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Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

юнньь // JJuunnee

ISSN 2312-3125 ((pprriinntt))

ISSN 2312-931X ((oonnlliinnee))
ISO 26324:2012


Автоматизація технологічних і бізн ес-процесів

Automation of technological and business-processes

About significance of the control

problem of ecological efficiency of
functioning of technical objects
Problem topicality of offset absence
order increase in controllers during
control of objects with varying
transmission coefficient
Statement of the optimization
problem of carbon products
Graph modeling of the grain
processing enterprise for secondary
explosion estimation
Genetic algorithms application to
decide the issue of single-
dimensional cutting optimization
Increasing of precise estimation of
optimal criteria boiler functioning
And so on…

Журнал «Автоматизація технологічних та бізнес-процесів» було
ініційовано до видання рішенням складу I Всеукраїнської
науково – практичної конференції «Інформаційні технології та
автоматизація - 2008», що відбулась у стінах Одеської
національної академії харчових технологій та продовжує
щорічно проводитися:
Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016
Журнал зареєстровано Міністерством Юстиції України
ISSN 2312-3125 (print), ISSN 2312-931X (online)
Серія КВ №15895-4367Р від 16.10.2009 р.
УДК 681.5+66-933.6+338.364 Щоквартальний Міжнародний науково-виробничий журнал
Головний редактор: «Автоматизація технологічних і бізнес-процесів» є науковим
Хобін В.А., д.т.н., проф. (Одеса) фаховим виданням України в галузі технічних наук (рішення
Колегії МОН України № 1081 від 29.09.2014).
Заступники головного редактора:
Волков В.Е., д.т.н., доц. (Одеса)
Колонка главного редактора
Єгоров В.Б., к.т.н. (Одеса)
Интеллектуальные системы
Редакційна колегія:
Hesuan Hu, prof. (Shaanxi, China) автоматического управления…. Так все
Mingcong Deng, prof. (Tokyo, Japan) чаще позиционируют свои разработки
Myong K. Jeong prof. (New Jersey, USA) ученые в области автоматизации
Panagiotis Tzionas prof. (Thessaloniki, Greece) широкого спектра процессов. Какой
Qiang Huang, prof. (Los Angeles C.A., USA) смысл вкладывается в понятие
Qing-Shan (Samuel) Jia, prof (Beijing, China) «интеллектуальные»? Насколько его
Yangmin Li, prof (Macao, China) применение оправдано? Все ли системы
Вашпанов Ю.О., проф. (Одеса, Україна) автоматического управления, в
Герега А.М., проф. (Одеса, Україна) обозначении которых оно не использовано
Грабко В.В., проф. (Вінниця, Україна) являются «неинтеллектуальными»? Последнее звучит как-то
Денисенко В.А., проф. (Одеса, Україна) обидно. Вспомним, что понятие «автоматизация» обозначает
Жученко А. И., проф. (Киев, Украина) замену интеллекта человека, в нашем случае - при решении задач
Іцкович Е.Л., проф. (Москва, Росія) управления, «интеллектом» технических средств. Здесь понятие
Котлік С.В., доц. (Одеса, Україна)
«интеллект» взято в кавычки, т.к. под ним понимается алгоритм
Ладанюк А.П., проф. (Київ, Україна)
управления, простой или очень сложный, который разработал
Любчик Л.М., проф. (Харків, Україна)
Максимов М.В., проф. (Одеса, Україна) специалист по автоматизации, используя для этого свой личный
Монтік П.М., проф. (Одеса, Україна) интеллект. Практика показывает, что эффективность такого
Палов И., проф. (Русе, Болгария) алгоритма будет тем выше, чем глубже в интеллект его
Панін І.Г., д.т.н. (Вороніж, Росія) разработчика интегрировано понимание теории автоматического
Тітлова О.О., к.т.н. (Одеса, Україна) управления (в истинном смысле этого понятия).
Тодорцев Ю.К., проф. (Одеса, Україна) Интеллектуальными называют алгоритмы управления,
Трішин Ф.А., доц. (Одеса, Україна) которые реализуются на основе обучаемых и генетически
Хазаров В.Г., проф. (Санкт-Петербург, Росія) развивающихся искусственных нейронных сетей. Реализует ли в
Цукерман Ю.Д., (Москва, Росія) этом случае алгоритм «сам себя»? Естественно, нет! По крайней
Яковис Л.М., проф. (Санкт-Петербург, Росія) мере – пока, это только алгоритм, придуманный человеком,
Відповідальний редактор: точнее - его интеллектом. Чем же интеллектуальные алгоритмы
Тітлова О.О., к.т.н. (Одеса) отличаются от традиционных алгоритмов управления? Главное,
Комп’ютерний дизайн та верстка: по моему мнению – это технология, позволяющая максимально
Путников Д. В. формализовать разработку алгоритмов. И, к сожалению, –
минимизировать опору на теорию управления, за исключением
Одеська національна академія харчових технологій ее основополагающих основ, прежде всего – принципа обратной
связи. Убедительных примеров эффективности нейросетевых
Адреса редакції: технологий управления встретить сложно, и, тем более,
м. Одеса, вул. Канатна, 112, м. Одеса, 65039,
невозможно проследить связи между особенностями объектами
тел.: (048)712-42-54, e-mail:
управления, управляющей нейросети и эффективностью
Підписано до друку 31.05.2016 р. управления. Возможно ли, пусть в принципе, организовать такое
Рекомендовано до друку та розташування в управление технологическими объектами с их нелинейностью,
мережі Інтернет Вченою Радою Одеської нестационарностью, неопределенностью, запаздыванием?
національної академії харчових технологій
31 травня 2016 р., протокол № 11 В.А. Хобин
Відповідальність за достовірність інформації несе автор публікації.
Матеріали друкуються мовою оригінала. Передрукування матеріалів журналу
дозволяється лише за згодою редакції. Ліцензія CC-BY.
Отпечатано в издательстве Одесса. Тираж 500 экз.
Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

ISSN 2312-3125 (print), ISSN 2312-931X (online)
UDC 681.5+66-933.6+338.364

Editor-in-chief: Technical editor:

Khobin V.А., prof. (Odessa, Ukraine) Titlova О.O., PhD (Odessa, Ukraine)

Deputy chief editors: Computer design and imposition:

Volkov V.Е., prof. (Odessa, Ukraine) Putnikov D.V. ONAFT AMnR student
Yegorov V.B., PhD (Odessa, Ukraine)
Editorial Board: Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Hesuan Hu, prof. (Shaanxi, China)
Mingcong Deng, prof. (Tokyo, Japan) Address of the editorial office:
Myong K. Jeong prof. (New Jersey, USA) Ukraine, Odessa, Kanatnaya str, 112, 65039,
Panagiotis Tzionas prof. (Thessaloniki, Greece) tel.: (048)712-42-54, e-mail:
Qiang Huang, prof. (Los Angeles C.A., USA)
Qing-Shan (Samuel) Jia, prof (Beijing, China)
Yangmin Li, prof (Macao, China)
Vashpanov Y.О., prof. (Odessa, Ukraine)
It’s sent for the press 31.05.2016.
Gerega А.М., prof. (Odessa, Ukraine)
It‘s recommended for printing and publishing online
Grabko V.V., prof. (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)
by academic council of Odessa National Academy
Denisenko V.А., prof. (Odessa, Ukraine)
of Food Technologies
Zhuchenko A. I., prof. (Kiev, Ukraine)
31 may 2016., protocol № 11
Ickovich E.L., prof. (Moscow, Russia)
Kotlik S.V., PhD (Odessa, Ukraine) Responsibility for reliability of information is born
Ladaniuk А.P., prof. (Kyiv, Ukraine) by the author of the publication. Articles are printed
Liubchik L.М., prof. (Kharkov, Ukraine) in original language.
Maksimov М.V., prof. (Odessa, Ukraine)
Mopntik P.М., prof. (Odessa, Ukraine) It’s allowed to use materials from the journal
Palov I., prof. (Ruse, Bulgaria) according to the Creative Commons license: CC-
Panin І.G., prof . (Voronezh, Russia) BY.
Titlova О.О., PhD (Odessa, Ukraine)
Todorcev Y.К., prof. (Odessa, Ukraine) It‘s printed in publishing house of Diol Print corp
Trishin F.А., PhD (Odessa, Ukraine) (Odessa). Circulation is 500 copies.
Hazarov V.G., prof. (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Cukerman Y.D., prof (Moscow, Russia)
Yakovis L.М., prof. (St. Petersburg, Russia)

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Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016




Belova N.A., Lisiuk G.P. Genetic algorithms application to decide the issue of single-dimensional cutting optimization… 4

Vynakov O.F., Savolova E.V., Skrynnyk A.I. Modern electric cars of Tesla Motors company ………………………….. 9

Voinova S.A. About significance of the control problem of ecological efficiency of functioning of technical objects.......... 19

Denisenko A. V., Gursky A. A. Development of principles of dcnet and flash environments interaction........................... 22

Kulia A.M. Automation of the residential building water supply system pumping station………………………………… 27

Khobin V.A., Levinskyi M.V. Problem topicality of offset absence order increase in controllers during control of objects
with varying transmission coefficient………………………………………………………………………………………… 31

Zhuchenko O.A. Statement of the optimization problem of carbon products production……………………………… 39

Kudrya V.G. Evaluation of inductance with electrical wires……………………………………………………………….. 44

Lukyanchuk E.V., KhobinV.A. Automation of champagne wines process in sparkling wine pressure tank……………... 52

Popov A.S. Graph modeling of the grain processing enterprise for secondary explosion estimations……………………… 55

Skakovsky Y.M., Babkov A.V., Mandro E.Y. Increasing of precise estimation of optimal criteria boiler functioning…… 58

Fil’ N. A functional model of the information technology for management of natural emergency
situations on trunk roads……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 66

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

UDC 65.011.42


Belova N.A.1, Lisiuk G.P.1
Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.161

This paper considers an example of solving the problem of single-dimensional cutting optimization. It is shown that
elements of the theory of genetic algorithms can be used successfully for its solution. A distinctive feature of this task is
the next: a set of parts and profiles, which the parts are cut from, does not change in the search for solutions but their
sequence order changes. Results of the solution were used to write the ‘dll’-library easily integrable into various
application software.

Optimization, single-dimensional cutting, genetic algorithm

The modern market offers a variety of specialized programs to solve the problem of single-dimensional and two-
dimensional cutting in a variety of industries. There are both paid and free programs, with minimum functionality, as well as
with the possibility of setting up the parameters used. Among the significant disadvantages of such programs is the fact that
they are absolutely independent and completed products. In practice, the process of cutting optimization is only one of the
stages of production. The results of different design systems operation are the input data for it. Output data may also be used in
other applications, e.g. for printing cutting charts.

Representatives of a furniture manufacture company addressed the authors of the article with request to develop a
universal library for the optimization of one-dimensional cutting of MDF profile. The existing programs were unacceptable
because of the impossibility of their integration into the internal production process. The customer‘s representatives also noted
that the search for the solution of algorithms of the complete enumeration for projects requiring more than 50 ’ 70 parts is
performed impossibly long time (tens of seconds, minutes). The use of traditional algorithms, in some cases, leads to the
obvious non-optimal solutions.
Fig. 1 is a diagram showing a required sequence of data processing during the cutting profile process. The used at the
enterprise specialized design software allowed the specification of parts of the current project to be presented in the form of a
plain text file with the .txt extension.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Система проектирования Утилита для Оптимизация и

Design system generates a Utility to convert Optimization and
генерирует спецификацию преобразования построение карт
parts specification specification building cutting charts
деталей спецификации раскроя в формате
in * .txt format *.txt -> *.xml in *.xml format
в формате *.txt *.txt -> *.xml *.xml

Утилита для
Utility и печати
to generate and
printсо штрих-
Application Software

Fig. 1. The information processing diagram in the profile cutting process.

Company‘s specialists have partially developed an application software that allows automating the further data
processing. Thus, the utility for the specification conversion has been developed. It made possible to separate and count all
parts manufactured from a profile, as well as to record the existence of available whole and already cut profiles. The utility‘s
output was in the xml-file. Information in this file was the raw data for the functions of the optimization library and for cutting
mapping, the development of which has been assigned to the authors.
Result of finding the profile‘s cutting charts had to be presented as another xml-file that subsequently allowed, with the
help of a separate utility, to generate and print labels indicating the identifiers of parts and their sizes on a special self-adhesive
This process management allowed simplifying the procedure of identification and recording of parts in different shops
and thus accelerating the assembly process. When dealing with the profile cutting, a worker immediately attaches the label to
each part indicating full information about the parameters of the part. Thus, there was no more need to re-measure each part
and to verify against the assembly drawings when passing to the assembly plant.
In general, the cutting optimization issue was formulated as follows. There is a number of whole profiles of different
sizes. There are many remnants / scraps of profiles of known length, which is still possible to be bring into production. The
following has been specified: the width of cut w c and the minimum length of the profile‘s remainder w r min suitable for
further use. The parts‘ specification is also given. So, it is necessary to calculate the cutting chart indicating which parts should
be placed on specific profiles or their residues. At that, it is necessary to observe a number of requirements:
1) it is necessary to minimize the consumption of whole profiles;
2) it is necessary to minimize the amount of residues with the length less than w r min ;
3) it is necessary to minimize the total amount of waste.
Preliminary analysis showed that the problem relates to the category of "containerization" [1]. The problem is NP-
hard, and there are many algorithms to solve it. The exact solution can be obtained by the method of complete enumeration,
but for obvious reasons the method is not applicable to a large number of parts because of the significant time consumption.
The existing algorithms NF, FF, BF, FFD and others allow quickly getting result close to the optimal solution. At the same
time, preliminary modeling results showed that, in some cases, such algorithms generate solutions far from optimal on the task
at issue.
In further studies, it was proposed to use elements of the theory of genetic algorithms to solve the task set forth [2].
Unfortunately, it was not possible to present solution to the problem within the framework of the classical genetic algorithm
definition. It is to be recalled that in the classical definition a solution is given in the form of a chromosome consisting of a
gene sequence, and each gene has a value of ‗0‘ or ‗1‘. A set of genes can vary, for example, all genes can take the ‗0‘ value.
At the same time, various modifications of classical genetic algorithm allow extending the range of tasks. Thus, in [3]
there was proposed a method for optimizing of heat-radiating equipment switching plan in a residential cottage. Plan - solution
featured a chromosome where each gene could take a value from ‗0‘ to ‗7‘, which corresponded to one of the possible
equipment switching combinations.
Analysis of the results of work [3] enabled proposing a modification of the classical genetic algorithm to solve the cutting
optimization task set forth.
Suppose each gene is a structure in the form of:
- Profile ID;
- Profile type (whole / residue);

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

- Length;
- A list of parts that are planned to cut from this profile;
- Completeness (the overall length of parts based on the cutting width w c ).
Suppose a chromosome is the immutable sequence of genes-containers sorted in ascending order. Here is an example.
Suppose, 1, 2 and 3 - the remains of the profiles, but 6 and 7 are whole profiles of the appropriate length. Then the
chromosome can be described by the following set of genes:

1 1 2 2 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7

At that, the number of whole profiles of each size should be sufficient to solve the task set forth. This requirement is
desirable, but optional, as residues and other whole profiles will be used in the course of evaluation. Meeting this requirement
potentially expands the available alternate solutions.
Suppose that we are given the following set of components (parts) that are need to be cut:

2 2 2 2 4 4 4

Then, in the course of evolution, we will try to locate the parts in a container more accurately. For example, possible
options may be as follows:

Containers 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7
Parts 2 2 2 2 4 4 4

Containers 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7
Parts 2 2 4 4 4

2 2

Containers 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7
Parts 2 2 4 4

2 2

Note that in the latter scheme the overall parts‘ length is more of the container size 4 + 2 + 4> 6. This situation will occur
often enough in the course of evolution, so the value of "congestion" should become one of the criteria used in the objective
After a series of preliminary studies, the following objective function was proposed to assess the fitness of each

L ower Nu
J  1000  100  10 K load (1)
L sum N sum

where: L ower — the overall "congestion" value for containers;

L sum — the overall length of all parts;
N u — number of whole profiles used;

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

N sum — overall amount of whole profiles;
K load — load factor for containers.
L ower value was determined as the sum of the differences of lengths of all the parts L u in this container and its actual length
L0 :

L ower   L u  L 0 , если Lu  L0 (2)

The perfect choice is when there is no congestion, and the first item in (1) becomes 0.
The situation is similar with the whole profiles. The perfect choice is when the task is solved only with the use of scraps.
Then the second item in (1) is also converted to 0.
K load value - is an integral value which characterizes how fully the containers are loaded. ‗1‘ corresponds to the
minimum load, and ‗0‘ means a fully loaded container. In other words, the perfect load means absence of residues when
cutting profiles.
Further studies have shown that the best result can be obtained if K load value is of non-linear character and is also
dependent on the size of each container congestion L ower :

  f
 K load  0
 Nb  Nu

 L0  Lu 
   (3)
  
   L0 
f  
 1 e 0 . 125
, если L ower  0
 
 1 , если L ower  0

where: N b — the amount of unutilized residues of profiles.

