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STS10 Notes

M1 R1: The Nature and Practice of Science

Reading Notes
What is Science?
● It is rooted in the insatiable desire to comprehend our immediate world
● It is a rediscovery – increasing our ability to see and grasp what has been happening
in Nature
○ Shows us the scope of science (dealing with the physical world)
○ Shows us that Science is not just an onlooker but is actively involved in the
process of removing the obstructions to the understanding of Nature
● Science is the dynamic exercise of inquiring about what is “Natural” or empirical
(things we can detect with our senses)
● Science is a…
○ Process that we use
○ Endeavor we undertake
○ Perspective we adopt
○ Institution we recognize
to comprehend and learn about the world we live in.

The Nature of Science: Knowledge, Fact, and Theory

● The first scientists were philosophers
○ Aristotle (first natural philosopher), Francis Bacon (scientific method), Rene
Descartes (deductions from first principles), and more
● Science is not merely a means of graining and organizing human knowledge about
● Aim of modern science: a learning about the universe through the testing of ideas
with and against evidence gathered from Nature
○ Requires logic and adherence to reason

Human ideas about nature can be rooted in knowledge that comes from (1) belief and (2)
● Belief knowledge — knowledge attained from individual revelation through one’s own
experience (inherent and unique to each person)
○ Not open to observation, testing, and quantification
○ lies beyond the scope of Science
● Research knowledge — attained through established and rigorously tested and
repeatable methods made known to everyone
○ Universal (open to scrutiny, testing and rebuttal)
○ domain of Science
Note: Both belief and research knowledge can be thought of as “facts” since they both
present a version of reality.
● Major difference — root of the objective reality each of them represents
○ Belief knowledge – derived from the spirit of the individual; not subject to
○ Research knowledge – derived from the strength of the methodology of
■ In truth, research knowledge cannot and will not claim fact
■ Never infallible – only deemed satisfactory temporarily while it is
supported by evidence
■ Facts based on this knowledge change because they are tested using

Hypotheses – statements that are accepted as probable under certain conditions

Scientific facts – hypotheses that have withstood the test of time and examination of several
Theory – when scientific facts are drawn together, superimposed and integrated to develop a
larger idea (not irrefutable)
Empirical skepticism – “no number of experiments can adequately prove a theory to be true”
(Karl Popper)

When can a theory be replaced?

1. When new data is found that contradicts data that previously supports the theory
2. Predictions of the theory constantly fail
3. Replaced by a theory that connects or explains more phenomena
4. A simpler, more elegant model replaces the theory

Cumulative development — supposes that knowledge is built additively

● Kuhn argues that these periods of “normal science” are punctuated by periods of
scientific revolution (paradigm shifts)
○ Paradigm Shifts – arise from critical anomalies that change the entire
framework of thought employed by scientists

Some Characteristics of Science

1. Science deals with phenomena, and must make assumptions to further
○ Phenomena – anything in the universe that exists and can be observed to
○ Assumptions – are necessary to have a context with which to tackle the
complexity and variety of phenomena
■ “logical expectations”
○ Three major assumptions of modern science
■ (P1) Things in the universe are real and contains an order that can be
perceived by the senses we possess
■ (P2) Presupposes that the principles that allow natural process to
happen are the same principles that can be used to explain
consistently whichever phenomena is being examined in an
evidence-based manner (P3)
■ (P4) The explanation and prediction of any of its branches is limited
and probabilistic
■ (P5) We can never be fully certain that an explaination explains
completely any scientific fact
○ Reductionism – an approximation approach that involves breaking down
complex phenomena so that it may be explained by the sum of its more basic
2. Science uses no strict method
○ Creative flexibility – the existence of a multitude of approaches in doing
Science, with no definite beginnings or endings
○ Multidisciplinarity is vital
3. Science can lead to the development of technology
○ Technology is a form of manufacturing guided by scientific principles,
irrespective of the product it makes, and the process it uses
■ Comes in many forms (agricultural, scientific, electronic, etc.)
○ Technology is both the articulation and the tangible/physical expression of
scientific knowledge
○ Both benefits from scientific advancement and helps develop better Science,
and consequently provides benefit to human life
4. Science has limits
○ It can only deal with phenomena
■ Silent on issues regarding the supernatural
○ Science cannot direct the decision maker into using knowledge in a particular
■ It cannot directly tell us what to do but can only show us how
something is done
■ Cannot ascribe moral value to the choices we make based on the
information we possess
■ Science must remain objective
○ It is limited by whoever practices it
■ Human error (cannot be completely unbiased + observational limits in
the way we can inquire about phenomena)
5. Science involves serendipity.
○ Role of chance – provide an opportunity to find different results or reasons
why an error produces an unexpected result
○ It can sometimes be necessary to find creative interpretations of what already
6. Science is not static
○ It is contingent more than absolute and change is not to its detriment
○ Pseudoscientific qualities in a belief system
■ The system is inflexible, lacks replicability and uses repeated
reference to unverifiable authority
■ The system is unwilling to admit wrongfulness or ignorance
■ The system is not built on a testable hypothesis and disregards the
logic of methodical observation
■ It overgeneralizes the phenomena at hand by not criticizing its own
■ It fails to add new data and further arguments over time
○ Demarcation problem – pseudoscience is difficult to spot since it is clothed in
the garb of science
■ Consider the pragmatic usefulness of the system
7. Science is a social exercise
○ (P6) It is a universal social endeavor
■ Peer reviews and publications help in self correction and the building
of knowledge
○ Public participation and acceptance can be a key element in scientific
○ Science is performed hand in hand with non professionals (citizen science)

Why should we believe in science?

