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Name : Diva

Class : 4E Academic Writing

The Use of Learning Applications & E-Knows Web for English Literature Lectures
in UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

Learning carried out at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung in the academic year
2020/2021 to 2021/2022 uses the E-Learning system by discussing and discussing a topic
or lecture material between students and lecturers using various learning application
platforms and also the official website. E-learning owned by UIN Sunan Gunung Djati,
namely the E-Knows web. In the context of this research, the author attempts to explain the
E-learning-based learning method used by lecturers who teach English Language and
Literature Study Program courses at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati by using various
applications such as Edmodo, Zoom Cloud Meeting, Google Meeting. Google Class Room,
and also the E-Knows website. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 outbreak, the world of
education experienced extraordinary changes, especially in the learning system. Learning
conventionally face to face with students, students who for years and even centuries have
passed, suddenly in a state is suspended for a certain period of time. This condition
encourages educational actors to innovate so that the learning process continues to run
effectively even in conditions not through conventional face-to-face. Learning is a complex
system whose success can be seen from two aspects, namely product aspects and process
With the outbreak of the COVID-19 outbreak, where the implementation of
learning, lectures cannot be carried out face-to-face and then followed up with the issuance
of regulations that directly or indirectly Directly have an impact on the learning process,
lectures including at universities, especially at UIN concerning the Determination of Non-
Natural Disasters for the Spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) states that
non-natural disasters are caused by the spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
-19) as a national, the campus is temporarily closed . In further developments, especially at
UIN, lectures are carried out online (in the network). These conditions spur and require to
carry out the process online learning, because lecturers are required to immediately
implement online learning. In pre-secondary learning, the beginning of online learning
based on e-learning, lecturers who teach courses in English language and literature study
programs choose various application platforms to be used in lectures, these learning
applications have various variants and of course have different functions and functions.

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