Next, it was necessary to develop a search for solution algorithm. Classical crossing-over and mutation operations used in
the genetic algorithm are not applicable in this case, since they lead to introduction of a new set of genes. In our case, a set of
genes-containers remains unchanged. Changes touch only the filling of each container with parts.
Different approaches were tested and the final version of the algorithm took the following form.
1) We determine the maximum number of the whole profiles of each size required to limit the size of the problem.
Rough estimate was used, when all the parts are laid out in sequence one after the other, taking into account the cutting width.
When the overall length of the parts is greater than the length of the profile, the next whole profile is added.
2) We form the initial population of chromosomes. One solution is based on FFD algorithm (the first suitable with
ordering). Random filling of containers with parts forms another 10 solutions. One more solution-based FFD algorithm using
only the particular size is added for each size of a whole profile.
3) Starting the main loop. Calculation is finished if the number of iterations, in which the objective function value of
the best chromosome is not changed, makes more than 30.
4) For each chromosome:
5) Choose a random non-empty container K1. Select a random item inside and place it in another random container K2.
Add the derived chromosome to a new population.
6) Check the possibility to improve the load factor by moving the content of the container K1 into any other, but of
smaller size. If positive, add the derived chromosome to a new population.
7) Check the possibility to improve the load factor by moving the content of the container K2 into any other, but of
bigger size. If positive, add the derived chromosome to a new population.
8) Swap contents of two random containers. Add the derived chromosome to a new population.
9) Shift parts from the overloaded containers into the first appropriate ones. Add the derived chromosome to a new
10) In case if not all the chromosomes of the original population are handled, then go to p. 4, otherwise to p. 11.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

11) Calculate the value of the objective function for all the chromosomes of the new populations and perform
selection, choosing the 20 fittest chromosomes.
12) Fix the value of the objective function of the best chromosome and proceed to p. 3.
Dll-library was designed to implement all the calculations after debugging the algorithm in C ++ language. Testing
was done on a computer with features as follows: Windows 7, Intel Core i5-4590 3.3 GHz, 8 Gb RAM. Run time for the
projects with a number of parts of 70 ’ 100 pcs did not exceed 15 seconds. Run time for parts of 10 ’ 20 pcs made 2 ’ 3
seconds. In the majority of cases, the proposed algorithm allowed improving the solution obtained using the FFD algorithm.
The developed library has been successfully implemented at a customer‘s enterprise and integrated into its own

1. Results of the work performed show that genetic algorithms theory elements can be successfully applied to solve
problems beyond the classical formulation of the optimization problem for the genetic algorithm.
2. The proposed optimization algorithm allows steady improving of solutions, formed on the basis of traditional
methods (NF, FF, BF, FFD) used to solve tasks of containers packing.
3. The developed library is a tool that is easily integrated into a variety of application software and allows automating
certain elements of a single-dimensional cutting of profiles. Using of xml format for the input and output data can easily be
linked with other software modules written by other authors.

[1] Sayt instituta matematiki im. S.L. Soboleva [Elektronnyiy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: www.URL:;
[2] Rutkovskaya D. Neyronnyie seti, geneticheskie algoritmyi i nechetkie sistemyi / D. Rutkovskaya, M. Pilinskiy, L.
Rutkovskiy; Per. s polsk. I. D. Rudinskogo. — M. : Goryachaya liniya Telekom, 2006. — 452 s.
[3] Maksimova O.B. Upravlenie sistemoy teplosnabzheniya s izmenyaemoy strukturoy tehnicheskih sredstv / O.B.
Maksimova, V.O. Davyidov, S.V. Babich // Problemyi upravleniya i informatiki: mezhdunar. nauch.-tehn. zhurn. 2014. –
#3. – S. 50–60.
Received by edition: 5.04.2016. Approved for the press: 4.06.2016


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Like most technologies, there is a huge wave of interest surrounding their introduction followed by a slowdown in
news as users evaluate the technology and determine its usefulness through initial applications. The rate of
developments through this slowdown in news often determines the staying power of the new technology. And though
the news around 3D printing never slowed significantly, recent activity suggests a surge in 3D printing use across
industry in the near term.
A few of these announcements I‘m referring to include Alcoa‘s opening of its 3D printing metal powder
production facility at the Alcoa Technical Center in Pennsylvania. The facility will reportedly produce proprietary
titanium, nickel and aluminum powders for 3D printed aerospace parts. Alcoa is focusing on this area because metal
powders used for 3D printing durable aerospace parts are only available in limited quantities. In addition, Airbus
recently selected Alcoa to supply 3D printed titanium fuselage and engine pylon parts for its commercial aircraft.
Beyond producing powders for 3D printing, Alcoa recently unveiled its Ampliforge process—a technique that
combines additive and traditional manufacturing. Using this process, Alcoa designs and 3D prints a nearly complete part
then treats it using a traditional manufacturing process, such as forging. The process is said to increase the toughness
and strength of 3D printed parts.
Meanwhile, Stratasys Ltd., a supplier of 3D printing and additive manufacturing technologies, has released new
software designed to make 3D printing easier.GrabCAD Print is an open architecture design-to-3D print workflow
application that resides on the GrabCAD platform. Stratasys says this platform is supported by a community of more
than 3 million designers, engineers and students.
Stratasys explains that the 3D printing design process is typically characterized by significant ―model fixing‖ time,
which forces businesses to devise manual solutions to construct an acceptable workflow. GrabCAD Print addresses this
issue by eliminating the requirements to translate and repair CAD files. Using GrabCAD Print, users can send native
CAD files to a Stratasys 3D Printer or service bureau directly from their familiar CAD environments.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

UDC 621.313


Vynakov O.F. 1, Savolova E.V. 2, Skrynnyk A.I. 3
Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa

E. mails: 1 , 2, 3

ORCID: 0000-0002-6630-8986
ORCID: 0000-0001-9266-9323

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.162

This overview article shows the advantages of a modern electric car as compared with internal combustion cars by the
example of the electric vehicles of Tesla Motors Company. It (в смысле- статья) describes the history of this firm,
provides technical and tactical characteristics of three modifications of electric vehicles produced by Tesla Motors.
Modern electric cars are not less powerful than cars with combustion engines both in speed and acceleration amount.
They are reliable, economical and safe in operation. With every year the maximum range of an electric car is increasing
and its battery charging time is decreasing.
Solving the problem of environmental safety, the governments of most countries are trying to encourage people to
switch to electric cars by creating subsidy programs, lending and abolition of taxation. Therefore, the advent of an
electric vehicle in all major cities of the world is inevitable.

Key words
Electric vehicles, company Tesla Motors, Tesla Roadster, Tesla Model S, Tesla Model Х.

Nowadays, in the era of supersonic speeds and high technologies, when (and it's not a secret) people managed by their
reckless and short-sighted activities to bring their life environment to a critical state, the issues related to environmental
protection and careful attitude to the use of natural resources ceased to be simply " buzzwords " used to keep up a
conversation. They have become government policy issues and our survival and further existence of the human race on the
Planet directly depend on their competent and successful solution.
The essential component of ecological safety is the problem of environmental safety of vehicles, the urgency and
importance of which is growing annually with the increasing number of vehicles. In the 1980s the number of private vehicles
has become extraordinarily high, which led to the formation of smoggy bowls over the metropolis.
All of the available environmental protection organizations started sounding an alarm about the pollution, which had
become global. US became a leader by pollution levels in some areas, namely, California in the early 1990s was one of the
most polluted. Cars produce up to 70% of harmful emissions into the atmosphere; the amount of emissions per year in the
world is about 22 million tons of pollutants of different origin: oxide and carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, lead
compounds, sulphur, particulate pollutants, aldehydes, carcinogens. On average, they are increasing by 3.1% every year [1, 2,
Absorbing oxygen, а vehicle emits intensively toxic components into the air, which leads to growth of annual
environmental damage. Automobile transport, polluting the biosphere with products of automobile fuel combustion, is a source
of emissions into the environment a complex mixture of chemical compounds, the composition of which depends on the engine
type, fuel type and vehicle operating conditions. Once in the atmosphere, as a result of chemical reactions with other air
pollutants, they form even more hazardous compounds affecting ruinously the ecosystem.
Vehicle emission, when getting onto the Earth surface in drainage basins, into open water, underground water, leads to
the contamination of water bodies. Dust and dirt carried by vehicles contains more than 200 types of chemical of substances,

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

many of which are radioactive. The dust deposits in the lungs and dissolves in the human blood, accumulates in the body,
causing diseases of various organs, cancer, allergies [4].
The noise impact of vehicles is also unsafe for humans: a person loses a large amount of energy, it increases
aggressiveness, develops hypertension, deteriorating hearing, reduces life expectancy [1].
Due to the growth of traffic flow, the number and power of electric equipment in each separate vehicle, the level of
electromagnetic pollution increase [5].The human central nervous system, immune system, eyes, gonads (endocrine glands of
genital organs) are the most sensitive to the electromagnetic emission. Herewith, power is less harmful than the duration of the
radiation [6].
But there is currently no alternative to automobile transport, that could be more convenient, affordable in price-to-quality
ratio and more popular in all spheres of activity. Moreover, it can [2]:
- provide fast and timely delivery of goods and passengers in small quantities;
- deliver goods directly to the consumer;
- is characterized by enhanced maneuverability, mobility and convenience of driving.
All of the aforesaid have led to the need to create and develop new types of car, which would primarily be more
environmentally friendly and less costly. Perhaps, it would be an electric car, a vehicle driven by an electric motor instead of
an internal combustion engine (ICE), which has no gearbox, due to the attachment of a shaft directly to wheels. It can be
charged from both specialized charging stations, and from a home electric outlet.
In 1998, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) adopted the decision which indicated the number of cars with zero
exhaust, sold per year. In the same 1998 year, this percentage was 2%, and by 2003 it has come to over 10%. The EU
governments announced the transition to electric vehicles during the period of 2015 - 2020 and reinforced this decision, on the
one hand, by imposing a substantial fines for excess of CO2 emissions by new vehicles, produced in the EU in 2015, for the
rate of 130 grams per kilometer, and by 2020 for the rate of 95 g of CO2 per kilometer (up to 95 Euros for each gram
exceeding the norm), and, on the other hand, to get "super credits" on the production of "clean" cars until 2016.
According to conventional opinion, the advantage of an electric car, compared with conventional vehicle, is its
environmental friendliness, since it does not use combustible mixtures, and thus causes no harmful emissions into the
atmosphere and the explosiveness considerably reduces. The energy used in electric vehicles today is definitely cheaper than
gasoline and diesel fuel. The batteries of such vehicles can be charged during the slope movement (recovery mode) or from
sunlight. Easy assembly and simple design provide reliability and service life of an electric vehicle, expand service interval
mileage, resulting in significant cost savings for the owner. Low noise level assures comfort [7].
But this car is not without shortcomings too, which include the production difficulties of cheap (precious metals are
currently used to create them) and capacious battery packs for a long-term work, free from harmful substances, which creates a
problem of their disposal. The problem is also the relatively low mileage between the battery chargings [2], which decreases if
the ambient temperature goes down. The temporary disadvantage is the absence of advanced electric transport infrastructure
(network of electric charging stations and service stations, etc.).
The elimination of these shortcomings will lead to a significant increase in the number of electric vehicles in the
developed countries. In the XXI century, electric cars are confidently winning the automobile manufacturing markets of the
USA, Europe and Asia. Tesla Motors is rightfully considered to be one of the leaders in production of electric automobiles, as
evidenced by the report data for the first half of 2015, published by the Internet community of EV Sales. The company ranks
second in the number of sold electric cars (21.6 thousand hatchbacks of Model S), being ahead of the world leader Nissan
(25,000 Nissan Leaf) in sales in the USA - [8].
Such rapid development of the company has been provided not only due to the name of the most mysterious, and
prominent inventor Nicola Tesla and huge financial investment, but also due to the competent innovation policy in creating and
promoting their electric vehicles in the global market with a long-term strategic goal to create affordable costs of electric
- explicit target of operation sector to produce an electric vehicle, while the competitors were experimenting with
hybrid cars, which became according to the company (as FEP technology almost completely depleted the
possibilities of modernization and improvement) a restraint in the development;
- in-house design and manufacturing of the main units (battery pack, its cooling system, engine, electronics,
charger,...), as well as their operational software;
- prompt infrastructure creation of charging and service stations its own electric vehicles;
- refusal from dealers services (sale of automobiles is carried out without engaging any local dealers centers);
- implementation of new technologies, both in the production process (90% automation), and the vehicle driving
process (management and control of all key functions via software);
- openness (Tesla Motors has opened its patent portfolio for public use to promote their technologies and standards)
[9, 10].

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

The company was established in 2003 by Martin Eberhard, Marc Tarpenning, Jeffrey B. Straubel and Ian Wright . In the
first major sale of shares a successful businessman Elon Musk joined it as a Chairman of the Board in February 2004.
Elon Musk wanted to demonstrate to the whole world that beautiful, dynamic electric vehicles with a large range on one
battery charge are not a fiction.
The presentation of high-class electric vehicle (fashionable, stylish and cutting edge kitsch) was necessary for the rapid
development from zero level and entry to the world consumer market. Therefore, the first model has become a two-seater
electric sports car Tesla Roadster, introduced in August 2006, which design was borrowed from another, more famous model
Lotus Elise. However, all the components were developed by the company staff with Elon Musk taking part in designing of
each element.
To start up mass production of Tesla Roadster initially scheduled for September 2007, Tesla Motors had been
continuously looking for new investors, including Compass Technology Partners, SDL Ventures, Valor Equity Partners, co-
founders of Google Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the former president of eBay, Jeffrey Skoll and others. The amount of
investment in Tesla Motors by 2007 has exceeded $ 105 million, and by the time the first production version left the assembly
line in 2008, has reached $ 140 million (instead of the planned $ 25 million). In early August 2009, the company announced
the overall profitability for the month of July and making a profit of 1 million dollars, and 4 years later in May 2013 the
company was the first and the only one of the automobile companies to repay a loan of 465 million dollars, obtained from the
US Department of Energy [11, 12 ].
Currently, the vehicle line of the electric car manufacturer consists of three different not only in their appearance, but by
function and purpose cars: sport car Tesla Roadster, hatchback Tesla, Model the S, crossover Tesla Model X.
By the technical characteristics two versions of a sports car can be distinguished: Tesla Roadster (2008) and Tesla
Roadster Sport (2009). The electric vehicle is driven by three-phase four-pole electric motor. Thrust is transmitted to the
wheels of the rear axle via a single-stage transmission developed by BorgWarner Company. Upgrading concerned the engine,
increasing the torque and acceleration time of 0.2 s (see Table 1). In the passenger compartment of Tesla Roadster Sport the
aluminum gearbox lever gave way to key operated mechanism; the color touch screen appeared on the center console, and
high-quality leather and carbon fiber insertions were used in the interior trim.
Table 1 – Technical specifications of Tesla Roadster (2008 - 2012)

Automobile Tesla Roadster

Modification type Electro AT (185 kW) Sport Electro AT (215kW)
Body type Roadster
Number of seats 2
Length, mm 3946
Width, mm 1851
Height, mm 1126
Wheel-base, mm 2351
Kurb weight, kg 1238
Rear electric traction motor 3-phase, 4-pole asynchronous AC motor
Location Transverse between rear wheels
Maximum power, hp. (kW / rpm 251(185) /5000-8000 291(215) /8500 (14000 max)
(14000 max)
Maximum torque, Nm / rpm 270/ 0-5400 400/ 0-5100
Traction battery accumulator (TBA) Lithium ion battery, Lithium ion battery, capacity
capacity 37,4 kW·h (voltage 53 kW·h (voltage 375 V)
375 V)
Drive gear rear rear
Drive train variator
Tires 175/55/R16 – 225/45/ R17
Top speed, km/h 201* 201*
Acceleration time 0-100 km/h 3,9 3,7

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Maximum range, km (driving cycle NEDC) 395

Remark * Limitation of electronics

In 2008, the German car tuning firm Brabus has presented an improved version of the Roadster, equipped with a
"generator of ambient sound." In summer 2010, Tesla Motors submitted to production the updated version 2.5 (Fig. 1) with
improved sound insulation, new bumper and chair design, new wheel discs, a seven-inch touch screen with navigation system
and the ability to display images from a rear view camera, and 3.5 hours time of battery charging from a network with a
voltage of 240 Volt.
However the technical characteristics of the improved models remained unchanged.

