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Physical and mental attributes that are reasonably stable over time and assist define an
employee's ability to respond are referred to as abilities and talents. Recognizing them is crucial
to comprehending organizational behavior since they frequently limit an employee's ability to
perform. For example, a clerk-performance typists will certainly deteriorate if she lacks the
manual dexterity to understand the foundations of typing or keyboard entry. A sales person
who struggles with simple arithmetic calculations, on the other hand, will likely struggle on the
Abilities and talents are divided into two sections- Mental abilities and Physical abilities
Mental abilities refer to a person's cognitive talents and are strongly tied to how they make
decisions and process information. Verbal comprehension, inductive reasoning, and memory
are all elements to consider. Some of them are discussed below-
Verbal Comprehension-The ability to comprehend word meanings and how they relate to one
Word Fluency-The ability to name items or compose sentences that represent a concept using
Number Aptitude-The ability to quickly and precisely do numerical calculations.
Inductive reasoning- A type of logic that is used to solve problems. The ability to find a rule or
principle and apply it to a problem solution.
Memory-The ability to recall lists of words, numbers, and other relationships.
Spatial Aptitude-Perception of fixed geometric figures and their relationships to other
geometric forms.
Perceptual Speed-The quickness with which we see things. The ability to quickly and properly
interpret visual details.
Basic physical talents (for example, strength) and psychomotor ability are both included (such
as manual dexterity, eye-hand coordination, and manipulation skills). Some of them are-
Strength that is dynamic- The ability to frequently or continuously apply muscular force for a
period of time.
Trunk Strength-The ability to use the back and abdominal muscles to exert muscular strength.
Static toughness-The maximum amount of continuous force a person may exert against an
external object.
Strength that explodes-The maximum amount of force a person may exert in a single or series
of explosive acts.
Flexibility to a large extent-The ability to stretch the trunk and back muscles to their maximum
Flexibility that is dynamic-The ability to flex in a quick and repetitive manner.
Gross Body Coordination-The ability to coordinate the actions of multiple body components at
the same time.
Equilibrium- In the face of disruptive external influences, the ability to preserve balance and
Stamina-The ability to maintain a high level of exertion over a lengthy period of time;
cardiovascular conditioning.
Job requirements are the qualifications and skills that are required for a certain job. Job
requirements are typically written as a list of the most important job credentials, skills, and
attributes that a candidate must possess in order to fulfil certain job obligations.
The most important aspect of job hunting is demonstrating your suitability for the
opportunities you're applying for. When you do so, you increase your chances of being
considered by the hiring manager as a candidate worth interviewing. You just have a few
seconds to persuade an employer that you are qualified for the job and that your CV and cover
letter deserve a closer look. Autocratic, supervisory, empathetic, collegial, and system models
are the top five skills that help me do my position effectively. Issue selling, taking the initiative,
constructive change-oriented communication, creativity, and proactive socializing are examples
of these characteristics.
Furthermore, your company's success is dependent on your employees' abilities, and placing
the appropriate person in the proper role might be the difference between success and failure,
not just for the individual but also for the project. Identifying your employees' talents and
limitations, as well as assigning assignments and projects to them, is an important part of
successful management. Employee competencies are crucial to both personal and
organizational development. It also had an impact on each employee's productivity.
From above, we can conclude that abilities play an important role in creating jobs, daily life, for
employees. It affects the productivity of an employee. There are various types of physical and
mental abilities a person already have. They have to work on them. To complete a job, one has
the ability to do the job because if one doesn’t know the process, the job will not be completed
and the company will not succeed. It is crucial for organizational development.


The technique of ensuring that the message a person intends to deliver is understood by the
specific persons or groups they wish to target is known as perception management. It also
refers to influencing how others understand what everyone else say about a person.
For a manager who wishes to avoid making mistakes while dealing with people and situations in
the workplace, perception is critical. Perception is also crucial because it provides more than
objective output; it consumes an observation and creates a new world that is enhanced by prior
Companies are attempting to determine if working from home is better or worse for their
workers in light of the current epidemic, which has changed the way people work overnight.
Although the number of individuals working from home is steadily rising, the present view of
working from home is unfavorable. However, there are several advantages and numerous
potential for perspective adjustment while keeping the present culture. The actions and
measures that help control the perception process are listed below.
• Stimulation
The stimulus of the senses is the first step in the perception process. Something draws
someone's attention when they are aroused. People are stimulated by their five senses. Among
these are the senses of smell, sight, sound, taste, and touch. The eyes are the most prevalent
stimulation receptors, but smelling an apple pie baking or eating a wonderful meal may be just
as exciting. As a result, the senses are the initial step of perception. Before people to perceive,
they should first sense stimuli.

• Organization
Large volumes of information are disseminated throughout the body. The brain identifies and
associates familiar thoughts and concepts with previous experiences. This enables the brain to
comprehend what is going on. During this phase, the body's receptors create mental
representations of the stimuli that people are exposed to. This is referred to as a percept. They
use patterns to help people organize their thoughts in their heads. Patterns assist people in
organizing their thoughts so that they may be interpreted.

