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Name: Cristina C.

Section/Year: CAS 2-B

Activity Module 5

Watch movie “Mumbaki.”

After watching the film, identify religious activities of Igorots and the importance or relevance of these
activities or rituals. Discuss the spirituality of Igorots.

Activity sheets

Religious Rituals among Filipinos

1. Anito Worship: The Igorost traditionally believe in anitos, which are ancestral spirits. They perform
rituals to honor and seek guidance from these spirits. Ancestral altars are set up in homes, and offerings
such as food, rice wine, and tobacco are made to appease the anitos.
2. Ritual Sacrifices: In the past, animal sacrifices were performed as part of important ceremonies or to
seek favor from the anitos. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that the practice of animal sacrifices
has significantly decreased over time due to the influence of Christianity and modernization.
3.Cañao: Cañao is a significant ritual feast among the Igorot, usually held to mark important occasions
like weddings, births, and harvests. It involves communal prayers, rituals, and the sharing of food.
4. Divination: The Igorots also engage in divination practices to seek guidance and insight into various
aspects of life. Diviners, known as mumbakis, use various techniques such as interpreting patterns in
chicken bones, reading animal entrails, or consulting the spirits through trance-like states.
5. Shamanism and Healing Rituals: Shamanic practices play a role in the spiritual life of the Igorots.
Shamans, called mambuning or mombaki, are believed to have the ability to communicate with the
spirit world and perform healing rituals.
6. Ritual Dances and Music: Traditional dances and music hold religious significance among the Igorots.
These artistic expressions are often performed during ceremonies and rituals to invoke the spirits,
celebrate important events, or express spiritual devotion.
7. Spirit Houses: The Igorots build spirit houses known as bale. These structures are believed to be the
dwelling places of spirits and are constructed to provide a space for communication and interaction with
the spiritual realm.
8. Burial Customs: The Igorots have unique burial customs that reflect their spiritual beliefs. They
practice mummification in certain areas, where the bodies of the decreased are preserved through
smoking and wrapping in blankets. The rituals surrounding burial aim to ensure a peaceful transition of
the soul to the afterlife.
9. Rites of Passage: The Igorots have specific rituals to mark significant life transitions such as birth,
puberty, marriage, and death. These rites of passage are infused with religious symbolism and are
performed to seek blessings, protection, and guidance from the spirits.
10. Ancestor Veneration: The Igorots hold deep reverence for their ancestors and believe that their
spirits continue to influence the lives of the living. Ancestor veneration is a vital aspect of their
spirituality, and offerings and prayers are made to honor and seek the blessings of their departed loved

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