Fig. 1 - Model appearance and dashboard of Tesla Roadster 2.5 Sport

Tesla Roadster model release was completed in 2012, but already in late 2014 the manufacturer issued an update package,
which received the designation 3.0. It encompassed: increased range up to 640 kilometers through installation of battery packs
with new cells, capable of storing 31% more power than preceding counterparts; an aerodynamic body kit, providing a
reduction in aerodynamic drag from 0.36 to 0.3; tires with reduced rolling resistance. At the same time, in spite of the
increased capacity, the size of the battery pack (its capacity is 70 kW·h) remained unchanged [13, 14, 15].
The second model of the Tesla Motors electric car was the Tesla Model S (Fig. 2), presented by company in 2009 and
subsequently recognized (according to the «Motor Trend» magazine, the USA) as the "Car of the Year 2013". In the USA, the
first deliveries of Tesla Model S were launched in June 2012, in Europe - in August 2013 and in 2014 they started to be
supplied to China.

Fig. 2 - Model appearance and dashboard of Tesla Model S

Originally model lineup S consisted of rear-wheel drive Model S 60 (with a battery capacity of 60 kW·h, an engine
capacity of 306 hp, acceleration time up to 100 km / h of 6.2 seconds, "ideal " range of 390 km), S 85 (with a battery capacity
of 85 kW·h, engine capacity of 367 hp, acceleration time up to 100 km / h - 5.6 seconds, the "ideal" range of 502 km) and S
Since 2014 Model S 60 has been equipped with the same engine as the S 85, and in 2015 it was replaced by two models
S 70 (with a battery capacity of 70 kW·h, engine capacity of 320 hp, acceleration time up to 100 km / h - 5.8 s, the "ideal"
range of 420 km) and s 70D (with a battery capacity of 70 kW·h, the two engines of 167 hp each, the acceleration time to 100
km / h - 5.4 seconds, the "ideal "reserve of 442 km). At the same time a new Model S 85D (with two engines of 190 hp each,
the acceleration time up to 100 km / h - 5.4 seconds, the "ideal" range of 502 km) and the most advanced version of the P85D

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

were introduced. Class letter «D» on new versions of Model S refers to the abbreviation Dual Motor (double motor). The
second engine enables Model S P85D to drive at speeds up to 100 km / h in just 3.2 seconds. Basic technical specifications for
vehicles with a battery capacity of 85 kW·h are shown in the table below (see Table 2) [16, 17, 18, 19].
As of today, the basic configuration of Model S includes:
- heated front seats with electric settings to store the selected parameters;
- tail gate with electric drive;
- system of cabin access without a key;
- cruise control;
- climate control with 2 zones division;
- electric window lifters;
- automatically folding wing mirrors with electric drive and heating;
- 17-inch touch screen;
- interior background lighting with LEDs;
- 8 airbags;
- audio system with 7 speakers;
- regenerative braking system;
- additional anti-lock braking system ABS;
- Electronic Stability Control (ESC);
- Traction control system (TCS) and steering stiffness control;
- Leather interior;
- decorative elements of natural wood.
Expensive versions are equipped with air suspension, which allows changing road clearance in the range of 100 - 160
mm, with a self-driving function, options of emergency braking and "dead zones" control.
For the Model S P85D the Tesla Company has developed the Ludicrous Mode option ("funny", "awkward"). It is
designed to replace the fuse, protecting the battery, on a computerized, equipped with a microchip, own small lithium battery
and pyrotechnic squib switch, which breaks the circuit in milliseconds in case of a dangerous current value. Moreover, inconel
is used instead of steel in the battery contactor.
Replacement of the device allows you to raise permissible current strength in motors from 1300 to 1500 amperes. It
increases traction and results in a reduction of acceleration time from zero to 60 miles / hour (97km / h) from 3.1 to 2.8

Table 2 – Technical specifications of Tesla Model S (Performance)

Automobile Tesla Model S
Modification type P85 P85+ P85D
Body type 5-two-door hatchback
Number of seats 5 (7) 5
Length, mm 4970
Width, mm 1964
Height, mm 1445
Wheel-base, mm 2960
Kurb weight, kg 2108 2108 2262
Front electric traction motor — — asynchronous AC motor
Location — — Transverse, above
the front axle
Maximum power, hp. (kW) / rpm — — 262 (193) / 6100
Maximum torque, Nm / rpm — — 331
Rear electric traction motor asynchronous AC motor
Location Transverse, above the rear axle
Maximum power, hp. (kW) / rpm 416 (305) / 5000-8600 422 (310) / 5000-8600 476 (350) / 5950
Maximum torque, Nm / rpm 600 / 0-5100 600 / 0-5100 600

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Aggregate capacity of power unit, hp – – 738 (543)

Total torque, Nm – – 931
Traction battery accumulator (TBA) Lithium ion battery, capacity 85 kW·h (voltage 366 V)
Drive gear rear rear permanent all-wheel drive
Drive train Single stage gear box Single stage gear boxes in the
front/rear axle drive
Final drive gear ratio front - 9,34
rear 9,73 9,73
Tires 245/45 R19
Top speed, km/h 210* 210* 250*
Acceleration time 0-100 km/h, 4,4 4,4 3,2 (3,3)
Average electricity consumption 23,8/18,1 22,4/-
(cycles ЕРА/NEDC), kW·h/100 km
Maximum range, km (driving cycle 502 502 480
Remark * Limitation of electronics

On September 29, 2015 in California, the official presentation of the family crossover Tesla Model X (Fig. 3) took place.
Basic configuration of this model (in comparison with the Model S) was completed with [16, 20, 21, 22]:
- large wrap-around wind screen;
- three rows of seats (2 + 2 + 2 or 2 + 3 + 2) with adjustable backrest of the second seats row;
- the absence of intermediate clamps of the front door; front doors clamping mechanism,
- "Falcon wing" rear doors, providing convenient access to the third row of seats and facilitating the access to the passenger
compartment in tight parking spaces (the required distance for door opening from the wall to electric crossover is 30 cm);
- sensors availability on all doors that virtually eliminates the possibility of damage, even in confined spaces;
- super-efficient air purification system of vehicle interior;
- availability of protection mode from the effects of biological weapons (!);
- Ludicrous option, allowing to reduce acceleration time to 100 km / h from 3.8 seconds to 3.2 seconds;
- autopilot with automatic hold function specified on the highway corridor;
- automatically retractable carbon-fiber spoiler;
- air suspension with electronic storage of the road sections (using GPS);
- the eight-year unlimited mileage warranty and free servicing at all Supercharger stations.

Fig. 3 - The model appearance and dashboard of Tesla Model Х

The model comes in three versions, their currently known technical and tactical characteristics are summarized in the
Table 3.
The standard charger (Mobile Connector) of single phase (US specification) or three-phase current (European
specification) having the possibility to connect to a home electric outlet is supplied with each of the currently produced electric
vehicle model. High power portable charging (High Power Wall Connector) is available for an extra fee. It is operable over a

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

wide temperature range (-35 ’ +45) ° C. The charging speed in this case varies from 55 to 110 kilometers per charging hour
(when connected to a home network of alternating voltage of 220 V - 14 km per hour of charging) [20].
Accumulator unit of electric vehicle according to its creators consists of conventional lithium-ion batteries, but their
connection scheme and the control system is obviously "know-how" in this branch of industry. The battery itself consists of 16
units located along the bottom of the car, and it increases considerably torsion stiffness and safety, due to lowering of center of
gravity and to the perfect weight distribution between the axles.
Information and control system of the vehicle, based on the Ubuntu Linux operating system, is performed by two quad-
core processors NVIDIA Tegra 3, one of which is responsible for operation of a group of digital measuring devices, the second
one - entertainment information system with 17-inch (43.18 cm) touch display with a resolution of 1920 x 1080.
The touch screen (Fig. 4) provides access to the functions of climate control, seats and windows heating, steering settings,
audio / video devices, suspension, lighting, roof hatch or door locks, wireless connection to Google Maps, Pandora Music
(Internet radio, where a user by entering the name of his favorite artist, can listen similar in style and sound composition), as
well as all features of a real Internet browser.

Fig. 4 - Application output of media player and navigation to the main display
As for programs the main menu is divided into the following tabs categories:
- media player;
- maps and navigation;
- calendar;
- control and adjustment of power consumption;
- web browser;
- rear view camera;
- telephone.

Table 3 – Technical specifications of Tesla Model Х

Automobile Tesla Model Х
Modification type 70D 90D P90D
Body type universal
Number of seats 5(6,7) 5 (6,7) 5(6,7)
Length, mm 5004
Width, mm 2083
Height, mm 1626
Wheel-base, mm 3061
Kurb weight, kg (ibs) 2391 (5271) 2391 (5271) 2441 (5381)
Front electric traction motor 3-phase, 4-pole asynchronous AC motor with copper rotor
Location Transverse, above the front axle

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Maximum power. hp. (kW) 150 (110,5) 259 (191) 259 (191)
Rear electric traction motor 3-phase, 4-pole asynchronous AC motor with copper rotor
Location Transverse, behind the rear axle
Maximum power, hp. (kW) 300 (221) 259 (191) 503 (370,5)
Aggregate capacity of power unit, hp 450 (331,5) / - 518 (382) / 900-8600 762 (561,5) / 900-8600
(kW) rpm
Total torque, Nm 525 930 965
Traction battery accumulator (TBA) Lithium ion battery, Lithium ion battery, Lithium ion battery,
capacity 70 kW·h capacity 90 kW·h capacity 90 kW·h
Drive gear permanent all-wheel drive
Drive train Single stage gear boxes in the front/rear axles drive; automatic
Tires 265/45 R20 - 275/45 R21
Top speed, km/h 225* 249* 250*
Acceleration time 0-100 km/h, с 6,0 4,8 3,8(3,2)
Maximum range, km (driving cycle 354 414 402
Remark * Limitation of electronics

Above bookmarking there are icons of quick access to some additional functions: a profile of the driver, car parameters
settings (automatic doors lock, mirrors fine-tuning, climate control, lighting, the screen itself and directly the car software),
software updates, Bluetooth, Wi- Fi and passenger airbags deactivation.
Mechanical components include only turn signal switches and wind-screen wipers, forward-reverse drive handle and two
pedals: gas (accelerator) and brakes.
Instead of a mechanical instrument panel, display of a smaller size with resolution 1280h480 is used. It displays all necessary
for the driver information (current vehicle status): speed, power consumption, range, distance travelled by the car, ambient
temperature. During battery charging the dashboard indicates voltage and current strength (Fig. 5). When driving, instead of
graphical icons the display shows speedometer, economizer, and other more conventional instruments - everything what the
driver might require. By pressing one of the buttons on the steering wheel, on the right part of display, there appears a menu of
several frequently requested functions:
- climate settings for a driver's seat;
- fan blower speed;
- brightness of the driver's screen;
- hatch control (the opening level is measured in percentage);
- switchover for the media source.

Fig. 5 - Appearance of the status panel at the time of charging

Control of all systems through a single computer module allows the manufacturer in the remote access mode (Wi-Fi or
3G), updating software, to improve the tactical and technical characteristics of the vehicle (to increase by 6 % the battery
power, top speed and acceleration speed, to obtain the function of self-driving ...), to perform basic diagnostics of its main
components, and eliminate minor faults. Thus, the manufacturer retains detailed statistics data for each battery use, information

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

on charge-discharge, charge flow, any shortcomings and can predict battery behavior for many years to come. The operating
system automatically collects data about the vehicle operation in each "abnormal situation" and sends it to the company server,
thus improving the autopilot function, which becomes "smarter" with each algorithm update [14, 16].
Modern electric vehicles are not less powerful than vehicles with combustion engines both in speed and acceleration
amount. Year by year, the top range of the vehicle increases and the recharging battery time decreases.
Tesla Motors company has created the Supercharger charging station, which allows to charge 85 kW·h battery of electric
vehicle by 50%, is 20 minutes , in 40minut - by 80%, in 1.5 hours - full charge of the battery, and to replace the battery with a
fully charged one in 1.5 minutes . This record speed of charge became possible due to the power of the charging station of 120
kW and power supply directly to the battery instead of the traditional charging scheme. At this time no load occurs on the
power grid through the use of alternative energy sources - solar cells at the charging stations [16].
The battery performance and electric power, and hence its range is still affected by the ambient temperature (at -10 ° C
with an average snow drift level the Tesla power falls by 20%), but isn't critical for the electric vehicle with the range of 500
km anymore. Especially since the regenerative braking system, being constantly fed by the battery accumulator, when driving,
makes virtually impossible the complete battery discharge.
Due to removal of gas tank, all flammable liquids, and related to them components, electric vehicles are safer than
vehicles with internal combustion engines. Experts of the Tesla Motors company has created an electric vehicle, which became
one of the few means of transport, that received a maximum overall rating of "5 stars" by the standards of EuroNCAP
(European New Car Assessment Program) and the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) in all types of
crash tests ( the best safety record in 2013). It was provided due to the availability of [23]:
- a heavy flat battery located at the bottom, made of heavy-duty material, providing additional stability and control;
- System of battery power-off in an emergency;
- steel reinforced and therefore durable aluminum housing;
- a small size motor located on the rear axle, whereby the crumple zone increases threefold;
- 8 airbags;
- additional anti-lock braking system ABS;
- seat belts;
- immobilizer;
- isolation of the vehicle control system of information and entertainment one;
- position sensors of driver and passenger seat, adjusting the operation of security systems in the optimal way...
The introduction of electric cars in our lives has become an urgent task in the light of the new agreement, worked out on
the basis of the Climate Change Conference in Paris (December 2015) and endorsed by 196 of its participants, that actually
binds the humanity to get away from fossil energy and develop technologies of obtaining and using energy from in-renewable
This serious attitude to environmental issues contributes to the development of the car market with electric motors, which
largely depends on the availability of infrastructure, price and public policy. In Ukraine, the joint project of OKKO charging
network owners and Tesla Club Ukraine has become the most large scale project on creation of 34 free charging terminals for
electric vehicles in 2014 on the busiest country highways. Tesla Motors plans to open two Supercharger stations of fast
charging in Kiev and Lvov regions in 2016.
Unfortunately, the economy state of the country does not allow introducing incentives and compensation to owners of
electric vehicles like in the developed European countries (Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, France ...) and the
United States. Nevertheless, the government abolished import duty for vehicles with electric motors, which reduced its price
by 12% in November of last year. At present the law project on removal of VAT on the purchase of an electric vehicle is
submitted to the Parliament, the adoption of which will reduce the price to 40%.
Having regard to the above and to the policy of Tesla Motors Company on creation of a low-cost vehicle, which
presentation (Tesla Model 3) has to be held already in March, the increasing popularity and demand for Tesla brand electric
cars in all the major cities around the world and in Ukraine is inevitable.

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[6] Selivanov S. E., Filenko V.V., Bazhynov A.V., Budianskaya E.N. Electromagnetic biosphere pollution by motor transport
(vehicles, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles) // Motors transport. - 2009. - № 25;
[7] Daniels D. Modern automotive technology: the textbook. - Moscow, - 2003, - 224 p.;
[8] Znaemskiy S. News. The world sale results of Electric vehicles are announced [Electronic resource]. // Autoreview. -
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[10] Technical director of company Tesla Motors about what's going on in the company "under the hood" [Electronic
resource]. - 2014. - Internet-resource of company LTD. «AEnergy». - Access to the resource:;
[11] Drace Baer The Making Of Tesla: Invention, Betrayal, And The Birth Of The Roadster [Electronic resource] // Business
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[12] Tesla Motors – history of company [Electronic resource]. - 2014. - Access to the resource: http://shop-;
[13] Electric Vehicle Tesla Roadster [Electronic resource] // MOTORbreath. - Access to the resource:;
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[15] Tesla Roadster: "the first-born child" of Electric vehicles manufacturer [Electronic resource]. – 2014. - Access to the
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[17] Guriyanov V. Verification on roads. Kilowatts and quietness // Autoreview. – 2014. - № 5 (537). – P. 22-28;
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[19] Tesla Model S (01.2012-) – technical characteristics and trim levels [Electronic resource]. - Access to the resource:;
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2015. – Access URL:

Received by edition: 8.04.2016. Approved for the press: 6.06.2016

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

UDC 62–5:504.003.13


Voinova S.A.1
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa
ORCID: 0000-0003-0203-0599

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.163

It's noted the current stress state of the natural environment due to the increasing harmful effects of the developing
global production. It's indicated on the urgency to fully reduce the harmful effects of production. It's shown the control
operation TO is highly efficient and productive means of improving the environmental performance of production. It's
described the main features of management of ecology, created as well as existing worn out. It's shown the real
possibilities of the use of management tools as a highly productive universal environmental funds.

Ecological efficiency, functioning of technical object, environment, negative factors, control, progressive approach.

Industrial activity of human works the intensive harmful influence upon a natural environment. It is shown by set of
negative factors. The disastrous state of inorganic and live nature, is reflected in the international meetings documents in Kyoto
and in Paris.
A stagnate period of progress of world production proceeding nowadays is characterized by strengthening of negative
influence on environment. The given circumstance requires adequate strengthening of environmental activity.