• Interpretation
People use their own experiences and prejudices when the body detects events and
characteristics. They assess their own experience in light of their past, values, and beliefs. This
aids individuals in determining how to respond to the events that they are confronted with.
Information is given meaning when it is understood. Each person might have a different view or
comprehension of the same stimuli since interpretation is subjective.

• Memory
They become part of the memory when the body saves experiences and moments in the brain.
People make connections between these events and their own views and experiences.
Memories can be associated with both positive and negative situations. People usually aren't
aware that they have a memory until another stimulus reminds them of something that
happened. Not only does the body record the exact stimuli that someone has encountered, but
it also stores their sentiments about those sensations.

• Recall
People might look back on events in their lives and evaluate them. They accomplish this by
recalling a perceived occurrence in order to obtain details. When people recollect events
frequently, they might tend to remember them more accurately. They may also notice that the
memories they can recall vary over time. Their recollection may even alter some aspects of the
memories. Perception eventually assists people from various backgrounds in assigning meaning
to information and events in their lives. Each individual experiences events differently than
others. As a result, perception becomes subjective.
Employers face significant hurdles when employees work from home. Because the system
allows for variable hours, there are no techniques to assess how many hours an individual has
spent working from home. Nonetheless, evidence from a variety of sources clearly shows that
working from home is a trend that will continue to increase in the future.
Cognitive Learning Theory is a wide theory that describes how internal and external influences
impact thinking and various mental processes in order to promote learning in humans.
They are founded on the following fundamental principles:
1. Cognitive learning principles emphasize what you know rather than how you react to
stimuli. When you use a cognitive learning principle, you are acting on your mental
processes and linking them to your memories, rather than just responding to what is
going on around you or how you are feeling. This makes you a more successful learner.

2. Structure is important in cognitive learning concepts. They are concerned with

connections and order. As you "connect the dots" between your new and past
knowledge, you will learn more effectively.

3. Plans, active approaches, and profitability are the foundations of cognitive learning
concepts. Instead of being a passive observer of a situation, the student, instructor, or
other participant becomes an active participant who uses and learns from the
information they get.


Learning is described as the process of acquiring, expanding, or altering one's knowledge, skills,
beliefs, attitudes, behavior, and world views via the integration of personal and environmental
experiences and influences. For quicker outcomes, Nikita should select cognitive psychology as
the most influential learning theory. Employees, according to the theory, are no longer viewed
as collections of responses to external stimuli, as behaviorists do, but as information
processors. Cognitive psychology, unlike behaviorism, will pay attention to complex mental
occurrences. The concept was influenced by the computer's development as an information-
processing tool that resembled the human mind. In cognitive psychology, learning is described
as the acquisition of knowledge: the learner is an information processor who absorbs input,
conducts cognitive operations on it, and stores it in memory. As a result, it will be the
preferable method for employees to acquire certain model behaviors demonstrated by leaders.

Cognitive learning theory is important for workers. After learning the theory workers are
viewed as information processors. It helps in learning new skills faster. It also boosts
confidence. It enhances problem-solving abilities. It concludes that cognitive theory is the
preferred method for faster results.

The reinforcement theory of learning may be utilized to modify employee behavior in a
business. This is often referred to as behavior shaping or behavior modification. Shaping
behavior entails systematically rewarding each consecutive step that leads to the desired
behavior. Four ways in which behavior can be modified are as follows:
1. Positive Reinforcement
This is a technique in which a favorable consequence is used to reinforce a desirable
behavior. When an employee demonstrates a desired behavior, i.e., the
manager/company wants this behavior to be repeated, the manager/company ensures
that the consequence of this behavior is something that the employee enjoys.
2. Negative Reinforcement
This is also a way of reinforcing positive behavior. In this example, when an employee
demonstrates desired behavior, it results in a favorable outcome for the employee.
3. Punishment
Punishment happens when an undesirable consequence occurs as a result of a conduct.
When a person demonstrates an unpleasant behavior that the management wishes to
cease, the behavior should result in anything that the employee dislikes or does not
want, such as scolding, bad performance evaluations, a negative notation in his personal
file, a fine, or a suspension.
4. Extinction
Extinction can also be used to put an end to a behavior. When the employee engages in
unfavorable behavior, the management removes the positive result.
It is impossible to overestimate the role of reinforcement in the learning process.
According to the law of effect, reinforcement is anything that increases the strength of a
reaction while simultaneously encouraging repeat of the activity that preceded the
reward. Reinforcement may also be defined in terms of function: something is
reinforcing if it enhances and induces the previous reaction to be repeated.
Reinforcement is a method that includes quickly providing or removing a stimulus
following a behavior to help increase the probability that it will occur again.
When a pleasurable stimulus is used to encourage a desirable behavior, this is known as
positive reinforcement. The use of an undesirable stimulus as a form of positive
punishment is used to dissuade bad behavior. When a negative stimulus is eliminated in
order to encourage a desirable activity, this is known as negative reinforcement.
Learning through reinforcement is also known as behavior modification. Behavior can be
modified in four ways are positive and negative reinforcements, punishment, extinction.
To reward desired behavior, both positive and negative reinforcements are utilized,
whereas punishment and extinction are two techniques to halt unwanted behavior.

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