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Finding yourself is a journey only you can time Dealing with sex,gender and sexaullity is not something
to be taken lightly it's a journey that creates the version of you that you fully feel you meant to be, this
journey doesn't come easy cause you in battle with yourself and the options of others doesn't help with
the process Losing yourself while trying to find yourself is a war most can't handle but in the long run
who you meant to be will be. My realization in lesson 1 which is the Sex , gender, and sexuality they
have different to both each others.In people the term "sex" refers to a set of biological characteristics.
Physico-physiological characteristics, such as chromosomes, gene expression, hormone levels and
functions, and reproductive/sexual anatomy are primarily involved.While in gender in contrast to what
your physical traits, genes, and hormones suggest, gender refers to your sense of who you are as a boy,
girl, or something else. People express their gender in a variety of ways, so identifying your gender
might be more complex than simply considering yourself to be "male" or "female." And lastly in
sexuality is who you have sex with or how often you have sex are not indicators of your sexuality. Your
sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions, and behaviors toward other people are all part of your sexuality.
Other people can stimulate your interest in a physical, sexual, or emotional way, and all of those things
are aspects of your sexuality. I learned that youth can develop their own gender identity by learning
more about gender sex,sexuality and how we identify as a boy/male, girl/female, transgender, intersex,
or anywhere in between. I salute each and everyone in the PRIDE COMMUNITY who owns who they are
may belong

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