● Science contributes a lot to our daily life (technology and information)
● Why is science becoming disavowed from public opinion?
○ Science literacy is something that is neglected
■ The goal of science is to contribute meaningfully to the world (P7)
○ Most people who don’t understand science reduce it to a matter of
○ A scientific culture is difficult to cultivate because seeds must be planted
■ It is when the average person cannot see the relationship between
Science and daily life that the value of Science is lost
○ Ideas being presented are constantly changing and are often radical and
● Consensus
○ The value of science lies in an institutional authority based on the legitimacy
and canon of its methods
○ The value of Science comes from the collective efforts of centuries of
scientists and engineers
○ We can trust science since it is the consensus of devoted experts
● The usefulness of Science, while limited, is far reaching

Session Notes (August 14)

● Science is deeply rooted in the desire to understand (our immediate environment)
● Science is organized curiosity (stems from curiosity but we try to answer our
questions in an organized manner)
● Science as..
○ A perspective
■ A way of seeing that uses logical reasoning
■ Science operates within the domain of what we call research
● Research Knowledge – methodical, universal, open to testing
● Versus Belief Knowledge – experiential, personal, cannot be
■ Why is it important to distinguish between research and belief
● It’s difficult to come up with the same conclusions when we
use belief knowledge
● It’s good to check with ourselves as well – are we using our
belief or research knowledge when arguing with others?
○ A process
■ Hypothesis – simple, probabilistic explanation for the pattern created
by facts
● Has to be empirical (based on observation), objective,
measurable, repeatable and falsifiable
■ Theory – stronger versions of hypotheses
● How can theories die:
○ Contradictory data
○ A more encompassing theory
○ A simple, more elegant model
○ Inconsistent results
■ The results and outcomes of science are dynamic
● It’s open to change
○ An endeavor
■ Active role to produce scientific knowledge
■ Endeavor that leads to technology
■ Undertaken in a social context
■ Ethical, inclusive, and sensitive
○ An institution
■ It has norms, laws and principles that should be followed
■ These norms tells us what science should ideally be
● Communalism
○ As a norm, means that Science should be for the
benefit of everyone
● Universalism
○ As a norm, means that Scientific findings are expected
to be valid regardless of sociopolitical affiliation
● Disinterestedness
○ As a norm, means that Science works for the common
objectives of the scientific community, not for personal
● Organized Skepticism
○ As a norm, means that any information encountered is
expected to be questioned first, for the sake of
● Why should we believe in Science?
○ Meaningful contributions
○ Consensus
○ There are scientists ++ people are validated by scientists
○ Results are universal
● It is not always easy to cultivate a culture that trusts science
● Does the Philippine culture trust science?
○ Educational System
○ Culture
○ Pride
○ Government
● What are the limits of Science and Scientific Practice?
○ Science deals with research knowledge – and doesn’t deal with religion
○ Science doesn’t direct decision-making
○ Science is always open to change (both a pro and a con)
○ Science requires time and resources

Score of Quiz 1 (out of 7): probably 3-5

1. False – science can be disproved (correct)
2. False – science is a social endeavor (correct)
3. True – science can predict some future (correct)
4. A,D (partial points)
5. C,D (partial points)

Session Notes (August 17)

Science vs. Pseudoscience (Critical Thinking in the Information Age)
Critical thinking is distinguishing logical connections and validating facts.

- attempts to be scientific but is not

How can we tell pseudoscience from proper science?

● No clear cut demarcation between science and pseudoscience
● Warning Signs
○ Use of psychobabble
■ Psychobabble is usually applied to misuse of words from psychology
○ Substantial reliance on anecdotal evidence
■ Example: Copper Mask
○ Extraordinary claims in the absence of extraordinary evidence
○ Unfalsifiable claims
○ Absence of connectivity to other research
○ Absence of adequate peer reviews
○ Lack of self-correction
● Science seeks to disconfirm, pseudoscience seeks to confirm
● Science looks at the approach rather than the topic
M1 R2: Technology and the Rise of Civilization

Science? Technology?
● Relationship between science and technology in the modern context is one where
science gives birth to technology
○ Science, when applied, yields technology
○ Technology augments our ability to do science
● Technology is applied science (operates within the domain of practice)
○ Originated from greek – techne – the making of good things
■ Suggest a certain physicality in technology
● Individuals who work with science – scientists
○ Publishes information, processes, protocols in journals and other media
● Individuals who work with technology — engineers
○ Work revolved around production, maintenance and invention of machines,
systems, structures
● Science has provided means of understanding and distinguishing the history of
○ The hallmark of modern scientific practice is the ability to hold experiments
with controlled variables and environments

Ancient science or ancient technology?

● Argument one: Ancient Science
○ Science can be practiced outside of the rigid structures which it now relies
■ Four fundamental elements: observation, explanation, prediction and
○ Primitive world – early ancestors observed natural phenomena, made
intelligent guesses, was able to make predictions based on these guesses
and then proceeded to act upon them
● Argument 2: Technology, not science, built the beginnings of prehistoric civilization
○ Ancestors were already using toolkits made of stones and expanded these
simple technologies to make more tools
■ The use of tools has been hypothesized to be non-instinctive and
passed on culturally from one species to another
○ Controlled use of fire — the most primitive phenomenon-turned-technology
● Key points:
○ Technological use prior to a formal understanding of the principle involved in
its application challenges the perspective that science is an antecedent of
○ Our evolutionary history overlaps and is directly influenced by technological

Ancient Practices: Foundations of Civilization

● Lenski’s theory: preliminary ideas
○ Societies evolve in response to their environments
○ The degree to which a society evolves is dependent on technological
● All about nomadic societies
○ Nomadic hunting and gathering are the most primitive subsistence strategies
○ These societies are rare nowadays due to urbanization, globalization, and
population growth
○ Create the least environmental degradation
○ It is within their practices that we are able to understand nature
● The change to a more sedentary subsistence strategy did not come quickly
○ It took a while since nature was bountiful
● The shift to agriculture — the first ancient civilizations
○ Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and those along the Ganges and Indus rivers →
were near bodies of water that served as crucial resources for agriculture
○ Agriculture – a more intensive form of the pre-developed subsistence strategy
→ entailed high costs
● Early periods of the agricultural revolution
○ High mortalities and more signs of stress
○ Difficult production
● What caused the final shift to agriculture?
○ Hypothesis: The formation of “crop complexes”
■ certain plants are grown together with domesticated animals → such
plant and animal crop complexes are imagined to be the result of
elaborate experimentation
■ Implies an increase in manipulation and artificial selection of wild
plants and animals
● The development of the plow
○ Increased the amount of arable land → increased ability to plant various
cereals and root crops
○ Increase in surplus → allowed societies to stay within the farmed land
○ Steady supply of food → increased population within sedentary societies →
led to more manpower
● Different societies → different crop yields in surplus → opened opportunities for
○ For the sake of protection, weapons and tools were further developed → led
to the idea of the military and personnel
○ People who owned the lands gained more power → became the first rulers →
semblance of social hierarchy
● The historic rise to modern civilization is largely a product of trial, error, and more
trial and error.

