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Pradhuman Pandey

English 10W-10
research report draft #1
29 april 2023

How Artificial Intelligence can’t overcome the

Human Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology that has the potential to revolutionize our
society. With its ability to learn from data, make predictions, and automate tasks, AI is already being
used in a variety of industries, from healthcare to finance to transportation. However, there are
concerns that AI could become so advanced that it surpasses human intelligence and takes over the
world, leading to a dystopian future where machines dominate humans. In this research report, I will
examine why such concerns are illogical and why AI is unlikely to take over the world.

AI is Limited by Its Programming

One of the main reasons why AI cannot take over the world is that it is limited by its programming. AI is
designed to perform specific tasks and make decisions based on predetermined rules and algorithms. It
cannot think outside of its programming or make decisions beyond its programmed parameters. This
means that AI is not truly autonomous and is limited by the decisions made by its human designers. As
computer scientist and AI researcher Stuart Russell points out in his book "Human Compatible: Artificial
Intelligence and the Problem of Control", "AI systems are programmed to do what their creators specify,
not what they might infer from the data" (Russell, 2019). Every computer program work on certain logic
and it can’t go beyond it but a human can

While it is true that AI can learn from data and improve its performance over time, it is important to
note that the data it is trained on is selected by humans. This means that humans have control over the
input data, which can limit the scope and accuracy of the AI's decision-making. Moreover, AI is unable to
interpret data beyond its programming , the information it is trained on is crucial to its performance. If
the data is biased or incomplete, the AI will make incorrect decisions This means that even if it is trained
on a vast amount of data, it cannot think outside of the predefined rules and algorithms it has been
programmed with. AI is limited by the data it is trained on and cannot think beyond the input data. As AI
researcher and computer scientist Pedro Domingos explains in his book "The Master Algorithm: How the
Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World", "Machines can't learn what we don't
teach them. They're not creative or intuitive or original" (Domingos, 2015).

AI Lacks Human-Like Qualities

Another reason why AI cannot take over the world is that it lacks human-like qualities. AI is designed to
perform specific tasks, and while it can be programmed to recognize certain emotions and respond in
predetermined ways, it cannot truly understand the complex structures of human emotion and
behavior. This means that AI is limited in its ability to interact with humans and is unlikely to become a
threat. As computer scientist and AI researcher Melanie Mitchell notes in her book "Artificial
Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans", "While AI can recognize certain emotions, it doesn't
experience them in the same way humans do" (Mitchell, 2019)

Furthermore, AI lacks the ability to understand and interpret social cues and cultural contexts. This
means that it is not capable of understanding the cultural standard and values of different societies.
Therefore, it cannot take over the world as it lacks the necessary empathy and social intelligence to do
so, that is necessary to understand and navigate complex social situations. As computer scientist and AI
researcher Nick Bostrom writes in his book "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies", "Machines
do not have the kinds of goals, preferences, or values that humans have, which are influenced by
culture, upbringing, and personal experiences" (Bostrom, 2014).

AI is Limited by the Data It Is Trained On

AI is reliant on data to learn and make decisions. This means that the quality of the data it is trained on
is crucial to its performance. If the data is biased or incomplete, the AI will make incorrect decisions.
Additionally, AI is limited by the amount of data available to it. It cannot make decisions based on data
that it has not been exposed to. As computer scientist and AI researcher Cynthia Rudin explains in her
article "Stop explaining black box machine learning models for high stakes decisions and use
interpretable models instead", "The algorithms learn the patterns that are present in the data they are
trained on, and this means that the data can have a large impact on the decisions that the algorithms
make" (Rudin, 2019).

For example, if an AI is trained on a dataset that only includes data from a specific population, it may not
be able to accurately generalize to other populations. This means that the AI is limited in its ability to
make decisions that are fair and unbiased.Human’s action is not condition by the past memories human
can take new and unseen step in life as playing chess AI can do combination or manipulate the existing
moves(the one given as data to AI) on a chessboard but human can create its owns AI is limited by the
amount of data available to it.

Moreover, AI is dependent on the quality of the data available to it. In the absence of data, AI cannot
make decisions or take action. This means that it is limited in its ability to perform tasks that require
reasoning and decision-making in situations where there is no data available. . For example AI can give u
information about a town (it can be false ) but not better than a native of that place.

Humans Play a Crucial Role in AI Development

Despite the hype surrounding AI, it is important to recognize that humans still play a crucial role in the
development and deployment of AI. Humans are responsible for designing and programming AI
algorithms, selecting the data that the AI is trained on, and interpreting the output of the AI. This means
that humans have the power to control the actions of AI and prevent it from becoming a threat. As
computer scientist and AI researcher Stuart Russell notes in his book "Human Compatible: Artificial
Intelligence and the Problem of Control", "The role of humans in creating and maintaining AI systems is
often overlooked, but it is critical" (Russell, 2019).Furthermore, humans have the ability to shut down or
modify AI systems if they become dangerous or unpredictable. This means that there are safeguards in
place. As AI researcher and computer scientist Pedro Domingos explains in his book "The Master
Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World", "At any time, we
can pull the plug on the machine or alter its programming" (Domingos, 2015).

In conclusion, AI cannot take over the world due to its limitations in programming, lack of human-like
qualities, reliance on data, and the crucial role of humans in its development and deployment. While it is
important to recognize the potential risks associated with AI, such as the displacement of jobs and
potential biases in decision-making

Crain, M. A., von Ende, E., Ryan, S., & Makary, M. S. (2023). Impact of a smartphone-based
teledermatology service on healthcare provider workload and efficiency. Diagnostics, 13(5), 892.

Russell, S. (2019). Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control. Viking.”

Bostrom, N. (2014). Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies. Oxford University Press.

Rudin, C. (2019). Stop explaining black box machine learning models for high stakes decisions and use
interpretable models instead. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1(5), 206-215.

Mitchell, M. (2019). Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Domingos, P. (2015). The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will
Remake Our World. Basic Books.

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