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Berta Elies
Baby Boom after World War II

During the war, many young men were forced to serve in the
military, and women had to substitute men in their previous
jobs to fill the labor shortatges left by the men. After the war
ended, millions of soldiers returned home and began to start
families. Additionally, there was a strong cultural and societal
push to settle down and start families, which was seen as a way
to rebuild and strengthen society after the devastation of the war.
As a result, the birth rate in many countries augmented from
1946 to 1964 being known as the "baby boom" years. This boom
had serious effects in the economy, as it created a large demand
for goods and services such as food, clothing, and education.
How African Americans
were afected
African Americans were affected by the baby boom that followed
World War II in various ways. Although the baby boom primarily
affected white Americans, African Americans also had an increase
in birth rates during that period. This was in part due to the social
and economic changes that occurred after the war, which created
new opportunities for African American families.
Due to the war many African American women entered the
workforce during this period because there was a growing demand
for labor. This made the african american middle class mor wealthy
and more capable to start families.
However African Americans continued to face dscrimination and
segregation, particularly in the South.
How Asian Americans were
Asian Americans were affected by the baby boom through
immigration. In the years following World War II, many Asian
immigrants arrived to the United States, searching new opportunities
for themselves and for their families. These immigrants played a
significant role in the growth of the Asian American population during
the baby boom years.
Many Asian Americans worked in industries that experienced growth
during this period, such as manufacturing and technology. This led to
new employment opportunities and higher salaries for many Asian
American families, the hight salaries helped families to start a family.
However, Asian Americans also faced challenges during the baby
boom years, including discrimination and prejudice.
How Hispanic Americans
were afected
Like the Asian American community, the Hispanic Americans
were affected thoug imigration, in the years following World
War II, many Hispanic immigrants arrived in the United
States, searching for new opportunities for thenselves and
their families. These immigrants played a significant role in
the growth of the Hispanic American population during the
baby boom years.
Hispanic Americans also worked in industries that grew a lot
during that period, and that trigred better salarys and better
life conditions for them and their families.
As African and Asian Americans Hispanic americans suffered
a lot of discrimination and prejudices too.
How social classes where afected
■ Upper class: The upper class, which had access to significant financial
resources, saw an increase in their wealth during this period. The post-
war economic boom provided new opportunities for investment, leading
to significant growth in the stock market and other financial markets.
This allowed many wealthy Americans to increase their welth, status and
family during that period
■ Middle class: The middle class also experienced significant changes
during the baby boom. Many families were able to take advantage of
new employment opportunities and rising wages to move into the middle
class during this period. This led to a growth in the middle class, which
became a dominant force in American society during the post-war
■ Lower class: Lower income families and those in poverty continued to
face significant challenges during this period, including ongoing
discrimination and limited access to economic and social opportunities.
The growth of the middle class also contributed to a widening gap
between the rich and poor, with the wealthiest Americans experiencing
much greater gains than those in lower income brackets.

■ Khan Academy. (n.d.). The baby boom (article). Khan

■ Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (2023, March 22). Baby
boomers. Encyclopædia Britannica.
■ The enduring impact of the U.S. Baby Boom on Race and
ethnicity. PRB. (n.d.).
■ The baby boom and trends in poverty, 1967-1987 - JSTOR.

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