Case Study Template

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Hey there 

First name / friend,

Let me tell you about one of my clients! First name / Chica, I am so excited about her
Recently she and I had a VIP Day Experience where we discussed and came up with a
strategy that helped her change her language in her marketing, leverage her expertise and
existing relationships, and crated a plan and path for her to increase her profitability for
the remainder of 2022.
Since that VIP Day Experience she has:

1. Gained 4 new 1:1 clients at OVER $5000.00 each

2. Increased in Client clarity
3. Increased her online (including Social Media) visibility
4. Expanded her network for word of mouth referrals
5. Spent meaningful time with family

She is VERY excited about the business growth …BUT she's more excited that she knows
that she is no longer compromising family time while walking in purpose. AND, she
creating long lasting Kingdom IMPACT! 
Don't mind me… I just wanted to brag on her!
If you are ready for results in your business… lets chat. Book your call today… I promise it
will change your life! 
Book your call: HERE
Coach Kellee

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