A Lesson from the Stone Age

● The idea of changing nature and not just adapting to it was something revolutionary
(e.g. the use of fire)
● The necessity of using technology at the stone age was very important → this
necessity became a powerful driver for their use
○ Dependence on the predictability of nature for survival
■ Used tools for observations, making clothes, to make more tools
○ We are the result of an evolution influenced by the pressure of technology —
the ability to come up and utilize new technology
● Technology is a transformation of humanity done by humanity
● Dangers of modern technology
○ Technology held by us rapidly consumes resources to provide a better quality
of life
○ The magnitude of human conflict spurred by tech has enlarged to involve the
whole world
● By itself, technology is inert, and is always positioned in a historical, social and
cultural context, with civilizations choosing which technologies are best
appropriated for their needs

A New Perspective
● It is good to look back at the techne of technology – to make good things or to make
things for the good
● technology is an opportunity to be craftsmen involved in the creative endeavors that
change nature
○ Use technology for the common good

Session Notes
We have coevolved with Technology
● As one party changes so does the other
● cyclical relationship
● technology is a human invention
● without technology, the society we know today may not be the way it is

Summary of Key Points on Technology

● Science and technology existed even before their formal definitions
● Science and technology have a cyclic relationship
○ The things we discover through science helps develop technology
○ Technology helps further scientific knowledge
● Using prehistoric technology preceded understanding the science behind it
● Humans have co-evolved with technology--biologically and as a society

Environmental Change (after the ice age)

● Creation of coasts and islands
● Creation of Forests and shift of vegetation zones
● Megafauna (large animals) extinctions
○ allowed smaller mammals to thrive
Agricultural Revolution
● Toffler's First Wave of Technological revolution
● Had so many significant impacts to our society
● Cultivation → Domestication → Agriculture
○ The more we practice cultivation, the more it leads to domestication
○ domesticated plants and animals → species that have evolved to become
dependent on human intervention on their cultivation
○ artificial selection - instead of nature selecting the best species, its the
humans who select is based on what they want/need
○ agriculture – commitment to the co-dependent relationship between humans
and their domesticated plants and animals (symbiotic relationship)
● Technologies of Cultivation
○ Sickle - used to harvest crops
○ Plows - for tilling the land
● technologies of the landscapes
○ The way we change the landscape for cultivation
■ Kaingin
■ Rice terracing
■ Irrigation
● Consequences of Agriculture
○ Increased food supply → increased population
■ Settlement → not just a utilitarian thing // has consequences as to
how we evolve as a society
○ Material Culture
■ Craft specialization
○ Sense of property
■ With surpplus, a sense of property comes with it
■ example: cylindrical seal
○ Trade
○ Social complexity
■ hierarchies and other complex political organizations
○ Warfare and organized violence
■ Clamor for territory and resources → organized violence
○ Agricultural intensifications
■ example: terracing, plowing (anything that we do to help increase the

Early Human Development

● Dependent on the response to environment and technological development
○ Prehistoric times
● Knowledge of the bountiful land, beneficial flora and fauna, useful tools
● Later, gradual shift from sustenance in mobility to sedentary subsistence strategies

Industrial Revolution
● Toffler's Second Wave of Technological Revolution
● Characterized by
○ Manufacturing and Mass Production
■ shifted the focus of the economy from primary (production of raw
materials) to secondary (manufacturing) sector
○ New Sources of energy
■ Steam engine
● Effects of Industrial Revolution
○ Wage-labor
○ Consumerism – tied to capitalism
○ Urbanization
○ Centralization of work
○ Task specialization

Post-Industrial Revolution (Information Age)

● Toffler's Third Wave of Technological Revolution
● Defining technologies
○ Computers & internet
○ Increased automation
● Tangible products to ideas (secondary sector to tertiary sector)
● Mechanical skills to literacy skills
● Factories to almost everywhere

● Environmental pressure → Technological Pressure
○ Example: Effects of the pandemic on Ateneo
■ The shift is possible if they have enough resources for the shift
● How do we see technological pressure in our current society?

Quiz Score (2): -2 (⅗)

M1 R3: A Note on Intellectual Property Rights
Copyright - traditionally refers to the exclusive rights granted by governments to authors and
composers over the printing and marketing of their works
Patent - exclusive rights granted to inventors over the manufacture, use, and marketing of
their inventions

● Rationale for patents
○ the free riding problem – every invention is open for all to copy (the price
would sink to the lowest possible level and therefore would de-incentivize
○ secrecy problem - given the above situation, every inventor would then keep
his invention a secret → only selling the product and not revealing the method
■ society loses in 2 ways:
● higher costs → the inventor may not utilize the most efficient
● other people might try to duplicate the efforts to produce the
same product → needlessly expending resources in their
pursuit of reinvention
● Solution: patent system
○ Inventor is required to reveal his invention and in return, he is granted the
monopoly to produce and market it
● Idea behind copyright
○ Encourage authors and composers to produce work without worrying that
income from their works would accrue to other people
● Intellectual property
○ Protects the following:
■ Literary, artistic, and scientific works
■ Performances of performing arts, phonograms and broadcasts
■ Inventions in all fields of human endeavor
■ Scientific discoveries
■ Industrial designs
■ Trademarks, service marks, and commercial names and designation
■ Protection against unfair competition
■ All other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial,
scientific, literary and artistic fields

Brief History
● Late 1700s (US Constitution) and after the 1789 revolution (France) – First formal
expression of the rights of inventors
● Statute of Anne (British Copyright Act of 1710) – statutory beginning of copyrights
● Berne Convention (1886) – where copyrights received its first international
● 1995 Trade-Related Aspects of IRP (TRIPs) – one of the major agreements that
members in the WTO subscribe to
○ negotiated in the Uruguay Round of the GATT in 1994
● Doha Declaration (2001) - amendment and interpretations of the provisions of the

