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ENSCI 1100: Science Technology and Society / 1

Unit 1: Science Meets Society

Module 1. Science and Technology - Takeaways

● Science offers a way for us to understand the natural world.

● Science cannot study the supernatural world (or things that can't be observed) or
answer questions about ethics and values.
● Science is concerned about discovering facts and developing explanations about the
natural world. Technology is the practical application of these discoveries and
● Science leads to the development of technology. However, technology can also help
science move forward, for example through the development of tools that can be
used in gathering observations.
● Critiquing is an important part of the scientific process. Results and conclusions
often undergo peer review before publication. Once published, the study may be
replicated, or confirmed, by other scientists. Thus, only the results and conclusions
that can withstand the scrutiny of the scientific community become part of the body
of knowledge.
● Scientific knowledge is tentative. It can be revised based on new observations.
● Scientists apply the scientific method.
● Scientists are humans. Science is a human endeavor.

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