Statement of problem
In any industry, a state of any technical object (TO), its technological properties and its level of technological efficiency
(ТE) functioning (further, in abbreviated form: « TO TE »), depend on quality of control of process of creation of object and
process of its use.
Let's touch these two processes and approaches to the control statement of new TO.
At the traditional approach, after reception of the customer's application, in the market choose TO which was created as
one of the standard solutions, and on the basic parameters suit to the circumstances of the customer, its future owner. Then
they start to solve a problem of control chosen TO. It operatively is equiped by automatic control system; this system is
adjusted on adjusting properties of chosen TO. It putting into action. That is, the control is formed only in the operational
At the offered progressive approach to control of process of functioning TO, control is formed of three stages: strategic
one, tactical one and operative one (Fig. 1, 2) [1, 2].
As a result of realization of this control model they receive a new TO which by technology, by design and by automatic
control system properties precisely meets to customer's conditions. This TO has initial, maximum level ТE. Thus, at the
progressive approach realize an optimum version of control of level ТE of new TO. New TO in this state is put into operation.
The comparative analysis of two approaches to control of ТE of new TO testifies to conservatism of the traditional

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

New TO has maximum level TE, including a maximum level of its components: ecological one, economic one and
technical one.
Put into operation TO while in using has continuous negative influence of process of physical wear. As a result, its ET
level continuously decreases.
When current ET level decreases to minimally admissible level, the object finishes an expenditure of its resource of
serviceability, reaches a limiting state and the object to be replaced to full updating – to replacement by new TO.

Stage of Control ТE TO I -
A Choice of Technology. Technology № 1 TO

The Executor: an Industry Scientific

The Best Technology

Stage of Control ТE TO II -
A Choice of Design (TO). Feedback Design № 1 TO

The Executor: Design Office of the TO

Manufacturer The Best Design

Stage of Control ТE TO III -

A Choice of Regime of Functioning Regime № 1 TO

The Executor: Technical Department of

the TO Owner The Best Regime

Technological efficiency of technical object

Fig. 1 – Structural - Logical Model of Formation of Technological Efficiency of TO Functioning

Solutions to problems
Started with the middle of 19-th century progress of world production by the industrial scenario uses achievements of
science and techniques. However, alongside with it, it increases attendant sharply negative process of harmful influence on
environment accrues.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

For normalization of a condition of environment, it is necessary to find and put into operation highly productive nature
protection means. They should base also, on scientific and technical progress. These positions give to a science and techniques
the status of driving force of world nature protection activity of mankind.
Level TE, including level of ecological efficiency, some TO is defined, as it is known, by quality of control process by its
technological process.
Consequently, quality of control process by object defines its ecological compatibility. That is, improvement of quality of
TO control is the nature protection tool. Giving to it of a target priority lifts its status up to a level of the concept [3].
At a present ecological situation in the world there are strong reasons to consider, that the main task of automatic control
system (ACS) of functioning of any TO is control of its ecological efficiency level.
Thus, number of parameters of a current level of ecological efficiency TO maybe more than one.
Nature protection function of a science and techniques should be realized in two directions:
- Increase of ecological efficiency of carried out technological process of functioning TO,
- Increase of quality of control of ecological component of this process.
As is known, industrial objects, irrespective of their branch affiliation, character of production and productivity, represent
complex systems of the interconnected elements. In them quality of technological process reflects some parameters. In similar
cases ACS supports at the defined level some parameters. The main one among them, generally, should choose ecological

Technological Efficiency of TO

Technological TO Automatic
Properties of Functioning Control
TO Regime System

Capabilities of
Other Working
Conditions of
Technological TO Load TO
Capabilities of

Fig. 2.- Structural - Logical Scheme of Interaction of Factors Which Affect the Technological Efficiency of TO

However, in some cases, for example, in power engineering, on vehicles, as the main parameter choose elements
technical: reliability, a safety and ergonomics of work. They are controlled parameters, with them they appoint a resource TO.
The features of ecological efficiency control of life-expired TO, subjected to partial updating on the basis of
modernization, reconstruction or technical re-equipment attract big attention.
In all cases, at creation new TO or at partial updating life-expired TO it is necessary to provide such proportion
ecological, economic and technical parts of its resource at which the ecological resource would surpass others. In this case TO,
fulfilled economic or technical resource, will have still a residual ecological resource, that is it will be still safe for
environment. It conforms to the nature protection concept.
It is necessary to note the important circumstance: balance TO TE opens features of properties TO and conditions of
control of formation its TE, in particular, formation its ecological efficiency [4].
In significant number of cases it is necessary to operate a current level of the several parameters, formed TO ecological

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

It is necessary to emphasize: control of formation TO ecological efficiency, control of a current level of formed it
parameters should have complex system character [5].

1. The current position of OS requires acceptance of extraordinary measures for resolute decrease of level of harmful
influence on it from industry.
2. Control of functioning TO is the productive tool defining a degree of its harmful influence on environment.
Increase of quality of TO control reduces a level of this influence.
3. Main task of automatic control system by any TO is keeping of the set level its ecological efficiency.
4. The result of the control over a current level of ecological efficiency TO should be the main parameter of current
level object‘ ТE.
5. In some cases expediently to supervise and to control a current level of several ecological efficiency parameters.
6. In current conditions there was the ecological conditions, which force to apply a direct control of ecological
efficiency level of the majority TO.
7. When you assign a resource TO is necessary to ensure the ratio of its components, with which the largest
component is environmental one.
8. Then automatic control system of TO is an important means of ensuring a high level of its ecological efficiency.

[1] Voinova S.O. Mozhlivosti upravlinnya efektivnistyu tehnichnih ob‘ektyiv / Trudyi 15-y Mezhdunar. n.-t. konf.
«Fizicheskie i kompyuternyie tehnologii», Harkov, 2-3 dekabrya 2009 g. – Harkov: HNPK «FED», 2009. - S. 93-95
[2] Voinova S.A. O podhode k upravleniyu tehnologicheskoy effektivnostyu sozdavaemyih tehnicheskih ob'ektov /
Mizhnarodniy zhurnal «Avtomatizatsiya tehnologichnih i biznes-protsesiv», 2012, № 11, 12. – Odesa: ONAHT,
2012.- S. 26-28.
[3] Voinova S.O. Pro aktualnest upravlennya ekologechnoyu efektivnestyu tehnechnih ob‘ektiv / «Energetika ta
elektrifIkatsiya», №1, 2012.- S. 64-67.
[4] Voinova S.A. Balans tehnologicheskoy effektivnosti funktsionirovaniya tehnicheskih ob'ektov v realnyih
proizvodstvennyih usloviyah / Energetika ta elektrifIkatsiya, 2015, №. 8.- S. 35 – 41.
[5] Voinova S.O. Sistemniy pidhid do upravlinnya tehnologichnoyu efektivnistyu tehnichnih ob‘ektiv / Fizicheskie i
kompyuternyie tehnologii.- Trudyi 17-y Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tehnicheskoy konferentsii, 20-21 sentyabrya
2011g.- Harkov: HNPK «FED», 2011.- S.105-108.

Received by edition: 10.04.2016. Approved for the press: 6.06.2016

UDC 76.01.85


Denisenko A. V.1, Gursky A. A.1
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.164

The question of implementation of the interface between the DCNET and Flash media is examined. Usage of the
interface-based DCNET environment allows to reduce time and material costs for the development t and study of
complicated technological system and to increase functional imaging capabilities compared to ActionScript.

Discrete-continuous net, programming environment, xml, DCNET, Flash.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

For the correct interaction between the two media with different hierarchies, and action principles, data transmission
format between systems should be standardized. One of the main qualities of the data format must be the error messages
information drive. For easy "correction" data format should be visually easy to break into pieces. Modern transmission format
are html, css, xhtml, xml. For data transmission suitable one is only xml format. Though it similar to html, xhtml, it stillhas
properties that are unique and significantly facilitate the development of data transmission algorithm. There is a clear error
announcement system, transparent data view, modern logic, unlimited number of parameters, standard tags absence.
The schematic of both DCNET and Flash technologies is shown in Fig. 1.

Modeling environment DC- Library elements


Create a simulated system Defining the parameters of the


Defining the parameters of the


XML parameter files


Formation of the software Visualization of

layer the simulated

Formation of dynamic
connections Setting the initial data

Data changes in the system

during the simulation

Fig. 1 – The scheme of merger of two DCNET and Flash technologies.

Both technologies interact via XML language, involved in this case, to interface between two software environments
organising. Data are exchange between software DCNET environment on the compiled model level and it‘s current state,
place in the simulation system process. Such interaction completely allows to determine the model behavior , described by
familiar software means (discrete language - continuous networks), this eliminating the need for a program with object -
oriented ActionScript language for every model[2].
In this case Flash is used only for technological process visualisation. Adding to the DCNET structure - Flash allows to
reach interactive communication between them so that the controls system in the animated part of the Flash-application would
influenced the course of the simulation[1].
The flowchart communications between Flash DCNET and shown in Fig. 2.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016


Formation interval Δt communication

between DCNET and Flash


There are data for Yes Updating graphs, tables

graphs, tables and Flash and Flash animations


Determination of the current

time and Δt

Yes Windows Management
Δt > Δtзад Transfer to render

Gone Δt ≥ ΔtК


Fig. 2 – Flow diagram of a data exchange between DCNET and Flash.

Any element in the diagram has such properties as type and depending on its type, it can have any number of parameters.
XML format is now the most common data transmission format. To effectively operate the data, it is necessary to take into
account the format basic techniques, peculiarities of its behavior and structure of the XML data object itself. XML usage is
very convenient to describe the structured data[2].
This parametric life has to carry a classifier element, its properties and technical specifications. Data processing in the
visualization environment must quickly handle all the time characteristics and quickly reflect them. If it necessary to use the
local system, it‘s not sensible to embed data compression algorithm, since for the deployment of the compiled data file CPU
time is wasted.
If we do not use compression algorithm, it is necessary to decide how long you need to reboot. If you look at modern
video formats you can see that the viewer sees only 25 frames per second, so we can conclude that a reboot should be 1000/25
every 40ms.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

The time between loads almost equal to 40 ms, during which time we have to load xml, to process and display the
required data. The less nested tags exist, the faster is the processing, because the program cycle for each attachment treatment
is used. Record parameters, to exclude investments, we will take with the tag attributes.
Develop an xml file structure.
In tag title there are no xml limits, in flash there are many functions and system settings, so you should not use the
system parameters and names when writing a parametric file. One simple solution is to supplement the end of a text title with
any text.
We declare the main tag name "press".
Each internal tag will have the File name, so that we can understand whether it carries a tag information. This can be
used in the system setting up process and bug fixes. Xml file example[2].

<File1 typez="ventil" onoff="true" named="v1"/>
<File1 typez="mainbak" maxlev="90" nowlev="40" named="bak"/>
Consider the child tags in more detail.
<File1 typez="ventil" onoff="true" named="v1"/>

Object type ventil, which can be seen from the part of the line:"types =" ventil ".

For the current situation onoff = "true", is responsible, so we can see the open or closed valve. The name used in the flash
of the v1.
The fallowing tag contains typez = "mainbak", with a maximum level of 90, as evidenced by maxlev = "90". The current
level is nowlev = "40" the name in the flash part is named = "bak".
Window forming data transmission between DC-Net and Flash is shown in Fig 3. It reflects the information exchange in
the formation of the state vector in the technological prosses of PVC production. TTIP element, the number of parameters,
parameter type, etc are shown. Generalised actions over the variables are indicated in the right pane.

Fig. 3 – Data Windows formation between DC-Net and Flash

It was found that the mathematical representation of discrete-continuous processes and exactly the basis of the actual
interface DCNET environment allows to reduce time and material costs for the development and study of complex
technological system and to increase functional possibilities of the visualization environment compared to ActionScript.

[1] Peterson J. Theory of Petri Nets and Modeling / J. Peterson.; per. with ang.-M.: Mir, 1984.-264c.
[2] Bangal Sh ActionScript. Basics / W Bangali; per. from English. SPb: Symbol-Plus, 2002.-480 c.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

[3] Gaytan OM Vіzualіzatsіya rezultatіv Modeling virobnichih /O.M systems. Gaitan // Vіsn.KrNU IM. Ostrogradskogo.-
2013-VIP. 5.-S. 78-82.
[4] A.A Gursky candidate. Sc. Science. , A. Denisenko Systems kombynyrovannoho regulation proyzvodytelnosty centrifugal
compressor // Proceedings of the Odessa Polytechnic University Odessa UNP Vыp.2 (32), 2009 S. 78-83.
[5] A. Denisenko Ynformatsyonnaya TECHNOLOGY animation slozhnыh of technical complexes based on discrete
neprerыvnыh networks, flash-technology and funds DCNET // Registration storage and processing of data - 2014, Volume
16, №3.-S.54-61.

Received by edition: 12.04.2016. Approved for the press: 7.06.2016


Thinking Differently About Wastewater Management

Crucial to any treatment of wastewater is monitoring the water condition, and automation has an important role to
play here, says Marc Mason, business development manager at Emerson Process Management. ―Remote monitoring of
these parameters saves considerable labor time and costs vs. manual grab samples.‖
Along with saving time and money, remote monitoring also provides better data, says Todd Langford, water solutions
leader for unconventional oil and gas at GE Power. ―Real-time analytical data is becoming more and more important,‖
he says. ―For example, when a water sample is sent to a lab for analysis, that sample will change from the time it is sent
out to the time it is analyzed.‖
Automation can further enhance the accuracy of water analysis by keeping tabs on the sensors collecting the data,
Mason adds. ―The most important aspect of automation is the availability of real-time diagnostics on sensor condition.
Sensors can be replaced or calibrated when needed before readings are impacted.‖
As far as Easton is concerned, the best wastewater treatment solution is a central processing plant that makes
maximum advantage of economies of scale and automation. The ideal system, he says, draws in the wastewater from
surrounding wells to be processed in one place. There, wastewater is piped in and treated water is piped out, as in a
municipal wastewater treatment plant.
Just such a system is in place at Shell Oil‘s Pinedale Anticline Project Area (PAPA) in Wyoming, which reclaims
more than half of all the water it uses. The facility is one of a handful of oilfields taking this new approach to wastewater
treatment. At PAPA, some 400 wells send their wastewater to a central location, where it undergoes a variety of
processes to render it reusable. Treatment takes two main paths: The water can either be treated for release back into the
environment—at which point it exceeds drinking water standards—or it can be further treated for use in fracking
another well.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016


Kulia A.M.1

Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.165

Essence of process of water-supply of apartment dwelling house is considered. The existent state over of automation of
the pumping stations is brought. The task of development of the effective system of automatic control is put by them.
Possibility of decision of task is shown by the use in the system of frequency transformer that feeds the electrodrives of
pumps, and also due to perfection of algorithms of the pumps rotation frequency adjusting and logical management of
their switching a sequence. The practical value of the use of the system is to increase dynamic.
Pumping station, water supply, residential building, energy saving, automatic control, dynamic precision control.

