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NAME : Course/Yr/Sec: BSME – 2 CRANKCASE Rating:

Group No: Date :

Group 2
Members 2

Experiment No. 4
The corrosion of metals may be considered as the material returning to its original form of a metal oxide.
Some metals corrode more rapidly than others in the same environment. It is very important to understand the
chemical reactions involved in rusting since it causes huge economic lass and accidents, particularly in the maritime
field, every year.
Corrosion is an electrochemical event. Formation of galvanic cells is probably the main cause of corrosion and these
can be formed in near pure boiler water, sea water or other electrolyte. The galvanic elements could be provided by
dissimilar metals or mill-scale, scale, oxide film on the surface of a metal or differences in surface structure, inclusions,
composition of the metal, or salts, bacteria, oil degradation products in the electrolyte coming into contact with the
metal surface.

Moisture trapped on the metal surface serves as electrolyte, facilitating transfer of electron and movement
ions. The surface of a piece of iron is never smooth. There are many pits wherein water can flow. When iron is in
contact with water containing dissolved oxygen, rust forms.

The area of the metal that is eaten up by corrosion is referred as the anode site, where oxidation takes place.
While the area that is preserved from corrosion is the cathode site, where reduction reaction takes place.

When iron metal is exposed to oxygen and water, a familiar result is observed, rust. The rusting process consists of
several steps. In the first step, iron is oxidized to Iron(II) ions, Fe2+ (oxidation reaction), which occurs at the anode site;
and Oxygen, O2, from the air is reduced to hydroxide ions, OH- (reduction reaction), that takes place at the cathode
site. This oxidation-reduction (REDOX) reaction takes place via two separate but simultaneous half-reactions
(Equations 1 and 2) and the over-all reaction (Equation 3).

Oxidation half-reaction: Fe(s) → Fe2+(aq) + 2e- Equation 1

Reduction half-reaction: O2(g) + 2H2O(l) + 4e- → 4OH-(aq) Equation 2
Over-all Reaction: 2Fe(s) + O2(g) + 2H2O → 2Fe2+(aq) + 4OH-1(aq) Equation 3

Then, Fe2+ and OH- ions may combine to form solid Iron(II) hydroxide, Fe(OH) 2 (Equation 4). This is almost
never observed, however, because Iron(II) hydroxide reacts further with oxygen and water to form hydrated iron(III)
oxide, Fe2O3•nH2O, the flaky, reddish-brown solid known as rust (Equation 5).
Fe2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) → Fe(OH)2(s) Equation 4
4Fe(OH)2(s) + O2(g) + xH2O(I) → 2Fe2O3•(x+4)H2O(s) (Rust) Equation 5

In order to demonstrate the presence of the Fe+2 and OH- ions during the corrosion process phenolphthalein indicator
is used to detect the presence of OH- ions, and thus, the cathode site. The cathode is the region where electrons are
taken in by oxygen forming the alkali OH-ion. Phenolphthalein is colorless in acidic or neutral solutions but turns bright
pink in basic solutions (pH> 8-10) due to reaction with OH - ions. While Potassium ferricyanide, K3Fe(CN)6 was added to
detect the formation or presence of iron(II), Fe+2 , ions at the anode site. Ferricyanide, 2Fe(CN) 6 3-(aq) , ions react with

Fe2+ ions to form a dark blue mixed Iron(II)/Iron(III) compound, Fe 3[Fe(CN)6]2 commonly known as Prussian blue
(Equation 6).
3Fe2+(aq) + 2Fe(CN)6 3-(aq) → Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2 (s) Equation 6
( Yellow) (Prussian blue)

It is a common practice, even in ship building, that different metal are joined together (by welding, with bolts or
screws, and/or fitted/threaded together) to form the building parts and components of equipment, structure and the
ships’ hull/parts. This is a typical site for galvanic corrosion as it presents one of the 4 essential components of a
galvanic cell. Galvanic corrosion is an electrochemical process that occurs when electrons can flow freely between two
different materials with sufficiently different electrical potentials.

