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Reading Comprehension - 7 - Explanation.

Topic and Scope - The author describes the skeletal structure of Archaeopteryx lithographica
and how it illustrates the evolutionary leap from reptile to bird.

Mapping the Passage

Passage 1 discusses the coincidental connection between Eastern mythical beasts and real

Passage 2 gives an overview of Archaeopteryx, emphasizing its reptilian and bird-like features.

Passages 3 and 4 discuss skeletal features in Archaeopteryx that suggest it probably lacked
the ability to fly

Passage 5 discusses skeletal features in Archaeopteryx that seem adapted for movement on
the ground and argues that Archaeopteryx is probably a transitional species between reptiles
and birds.

1) Where is the Jurassic period mentioned? Go back to the second paragraph.

Archaeopteryx lived during the latter part of the Jurassic period. If the fossil of a bird living
before this were discovered, what would that do to the theory that Archaeopteryx was a
transitional species between reptiles and birds? It would weaken it, as birds would have
already existed. (B) repeats this line of reasoning.

(A): Opposite. If Archaeopteryx lived after birds, it could not represent a bridge between
reptiles and birds.

(B): The correct answer

(C): Opposite. The order of Archaeopteryx and birds in the fossil record is crucial to the
author's argument.

(D): Out of Scope. The theory about the development of pectoral muscles wouldn't be
affected by the new evidence.

Always pay attention to dates and time periods when mentioned in questions, particularly in
natural science passages.

2) Quickly consider the main points of the passage and the structure of your map before
checking the answer choices. A good map will immediately lead to (A) as untrue: much of the
passage deals with the differences between the skeletons of Archaeopteryx and modern
birds, so (A) can't possibly be true.

(A): The correct answer

(B): Opposite. This is mentioned in passage 5.

(C): Opposite. This is one of the main points of the passage.

(D): Opposite. This is mentioned in passage 5.

3) Review your map to get a grasp of where to find the details in this question. Be aware of
the main similarities and differences between Archaeopteryx and birds when tackling the
choices. (A) immediately jumps out: since Archaeopteryx did have feathers, it certainly
doesn't differ from birds by lacking them.

(A): The correct answer

(B): Opposite. This is mentioned in passage 3.

(C): Opposite. This is also mentioned in passage 3.

(D): Opposite. This is mentioned in passage 4.

4) Although most of the passage is concerned with pointing out the differences between
Archaeopteryx and modern birds, the main concern of the author is slightly broader in
nature which becomes clear at the end of the passage in lines 46-49. Option D summarises
this best.

(A): Out of scope. The passage doesn't mention anything about why dinosaurs became extinct

(B): Opposite. The passage is more concerned with pointing out the differences between the

(C): Out of scope. This might have been mentioned by the author in passing but is definitely
not the primary concern of the passage.

(D): The correct answer

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