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Jhonatan Habla

B.S.Ed.-English 3

A Good Mother

When you think a good mother, what qualities come to your mind? Have compassion, patience,
fortitude, and unconditional love. Those are some of hallmarks of a great mother. These qualities are
essential in raising well-adjusted, thoughtful children who are been prepared to face life’s challenges.

While motherhood is a rewarding role, it can also be a difficult and demanding one. A great mother is
one who is able to meet the demands of motherhood while maintaining her own sense of self and
values. She is a role model for her children, teaching them life lessons and instilling in them the
importance of hard work and respect “you keep in your mind that me your father not always can
support you financially so that you need to work your own money to buy what you want” my mom said.

A good mother is a loving one. She is able to show her children the love and care they need while still
setting boundaries. A good mother is also a disciplinarian, setting clear expectations for her children and
holding them accountable. She is a teacher, instilling in her children the values of honesty and integrity.

A good mother Is able to be a partner in her children’s lives. She able to respect their autonomy while
also providing guidance and support. She able to present in her children’s lives, offering advice and
support when needed. She is a source of comfort and encouragement, providing her children with the
strength and confidence to face life’s challenges.

Finally, a good mother is an example of resilience. She is able to face life’s struggles with grace and
courage, showing her children that nothing impossible. The role of mother is an important one, and a
good mother is invaluable. Her unconditional love, strength, and resilience will stay with her children for
a life time. As a son of a good mother, I want to say that I always appreciate her hard work for able me
to go to school.

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