A potential difference usually exists when two dissimilar metals are in contact. In such case, corrosion of less resistant
metal is increased while corrosion for more resistant metal is reduced; whereas, more active metal acts as an anode
(the one that will corrode) and more resistant metal acts as a cathode. The further apart the metals in the galvanic
series are, the higher the rate of galvanic corrosion there is.

The galvanic series of various metals in sea water is shown below:

Metal Electrode potential,
Gold +0.42
Silver +0.19
Stainless steel (AISI 304), passive state +0.09
Copper +0.02
Tin -0.26
Stainless steel (AISI 304), active state -0.29
Lead -0.31
Steel -0.46
Cadmium -0.49
Aluminium -0.51
Galvanized steel -0.81
Zinc -0.86
Magnesium -1.36

Consider the steel-copper example, it will be noted from the table above that the copper has a higher
potential (is more noble) than plain carbon steel. The steel will be the anode and will corrode, whereas the copper will
be the cathode and not corrode.


1. To understand the galvanic corrosion process.

2. To determine the anode and cathode sites in zinc-iron couple.
3. To determine the anode and cathode sites in copper-iron couple.
4. To determine the properties and relative activities of metals belonging to different families.

Magnesium ribbon Test tubes
Copper wire 50 mL Beaker
Copper Bolt 25 mL Graduated Cylinder
Iron Nut
Iron nail (3 pcs)


Phenolphthalein indicator Saturated Salt Solution
3% NaCl Solution Agar agar Solution
10 % K3Fe(CN)6

1. Take one pair of the Copper bolt and Iron nut. Fit and screw the nut until halfway onto the bolt.
2. Then take the second pair of the Copper bolt and iron nut. Cover the middle part of the bolt with Teflon tape,
just a bit wider that the nut. Then, screw the nut up to the Teflon covered part. Make sure that the Teflon
tape completely separates the bolt from the nut.
3. Fill a 150 mL beaker with 50 ml saturated salt solution. This replaces salt water.
4. Place the 2 sets of the Bolt-nut couple into the saturated salt solution.
5. Observe the changes that takes place 30 minutes, 1 hour and 2 hours after.
6. Set aside for 24 hours.
7. After 24 hours, take out the 2 bolt and nut couple, separate (unscrew) them.
8. Observe the two couples. Note if there are signs of corrosion, particularly the areas where corrosion occurs.
9. Record observations on Table 1.

“Corrosion of Dissimilar Metals in Salt water” (20
Without Teflon Tape With Teflon Tape
Metal Couple
Copper Bolt Steel Nut Copper Bolt Steel Nut

Before Soaking There is no sign of There is no sign of There is no sign of There is no sign of
corrosion. corrosion. corrosion. corrosion.
After Soaking : (2 points each cell)

There is little rust. There is a little It starts to rust. The Teflon tape has
formation of rust. a rust.

Its color slightly It corroded and its It corroded but The steel turn to
turns into reddish- color turns reddish- slower than the one reddish-brown but
I hour
24 hours brown or forms a brown or forms a without Teflon tape. not as much as the
rust. rust. Its color turn to one without Teflon
reddish-brown. tape. It forms rust
and but not as much
as the one without
teflon tape.

Which bolt and nut couple showed a worse corrosion condition?


he copper bolt and steel

nut without Teflon tape
has the worse corrosion
condition. Explain.
(3 pts) ANSWER: The
reason is because it does
not has a film or
something that will
protect or minimize the
corrosion process unlike
in the copper bolt and
steel nut with teflon tape.

What are the 3 essential conditions for galvanic corrosion to take place? (3 pts}
Electrochemically Dissimilar metals must be present. There should be a metal-to-metal contact. The Metals must be
exposed in the same conducting solution/electrolyte

How do you explain the results observed in this experiment? (2 pts)

The metal couple without Teflon tape corrodes faster than the metal couple with Teflon tape. Because the Teflon
tape serves as film that protects that covers and prevent from making direct contact with each other that slows or
minimizes the corrosion process.

Cite an instance or situation in your homes which is demonstrates this phenomenon and suggest a way to
prevent or minimize the occurrence of corrosion. (3pts) ANSWER:

For instance, the steel frames and the roof, these things are prone to corrosion especially when raining and and also
the moisture. That’s why we put paint to minimize corrosion because the paint serves as insulator, slowing the flow of
the current that drives the electrochemical reaction of corrosion.

