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Albito, Ma. Isabel C.



Political factors - A rise in the amount of people passing away without

ever visiting a doctor or nurse
- Government's neglect for health
- Violence against women in the homes
- Child labor
- Justice only for the rich

Behavioral factors - Sedentary behavior

- Peer and academic pressure in school
- Mothers are left to worry how to stretch the
ever-shrinking peso
- Smoking and drinking alcohol

Biological factors - Children are often sick than adults

- Poor nutrition or diet
- Inherited illnesses

Socio-economic factors - Glorifying poverty instead of finding a solution

- Lack of education due to poverty
- Lack in family planning, hence the middle to low
income families have more children than the rich

Environmental factors - Pollution

- Poor water quality
- Spreading of microorganisms that cause sickness due to
inadequate waste disposal

Email: | Contact No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403


Interventions based on your findings:

1. Political factors- As a nursing student, I can contribute to our community in this factor
by helping them in whatever I can help regarding health. However, for the political factor
we should ask for accountability from our government first. I can educate them on what
or where government facilities/resources they can use for free, especially in these hard
times where everything is expensive. I know that there are resources and benefits intended
for the public and I can educate them where they can get it.

2. Behavioral factors- First, it should start with myself as I suffer from academic
pressure as well. I should manage my time effectively where I can be productive and
finish my tasks but also take a rest as well. As a nursing student, I should know the
importance of health. By having a healthy lifestyle, I can now influence and educate
others on how to improve and prioritize their health by doing exercises or things where
they do not have to do unhealthy behaviors or lifestyle.

3. Biological factors- Since children are often sick than adults, we can avoid this by
performing basic preventions like maintaining a clean home, providing clean and healthy
food for the children and adults as well. We can also teach them the proper hand wash so
they can use it daily.

4. Socio-economic factors- A major reason where there is poverty resulting in health

problems is due to families having many children that they all cannot attend to properly. I
know that we have family planning programs but we can start by giving men free
condoms and women contraceptives.

5. Environmental factors- We can always improve this factor by just doing the right
basic things. We should dispose of our garbage properly. Most especially, we should limit
our consumption of certain chemicals and resources which add to the pollution. Help
educate people how to maintain a clean environment to prevent health problems.

Email: | Contact No.: 0999-997-1485 | Fax No.: (033) 337-4403

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