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GE1 - Understanding the Self

Exercise I

Name/ Course: _____________________ Date: __08-19-20____

1. What are the circumstances that force a person to question oneself about
his/her identity?

People tend to question their own identity, when they feel useless or
there are times that people become isolated that’s the point they question and
think deeply about their own selves. They ask themselves, “Am I worthy? What
are my purpose in life?” those question mentioned above are one of the cues
that you try to question oneself.

2. On a personal level, what answer will you give about the search for the notion
of the self?

For me, searching the notion of the self is a process to be able to

achieve by each individual. Hence searching your identity is searching your
purpose or worth as a person where in you figure out what you want or what
you are as a person. Searching for the notion of the self should be done as an
individual because in that way you are able to perceive and evaluate your
identity as a person.

3. Which do you think applies better to you at this point in time? The Avocado
view or the Artichoke view? Why?

Avocado view because it has a center which refers to an essence or

your purpose in life. Even though you undergo circumstances in life, your core
of self or your identity as a person including your beliefs and experience is
already present within you, that will help you to overcome things. Just like an
avocado fruit even when it is being peeled off the seed becomes stable and
consistent as a whole.

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