B. GALVANIC CORROSION AMONG METALS ( Magnesium and Copper with Iron)

1. Using a sandpaper clean the surface of 3 common iron nails that were previously soaked in HCl solution to
remove coatings of oxides and dirt at the surface of the nails.
2. Take a strip of Magnesium ribbon and Copper wire. Using a sandpaper remove the oxides on its surface until
both metals become shiny.
3. Take one of the iron nails and wind the Magnesium ribbon around it. Make sure to provide a space in
between turns. (Refer to Figure 2) Figure 2
Repeat this procedure using the copper wire. 4. Fill 3 test
tubes with 10 mL agar agar solution (this was prepared before the start of the
5. To each test tube add 3-4 drops of 3% KFe(CN) 6 solution, 6. Then add 2 drops of
Stir to distribute the reagents uniformly throughout the agar agar solution.
7. Carefully and gently drop the iron nails into the three test tubes, as follows:
Test tube #1 : Plain Iron nail - (Control)
Test Tube #2: Iron nail with Mg Ribbon Test tune #3: Iron nail with Copper
wire 8. Set aside for 2 hours. Check the reaction every 15-30 minutes.
9. Describe the appearance of the iron nails in each test tubes: before dropping into the solution, and after 30
minutes, then after 1 hour, 2- hours and after 24 hours of soaking in the solution.
Record Observations in Table 3. and answer the questions that follow.

( 30points)

Copper Coiled Iron Nail Magnesium coiled Iron Nail Plain Iron Nail
There is no rust or corroded There is no rust or corroded There is no rust or corroded
Before Dropping part. part. part.
into the solution

There is blue coloration at The magnesium ribbon starts There is blue coloration at the
the head of the nail. to peel off or corroding. And head of the nail.
30 minutes after
there is blue coloration at the
head of the nail.
It starts to rust and the The magnesium ribbon There is blue coloration at the
junction between the two continues to react with the bottom of the nail
1 hour later
metals turns to reddish solution. It is like peeling off or
brown. corroding.
The junctions between the It continues to react with the The bottom of the nails has
2 hours later metal forms rust and turns solution and protects the nail more blue coloration
to reddish-brown.
The bottom of the solution The color of the solution turns Half of the solution turns to
turns white and the top of it to fushia pink and there is light yellow and the blue
After 24 hours
remains yellow. bubble at the top of it. coloration becomes bigger.

1. Which metal protected the iron nail?
Support your answer based on the result/observations. (3 pts)
Magnesium ribbon, it corrodes itself instead of the iron. It is called sacrificial protection.

How do you explain this observation? (2 pts)

ANSWER: The magnesium ribbon donated electrons to
the iron to slow down the rusting process and it also
sacrificed itself to protect the iron

2. With the Iron Nail with Magnesium ribbon combination, which metal was oxidized? Support your answer. (3 pts)

The magnesium ribbon oxidized, because the magnesium ribbon donated electrons to the iron to slow down the
rusting process and it also sacrificed itself to protect the iron. Also the magnesium ribbon is more reactive than the
iron nail.

3. In the Copper- Iron nail combination, which metal was oxidized? Explain why. (3 pts)


The iron nail oxidized, simply because the iron nail is more reactive than the copper.

CONCLUSION: (5 points)
Therefore, I conclude that I have understand the galvanic corrosion process. It is an electrochemical process wherein
one metal corrodes to protect the cathode. I have also determine the anode and cathode sites in zinc-iron couple, and
the anode and cathode sites in copper-iron couple. I have also determine the properties and relative activities of
metals belonging to different families and the importance to have knowledge about to avoid corrosion.
VALUES LEARNED: (3 points)
_____It is important to think first when using something, and because some things are not compatible or it can
cause corrosion and it is not good for us and for our ship. We must always try to be careful and think when using
something to avoid problems in our


Prepared by: Validated by:


Subject Instructor Subject Specialist

Noted by: Approved for reproduction by:


Program Head, BSMar E Dean, College of Maritime Program

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