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Eggs are a product of poultry other than meat which has high nutritional value.

Eggs contain
protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. In addition, eggs also contain several other important nutrients such
as folic acid, choline, iron, selenium, vitamins A, B, E, and K. However, eggs are a food ingredient of
animal origin that is easily damaged and loses its quality easily (Kasmiati et al. al. 2018). This can be
caused by several factors such as carbon dioxide, microbial contamination, and physical damage, as well
as evaporation of water and gases such as hydrogen sulfide in eggs. According to Liur (2020), decreased
egg quality can cause changes in shell, albumin, and egg yolk.

Sensory testing was carried out on the eggs and obtained the results that the eggs were intact,
no cracks were found, oval in shape, the shell was brown, clean, and smooth with a few dirty spots.
Based on this sensory test, the eggs tested were of good value and classified as quality 1 according to
BSN (2008). The eggs tested had an air sac depth of 0.5 cm and were classified as quality 2 according to
BSN (2008). The air sac will get bigger if the storage time is long because it can cause evaporation of the
liquid inside the egg (Lupitasari et al. 2017). The tested eggs are classified as large eggs because they
weigh 65.4 grams which fall into the large range in SNI, which is more than 60 grams.

Yolk index and albumin are also used to measure egg quality. Calculation of the index requires
data on the height and diameter of both the yolk and egg albumin which are obtained by direct
measurement with vernier calipers. The height and diameter of the yolk obtained were 1.61 and 4.15, so
the yolk index obtained was 0.402. According to the quality value in SNI, the egg yolk index is included in
quality 2, namely 0.394 - 0.457. The index value of eggs can be affected by the length of storage of the
eggs. Increasing storage age causes a decrease in egg yolk height, causing a low index (Surhyanto et al.
2016). During the storage period, the process of transferring water from the egg white to the yolk
occurs, accompanied by the rupture of the vitelline membrane. This causes the yolk to expand and the
index decreases (Hiroko et al. 2019).

The egg albumin index was obtained from the division of the height of thick albumin of 0.59 cm
with an average diameter of thick albumin of 8.52 and obtaining a result of 0.069 cm. Based on the egg
albumin index according to BSN (2008), the tested eggs belong to quality 3 which is in the susceptible
0.050-0.091. The egg white index value is affected by the length of egg storage. Storage time at room
temperature will only last 10-14 days, after that time the eggs will be damaged (Azizah et al. 2018).
Longer storage time causes larger pores and damage to the mucous layer. Water, gas, and bacteria pass
through the shell more easily without anything getting in the way, so the decline in egg quality occurs
more quickly. Egg whites can become runny due to loss of carbon dioxide and increased pH.

Soaking eggs in salt water is also done. The tested eggs are immersed in salt water. Any object
that is immersed in a liquid will experience a buoyant force equal to the weight of the displaced liquid.
The difference in the position of the egg in water in a salt solution is due to the difference in the density
of the two substances (Late et al. 2017). Eggs that sink, like the eggs tested, indicate that the eggs are
still in good condition. Eggs that float show that the quality has decreased, while eggs that float indicate
that the quality of the eggs has been damaged (Setianingsih 2018).

Haugh Unit is a value that represents the quality of eggs which is determined based on the
relationship between the weight and the height of the egg white. Determination of Haugh Unit (HU)
quality according to the United States Department of Agriculture is if the HU value is less than 31 then it
is classified as C quality, 31-60 is classified as B quality, 60-72 is classified as A quality, and more than 72
is classified as AA quality. The results of the HU calculation of the eggs tested showed a number of 73.92
which means the eggs are included in AA quality. Hu reflects the state of egg albumin. the decrease in
egg white height was caused by damage to the ovomuan gel structure due to increased pH (Azizah et al.
2018). The protein content in feed greatly affects the HU value of eggs. The higher the protein content in
the feed, the yolk index value greatly affects the egg HU value. The higher the protein content in the
feed, the higher the yolk index value, the formation of albumin protein increases so that it is even higher.


The eggs tested were of fairly good quality, indicated by good external quality and AA quality HU
where the HU value was 73.92. The egg yolk index and egg white index are quality 2 and 3 respectively.
Eggs also sink when soaked in 10% salt. Based on the results of the tests above, it was concluded that
the eggs tested were very safe for consumption.


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