The relevance of the objectives of the study. The water supply system of an apartment building – a residential, hospital or
sanatorium — objname is characterized by large water consumption. The water supply system are among the most expensive
technological objects in utilities and industry. The biggest component of cost is energy consumption. Ukraine belongs to
energy deficient countries. Therefore, energy savings deemed the most important direction of energy policy in Ukraine.
Developed comprehensive state and regional energy efficiency programs. The second component of the carrying capacity is
the amount of water, natural resources which are limited. The third component is an expensive technological equipment,
especially piping systems, the durability of which depends on the frequency of occurrence of overloads. In this light, it
naturally is actual scientific and technical problem of reducing the energy intensity of the technological process of water
supply. The solution to this problem is achieved social and economic results that improve the lives of people, increase the
economic capacity of the state, reduce environmental damage. This problem is solved mainly in two ways. The first of these is
the use of more sophisticated technological and electrotechnical equipment, and the second is in the development of
automation systems of pumping stations (NS), with the aim of improving the processes of control of technological equipment
and improvement at the expense of the economic performance of the SV [1].
The essence of the technological process of water supply - targeted use of energy resources in the water system to provide
water to the residential high-rise buildings.
The water supply system to provide connection to city water; water metering (water metering node); accumulation of
reserve water storage to smooth out peak demand; rise of water on high; stablises water pressure in the system regardless of
changes in discharge; gradual replacement of the volume of water in the tank savings; energy savings
The main task of pumping stations - maintain constant pressure in the water system in case of irregular water
consumption. This is especially true during peak hours, when the water flow is maximum, this period usually falls on the
morning and evening hours. Operation of the pumping station almost continuous - 24 hours a day. Therefore, prior to pumping
stations, designed for apartment buildings, high requirements of reliability and quality [2].
For optimal water supply on the objects to ensure the smooth operation of the entire water system engineers actively
practice the introduction of automation of pumping stations.
Automation in the pumping stations are controlled by the following functions:
- start/stop of pumps and other installations;
- control and regulation of parameters such as water level, flow, pressure and so on;
- the reception of signals about changing the parameters and transferring them into the controllers [3].
A review of the existing solutions.
There are many options of pumping stations, in particular, a complete pump station Wilo high pressure which uses 3
parallel connected high-pressure centrifugal pump. After the pumping station the water flows directly into the pipe network at

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

home. To control the drives of the pumps system is used Wilo-Comfort [
wilo.html]. Depending on the water pressure in the system pumps are enabled or disabled sequentially.
However, this control system has drawbacks:
1. With the direct inclusion of electric drives of pumps capacity of 2.2 kW each few years fail contactors of electric
drives for burning contacts.
2. When the pressure in the water system close to the boundary of the inclusion, one can observe the frequent on/off
of the drive that leads to its heating. If not configured thermal protection of the motor can be damaged.
3. The apartments located on the upper floors of the house, the pressure varies significantly (up to 1 bar), leading to a
realignment of the thermal mode when taking a shower.
Consider one of the variants of the automatic control system of pump station of water supply system of apartment
houses, developed at the Department of automation of production processes ONAFT.
The goal of this research - is to build a control system of the pump station, which would eliminate these shortcomings
and provide economical consumption of electricity. The goal was achieved through the use in the system of frequency
Converter that feeds the electric drives of the pumps, and also by improving the algorithms speed control of pumps and control
logic the sequence of their switching.
Known two systems pump station control using frequency Converter by using a constant or the shift supervisor of the
PID – regulator [].
The study scheme was chosen with a permanent master UNDER the regulator, given its relative simplicity and hence
greater reliability. It regulates the system pressure at home the pressure sensor signal, changing the frequency of rotation of a
single pump with frequency Converter. When the pressure due to the increase of expenditure will fall to a certain level, you
consistently will begin to turn on additional pumps direct inclusion.
For the implementation of the management system in its composition, in addition to the frequency Converter is further
included a pressure sensor and a flow sensor with a continuous analog output signals. The pressure sensor will provide a
feedback signal in the system, and the flow sensor is required to estimate the load, since the pressure of the water supply
network depends significantly on costs.
The main functions of the developed control system:
1. Stabilization of the pressure in the water network at a predetermined level by changing the frequency of rotation of the
first pump according to the PID-algorithm.
2. Improving the dynamic accuracy of pressure maintenance by adjusting the control signal depending on the change of
the water flow.
3. Logic control of switching actuators of the second and third pump in case the first pump does not provide the required
water flow.
4. Alarm about the critical values of water levels in the reservoir of accumulation, and minimum and Maksimalna values
of water pressure in the suction and magnetosome the pipeline.
5. Lock pre-crash situations when the critical values rnv or pressure with the issuance of the warning beeps.
6. Display information about the system operator with the ability to switch operation modes and configuration
parameters of the algorithms.
7. Data archiving proremote system in the form of necessary graphs.
8. Administration of SCADA-system.

Analysis of technological process vodozabezpechenist as the object of regulation

The aim of the pumping station is the provision in the house water with the pressure required at the lowest cost of
electricity. This is achieved by maintaining a water pressure of Рв home network at 6 bar with long permissible deviations ±0.1
and transient ±4 for 30C when its variable costs during the day.
To minimize the cost of electricity by improving the dynamic accuracy of maintaining of Рв(t) in time, and also due to
the proximity Rsad to the lowest possible level, i.e. to the lower boundary pressure, which will be comfortable using cold
water, especially on the upper floors. In the developed system to regulate the water pressure in the network by changing the
pump speed, i.e. the control action U1 is the frequency of rotation of the inverter, which drives the pump.
As a controlled perturbation consider changes in water flow Fв, which can be measured by flow meter.
To uncontrolled perturbations include changing the pressure in the urban network, but given the small values of these
changes in the future to consider them will not, especially that most of the time the pump station is powered by water, which
potratila in the suction pipe from the tank accumulation, and thus the pressure it is almost constant.
In the block diagram presents the own control channels and controlled disturbances (Fig.1)

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Fig. 1 Structural (coordinate) diagram of OU

It was investigated that the control channel has static properties, which are properties of self-regulation. During authentication,
the controlled coordinate of the disturbances found that in them is significantly dominated by the random component.
Development of control algorithms
The main factors that affect the dynamic accuracy of the system is the effect of controlled perturbations, which arise due
to load changes, i.e. changes in the water flow in a water network.The negative impact of these factors can be compensated by
introducing in the structure of ACS corrective communication that will ensure the invariance relative to controlled
It is known [Abstract of lectures on discipline ―automatic control Theory‖ (part II)– Jobin V. A. OHAPC. Odessa – 2007]
that one of the variants of constructing a system like this:

Fig. 2.- Structural diagram of the ACS is invariant with respect to the controlled disturbances

Fig. 3 – Graphical results of the comparison SAU more simple structure and SAU high dynamic accuracy

As a result of the synthesis of ACS is increased dynamic precision all the parameters of transient and steady-state modes
satisfy allowable requirements.
The resulting optimal parametric synthesis of SAR high dynamic accuracy showed the best performance for both direct
and integrated indicators of the quality compared to SAR with a PID controller and can be applied in practice when
implementing the system pressure control in water supply networks at home.
It was also developed by the working place of operator-technologist of the system.
AWS of operator-technologist should provide the ability to perform the following operator functions:
- control values of technological parameters of water supply process and the assignment of control modes;
- monitoring the status of the equipment (on, off, is in the accident) and the value xploiting installation options;
- to manage the starting and stopping of the installation in manual and automatic control modes;
- control individual equipment of the installation in manual mode;
- to control the occurrence of irregularities in the operation of the equipment and operatively to react to them.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Fig. 4 – automated work place of operator-technologist

1. The relevance of the research topic due to the severity of the problem of energy saving in Ukraine and, in particular,
the tasks of energy saving in water supply systems.
2. For optimal water supply to the facilities, to ensure uninterrupted operation of water supply system actively practiced
by introduction of automation of pumping stations.
3. To minimize the cost of electricity by improving the dynamic accuracy of maintaining of Ro(t) in time, and also due
to the proximity Rsad to the lowest possible level.
4. The resulting optimal parametric synthesis of SAR high dynamic accuracy showed the best performance for both
direct and integrated indicators of the quality compared to SAR with a PID controller and can be applied in practice
when implementing the system pressure control in water supply networks at home.

[1] Automated energy saving control of the pump station of water supply system / Gritsenko K. G.// author. 05.13.07.-Donetsk – 2002
[6] Konspekt kursa lektsiy po distsipline ―Teoriya avtomaticheskogo upravleniya‖ (chast I)– Hobin V.A. OGAPT. Odessa –
2007 g.

Received by edition: 15.04.2016. Approved for the press: 7.06.2016

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

UDC 681.51


Khobin V.A. 1, Levinskyi M.V.2
Odessa National Academy of food technologies, Odessa
ORCID: 0000-0002-6544-5110

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.166

Non-stationary control objects, especially with varying transmission coefficient, are fairly common in practice.
Creation of automatic control systems (ACS) for them is topical issue. This task of creating ACS for these kind of
control objects is more difficult than for stationary control objects (with constant parameters) because process value
deviations relative to set point value are caused not only by coordinate disturbances but also by parametric ones. The
issue of offset absence order increase impact on the levels of stabilization and reference tracking errors traditionally is
dealt with when making synthesis of stationary ACS, particularly follow-up and program systems. For analytical
solution of the non-stationary ACS analysis and synthesis problems, which contain control objects with varying
transmission coefficient ko(t), it is necessary to utilize mathematical methods of linear systems with varying parameters.
They are based on the concept of parametric transfer function. At the same time analytical calculation of stabilization
and reference tracking errors, even for steady processes, is, apparently, extremely difficult, because there were found
no examples of solution to this problem in technical publications. Computer modeling is considered more productive. It
does not allow to obtain analytical expressions for control errors. But computer experiment goal planning allows to
mark out their basic features and to evaluate effective methods of decreasing these mistakes.

Key words
Varying transmission coefficient, offset absence order increase, non-stationary control objects, automatic control

Non-stationary control objects, especially with varying transmission coefficient, are fairly common in practice. Creation
of ACS for them is topical issue. This task of creating ACS for these kind of objects is more difficult than for stationary control
objects (with constant parameters) because process value y(t) deviations relative to set point value ysp are caused not only by
coordinate disturbances but also by parametric ones ko(t).
Block diagram of the simplest non-stationary ACS with varying transmission coefficient ko(t) of the control object is
illustrated in fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Block diagram of ACS which includes control object with varying transmission coefficient

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Dynamic properties of this ACS are described by the set of linear differential equations:

R ( p)
 y ( t )  k o ( t )  W ( p )  u ( t )  f ( t )   k o ( t ) o u ( t )  f ( t ) 

 Q ( p ) , (1)

u (t )  W ( p )  y  y (t )
c sp

where Wsl(p) – transfer function of the control object stationary linear part, Q ( p ) - inherent operator, R ( p ) - influence

operator, Wc(p) – transfer function of the controller, p≡d/dt – differential operator.

The analysis of control errors Δy(t) which occur in this system is given in the article. The problem topicality which is
stated in the title is shown here.
Note that the ACS which is described by (1) is not adaptive. But this fact does not reduce research topicality of the
additional control errors Δy(t) which occur in the system due to ko(t) changes because they will develop not only in usual ACS
but also in adaptive ones. Understanding the causes of these error occurrence will make it possible to find ways of reducing
them. Particularly, as it follows from the title, utilizing offset absence order increase.

Analysis of publications on the topic

The issue of offset absence order increase impact on the levels of stabilization and reference tracking errors traditionally
is dealt with when making synthesis of stationary ACS, particularly follow-up and program systems [1, 2]. In this case the task
of these errors calculation in steady processes is considered on the basis of the ―Theorem about final value‖ of the Laplace
For analytical solution of the non-stationary ACS analysis and synthesis problems, which contain control objects with
varying transmission coefficient ko(t), it is necessary to utilize mathematical methods of linear systems with varying parameters
[3]. They are based on the concept of parametric transfer function. At the same time analytical calculation of stabilization and
reference tracking errors, even for steady processes, is, apparently, extremely difficult, because there were found no examples
of this problem solution in technical publications. Approximate solution methods are proposed in [4] with the assumption that
control object parameters changes take place relatively slow and it is possible to use method of ―frozen‖ coefficients. For
particular case, when control object transition coefficient changes according to linear dependence ko(t)=koin+vkot and the rest
parameters are stationary, expression for parametric transfer function has been obtained [5,6]:
( k oin  v ko t ) R ( s ) d  
W (s,t)   v ko R ( s )  o 
o   (2)
Q (s) dt  Q ( s ) 

where s – complex variable of Laplace transform, koin – initial value of transition coefficient.
Further analysis and synthesis of the control system with such control object authors propose to carry out fixing the value
of t=const for particular value of the control object transmission coefficient using known methods for systems with constant
parameters. In fact, it is offered to examine a set of partial solutions.
Computer modeling is considered more productive. It does not allow to obtain analytical expressions for control errors.
But computer experiment goal planning allows to mark out their basic features and to evaluate effective methods of decreasing
these mistakes.
The goal of this article – is to reveal the presence and features of additional stabilization and reference tracking errors
which occur in ACS during control of control objects with varying transition coefficient and to evaluate the influence of ACS
offset absence order on these errors.
Conditions for carrying out comparative research
ACS modeling was carried out according to block diagram in fig. 1 and for these model options:
- control object:
( s , t )  k o (t )  W ( s )  k o (t ) exp(   o s )
co sl
W (3)
(T o s  1)
where: τo=1 , To=2 – control object time delay and time constant values;
- parametric disturbance:

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

1 , 0 when t  150 s

a) k o ( t )   k oin  v ko  t , when t  (150 , t  arg( k o ( t )  1 , 6 )

1 , 6 when t  t

1 , 0 when t  150 s

b) k o ( t )   k oin  v ko  t , when t  (150 , t  arg( k o ( t )  0 , 6 )

 0 , 6 when t  t

c) k o ( t )  k oin  0 , 3 sin(   t ) , (6)

where: koin=1 – transition coefficient initial value; vko – ko speed change; ω – frequency of harmonic oscillation;
- controller:

( s )  k p (1  1 / T i 1 s ) ,
a) PI - W (7)

b) PII2 - W ( s )  k p (1  1 / T i s )  1 / T i 1T i 2 s ) ,
c 2
where kp=2,34 – transition coefficient values; Тi1=Тi2=2,70 – integrating constants values – parameters of controller
which ensure acceptable transitional processes within all range of ko(t) change;
- coordinate disturbances in channel ―f-y‖ f ( t )  m f
 f (t ) :
a) f ( t )  0 , (9)

 0 , S ~  1 , 762 /   0 , 0625 ,
b) m f f
~ sp
(t )  m  y (t ) :
- coordinate disturbances in channel ―ysp-y‖ y y

a) y sp ( t )  const , (11)
b) m y sp  const , S ~ sp  0 , 028 /  4  0 , 0001  (12)

- deterministic components of f and ysp (mathematical expectation); f ( t ) , ~y ( t ) - centered
where: m f
, my sp

random components of f and ysp; S ~

, S ~y sp - the spectral densities of random components.
Specific conditions of carrying out computer experiments and their results are reflected in the figures field and in the
summary table 1.

The results of comparative research

Non-stationary ACS free motion research during linear changing of parametric disturbance for models: (3), (4), (5), (7),
(8), (9), (11). Modeling fragments are shown in fig. 2, 3.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016



Fig. 2 – ACS controlled variable response with PI- (a) and PII2-controller (b) during linear decrease of control object transition
coefficient ko and with fixed coordinate disturbances y and f

In ACS free motion with linear changing parametric disturbances, as follows from fig. 2, in y(t) changes we can separate
transient processes and steady processes.
Occurrence of transient processes can be explained with the fact that ko(t) changes take place in finite time interval (see
(4), (5)), at the beginning and at the end of which speed vko of ko(t) changes equals to zero. Transient processes areas are
marked with grey color. In system with the first order of offset absence transient processes are aperiodic, with the second order
– oscillating and controlled variable maximum dynamic deviation y(t) is in proportion to transition coefficient ko(t) changing
speed vko.
During linear changing of ko(t) processes in ACS have steady behavior. In this mode in system with first order of offset
absence steady errors Δy(t) of controlled variable occur. The value of these errors is in proportion to ko(t) speed change vko.
And Δy(t) changes are nonlinear and progress with ko(t) change. In system with the second order of offset absence, as follows
from fig. 2b, steady errors are close to zero.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016


Fig. 3 – ACS controlled variable response with PI- (a) and PII2-controller (b) during linear increase of control object transition
coefficient k o and with fixed coordinate disturbances y sp and f

Similar ACS research has been done during linear increase of control object transition coefficient ko(t). When comparing
fig. 2a and 3a, we can notice, that with linear ko(t) change in ACS with first order of offset absence steady error Δy(t) of
controlled variable have different behavior: in the first case it increases and in the second case – decreases.
Non-stationary ACS free motion research with harmonic changing of parametric disturbance has been done for models:
(3), (6), (7), (8), (9), (11). Modeling fragments are shown in fig. 4.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Fig. 4 – ACS controlled variable response with PI and PII2-controller with harmonically changing control object transition
coefficient k oi  k oin  0 , 3  sin(  i t ), i  1, 3 and with fixed coordinate disturbances y sp and f

Transient processes which occur at the beginning and at the end of parametric disturbance ko(t) change are not included in
the time interval which is shown in fig. 4. In this case ACS operates at steady state. In system with first order of offset absence
errors Δy(t) occur and their magnitude is in proportion to oscillation frequency ω of ko(t). Also unsymmetry of controlled
variable y(t) oscillations can be seen because during transition coefficient ko(t) increase errors Δy(t) are suppressed more
effectively and during decrease – on the contrary.
ACS offset absence order increase from first to second leads to considerable errors Δy(t) suppress and they occur only at
the moments of y(t) derivative sign change during decreasing of ko(t).
Non-stationary ACS forced motion research with parametric disturbance harmonic change and random change of
coordinate disturbances has been done for models: (3), (6), (7), (8), (10), (11). Modeling fragments are shown in fig. 5.