Enforcement Problems
● Before the late 1900s — enforcement of patents were straightforward because most
modern productions were done in developed countries → had mature judicial
systems to enforce IPR protection
● Today → most productions moved to less developed countries where governments
still do not have the capability to strictly enforce IPR rules
○ Imitation products had gone up in the LDCs
● The spread of modern information technology made it practically impossible to stop
the unauthorized reproduction of works done by authors
● The technological progress seen in electronic sound reproduction wrought havoc on
the business model of big recording companies — music piracy and analog copying
○ The pirated version was never as good as the original
● The invention of CDs, the digitization of music and the advent of the internet enabled
people to produce perfect copies of digital music → same thing happened to movies
and other AVPs

Discontentment with the Present IPR Rules and Arrangements

● The formulation of TRIPs within the WTO remains an issue
○ North-South Divide: US & European Commission (EC) vs. South Korea & Brazil
● South Korea’s case
○ South Korea only granted protection to pharmaceutical processes and not
○ US threatened trade sanctions against South Korea because their patent laws
were different from the US
○ SK buckled under this pressure and enacted a new patent law in 1986
(according to the demands of the US)
○ EC also removed Korea from its General System of Preferences, which urged
Korea to further amend their laws to meet EC’s demands
● Brazil’s case
○ Before 1990, they did not have laws that offered sufficient protection to
pharmaceutical products/processes
○ US filed a petition alleging that Brazil did not provide protection → imposed a
100% ad valorem tariff on some Brazilian products
○ Brazil lodged a protests with the GATT — GATT sided with Brazil but US
maintained pressure
○ In 1990, Brazile buckled under pressure
● India
○ only granted protection to pharmaceutical processes and not products
○ Under pressure from WTO, they had to amend its laws to provide protection
on products also
○ India tightened the requirements for a product to be patentable — had to be
more efficacious than the previous drug → allowed India to deny local patents
to foreign drugs
● Criticisms of LDCs against TRIPs
○ TRIPs would hinder the transfer of technology from the industrial countries
that hold the main bulk of IP to IP-poor nations and offer no protection to
LDCs from the abusive behavior of corporations who own the IPs
■ Patent holders can deprive LDCs of the use of patented technology
■ TRIPs contains a provision that protects trade secrets
○ The provisions would allow multinational corporations to patent indigenous
knowledge and practices by local indigenous communities in the developing
■ Stems from the fear that foreign multinational corporations could hold
a patent on traditional knowledge in healing and medicine or in
■ LDCs want protection over traditional knowledge and culture that
applies to the community of traditional holders
○ TRIPs is too lax to prevent the patenting of plants, animals and other
■ Biopiracy
■ Examples: Basmati rice (RiceTec issue)

Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development

● IPR is also a tool for maximizing profits and income
○ IP may also be treated as a commodity
● LDCs lack the trained scientists, engineers and technicians for effective transfer of
● It is naive to think that industrial giants and multinational companies would so easily
agree to technology transfer
● It is more advantageous for an LDC with meager possession of IPs to simply opt out
of the international system of IPR protection
○ This would not hold in the real world because those who refuse to protect the
IPRs of multinational companies would find themselves under trade
● Recall the case of China

Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health

● The case of Africa
○ HIV had become a raging epidemic in Africa, which had more than 71% of
worldwide HIV cases
○ The government of South Africa in 1997 passed a new law that would allow
local production of anti-HIV drugs and parallel importations from other
○ A group of thirty-nine companies filed a lawsuit against this
■ the companies found themselves as defendants instead in the court
of public opinion
● a group of developing countries led by India, Brazil, and Kenya submitted to the WTO
a proposal seeking modifications to the TRIPs agreements regarding pharmaceutical
○ “nothing in the TRIPs Agreement shall prevent Members from taking
measures to protect public health”
○ a member nation of the WTO may issue compulsory licenses to other
companies to manufacture drugs, regardless of the patent held by a
pharmaceutical company, if public health so dictates

Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation

● The bone of contention here is not the existence of IPR protection, but the level of
protection pharmaceutical companies are entitled to
● When is an invention non-patentable?
○ When it lacks an inventive step
○ an invention lacks inventive step if the difference between the invention and
the prior art does not go beyond the normal progress of technology or merely
follows plainly or logically from the prior art.
● Patent Trolls

