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Baby Boom

- Nicolás Palacios -
1. Introduction
2. The Baby Boom
3. How did this affect?

Table of 4. Bibliography

Introduction After the end of World War II, many
soldiers returned home and started
or went back with their families. This
provoked a high increase in birth
rates. Moreover, there also were
advances in medicine, this improved
infant survival rates which created
more confidence in having children.
The Baby Boom
The Baby Boom
When? What?

The Baby Boom occur just The Baby Boom was a period
after World War II finished. of birth rates in the United
The exact years are debated States and other many
but some experts dated this countries. During this time,
event between 1946 and 1964. there was a significant
These years may change in increase in the number of
order of the source, but these children being born.
are the ones where the birth
rates were higher.
How did this affect?
How did this affect?
Ethnic classes
Not all the ethnic
classes experimented
the same birth rate.
White Americans
experienced higher
birth rates, while
African Americas were
Social classes
As happened with the
ethnic classes, social
classes also had
differences between higher
and lower-class families.
Baby Boomers - Year Range,
Definition & Facts. (2019, 7 june).


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