DOSE an ultra- BNT162b2 effects:
biotechnology cold (Pfizer) vaccine pain
company freezer were 93.7% swelling at the
BioNTech. between effective against injection site
-90°C the alpha tiredness,
and - headache
(B.1.1.7) variant
60°C (- muscle aches
and 88.0%
130°F chills
and - effective against joint pain,
76°F). the delta fever.


The Moderna vaccine is composed of messenger RNA (mRNA). This form of vaccination use RNA, a
genetic code, to induce your cells to create the coronavirus-specific spike protein.The cells of your
immune system then identify the spike protein as a danger and initiate the development of an
immunological response. The RNA from the vaccination has no effect on your DNA, and your body
swiftly eliminates it. The Moderna vaccination contains no live viruses and cannot transmit COVID-
19.The first treatment consists of two separate dosages administered at separate times. The WHO
recommends a 28-day gap between doses for this medication. According to data, the effects of the
initial dosage might last for up to ten weeks. To prevent mortality in areas with limited supplies, the
WHO advises postponing the second dosage by up to 12 weeks in order to ensure high coverage of the
first dose in high-priority categories.


the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine also includes a harmless fragment of messenger RNA (mRNA).
The mRNA for COVID-19 instructs cells in the body on how to mount an immune response against the
virus that is responsible for causing COVID-19. This response protects against subsequent infection with
COVID-19. The vaccination components are discarded by the body after an immune response has
occurred, just as cells would eliminate any chemical no longer required by the body. The main series
consists of two doses of Pfizer-BioNTech given 3–8 weeks apart. People with a moderately or severely
weakened immune system should get a third dose of the primary series at least 4 weeks after their
second dose.A three-dosage Pfizer-BioNTech main series is recommended for children ages 6 months to
4 years old. First and second doses are separated by three to eight weeks, and the second and third
doses by at least eight weeks. People with a weaker immune system must wait at least eight weeks
between the second and third doses.


A vaccine works with your body's natural defenses to create immunity, reducing the chance of
developing a disease. Vaccination activates the body's immune system. It identifies the infectious agent,
which might be a virus or bacterium, that is trying to take over the body. Antibodies are produced. An
antibody is a protein that is created by the immune system to aid in the fight against infection. When we
have been vaccinated against a disease by taking one or more doses of a vaccine, we are often protected
for years, decades, or even a lifetime. Vaccines protect us from being ill in the first place, as opposed to
treating diseases after they occur. To avoid becoming sick, your immune system can swiftly eliminate
any future exposure to the virus. Hence, vaccination is a safe and innovative technique to generate an
immune response in the body without producing disease.


Department of Health and Age Care. (2022, July 8). Spikevax (Moderna). Australian Health Government.

Herndon, MS, MPH, MFA, J. (2021, May 25). Everything You Want to Know About the Moderna Vaccine
CDC. (2022, June 21). Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine(also knows as COMIRNATY): Overview and
Safety. Center Disease Control and Prevention.

Wikipedia.(2022, July 9). Pfizer-BioNTEch COVID-19 vaccine. Wikipedia.

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