Intellectual property Rights and Human Rights

● Cases of suppression
○ Baikal Environmentall Wave – protest group
■ In January 2010, the police raided the office of the Baikal Wave in
Irkutsk, Siberia and confiscated twelve computers allegedly containing
pirated software
Alternative IPR Protection
● “Copyleft” protection – designed especially for computer software, although it is also
applicable to documents, music, and art.
○ The author grants everyone the right to distribute his work freely and, most
importantly, to modify his work, but with the proviso that the derived work as a
result will not have a more restrictive copyright protection than the original
● Creative Commons License
○ The licenses granted, which depend on the wishes of the author, may be one
of the following or combinations thereof:
■ attribution: the licensee can distribute, make copies, display, perform,
modify the work, even for commercial purposes, provided he gives
credit to the author
■ non-commercial: the licensee cannot use the work or any derivative
thereof for commercial purposes
■ no derivative work: the licensee can distribute the work, copy it,
perform it, provided he does not modify it or produce any work derived
from the original work
■ share-alike: a licensee can produce and distribute derivative work,
provided it is done on license identical with the license on the original
Recorded Lecture
● Not all inventions are necessary – hence necessity is not the mother of invention
● Inventions are original work that includes machines, materials, literary and artistic
creations, programs, codes, protocols, processes, designs, symbols, names, and
images. (humans and biodiversity are not considered inventions)
● How are things invented?
○ Scientific discoveries
■ Provide us with new knowledge and material that we can use to create
new inventions
■ Example: discovery of radioactive decay and radioactive isotopes of
carbon — led to inventory of radio carbon dating method
○ Trial and Error
■ Systematic and deductive manner
■ Thomas edison → incandescent light bulb
○ Technological evolution
■ The rise of the AC system
● Shows how technological evolution can lead to inventions
○ Accidental inventions
■ Viagra
● Benefits of Monetizing Inventions
○ Incentivizes the creator
○ Provides a return of investment of the creator
○ Pursue more research and inventions
● Intellectual Property Rights
○ Allow creators to protecht their work from being liberally copied by others,
removing the supposed benefits of invention.
○ Types of IPR
■ Patents
● Exclusive right granted for an invention
● Provides the patent owner with the right to decide how or
whether the invention can be used by others: manufacture, use
and marketing (~20 years)
● Technical information about the invention publicly available in
the published patent document
● Either have exclusive rights to the invention or license the
patent to be produced by other manufacturers (with licensing
■ Copyright
● Legal terms used to describe the rights that creators have over
their literary and artistic works
● Range from books, music, paintings, sculpture and films,
computer programs, databases, ads, maps and technical
● Expiration usually is 50 years after the death of the author
■ Trademarks
● A sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one
enterprise form those of other enterprises
● Trademarks date back to ancient times when craftsmen used
to put their signature or mark on their products
■ Trade Secrets
● Classified information by which a business can obtain an
economic advantage
● Can be a formula, instrument, pattern, practice that is unknown
and unattainable to the public
● Well protected, but different from a patent
● Allows a company to protect their information for as long as
they want
● Example: recipe of coca cola
■ Industrial Design
● Constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article
● May consist of 3D features, such as the shape or surface of an
article, or of 2D features, such as patterns, lines or color
● Example; shape of coca cola bottle
■ Geographical indicators
● Signs used on goods that have a specific geographical origin
and possess qualities, a reputation or characteristic that are
essentially attributable to that place of origin
● A geographical indication includes the name of the place of
origin of the good
● Example: basmati rice
● IPR Issues
○ The Case of Henrietta Lacks
■ In 1951, Henrietta Lacks was diagnosed with cervical cancer and was
treated at the segregated Johns Hopkins Hospital with radium tube
inserts, a standard treatment at the time. As a matter of routine,
samples of her cervix were removed without permission.
■ Although the original researchers gave the cells away to anyone who
asked, the cell line and downstream discoveries became extremely
lucrative—while the Lacks family received no financial benefits
and continued to live in poverty with limited access to health
○ Biopracy and use of traditional knowledge
■ Turmeric
● US patent 5401504 was granted in March, 1995, for use of
turmeric powder as a wound-healing agent. The Indian Council
of Scientific and Industrial Research challenged the patent in
October, 1996, on the grounds that it did not satisfy an
important criteria: novelty.
■ Neem Tree
■ Patentability Criteria
● Novelty
● Non-obviousness
● Industrial applications
■ Traditional knowledge is non patentable because they do not follow
the criteria mentioned above
● The IPR system is a tool designed to promote invention and innovation, but as with
any tool, it can be used properly to help humanity or misused for selfish interests
● We should not forget that the true essence of technology is to create something for
the good of humanity

M1 R4: S&T in the Philippines

Brief History of S&T in the Philippines
Precolonial S&T
● Stone Age
○ Stone artifacts and weapons used for hunting and gathering
● First Century AD
○ Rice cultivation and boat building
○ Agriculture – animal raising, crop planting, fermented product production, and
gold mining
○ Coastal communities had more complex technology due to exposure to trade
and cultural contact
● Precolonial times
○ Own writing system, weights and measures
○ Innovation was not present because natural resources were bountiful,
environmental threats were minimal and the population was small
S&T During the Spanish Regime
● Establishment of schools, hospitals, and scientific research
● 19th century – courses in BA degree included subjects in physics, chemistry, natural
history and mathematics
● 1869 Suez Canal Opening – influence of liberal ideas and scientific knowledge from
the West
● Establishment of charity hospitals by religious orders – venue for scientific works in
pharmacy and medicine
● Opening of Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy in UST (1871) – studies of infectious
diseases intensified
● Laboratorio Municipal de Ciudade de Manila (1897) - conducted analyses for public
○ Cronica de Ciencias Medicas de Filipinas – publication of scientific studies
done by this institution
● 1700s – start of plant studies
○ 1763 - Manual de Medicinas Caseras – included observations on Philippine
● Real Sociedad Economica de los Amigos del Pais de Pilipinas – where research in
agriculture and industry started
● Manila Observatory (1865) – collected typhoon and climatological observations
● Opening of Manila to Asian shipping (1789) – led to development as an international
center → modern amenities and commercial needs

Development of S&T during the American Regime

● What led to the development of S&T?
○ Government support for public education
■ 1905 - Bureau of Science - principal government research
establishment until the end of WWII
● essential in training Filipino scientists and was the hub for
pioneering research on diseases
● published the Philippine Journal of Science
○ Awarding of scholarships for higher education in science and engineering
○ Establishment of science research agencies
○ Implementation of science-based public services
● Creation of the University of the Philippines (1908) – satisfied the need for
professionally trained Filipinos in the government
● Middle class Filipinos developed a disdain for manual work
○ Led to unpopularity of the industrial and vocation courses → caused the
government to offer scholarships to fill up the technical positions in
government service
● Professional organizations established
○ 1933 National Research Council of the Philippines – promotion of scientific
● Lack of coordination between science & education policies and economic policies →
led to delayed industrialization of the Philippines
○ economy remained agricultural despite the opportunities for Filipinos for
higher education in education and engineering
○ led to underdevelopment of physical sciences compared to medical and
agricultural sciences
○ lack of support for industrial research

S&T During the Commonwealth Period

● provision for the promotion of scientific improvement for the economic development
of the country
● All educational and scientific activities stopped during the Japanese occupation

S&T Since Independence

● Since independence, education, training and support for scientific research and
education remained the same as in the American regime
● No innovation in the education and training of scientists and engineers
○ Because of the conservative nature of self-regulation by the professional
● Reorganizations and establishments of various S&T related government institutions
○ Bureau of Science → Institute of Science (1947) → Institute of Science and
technology (1951) + additional responsibility of improving industrial
processes & technological development
○ Science Foundation of the Philippines (1952) - stimulate research in science
and engineering
● Science Act (1958) – created the National Science Development Board which is
responsible for coordinating the work of science agencies & formulating policies for
the development of Science
○ created the National Institute of Science and Technology
○ Additional Science agencies were created
● 1982 - NSDB reorganized into National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA)
○ given rise to demand for high caliber scientists and engineers
● Scientific Career System in the Civil Service - established by Presidential Decree No.
901 - to attract more qualified scientists to work in government & to attract more
students pursuing science degrees/careers
● 1986 → NSTA replaced by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
○ 1988 - First S&T Master Plan was created when the Philippine Task Force for
S&T was established
■ Goal = achieve newly industrialized Philippines by year 2000
● Magna Carta for S&T Personnel - increased priority given to S&T personnel