Fig. 5 – ACS controlled variable response with PI and PII 2-controller with harmonically changing control object transition
coefficient k o  k oin  0 , 3  sin( 0 , 02  t ) and with fixed disturbance y sp and with standing random disturbances f ( t )

This example is closer to actual conditions of ACS operation when coordinate disturbances of random nature f(t) make
impact on control object. In ACS with the first order of offset absence parametric disturbances ko(t) lead to occurrence of
additional low-frequency components in control variable y(t) changes.
In ACS with the second order of offset absence the average value of stochastic process y(t) is less deviant from set point

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Generalized experiment results for the case of harmonic ko(t) change are shown in the table 1. ACS operating accuracy
with the first(1) and the second(2) order of offset absence in steady state is convenient to compare using proportion of their
(2) (1 )
errors  y i / yi
, which can be determined from the expression:


 y
( t ) dt

, where t b  2  /  i , t e  4  /  i , i  1 , 3 .
yi 
2 /  i

Table 1. Comparative research results of ACS operating quality with the first and the second order of offset absence

Parametric disturbance k oi ( t )  k oin  0 , 3  sin(  i t ), i  1 , 3 .

Experimental conditions (EC)


 1  0 , 005 rad
 2  0 , 01 rad
 3  0 , 02 rad
s s s

(2) (1 )
yi ,yi - error evaluation in ACS with the first and the second order of offset absence

1. External disturbance f ( t )  0 ,
EC 1

set point value y sp  const

y1 (2)

sp (1 ) (2) y1 (1 ) (2) (1 ) (2) y1

y y1 y1 y1 y1 (1 )
y1 y1
(1 )
 y1 (1 )
 y1  y1

20 0,0008 0,000012 0,015 0,0015 0,000047 0,03 0,0031 0,0002 0,061

30 0,0011 0,000018 0,016 0,0023 0,000071 0,03 0,0046 0,0003 0,061

40 0,0015 0,000024 0,016 0,0031 0,000094 0,03 0,0061 0,0004 0,062

50 0,0019 0,000029 0,015 0,0038 0,000120 0,03 0,0076 0,0005 0,062

60 0,0023 0,000035 0,015 0,0046 0,000140 0,03 0,0092 0,0006 0,062

 1 , 762 /(   0 , 0625 )
2. External disturbance f ( t )  m f  f ( t ), m  0, S ~
f f ,
EC 2

 const
set point value y

y2 (2)

sp (1 ) (2) y2 (1 ) (2) (1 ) (2) y2

y y2 y2 y2 y2 (1 )
y2 y2
(1 )
y2 (1 )
y2 y2

20 0,0077 0,0092 1,19 0,0071 0,0092 1,30 0,0077 0,0092 1,19

30 0,0077 0,0092 1,19 0,0073 0,0092 1,26 0,0084 0,0092 1,10

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

40 0,0078 0,0092 1,18 0,0076 0,0092 1,21 0,0093 0,0092 0,99

50 0,0079 0,0092 1,16 0,0079 0,0092 1,16 0,0100 0,0092 0,92

60 0,0080 0,0092 1,15 0,0083 0,0092 1,11 0,0120 0,0092 0,77

3. External disturbance f ( t )  0 , set point value y ( t )  m y ~ sp

 y ( t ),
EC 3


 const , S ~ sp  0 , 028 /(   0 , 0001 )

m sp
y y

y3 (2)
(1 ) (2) y3 (1 ) (2) (1 ) (2) y3
m sp y3 y3 y3 y3 (1 )
y3 y3
y (1 )
y3 (1 )
y3 y3

20 0,0048 0,0021 0,44 0,0049 0,0022 0,45 0,0056 0,0023 0,41

30 0,0049 0,0021 0,43 0,0052 0,0022 0,42 0,0066 0,0023 0,35

40 0,0050 0,0021 0,42 0,0056 0,0022 0,39 0,0077 0,0023 0,30

50 0,0051 0,0021 0,41 0,0060 0,0022 0,37 0,0089 0,0023 0,26

60 0,0053 0,0021 0,40 0,0066 0,0022 0,33 0,0100 0,0024 0,24

The analysis of the table indicate that the ACS errors values with the first order of offset absence when controlling of the
control object with varying transition coefficient is in proportion to set point value and, therefore, is in proportion to according
control variable average value and to control object transition coefficient speed change. In most cases, as experiments show,
ACS with the second order of offset absence show better operating quality.
It should be noted that all experiments were carried out in the specific range of control object transition coefficient
change where ACS was stable. For control objects in which ko(t) changes in wider range, controller transition coefficient self-
tuning loop should be added to the ACS structure. For such systems the task of ACS controller offset absence order increase
remains relevant.
1. In ACS with the first order of offset absence during control of object with linear increase of transition coefficient,
additional control errors occur, which in their nature are similar to speed errors of stationary ACS which occur as a
consequence of coordinate disturbances linear change. The values of these additional errors are in proportion to control
variable average value and to control object transition coefficient change speed.
2. It is possible to compensate the errors which occur as a consequence of parametric disturbances impact with
increase of offset absence order, e.g. by addition of one more integral component to the controller. Reasonability decision of
such increase should be made taking into consideration concrete conditions of ACS operation.

[1] Topcheev U.I. Atlas dlya proektirovaniya sistem avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya/ U.I. Topcheev. – M.: Mashinostroenie,
1989. – 752s.
[2] Besekerskiy V.A. Teoriya sistem avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya/ V.A. Besekerskiy, E.P. Popov. – M.: Nauka, 1972. –
768 s.
[3] Solodovnikov V.V. Technicheskaya kibernetika. Teoriya avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya/ V.V. Solodovnikov. – M.:
Mashinostroenie, 1969. – 607s.
[4] Barkovskiy V.V. Metodi sinteza sistem upravleniya/ V.V. Barkovskyi, V.N. Zaharov, A.S. Shatalov. – M.:
Mashinostroenie, 1969. – 323 s.
[5] Rudnizkiy B.E. Opredelenie peredatochnih funkziy nekotorih systems peremennimi parametrami/ B.E. Rudnizkiy. – M.:
Avtomatika i telemehanika, 1960. – 1565 – 1575 s.
[6] Semenihin V.K. Peredatochnie funkzii sistem avtomaticheskogo regulirovaniya s lineino izmenyaushimisya parametrami. –
M.: Avtomatika i telemechanika, 1962. – 1421-1430 s.

Received by edition: 17.04.2016. Approved for the press: 9.06.2016

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

UDC 661.66


Zhuchenko O.A.1
National technical university of «Kiev polytechnical institute», Kiev
ORCID: 0000-0001-5611-6529

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.167

The paper formulated optimization problem formulation production of carbon products. The analysis of technical and
economic parameters that can be used to optimize the production of carbonaceous products had been done by the
author. To evaluate the efficiency of the energy-intensive production uses several technical and economic indicators. In
particular, the specific cost, productivity, income and profitability of production. Based on a detailed analysis had been
formulated optimality criterion that takes into account the technological components of profitability. The components
in detail the criteria and the proposed method of calculating non-trivial, one of them - the production cost of each
product. When solving the optimization problem of technological modes of production into account constraints on the
variables are optimized. Thus, restrictions may be expressed on the number of each product produced. Have been
formulated the method of calculating the cost per unit of product. Attention is paid to the quality indices of finished
products as an additional constraint in the optimization problem. As a result have been formulated the general problem
of optimizing the production of carbon products, which includes the optimality criterion and restrictions.

Key words
Carbon products, optimization problem, optimization criterion, cost, energy consumption, product quality.

Development and deployment of innovative technologies in case of production of electrode products is caused of an
actual task of decrease in specific costs of energy and material resources in engineering procedures such, as, actually
productions of coal-graphite products, and when using of the called products in steel-smelting, ferroalloy arc furnaces of
metallurgical and machine-building enterprises, anodes of magnesian electrolyzers, cathodes of aluminum electrolyzers,
linings of blast, ferroalloy furnaces and electrothermal aggregates of the chemical industry, other equipment of a special
functional purpose with special requirements to physical and chemical and mechanical properties of materials.
Metallurgical branch of Ukraine spend about 30%of all power consumption at industries. Energy part of metallurgical
products cost price is about 60 %, and at the same time this index is less than 25% at the advanced countries.
That is, the decision and implementation in production of new criteria of optimization of production it is directed to
achievements of the European and international standards, promotes increase, first of all, in production competitiveness in
Ukraine to electrode products, strengthening of strategic and important sectors of domestic economy and scientific technical
development of technology of carbon and graphite and electrometallurgical production. On the other hand, the entity place in
the world and domestic markets, an orientation on implementation of innovative developments, internal monitoring on
reduction of specific costs of energy, product cost promotes investment appeal of the metallurgical entities of Ukraine.
Criteria choosing of manufacture optimization of carbon products.
To rate effectiveness of such energy intensive manufacture like carbon products production may be used some technic
technical-and-economic indexes. Let‘s consider the most used of them.
The productivity of production, as a rule, is included to other indexes as its part, but it also may be an independent
criteria. The productivity as an independent criteria is generally used if the methods are used to solve the optimization
problems the productivity as a result becomes better and other indexes of economics don‘t become worse.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Specific prime cost, as an index of effectiveness is generally used in case the optimal productivity by the criteria is not
less than productivity, that is needed for timely qualified and full processing of all number initial raw materials.
The typical feature of specific prime cost, as a criteria of productivity effectiveness is an artificial reduction of a part, that
can be calculated by specific exploration indexes. It occurs when the price of raw materials is permanent or its change is not
connected with change of operational indicators and the mode of production. Therefore to estimate its efficiency it is
reasonable to apply criterion of products prime cost unlike criterion of directly production cost on condition of change of prime
cost of raw materials.
Profit of production – is an index of efficiency of production, that contains exploration cost, prime cost of raw materials
and final product.
The most general performance indicator of production which consists of the above-considered indicators is profitability
of sold goods which in a complex reflects efficiency rate of use of material, labor and money resources, and also natural riches
[1]. Therefore exactly it is reasonable to choose this indicator as optimality criterion of production of carbon products.
The profitability of sold goods is calculated by the equation
RQ  , (1)
where Q – is profit of sailed products; C – prime cost of products.
Profit of sailed products is calculated by equation below:

Q  a i Fi , (2)
i 1

where a i and Fi - is according to the price of a unit and the number of units of i type of production; N – the number of types
of sailed production.
It is understood, that the value of profit is depended of a price and the number of sailed production of each type. In
dependence of these indexes the value of profitability Q will be changed.









1 2 3 4 5 6
Номер партії
Number of batch

Fig. 1 – Profitability changing

At the fig. 1 it is shown the sailed products profitability changing of 6 various lots of carbon products for the same period
of time on condition of the products general weight approximate invariance.
When prices and demand changes on the sales market the production effectiveness, that is evaluated by the profitability
Q, will be changed. It is caused the requirement of taking into account these changings in planning the production.
Let‘s consider the components of profitability more detailed.
The prime cost C of the products consist of exploration costs C E K and initial raw materials С с и р price.
C  C E K  C сир (3)

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Raw materials costs in condition of defined volume of production is demands only of its price, but even if they are
changed the costs are not depend on exploration indexes and the work modes of production. Taking into account this
component to equation of criteria (1) brings to artificial reduction of component, that is defined by exploration indexes of
production. That‘s why deciding optimization problems production technical areas works when the goal is to rise sensitivity of
optimization criteria (1) to exploration indexes of production in calculation of prime cost C of products manufacture by the
equation (2), the component C с и р should be neglected.
Exploration costs C EK are defined by energy- M and labor –L costs on technical processes of production:
C EK  M  L . (4)
Energy costs on production includes energy costs on its each area

M  m j , (5)
j 1

where m j - energy costs of j area of production; S – a number of production areas.

Labor costs on production technical processes are calculated by the equation:
L  L1  L 2  L 3 , (6)
where L1 - direct labor costs, L2 - labor shop costs (the salary of labor shop personnel, amortization costs, labor rooms keeping
and so on); L 3 - plant general costs (general plant personnel salary, plant laboratories keeping and so on).
Labor cost L is not depended of technological modes of production processes and approximately is a constant value, that
makes it possible not to consider it in optimal production processes modes calculation.
Based on the stated analysis above to solve optimization problem of production engineering procedures instead of
criterion (1) it is reasonable to use its modified option:
R  . (7)
The usage of this criteria instead of (1) provides to rise sensitiveness of optimization criteria on the relation to the
technological variables, which if are realized on the controlled object can provide its functioning in optimal technological
Prime cost of exploration costs C E K is calculated by the equation

C EK  c F i i
, (8)
i 1

where c i - unit prime cost of I type of product.

Technique of calculation of unit prime cost of i products type.
The value C i in conditions of production, as a rule, is not the known size. Therefore the following methods of calculation
of this size are offered.
The first can be used when for the fixed calendar period the known raw and energy production costs, and also amount of
the made products in weight expression. In this case it is rather simple to calculate prime cost value of one kilogram of the
made products. Having increased this result by the weight of each separate product, we get required prime cost value.
Unfortunately, this method, though formally answers the question posed, but actually does not give the objective answer
to a question about prime cost value of each type of products separately because its application practically equalizes resource-
and energy costs of all types of products that does not answer reality.
Other method provides the following technique of calculations. First of all it is necessary to determine real costs Si for
each separate і products type:

Si   S j , (9)
j 1

where S j - cost of j component in i products type; n i - a quantity of raw components in i products type.
Further it is necessary to determine an energy component a prime cost value component і products. This task is more
difficult. The reason consists that coal-graphite production is discrete and continuous, that is the basic power-intensive
engineering procedures, such as a burning out and graphitizing, are made in the continuous mode, but products are processed
by batches. At the same time the structure of the loaded products can be a miscellaneous from a batch to a batch. However
completion of m engineering procedure of handling only total energy costs E l , m on all l batch are known which can be
presented in the form

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016


E l ,m  e m ,i Fi , (10)
i 1

where e m , i - processing costs of i product in m engineering procedure; Nl - a quantity of different types of products in l
handling batch.
Having carried out enough campaigns of handling, we will receive the system of the linear algebraic equations of type
(10) for l =1,2..., Nm. Nm - the number of the campaigns of m engineering procedure. The decision of this system will give
e m , i . Having summed up, - quantity of technological production stages і - го a product; we will find energy costs.
Let‘s find energy costs E i on і products type.
General prime cost value of і type of products is calculated as the amount of raw and energy costs:
C i  S i  E i , i=1,2,…, N,
where N - total quantity of products.
Technological restrictions and quality of finished goods.
Solving a optimization problem of the production technological modes it is necessary to consider restrictions for
variables which are optimized. On production of carbon products restrictions can be formulated differently.
Restrictions can be expressed by quantity of each type of the made products:
m ax
Fi  Fi , (11)
m ax
where F i - the maximum productivity of production on i products type.
Restriction which integrates in itself all types of products can be formulated thus:

g i Fi  G m a x , (12)
i 1

where g i - weight of i products type; G m a x - the maximum power of production, expressed in weight units.
Thus, the optimization problem of the technological modes of production mathematically includes an optimality criterion
(7) with restrictions (11) and (12). This task is a task of integer nonlinear programming which can be solved by the known
methods [2, 3], using the standard software [4].
This problem of nonlinear programming can be solved in 2 stages with use of methods [5, 6] and software [4] of linear
It is for this purpose offered to solve two separate problems of linear programming at the first stage. The first task is
formulated thus:
Q  a i Fi  m a x (13)
in case of restriction of either (11), or (12) type. We will have decisions, as a result, which answer the maximum profit on sales
of products in the conditions of restrictions for production power.
The second task of linear programming is formulated thus:

C EK  c F i i  m in (14)
i 1

if limits are
m in
Fi  Fi , i  1, 2 , ..., N , (15)

g i F i  G m in , (16)
i 1
m in
where Fi - minimum admissible quantity of the made products of i type; G m in - minimum admissible power of production
in weight units.
The value G m in can be defined by this equation
G m in  G m a x  , (17)
where  - the size of admissible reducing general production value known beforehand.
As a result of the solution of other task we have F i ІІ , i  1, 2 ,  , N , those correspond to minimization of production
operating costs.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

І ІІ opt
At the second stage it is necessary to scan ranges from Fi to Fi to define optimum values F i , i  1, 2 ,  , N as a
In case of certain quantity n i of i products type need be surely produced the numerator and a denominator of expression
(7) changes as appropriate:
n N n N

Q   ai ni   a i Fi , (18) C EK   ci ni   c i Fi , (19)
i 1 i  n 1 i 1 i  n 1

where n - a quantity of types of products which production volume is fixed.

