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PirMehr Ali Shah

Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi

Office of the controller of Examinations
Mid Exam / Spring 2021 (Paper Duration 12 hours)
To be filled by Teacher

Course No.: ABG-202 Course Title: Animal Breeding and Genetics-I

Total Marks: (06) Date of Exam: 06-05-2021
Degree: Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Semester: 4th (Morning) Section: (A)
Q. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Obtained/
Total Marks in Words:

Name of the teacher: DR. HAFIZ MUHAMMAD WAHEED

Who taught the course:Signature of teacher / Examiner:

To be filled by Student

Registration No.: 19-ARID-2249… Name:………SYED ALI RAZA BUKHARI ……..

Answer the following questions.

List all the different gametes produced by the following individuals: (a) AA BB Cc (b) aa Bb Cc
(c) Aa Bb cc Dd (d) AA Bb Cc dd Ee Ff (Marks = 1)
Answer: AA BB Cc
Number of various gametes = 2^1= 2
Various gametes are ABC, ABc aa Bb Cc
Number of various gametes = 2^2 = 4
Various gametes are aBC, abC, abc, aBc Aa Bb cc Dd
Number of various gametes = 2^3= 8
Various gametes are ABcD, ABcd, AbcD, Abcd, aBcD, aBcd, abcD, abcd
AA Bb Cc dd Ee Ff
Number of various gametes = 2^4= 16
Various gametes are ABCdEF, AbCdEF, ABcdEF, ABcdeF, ABcdef, AbcdEF, AbcdeF, Abcdef, ABCdeF,
ABCdef, AbCdEF, AbCdeF, AbCdef, AbcdEf, AbcdeF, Abcdef.

A total of 320 families with six children each were surveyed with the result shown below. Does this
distribution indicate that boys and girls are occurring with equal frequency?
No. of girls 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
No. of boys 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of families 6 33 71 99 69 37 5

(Marks = 3)
Answer: Given Information
No Of Families In Survey =320
Probability Of Male and Female =p =0.5
No Of Children In a Family =6
Two Hypothesis
H0 = Probability Of Male and Female is equal
H1 = Probability Of Male and Female is not equal
As We Know That
Expected Frequency

E = N ( NCx (p)x (1-p)x-x )

E0 = 320 ( 6C6 (0.5)0 (1-0.5)6-0 )

E6 = 320 (6C6 (0.5)6 (0.5)6 )

=320 6C6 (0.5)6
=6!/( 0!(6-0)! )
=6!/ 0! X 6! =1
=320 X (0.5)6 =5
E1 =320( 661 (0.5)1 (0.5)6-1 )
=320 6C1 (0.5)6
=C1 = 6!/ ( 1! ( 6-1)! )
= 6!/1! X 5! =6
=320 X 6 X (0.5)6
=5 X 6 =30
E2 = 320 ( C2 (0.5)2 (0.5)6-2 )
=320 6C2 (0.5)6
=6C2 =6!/ ( 2! ( 6-2)! )
=6!/2! X 4!
=320 X (0.5)6 X 15
=5 X 15 =75
E3 =320 ( C3 (0.5)3 (0.5)6-3 )
= 6 C3 =6!/ ( 3! ( 6-3)! )
=6!/3! X 3! =20
=320 X (0.5)6 X 20
=5 X 20 =100

E4 =320 ( C4 (0.5)6 )
=6C4 =6!/ ( 4! ( 6-4)! )
=6!/4! X 2! =15
=320 X (0.5)6 X 15
=5 X 15 =75

E5 =320 ( C5 (0.5)6 )
= 6 C5 =6!/ ( 5! ( 6-5)! )
=6!/5! X 1! =6
=320 X (0.5)6 X 6
=5 X 6 =30

E6 =320 ( C6 (0.5)6 )
= 6 C6 =6!/ ( 6! ( 6-6)! )
=6!/6! X 0! =1
=320 X (0.5)6 X 1
=5 X 1 =5
Boys Observed Expected (0-E)1 (0-E)2 (0-E)2/E

0 6 5 1 1 0.2

1 33 30 3 9 0.3

2 71 75 -4 16 0.21
3 99 100 -1 1 0.01

4 69 75 -6 36 0.48

5 37 30 7 49 1.63

6 5 5 0 0 0

=E (0-E)2 / E
= 2.83

Value for X5 for 6 degree of Freedom is 12.59 at level of significant 5% from chi-square table.
And calculated value is less than tabulate X2 value which means H0 is correct and both male
and female birth is equal.


Correlate Mendel’s four postulates with what is now known about homologous chromosomes,
genes, alleles and the process of meiosis? (Marks = 2)
Answer: Gregor Johann Mendel's hereditary qualities closed impressively huge progressed
data about hereditary qualities that can be connected with what we are aware of homologous
chromosomes, qualities, alleles and the interaction of meiosis, today, with his hypothesizes.

As Mendel's First Postulate expresses that there are unit factors that control the hereditary
characters. These unit factors exist in type of sets in singular living beings, we Now realize that these
unit entertainers are Genes, they exist two by two and control an attribute/hereditary character of
the individual life form.

Mendel' Second Postulate expressed that when in one individual living being, two not normal for
unit factors (presently we realize they are Genes), which are answerable for a trademark, are
available, 1 of them is predominant and the other is latent. Presently, we realize that these two
distinct kinds of unit factors are alleles and they happen two by two, that is, two not normal for
alleles make up a Gene, and are diverse adaptation of the quality, of them the one is Dominant and
the other passive. Every quality since has two alleles, they pair to make a quality for an attribute.
The Third Postulate of Mendel says that these matched unit factors discrete or isolate during the
arrangement of Gametes, it happens arbitrarily so every gamete gets one or other unit factor in
equivalent chance/probability. We currently realize that during the principal meiotic anaphase, unit
factors isolate during gamete development, homologs isolate during Meiosis.

The Fourth Postulate of Mendel expressed that during the development of gametes, isolating sets of
unit factors group freely of one another. Taking into account most recent information that we have,
we realize that Independent combination of isolating unit factors happens following numerous
meiotic occasions, non-homologous chromosomes.

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