Current Status of Science, Technology, and Innovation in the Philippines

Philippine S&T by the numbers

● 2013 Data
○ Recorded number of R&D personnel per million population of the Philippines -
○ Researchers (R&D personnel) per million population - 270
■ more than doubled compared to 2011 - contributed by the private
■ researchers - more than 75% of personnel
○ Proportion of R&D expenditures to the country's GDP - 0.14%
○ R&D expenses per researcher - 601,000 pesos
○ 189 scientists per million (2013) [[suggested ratio is 380 scientists per
● Budget allocation
○ Increased by 115.11% from 2019 to 2014
○ Most R&D expenditures were from private industry followed by HEIs
○ Government ranked 3rd in R&D expenditures (52% financed by government
○ Public HEIs – funded by government sources and foreign contributions
○ Private HEIs – own budgets + some government contributions
○ Private non-profit institutions - foreign contributions
○ 2013 R&D government expenditures - 9.242 million pesos
● R&D activities in 2013
○ geared towards..
■ agricultural production and technology
● highest spending by the government
■ explorations and exploration of the earth
● main focus of public HEIs
■ access to information and knowledge
■ control and care of the environment
■ protection and improvement of human health
■ industrial production and technology
● main focus of Private industry
■ social structures & relationships
● main focus of private HEIs
● 2014 - Philippines Innovation Ecosystem Assessment for USAID Science, Technology,
Research and Innovation for Development (STRIDE)
○ mission is to stimulate inclusive economic growth by enhancing the capacity
of universities to conduct S&T research aligned with growth requirements of
the private sector → related to innovation ecosystem
○ Innovation ecosystem - defined as the dynamics of the complicated
relationships whose goal is to enable technological innovation
■ The PH system is characterized by extensive mutual distrust and
dismissiveness between universities and industries
○ Five dynamic processes and one contextual factor
■ Education and human capital development
■ Research and knowledge creation
■ Direct collaboration between universities and industry
■ Intellectual property protection, licensing and technology
■ Startup and spinoff companies based on tech and innovation
■ Environment for collaboration
● STEM-related supply of graduates continues to exceed local demand → leads to
constant out-migration of skilled people and underemployment
● Research and knowledge creation
○ Philippines is perceived as lacking a strong culture of research
○ University system lacks appropriate incentives
● Knowledge transfer
○ Lack of motivation of the active marketing of services
■ Absence of publications, prestige, patents, etc.
○ perceived lack of any legal payment system for companies to contribute
financially to research
● Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHIL)
○ very minimal demand from local private sector due to lack of expertise in
marketing patent portfolios and familiarity with and trust of legal
mechanisms for licensing
● Rapidly growing demand for lucrative tech startups and derivative companies
○ concentrated in Metro Manila and Cebu
● Entep education, support organizations, and many corporate initiatives have
stimulated the interest

The Philippines compared to the World

● The Philippines ranked 57th out of 138 countries in 2016-2017 (Global Competitive
Index Ranks)
○ Technological readiness (availability of test technologies, firm-level
technology absorption, FDI tech transfer, internet users, etx.) – 83rd rank
○ Business sophistication (local supplier quantity and quality, state of cluster
development, nature of competitive advantage, etc.) – 52nd rank
○ Innovation (capacity for innovation, quality of scientific research institutions,
company spending on R&D, etc.) – 62nd rank
● World Competitiveness Yearbook Rankings (International Institute for Management
Development) - 42nd in 2016 randing
○ Economic Performance - 38th
○ Government efficiency - 36th
○ Business efficiency - 24th
○ Basic infrastructure - 57th
○ Technological infrastructure - 41st
○ Scientific infrastructure- 55th
○ Health and environment - 54th
○ Education - 59th
● Philippines ranked between 4th and 5th next to Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and
○ based on tech readiness, business sophistication, innovation, and availability
of scientists
○ PH ranked 8th out of 9 countries in terms of government procurement of
advanced technology products

Why does the country have weak performance in STI?

● Weak STI culture
● lowe government spending on STI R&D
● difficulty in increasing employment opportunities and retaining S&T human capital
● absence of a vibrant IP culture
● weak linkages among players in the STI ecosystem
● restrictive regulations that hamper the implementation of R&D programs and projects
● inadequate STI infrastructure

Future of S&T in the Philippines

● The Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022
○ 1) promote commercialization and utilization of technologies from
publicly-funded R&D
○ 2) develop a vibrant Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) culture
○ 3) encourage more innovative financing mechanisms and private sector
○ 4) provide support mechanism for start-ups and micro, small, and medium
enterprises (MSMEs) in the regions
○ 5) support research and development agend
○ 6) increase funding for human resource development
○ 7) tap the expertise of foreigners and overseas Filipinos
○ 8) strengthen STI infrastructure
○ 9) establish and promote innovation hubs and other similar mechanisms
○ 10) foster an STI culture
○ 11) strengthen tri-partite collaboration
○ 12) intensify international cooperation in STI
● Harmonized R&D Agenda 2017–2022 by the DOST
○ 5 sectors
■ 1) basic research
■ 2) health
■ 3) agriculture aquatic and natural resource
■ 4) industry, energy and emerging technology
■ 5) disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation
● Senate Committee on S&T is pushing for…
○ Free Internet Access (Senate Bill No. 1277) for public places
○ Balik Scientist Bill (Senate Bill 1183)
■ Balik Scientist Bill institutionalized the Balik Scientist program of the
● addresses the issue of brain drain in the Philippines
○ Innovative Startup Act (Senate Bill No. 175)
■ give necessary support for business startups to help them thrive and
○ Magna Carta for Scientists (Senate Bill 679)
■ streamline processes in providing benefits and incentives to S&T
government personnel
● DOST Scholarships
○ Engineering Research and Development for Technology (ERDT)
○ Advanced Science and Technology Human Resource Development Program
(ASTHRDP-National Science Consortium and ASTHRDP-Capacity Building
Program in Science Education)
○ National Consortium in Graduate Science and Mathematics Education
○ DOST-SEI Scholarships and JLSS Scholarships
● Filipino culture should recognize S&T as a significant portion of their daily lives if they
truly want to progress and compete in this age of globalization.