At the same time the quantity of variables which are subject to search by production optimization decreases on n , that
definitely simplifies a task.
Except the restrictions called above, it is necessary to consider restrictions for quality indicators of carbon and graphite
products. These restrictions in general can be formulated as follows: G m in  G fa c t  G m a x ,
where G m in , G fa c t , G m a x - vectors of respectively minimum admissible, actual and most admissible values of quality indicators
of carbon and graphite products. These vectors can consist[7-9]: for carbon blocks - density, porosity, strength limiton
compression, temperature coefficient of linear expansion, heat conductivity coefficient; for graphite electrodes – the volume
density, content of cindery impurity, specific electric resistance, thermal coefficient of linear expansion, a limit of mechanical
durability on a bend, the module of rigidity of Jung.
Thus, increase of production efficiency of carbon products is connected with optimization of the modes of technological
processes functioning on the basis of criterion (7) taking into account technological restrictions and increase of the necessary
qualitative indexes of finished goods.
The solution of a optimization problem shall be performed before the next calendar period. Besides, the need for the
repeated solution of this task can arise in case of not planned, or emergency stop of production, for example, in case of power
supply shutdown.
On the basis of the analysis of technical and economic indicators which can be used for optimization of production of
carbon products the optimality criterion which considers technological components of profitability of production is formulated.
Components of the chosen criterion are in details considered and the uncommon calculation procedure is offered, to one of
them – prime cost of production of each type of products.
Technological limits of production which can be considered solving optimization problem are formulated and the method
of its considering is offered.
The attention is paid to qualitative indexes of finished goods as to additional restrictions in an optimization task.
The general optimization problem of production of carbon products which includes optimality criterion and restrictions is
as a result formulated.
It is necessary to develop mathematical models of engineering procedures of production, and also system of their
management for the solution of an objective, as is a subject of further researches.

[1] Mytrofanova H. V., Kravchenko H. O., Barabash N. S. Finansovyi analiz /za red. H. V. Mytrofanova. — K.: Kyiv. nats.
torh.-ekon. un-t: / Navchalnyi posibnyk — 2002. — 301 s.
[2] Box George E. R., Jenkins Gwilym M. Time series analysis, forecasting and control. Holden-day, Inc., 1976.
[3] Eikkhoff P. Osnovy ydentyfykatsyy system upravlenyia: otsenyvanye parametrov y sostoianyia / Eikkhoff P. – M. : Myr,
1975. – 683 s.
[4] Gilat, Amos (2004). MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-
[5] Bertsekas, Dimitri P. (1999). Nonlinear Programing (Second ed.). Cambridge, MA.: Athena Scientific. ISBN 1-886529-00-
[6] Ruszczyński, Andrzej (2006). Nonlinear Optimization. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. pp. xii+454. ISBN 978-
[7] DSTU 4494:2005 Elektrody zghrafitovani ta nipeli do nykh. Zahalni tekhnichni umovy. Zi zminoiu № 1 (IEC 60239:1997,
[8] Chalykh E. F. Tekhnolohyia y oborudovanye elektrodnykh y elektrouholnykh predpryiatyi / E. F. Chalykh. — M. :
Metallurhyia, 1972. — 432 s.
[9] Proyzvodstvo elektrodnoi produktsyy / [A. K. Sannykov, A. B. Somov, V. V. Kliuchnykov y dr.]. — M. : Metallurhyia,
1985. — 129 s.

Received by edition: 19.04.2016. Approved for the press: 9.06.2016

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

UDC: 537.8, 620.3, 621.3, 681.2


Kudrya V.G.1
Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.168

In this paper proved the possibility of developing passive electronic inductive elements based replace metal wire that is
wound inductor, the wire is made of electret. The relative permeability of the electret S  10 000, several orders of
magnitude greater than the permeability of conventional insulation materials, i < 10, resulting current in the wire
acquires properties bias current. The essence of innovation is to replace the source of of magnetic induction flow that
pervades the core of the coil. According to the theory of electrodynamics, current bias, in contrast to conduction
current, generated no movement of charge along the wire, but the change of the charge in the local volume.
Equivalence bias current and conduction current is manifested in the possibility of forming a magnetic field. The flow
through magnetic induction coil core regardless of the current it generates, creates voltage at its ends.
The paper also shows the numeric characteristics that determine the effective frequency range, specified the reason
why electric a wire with і < 10 can not generate magnetic flux through the core and serve as a passive reactive
Inductance; coil; transformer; high-frequency microelectronics; electricity.

Research topic relates to the field of electronic production, especially high basic components of electrical circuits.
Although the technology of manufacturing monolithic integrated circuits reached 20 nm separation levels proposed in this
paper, the ideas will improve their functionality by replacing the active inductances miniature passive inductor, construction of
which involves the replacement of metallic conductor on electret.
Theory, ways to implement the coils and their design enough known [1, 2, 3] and detailed in scientific literature since the
work of Michael Faraday (1791-1867), (Michael Faraday. Experimantal Researches in Electricity, that published in three
volumes in the period from 1839 to 1855 years). Side surface of the metal conductor is usually coated with insulating material
to isolate the coil circle apart. Permittivity insulating material  < 5, commensurate with the magnitude of the dielectric
constant of dry air  = 1. Wire, wound on the carcass cylindrical, conical, toroidal, or other form of lateral surface in one or in
several layers.
Analytical calculation coefficient of self-induction L (inductance) for different variants of geometric forms coils wound
metal wire, fully presented in the book [2] in which to practice with sufficient fullness describes methods of analysis and are
given the appropriate formulas. Specific design inductors are protected by many patents, for example, [3, 4]. Analysis of the
morphology of existing inductors indicate that they are only in form but not in substance, differ from one another. Their
differences are dictated only change the size and terms of use, which limits their functional versatility. In addition, the
conduction current flowing through the wires, causing thermal energy losses and imposes restrictions on the value of real
quality factor coils, not exceeding Q <200, even in the case of conductors with silver or gold, with the greatest relative
The study aims to the disclosure of the processes of transformation of physical quantities in the dielectric inductor (DCI)
calculation of their characteristics, confirming the possibility of implementing the proposed idea.

1. 1. Theoretical study.
Consider first the processes in idealized inductor. The mechanism of occurrence voltage rather simple and schematic
submitted following successive transformations of physical quantities, Fig. 1. The current external source і(t), that flows

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

through coil turns, creates a magnetic flux Ф(t) and the latter, penetrating the core of the coil, it leads to voltage u(t) according
to Faraday's law [8, p. 17]

u  (1)
where u – the voltage at the ends of inductors

i Ф u

Fig. 1. - The transformation of physical quantities in the inductor

Prove the possibility of developing dielectric inductors. For this we consider construct, fig. 2, in which the wire «1», that
wound on a skeleton of coil «3», and made of electret, the relative dielectric constant of which, c  10 000, several orders of
magnitude higher than the dielectric constant of air or insulating wire «2», d < 10, that isolates turns of each other.
1.1. According to Maxwell's equations [1, 8],
D B
r o tH  j  , r o tE   , (2)
t t
where (H, B), (E, D) – modules vectors of tension and induction respectively magnetic and electric fields. The relationship
between the vectors (2) determined by the material parameters , ,  of the environment

D  aE, J   E, B  aH , (3)

where a (Ф/м), , (Sim / m) a (H / m) – absolute permeability values corresponding vectors H (À / m ), E (V / m )

electromagnetic field in the dielectric, conductor and magnetic environment.

Fig. 2 - Dielectric inductor 1 - ferroelectric wire; 2 - dielectric insulation; 3 - magnetic conductive frame.

Classical Electrodynamics equation (2), (3) show that at each point in space vortices source r o tH of the magnetic field
may be not only the conduction current density j , and the density and displacement currents –  D  t . The current
displacement, in contrast to conduction current is not associated with the movement of noses elementary charge, but resulting
changes of the electric induction time. Another significant difference between the currents is that the current conduction may
not vary in time, in which case it generates a constant magnetic field, which does not depend on time. However, a constant
electric field can not generate a variable and not constant magnetic field. Thus, one could argue that the inductor can be created

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

not only a metal wire, and wire and dielectric having a high dielectric constant s where there is a flow of electric displacement
field, directed along the axis of the wire. However, with increasing frequency displacement current only grow, and the current
conduction, because of the inertia of real particles and skin effect will diminish. Flow bias current trajectory in turns creates a
magnetic flux in the core , which is a source of electromotive force of Faraday (1). Thus, the circuit changes, Fig. 1, reflects the
work of inductors that wound as a metal and dielectric wire. The difference between the idealized process is the conversion of
the electric induction flux in the flux of magnetic induction, Fig. 1, takes place in an environment with:    for metallic
conductor;    in dielectric coil.
It should make a remark that equation (2) describe the relationship between the vectors in separate point of space, but not
difficult to prove the relationship flows vectors of electromagnetic field induction vectors with values in some of its points.
This should specify the problem by asking morphology inductors and electrical parameters of its components.
1.2. We know that in a linear environment, the current flowing through the inductor generates in plane crossing its core S
flux of magnetic induction
Ô   Bds (4)
indirect source of which is current i(t), which is defined as flux of the current density. The value of this stream for a linear
environment directly proportional to the turns of the coil current.

Ô (t)  L * i(t) (5)

where L – main parameter that in the theory electrical circuits was named the coefficient of self-induction (or inductance). Its
value depends on the design features coil: geometric dimensions and electrical parameters of carcass wire insulation shell and
Component equation idealized inductors obtained by substituting (5) into (1)

t t
di 1 1
u  L* ; i  *  ud t  i(0 )  *  udt (6)
dt L  L 0

where i(0) – constant of integration which characterizes the stocks distributed in space reactive energy of the magnetic field on
time t=0. Current i(0) specifies the initial conditions for the solution of the problem of transient in electrical circuit with the
coil inductance. Within descriptors classical theory of electrical circuits equation (6) is postulated as the thesis is seen as
imperative law.
Given that the nature of the current component equations (6) is not established, it is believed that the classical theory of
electrical circuits. as the theory of electromagnetic field, also not denied using bias current to generate dielectric inductors.
1.2. Consider the basic properties of the electret from the perspective of their use as substances with which it is proposed
to produce wire inductors. Nomenclature of chemical compounds that are characterized by relative permittivity that a thousand
times greater than the dielectric conductivity of air, every day is increasing, as, indeed, and the scope of their application. To
the electrets include: Rochelle salt –NaKC4H4O6•4Н2O; barium titanate – ВаТiO3; triglycine sulfate –
(CH2NH2CO*OH)3H2SO4; potassium dihydrogen phosphate – KH2PO4; gadolinium molybdate – Gd2(MoO4)3; fluorine
beryllates – (NH4)2BeF4; lithium niobate – LiNbO3 etc. Electrets properties and their possible application areas attract the
attention of manufacturers of electronic devices and are the subject of many research scientists. [5, 6], . Electret allowed to develop its properties unique micro capacitors. For the same
values of capacitors capacity size at least an order of magnitude were less than electrolytic capacitors that are made in metal
cans up to 20 cm in height.
Microstructure electret material, like a mosaic composed of domains - domains with different directions of polarization of
electric dipoles. In the absence of an external electric field overall dielectric dipole moment is not shown. But under the
influence of an external electric field is the reorientation of dipole moments of domains in a direction that is correlated with the
field lines. As a result, the total electric field domain will support specific orientation and after the termination of extraneous
field. Thus, the electret wire dipole reorientation charges around a fixed point of rotation without moving them, as in the metal
along the wire. The lack of reciprocal compensation direction dipole fields leads to a sharp increase in the electric field inside
the electret wire. This electric field increases by several orders of magnitude, so that the relative permittivity of the field, for
example, to reach Rochelle salt εmax≈104.
Electrets properties change significantly depending on the parameters of the environment. In particular, the solid physical
state of each ferroelectric characterized by temperature, above which its unique properties disappear and it becomes normal
dielectric properties of εd < 10. This temperature was called "Curie point". For some electrets, there is not only the upper but
also the lower limit of the temperature range within which there is intense polarization domains. For example, Rochelle salt has
two Curie points (—18 and +24)0С. Similar properties characterized compounds having isomorphic with Rochelle salt

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

microstructure. In addition, when approaching the Curie points, a sharp increase in heat capacity electrets, that accompanied by
a change in its electrical parameters. Arguably, inductors with wire electret, like ferroelectric capacitors find wide use in the art
instrument engineering and environmental monitoring.
2. The principle of operation
2.1. Convert vector flow induction in the coil inductance
To understand the principle of the dielectric coils find out the difference between the coils, which wound idealized
ferroelectric (  ) and idealized dielectric (  ) wire.
For this we use the model of quasi-stationary electromagnetic field in which is possible to use formula (1), (5), (6).
Considering the conversion of physical quantities, Fig. 1, it should be noted that in different environments, these changes occur
on different paths. In the idealized case, this difference is manifested in the way of guidance flow vectors induce electric and
magnetic fields in relation to the axis of symmetry coils and the axis of symmetry of wire, which this coil is wound.
In the coil that is wound idealized ferroelectric Fig. 3, an electric field is applied to the ends of the coil, Fig. 3a, within
each coil wire has the ability to change its direction as a result of active ferroelectric polarization domains and, ideally, the
flow of electric displacement field inside the wire N directed along the trajectory spiral coil, Fig. 3b.

a b
Fig. 3 - ferroelectric coil, a - the orientation of the magnetic flux Ф (3) to the axis (2) coils (1); b - flow conversion
circuit of the electric and magnetic induction.

Its time for a change in the formula (2) and is the source of magnetic flux Ф. These flows N and Ф are mutually
perpendicular and therefore flux Ф "3" is directed inside the coils axis parallel to its "2".
In the coil, Fig. 4, wound idealized dielectric with d = 1, an electric field is applied to the ends of the coil, Fig. 4a, within
each coil wire has the ability to change its direction due strictly related domains like "vacuum" does not respond to an external
electric field, and therefore such a coils electric field oriented parallel to the axis OO '"2" , Fig. 4b. This flux of magnetic
induction F, will circulate in the to the transverse plane. Power lines are like arrows magnetic compass around the conductor,
which simulates the inductor.

a b
Fig. 4 - Dielectric coil, a - the orientation of the magnetic flux Ф (3) to the axis (2) (1); b - flow conversion circuit of
the electric and magnetic induction.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

3. Comparative characteristics
To determine the performance characteristics of coil and comparative analysis we write Maxwell's equations for complex
amplitudes of harmonic oscillations. In view of (3) equation (2) have the form

r o tH   E  j   a E , r o tE   j   a H (7)

where  – cyclic frequency harmonic oscillation of the electric field.

Using these equations solve a number of tasks that allow you to perform a comparative analysis of the properties of
inductors that are made of metal and wire electret.
Task 1. Find current value I, a copper conductor, the dimensions of which: length l=100 m; diameter wire  = 1 mm, – if
applied to the ends of the wire voltage U=10 V, the specific conductivity of copper  = 5,7*107 Sim/m.
Solution 1. Conductor resistance [1, p 34] is defined as
1 d
R 
 ds
for a homogeneous environment conductor

R   2 .2 3 4 Om
and conduction current

U 10
I    4 .4 7 7 A
R 2 .2 3 4
independent from the frequency.
Find the value of bias current in ferroelectric electric wire. Its dimensions are: length l=100 m; diameter  = 1 mm, – if
applied to the ends of the wire voltage U=10 V, the relative permittivity of ferroelectrics S = 104.
Solution 2. Module reactance ferroelectrics for a homogeneous dielectric environments is frequency-dependent
1 d
X   Om ,
  a ds  as
the tracker which is shown in Fig. 5.

1  10
Ð åà ê ò è â íè é îï³ ð (Îì)

6 6
1  10 10


5 5
1  10 10

1  10
7 9 9 10
1  10 3.34  10 6.67  10 1  10

×àñòîòà (Ãö)
Fig. 5 - reactance ferroelectric dielectric wire

Thus, the current module ferroelectric electric wire in the frequency range 10 MHz ... 10 GHz
Is  ,
as expected, increases with increasing frequency, Fig. 6

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

5  10


Ñ ò ð ó ì ê îò ó ø ê è (À )
4  10

3  10
Is ( f )
2  10

1  10

7 9 9 10
1  10 3.34  10 6.67  10 1  10

×àñòîòà (Ãö)
Fig. 6

Task 3. The coil is made of ferroelectric electric wire. The length of the wire - l = 100 m; ferroelectric diameter wire - 
= 1 mm. Wire covered with insulating varnish thickness in  = 0,02 mm. Determine the voltage on the coil in the frequency
range (10 MHz ... 10 GHz) sinusoidal current shift.
Solution 3. Define inductance coil. Coefficient of self-induction solenoid coil with an idealized electret (  ) can be
calculated by the formula determining the inductance coil with a metal conductor, because, in terms of the external
manifestations of their actions, as noted earlier, are equivalent. According to [2, p. 247]
L 
Ô w d Ãí , (8)
4 H
where  0  7
– магнітна проникність вакууму;
10 m
w – number of turns coil;
d – diameter coil;
Ф() – a quantity whose value depends on  = a/d, that is, a value - up to d - diameter coil ([2], Tab. 6-1);
The number of turns of the winding w can be defined as based on the length of "a" coil (wa) and on the basis of length "l"
of the wire - (wl)
wa  ; w  .
 d
In the general case w
w  m in (w a , w )
but based on the economic feasibility of the size of coil must be matched to the size of the conductor, which this coil is wound.
wa  w ;  da   (9)

It follows from (9) coil design allows random choice only 3 of the 4 design parameters. Since the bias current calculation
was carried out at fixed values of diameter d ferroelectric wire coil, its length

a 
n d

we can determine from (8) averaged for a given diameter d n- layers inductor, Fig. 7

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016
Ðîçì³ðè åëåêòðåòíî¿ êîòóøêè ³íäóêòèâíîñò³


Ä î âæ èí à ( ì) a ( d ) 0.4


0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

Fig. 7. - Coherence ferroelectric coil sizes

ijàìåòð (ì)
So for ten layers coil that has a diameter d = 1,8 cm and length а=18 cm, number of turns
Таким чином, для десятишарової котушки при діаметрі котушки d=1,8 см, і довжині см кількість витків w  800,
and the value Ф(10) = 0,946. The results make it possible to calculate the required inductance (8) coil L = 15,17 uH. and the
frequency dependence of the module voltage Us on the coil, according to (6), Fig. 8.

