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Dak Hring was established on October 29, 1983. Located on National Highway 14.

commune's name is named after a stream that flows through the commune, Dakhring stream
(“Dak” means “water” in the local language, “Hring” is a common name given to the stream).
Dak Hring commune had an area of 97.97 square kilometers, the population in 2019 was
8,827 people, the population density reached 90 people per square kilometer.
It borders Dak Long commune to the north, Dak To district to the west, Dak Mar
commune to the southwest and south, Dak Ui commune to the east.
DakHring is home to many ethnic groups: Kinh, Xo Dang, Thai, Tay, Nung... Before
1994, Dak Hring was a commune of Dak To district.
On March 24, 1994, the Government issued Decision No. 26-CP on the establishment of
Dak Ha district of Kon Tum province, transforming Dak Hring commune of Dak To district
to a commune of Dak Ha district. 700m from Dak Hring commune administrative center,
next to the inter-district road to Dak Long commune, there is a spacious and beautiful school,
that is DakHring Secondary School.
Established on September 6, 2000, according to Decision No. 20/QD-SGD. At first, the
school had only 8 classes with 275 students and more than 20 teachers, most of whom were
young and full of enthusiasm. During the process of formation and development, with the
attention of leaders, from the facilities shared with the primary school. In 2003, the school
moved to a new location, now with rows of high-rise buildings, clean and beautiful campus,
surrounded by walls.
From this school, generations of teachers have planted green seeds, generations of
students have worked hard to study, practice, graduate and dedicate themselves to the cause
of building and developing our homeland. Some students who became teachers returned to
the school to continue the school's educational career, honoring the tradition of our homeland.
Currently, the School Administrator, teachers and school staff have been strive to become
a united collective that has gradually grown in quality, with a solid team of teachers with
political and professional to do well in the teaching and learning. Building increasingly
modern facilities to meet the educational requirements in the new era.
In recent years, the school has achieved respectable achievements. The number of good
teachers and excellent students at all levels is increasing day by day. The school was awarded
a certificate of merit by the Ministry of Education and Training for its work in education
universalization, for many consecutive years, the Provincial People's Committee awarded the
certificate of merit, the District People's Committee awarded the certificate of merit.

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