Powerpoint Notes
● Prehistoric Philippine Technology
○ 709,000 year old stone tools and butchered bones from Rizal, Kalinga show
evidence of early technology before the time of Homo Sapiens
○ Farming, boat-building, metalworking, and other agrarian technologies were
introduced during the Neolithic Age of the Agricultural Revolution
○ Stone tools, pottery, and other artifacts from various archaeological sites
show developing technology by humans
○ Systems of writing, weights, and measurements emerged prior to the Spanish
colonial period
● Spanish Colonial period
○ gave birth to the first schools, western medicine, and scientific research
○ Western medicine was introduced through various hospitals like the
Laboratorio Municipal de Ciudade de Manila, and improved through research
and publications like the Cronica de Ciencias Medicas de Filipinas and
Manual de Medicinas Casera
○ The first schools were established by the Jesuits and Dominicans, teaching
subjects in physics, chemistry, natural history, mathematics, etc.
● American Colonial Period
○ Intensified government support and infrastructure for S&T
○ extensive public education and public health programs, scholarships for
science and engineering, science research agencies, science-based public
services, and government institutions focused on the advancement of S&T
● Commonwealth Period
○ 1935 Constitution - Provisions that promoted scientific improvement for the
economic development of the country were included
○ All scientific and educational activities halted during WWII & Japanese
● S&T Since independence
○ Early years after American regime – not much change in the state of S&T
○ Government support for public education concentrated at the elementary level
○ Obvious lack of support for science research and innovation
○ Reorganizations happened until the establishment of DOST in 1986
● Current State of S&T
○ Most R&D Personnel are in HEIs (47%)
○ Most personnel are researchers (50%)
○ Private industry spends the most in R&D compared to other sectors
○ NCR has leading R&D intensity (Ratio of RDE/GDP)

○ Intellectual property rights → mostly trademarks were registered
● USAID STRIDE Innovation Ecosystem Model

○ Assessment results of the PH Innovation Ecosystem
■ STEM-related supply of graduates exceeds local demand
■ University system lacks appropriate incentives for research and
■ hampered by absence of publications, prestige, patents, and direct
income from university-industry collaborations
■ lack of demand from the private sector
■ there is growing demand from venture capitalists for tech startups and
derivative companies
● The Philippines vs. the World
○ The Philippines has climbed up in the ASEAN ranking since 2011 when it
started at the bottom
○ As of 2017, the Philippines ranks high in its capacity for innovation but low in
technological readiness
○ Philippine Ranking in the 2020 Global Innovation Index out of 131 countries
■ 50 overall in the world
■ 4 among lower middle income countries
■ 11 within SEA and Oceania
○ Pillars
■ Business sophistication (29)
● Strengths: firms offering formal training; knowledge absorption
● Weakness: foreign financed R&D as % of GDP
■ Knowledge & technology outputs (26)
● Strengths: utility models, growth rate of GDP/worker,
knowledge diffusion
● Weaknesses: Scientific and technical articles; new businesses
■ Infrastructure (63)
● Strengths: e-participation; GDP/unit of energy use
■ Creative outputs (57)
● Strengths: Creative goods exports
■ Institutions (91)
● Weaknesses: Cost of redundancy dismissal, salary weeks;
ease of starting a business
■ Human capital & research (86)
● Weakness: education, R&D
■ Market sophistication (86)
● Weakness: credit
● Strength: trade, competition, and market scale
○ Using UN Indicators
■ 109/125 countries in terms of researchers per million inhabitants
■ 118/136 countries in terms of RDE/GDP
● Reasons for weak performance in STI
○ Weak STI culture
○ Low government spending on STI
○ Inadequate S&T human resources engaged in STI R&D
○ Difficulty in increasing employment opportunities and retaining S&T human
○ Absence of vibrant IP culture
○ Weak linkages among players in the STI community
○ Restrictive regulations that hamper the implementation of R&D programs and
○ Inadequate S&T infrastructure
M1 R5: Universities and national development:
More than meets the eye
The different players in technology transfer and commercialization

● Commercialization of transformed knowledge undoubtedly leads to national

development iff the different players commit their roles to commercial success
○ Academe
■ asked to fulfill research, teaching and outreach
■ receive minimum compensation and funding
■ in some cases are limited by university laws and policies
○ Industry
■ source of investors that the academe needs for potential start-ups
■ two types of investors
● angel investors
○ aim to invest in companies either for additional revenue
or for service to the community
○ debt investment
● venture capitalists
○ usually entrusted with money for investment
○ equity investment
○ Entrepreneur
■ engaged in opening new businesses
■ two types of founders
● technology founders – young risk takers
● academic founders – scientists and academicians
○ Government
■ supports the hands of the other players
■ instills rigidity
■ initiates efforts to support commercialization activities

Technology Transfer in the Philippines

● Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009
○ joint DOST and IPOPHIL (Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines)
○ states that intellectual property generated by a government-funded research
is owned by the recipient of the said funding
● IP protection and commercialization encourage novel technology generation and
● Academe and university – important sources of knowledge and innovation
○ government distributed research funds to state and private universities
● PH still has a passive reception towards IP protection and commercialization

A preview of the technology transfer process

● Commercialization of an innovation coming from the university is an interactive

● Complexities in both societal and educational functions and objectives may arise
○ Interests of the researchers also largely affect this relationship
○ Industry is motivated by profit
● 4 Major Parts of the technology transfer process
○ (1) research activities
■ Starts with an idea and transformed into inventions
■ output is disclosed to a tech transfer office through formal
invention/IP disclosure forms
○ (2) assessment of IP
■ patent, literature and IP search
■ assessing for market and commercial viability
○ (3) marketing and business development
■ market validation, IP valuation, business model canvassing, etc.
○ (4) commercialization
■ forming a start-up
■ forging a licensing agreement
● Why do researchers not engage in IP protection and commercialization?
○ (1) those that engage in basic research who show no interest in business or
○ (2) delay in publications due to patenting requirements
○ (3) those that believe patenting and commercialization are evil
● the willingness of scientists to engage in IP and technology transfer activities is
highly affected by the university IP policies and the support of a TMO/TTO.
● The outcome of the technology transfer depends on the organizational (i.e. TMO)
practices and activities, motives, cultures and players involved in the process

Academe-Industry-Government Triangle
● AKA triple heliz thesis or the knowledge triangle
● the pre-condition that nurtures innovation
● focus is on research, collaboration and commercialization
● Academe
○ creators and distributors of knowledge
● Industry
○ Uses this knowledge in production and process innovation
● Government
○ formulating and implementing policies that connect the academe and the

Case 1: Technology Management Office of the Ateneo de Manila University

● Ateneo's research is supported by government funding
○ Since 2010, Ateneo's research is sustained by government funding from…
■ Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology
Research and Development (PCIEERD)
○ Amounting to 106.5M PhP from these organizations
○ AdMU has more than (30) potentially patentable and commercially viable
■ most of which are developed under government-funded research
○ In 2017, DOST-PCIEERD granted 3.5 M PhP to AdMU’s TMO
● The TMO of AdMU
○ tasked to do the following:
■ IP consultation with researchers
■ market validation of innovations
■ business development and business model planning
■ industry collaboration
■ negotiations
■ address licensing agreements
■ collaborative meetings with the Ateneo Innovation Center (AIC) and
Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO) as a
decision-making unit
● Organizational structures of TMOs in the Philippines
○ UPD's IP and Tech Transfer Office
■ (1) a director who reports to the Vice President for Development
■ (2) administrative officer
■ (3) three (3) program associates (who can be technology managers or
business development managers representing different industries)
■ (4) legal counsel
■ (5) administrative assistant
■ this was built to support the university’s students and personnel with
the outputs of their research and creative work, specifically its IP
protection, licensing and marketing activities.
○ DLSU's Innovation and Technology Office
■ responsible for IP protection, management and commercialization
activities of the academe’s innovations.
■ University Committee on Intellectual Property
● (1) Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Learning
● (2) the Director of the ITO
● (3) university legal counsel
● (4) two (2) university fellows. Aside from these two entities,
DLSU also has Animo Labs which serves as an in-campus
■ under supervision of the dean of SOSE
■ composed of a TMO manager and at least one support staff member
● Technology transfer process of AdMU's TMO

Case 2: PIPAC: A Successful Philippine Story of Academe-Industry-Government Collaboration

● History of PIPAC (Philippine Institute of Pure and Applied Chemistry)
○ 1970-1971 – the idea of setting up a chemistry research institute became the
subject of corridor meetings in the Department of Chemistry of AdMU
■ Fr. William Schmitt, S.J., Dr. Amando Kapauan, Dr. Modesto Chua, Mr.
Salvador Balalta, and Dr. Ana Javellana.
○ Vision: a research institute, non-profit, collaborating with a lot of universities
and government/international agencies
○ Lack of finances was a major obstacle
○ In 1972, Humboldt (from Germany) gave the largest one-time grant — grant
included a 60MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), gas chromatographs,
atomic absorption spectrometer and a high-performance liquid
chromatograph (HPLC)
■ with this, the Institute was established as a non-profit science
foundation named Philippine Institute of Industrial Chemistry (1972)
■ soon renamed as PIPAC
○ in 1974, Dr. Chua submitted a proposal to Japan International Cooperation
Agency (JICA) requesting for a grant to put up a building and acquire needed
scientific equipment for PIPAC
■ Approved in 1981 after a lot of tries
● Services of PIPAC
○ third-party laboratory to validate tests made by companies or government
agencies for the market or the general public especially if there are conflicting
■ important to ensure that products in the market are safe
○ helps government agencies with their testing needs
■ Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources, the Department of Agriculture, etc.
○ contributes in strengthening chemical industry and university/school
personnel through its Training & Workshops programs
○ gives training in instrument use
○ helps companies in testing new products and the development of new ones
● Improvement of Chemistry Education
○ A good number of faculty members of the AdMU are intimately involved in the
PIPAC operations
■ Students of these etachers are better prepared to join the workforce
● AIG Collaboration
○ in collaborating with PIPAC, the AdMU Department of Chemistry did not stop
its own interaction with industry and government in analytical services,
research, and training.

Philippine Universities and National Development

● University contributions for national development
○ providing vital service to industry and government
○ R&D for trouble shooting
○ training for the existing workforce.
○ teaching and publishing scientific knowledge
○ creating proof of concept that could lead to investments in faculty and/or
student start-ups and combined funding with other incubators
Powerpoint Notes
● Innovation can lead to national economic development only if the players do it right
○ Innovation = invention + commercializations
● Players
○ Academe
■ Role: source of scientists and innovations
■ Current issues: system
● Filipino scientists working in the academe are expected to
juggle so many things at once
● Lack of funding, red tape, politics
○ Industry
■ Role: source of investors
● Angel Investors
○ Rich people investing in potential companies for
additional revenue or as service to society
○ Investment is considered more like a debt than equity
● Venture Capitalists
○ Looks for companies with high potential return to
○ Investment is considered a equity (share in the
○ Entrepreneurs
■ Role: opening new businesses
■ The university can produce two types of entrepreneurs:
● Tech founders (young/students)
● Academic founds (30+/scientists & academians)
■ PH business environment → high turnover rate
● Many businesses open, but also many of them eventually
close in the short run
○ Government
■ Role: provide infrastructure and support for other players
■ Examples
● Innovation and Technology Support Offices (ITSO) in national
universities and colleges
● Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009:
○ to use commercialization and IP Protection to
encourage novel technology generation and innovation
● How do these players work together?
○ Technology Transfer Process

■ Ideas are produced by researchers in the university

■ These ideas are converted into products by the industry or
manufacturer, which are then delivered to primary economic buyers or
entrepreneurs who make it available for the general public.
■ The government provides the policy support for this process to
■ Can take years + blockers exist
● Reasons why researchers do not engage in TTP
○ Some prefer pure research work
○ Patenting requirements can cause delays in publication → affects the
standing of the researcher
○ Some believe that patenting and commercialization are evil (socialists)
● The Academe-Industry-Government Triangle
○ Foundation for innovation
○ All players can be involved form start to finish until successful
○ Advocates for a collaborative and supportive relationship between major
○ Example: PIPAC
● Summary of Key Ideas
○ The university is not only for teaching and publishing scientific
○ The university is an engine for national development through innovation
○ A collaborative and supportive environment cultivated within the AIG
leads to infrastructure and policies that promote innovation.
● Innovation is not limited to faculty and staff of the university. Students should also
capitalize on the services of the university TMO!

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