3  10
Íà ïð ó ãà íà ê îò ó ø ê ö ³ (Â )

2  10

Us ( f )

1  10

7 9 9 10
1  10 3.34  10 6.67  10 1  10

Fig. 8. - Frequency dependence module

×àñòîòà of voltage to the ferroelectric coil

Analyzing the results, it should be noted that the increase in coil voltage is due to two factors: the increase in the
frequency and increase the current shift in the frequency range indicated in Fig. 6. This effect is in essence equivalent
resonance voltage in sequential circuit whereby the voltage on the reactive components increases the quality factor times
relative to the input voltage circuit.
Task 4. To define the frequency at which the dielectric and metal coil have the same resistance on the module.
Solution 4. If the inductor is made of copper, for which the value of specific conductivity  = 5,65*107 S/m, then the bias
current for the same density as the conduction current density must fulfill the conditions     a s , to determine the
frequency of oscillation external voltage on the inductor, which would provide the same flow (4) magnetic induction flowing
through the coil core

5, 6 5 * 1 0
f    10
1 9
2  as 2 (3 6 ) 1 0 1 0

where as – absolute permittivity of ferroelectrics.

Permissible dimensions coil at this frequency should be at least an order of magnitude less than the the length
electromagnetic wave
3 1 0
c 6
   14
 3 1 0 m
f 10
ie not exceed 30 microns that meets modern technological level nano- and microelectronics. It is clear that with a decrease in
the frequency of these dimensions can be increased to values which satisfy the conditions of quasi-stationary electromagnetic
field and provide electromagnetic compatibility of inductors.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

The paper proposed construction inductors, the principle of which is based on the use electret as material from which the
winding is wound coils and provided theoretical justification efficiency design. For have been involved elements of the theory
of electromagnetic field theory of electrical circuits, reduced physical and chemical properties of substances that can be used
for manufacturing ferroelectric wire inductors. There were conducted numerical calculation of frequency characteristics that
confirm performance of proposed designs inductance and illustrate its properties in different frequency bands.
The use of this design in technology development monolithic integrated circuits to considerably improve technical and
economic indicators. First of all, it - reducing energy losses due to the significant increase of merit, cheaper materials and
expansion of functional properties.

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[2] Kalantarov P.L., Zeitlin L.A. Calculation of inductances. - Leningrad: Energoatomisdat - 1986.- 488 p.
[3] Patent "21,392 A» Applications for "Method of manufacturing electrical winding device" with number 94052723. patent
published 02.12.1997, Bull. number 0/1997
[4] A method of manufacturing inductors and traspondera transponder made in this way. The invention number 99101833
[5] Blintsov R., Jekshen B. Ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics. Lattice dynamics. M .: Mir, 1975. - 398 c.
[6] Gevorgian S. Ferroelectrics in Microwave Devices, Circuits and Systems / S. Gevorgian. – London: Springer-Verlag,
2009. – 394 p.
[7] Voronov S.A., Bohorosh O.T., Muravov S.A., Hordiyko N.A. Research ferroelectric thin films on a silicon substrate.
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[8] Shimoni K. Theoretical Electrical Engineering / M .: Mir, 1964. - 775 p.

Received by edition: 20.04.2016. Approved for the press: 10.06.2016

New ISA Standards Committee to
Improve SCADA Systems
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
systems have long served a vital monitoring and control
function throughout process industries. Some argue, in
fact, that the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is
essentially the already common SCADA infrastructure.
And with growing IIoT relevance and popularity in
industry, as well as the cybersecurity concerns that
come with it, there is also a need for standardization
around those SCADA systems.
With that in mind, ISA‘s Standards & Practices (S&P)
board has approved a new committee to develop
standards and technical reports geared toward
improving the overall reliability of SCADA system
design, installation, integration and operation for such
process industries as oil and gas, water and wastewater,
and power.
―With the increased connectivity of the wide range of devices used to monitor and control our environment,
SCADA systems are becoming a more important part of today‘s control infrastructure,‖ said Ian Verhappen, S&P board
member and senior project manager of automation at CIMA. ―SCADA is so ubiquitous, but everyone does it their own
way. But there are a lot of general principles that all of them use, and that is what we‘ll try to capture, and what we‘ll try
to document.‖
Initially proposed a couple years ago by Greg Lehmann and Ram Ramachandran, when the idea for the SCADA
committee came up again, ISA decided to survey the automation community, where they got overwhelming support.
―We had 80+ people responding, and over 80 percent said go for it,‖ said Verhappen, who led the survey and analysis
for the S&P board. Several of the survey respondents also indicated that they‘d like to help out with the standards, he
added, which of course is key for getting the standards done.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

UDC 663.223.3


Lukyanchuk E.V. 1, KhobinV.A.2
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa

E-mail: 1

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.169

The wine industry is now successfully solved the problem for the implementation of automation receiving points of
grapes, crushing and pressing departments installation continuous fermentation work, blend tanks, production lines
ordinary Madeira continuously working plants for ethyl alcohol installations champagne wine in continuous flow, etc.
With the development of automation of technological progress productivity winemaking process develops in the
following areas: organization of complex avtomatization sites grape processing with bulk transportation of the latter;
improving the quality and durability of wines by the processing of a wide applying wine cold and heat, as well as
technical and microbiological control most powerful automation equipment; the introduction of automated production
processes of continuous technical champagne, sherry wine and cognac alcohol madery; the use of complex automation
auxiliary production sites (boilers, air conditioners, refrigeration unitsand other.); complex avtomatization creation of
enterprises, and sites manufactory bottling wines. In the wine industry developed more sophisticated schemes of
automation and devices that enable the transition to integrated production automation, will create, are indicative
automated enterprise serving for laboratories to study of the main problems of automation of production processes of

Automation, system akratofor, management, task, modeling.

The essence of the production process - fermentation of wine materials .This anaerobic (which occurs without oxygen)
metabolic breakdown of nutrient molecules, such as glucose. Considered method involves fermentation in stainless steel, glass-
lined tanks or other containers that can withstand the necessary pressure.
In the world there are various methods of producing sparkling wines. Consider a few examples.
For example, the automatic control of the process of fermentation wine material using the method Shossepe, temperature
control akratofor occurs by changing the refrigerant flow in the spiral coil. [ "Sparkling wines" SP Avakyants]
In the automatic process control using raw wine fermentation method Sharma akratofors temperature regulation takes
place by changing the refrigerant flow. [ "Sparkling wines" SP Avakyants]
Also known method of automatic control of fermentation process raw wine where temperature regulation takes place by
changing akratofor refrigerant flow into the jacket through the valve and akratofor refrigerant feed pump. Also stabilized at a
predetermined level value of the coolant temperature by changing the speed of the compressor. [ "Sparkling wines" SP
The disadvantage of these methods is that they do not provide a wine base akratofor pressure control, which gives a low
quality of the final product.
Therefore, this process needs to be focused on the impact, so you can select the next target in the process control
prevent release of the limit values of process parameters, namely:

- Temperature of the coolant;

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

- Wine material temperature;

- Wine material pressure.
Thus, analyzing akratofor terms of regulatory challenges, we can say that it is necessary to construct a cascade system of
automated pressure control wine material from the intermediate point temperature wine base and additional refrigerant
temperature control loop.
Main part
Imagine a formal scheme of control object.
A necessary condition for the solution of control problems is the presence of control actions, which, of course, have to be
input variables EI illustrative example is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 - Formalized parametric diagram of the controlled system

Fig. 1

The department provided a method of automatic control of the process raw wine fermentation akratofor comprising
measuring and maintaining the setpoint temperature akratofor by changing the coolant flow rate, and measuring and
maintaining the temperature of the refrigerant by changing the compressor speed, additional measurement and wine base
temperature stabilization akratofor by changing the refrigerant flow is established given its importance to the wine material
akratofor pressure would be equal to its setpoint.
Formalized coordinate process control scheme is shown in Figure 2

Рис. 2

The scheme includes the following channels:

Channel (U k - θk) - compressor speed change affects the temperature of the coolant;
Channel (Un - θv1) - Pump speed frequency change of the refrigerant flow affects the temperature of the wine base;
Channel (Un - θk) - Pump speed frequency change of the refrigerant flow affects the temperature of the coolant;

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Channel (θv1 - PB1) - wine material temperature affect the wine material pressure;
Channel (θk - θv1) - coolant temperature affects the temperature of the wine base;

Fig. 3 - Graphs of transients controlled


Fig. 3

Tc - temperature of the refrigerant at the outlet of Compressor

TV - wine material temperature in akratofor
PB - wine material pressure in akratofor
The graph shows the changes in the temperature of the wine material, and the pressure of the refrigerant increase in akratofor.
It was also designed operator station-system technology.
Operator workstation-technology must be capable of performing the operator the following functions:
- Control of process parameters values champagne process and task management regimes;
- Condition monitoring equipment installation (on, off, is in an accident, etc.) and the values of operating parameters of the
- Control the start and stop of the installation manual and automatic control modes;
- To manage a separate installation of the equipment in manual mode;
- To monitor the occurrence of abnormal operation of equipment, and to respond quickly to them. Fig.4 AWP


Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

-Development of system of automatic control of the process of champagne wines to install akratofor improves the
quality of the finished product.
-To Improve performance in temperature control channel further measure temperature wine material and this
information is used in a cascade ATS endpoint - the pressure of the wine material.
-Designed SCADA-system for process operators, allows you to monitor the progress of the process and manage the
entire system from the operator's point.

[1] MetodichnI vkazIvki do vikonannya ta oformlennya kursovoYi roboti z distsiplIni «TeorIya avtomatichnogo keruvannya
»dlya studentIv spetsIalnostey 7.092501 dennoYi ta zaochnoYi form navchannya / Avtor:V.A. HobIn - Odesa: ONAHT,
[2] Konspekt kursa lektsiy po distsipline ―Teoriya avtomaticheskogo upravleniya‖ (chast I)– Hobin V.A. OGAPT. Odessa –
2007 g.
[3] Konspekt kursa lektsiy po distsipline ―Teoriya avtomaticheskogo upravleniya‖ (chast II)– Hobin V.A. OGAPT. Odessa –
2007 g.

Received by edition: 23.04.2016. Approved for the press: 10.06.2016

UDC 681.5 +536.464


Popov A.S.1
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.170

Mathematical model for the possible development of the primary explosion at the grain processing enterprise is
created. It is proved that only instability is possible for the combustion process. This model enables to estimate
possibility of the secondary explosion at any object of the enterprise and forms the base for mathematical support of
the decision support system for explosion-proof. Such decision support system can be included in the control system of
the processing enterprise.

Grain processing enterprise, explosion, secondary explosion, decision support system, control system, graph, fuzzy
estimation, the shortest path in the graph.

There are a lot of explosions at the grain processing enterprises all over the world every year. Numerous researches and
investigations are dedicated to the problem of the prevention of primary explosions, but there are too little scientific works

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

concerning problems of secondary explosions. It is necessary to create effective control system for prevention of secondary
explosions at the grain enterprises. Such control system must include appropriate decision support system (DSS).
Aim of the research is to create mathematical model for the possible development of the primary explosion at the grain
enterprise. This model must give an opportunity to estimate possibility of the secondary explosion at any object of the
enterprise in the presence of the primary explosion at the other object. DSS for explosion-proof of the grain processing
enterprises must be based on such mathematical model.
Main body
Let us consider grain processing enterprise which consists of n different objects such as silos, bunkers, business
buildings, conveyers etc. It is supposed, that fuzzy estimation E i (0≤ E i ≤1) for the explosiveness of i-th object (1≤i≤n) is
known. Value E i can be estimated on the solution of the flame stability problem [1,2]. It is obvious that
   {1, ..., n } E  E  E  m ax E i , (1)

where  is the number of the most explosive object of the enterprise, E can be considered as the explosiveness of the
enterprise as a whole and expresses the possibility of the primary explosion.
For every moment of the time grain processing enterprise is modeled by graph with n nodes. Every node corresponds to
specific object of the grain processing enterprise. Two nodes i and j (1≤i≤n, 1≤j≤n) are adjacent if the possibility S i j
( S ij  S ji
) of the penetrating of the fire or of the weak shock wave from the object i (to be more correct, from the object,
corresponding to node i) into object j is more than zero; S i j is fuzzy value, that is 0≤ S i j ≤1.
This graph is undirected graph. It can be either connected or disconnected. If it is disconnected it means that it consists of
two or more connected subgraph. Those subgraphs corresponds to such sites of the enterprise which are independent in terms
of explosion-proof, that is the primary explosion at any object of any site can‘t be a reason for the secondary explosion at any
object of the other site. So it is necessary to solve the problem of the graph connectivity and than to estimate separately the
possibility of the secondary explosion for every site of enterprise corresponding to connected subgraph. So let us consider
only connected graphs.
The graph is weighted. The weight of the node i is fuzzy estimation E i . The weight of the edge ij is fuzzy value S i j . The
value of S i j depends on the physical way of connection for objects i and j. This graph is also fuzzy graph [3], because the
weights of the nodes and the weights if the edges are fuzzy logical values [4].
To find the most explosive object in situation when object  (1) explodes (that is to find the most explosive object
towards the possibility of secondary explosion) let us do such sequence of actions:
1. For every node i (except  ) change the weight of the node from E i to N E i , where
N Ei   Ei  1  Ei (2)

N E i is fuzzy estimation for inability of the object i to explode.

2. For every edge ij change the weight of the edge from S i j to N S i j , where

N S ij   S ij  1  S ij (3)

N S i j is fuzzy estimation for inability of penetrating of explosion from object i to object j.

3. In graph with new weights (modified graph ) for every node i (except  ) find the shortest path from node  to node
i, changing previously every node (except  and i) to edge with weight N E i . So every node i (except  ) gets value P im ,
where P im is the length of the shortest path in the graph. P im expresses inability of the object i to explode in the presence of
the primary explosion at the object  . Problem of finding of the shortest path in the graph is solved by Dijkstra‘s algorithm
4. It is obvious that
   {1, ..., n }   
m m
P  m in P , i
Object  is the object with the minimal inability for secondary explosion, that is object  is the most explosive object in
the presence of the primary explosion at the object  .
5. There is the path in initial graph that corresponds to the shortest path from node  to node  . Let us change in this
path every node (except  and  ) to edge with weight E i (that is with initial weight of the node i) and then find the length of

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

this path. The length of the path divided by the number of edges in the path (let us mark such value as S E  ) can be taken as
fuzzy estimation for possibility of secondary explosion of object  , which is the most explosive object in terms of secondary
Technological processes of grain storage and grain processing are modeled as the sequence of steps. Those steps are
divided with important technological operations or organizational events (such as loading of grain into silos, aspiration,
cleanup or wet cleaning). Every step in sequence of technological processes corresponds to the graph described above. Every
transition from one step to another changes weights of nodes and weights of edges. That means that explosiveness of
different objects of grain processing enterprise changes and ability for penetration of explosion from one object to another
changes also.
Transition from one step of technological processes to another sometimes leads to changing of corresponding graph.
New edges can be added to graph; some edges can be deleted. For example, filling of silo leads to removal of the edge,
connecting two nodes; one of these nodes corresponds to this silo, the other node corresponds to the under-silo gallery.
Closing of a silo makes the node, corresponding this silo, the isolated node of the graph. It is obvious, that addition or removal
of the graph nodes as a result of any technological operation or organizational event is impossible; addition of the node means
appearance of new object at the grain processing enterprise, removal of the node means vanishing of some object
(corresponding to this node) at the grain processing enterprise, such appearances and disappearances are possible only as a
result of the reconstruction or rebuilding of this enterprise. So nodes of the graph are invariable, but their weights are
Thereby for every step of technological processes reassessment of explosiveness of every object of the enterprise is done.
Ability of every object for primary explosion and secondary explosion (in presence of the primary explosion of the most
explosive object) is reassesed and scenarios of the explosion development are reviewed. Control action must be applied:
1) to the most explosive object in terms of the primary explosion;
2) to the most explosive object in terms of the secondary explosion in presence of the primary explosion of the most
explosive object item 1).
Control action aims to decrease explosiveness of the objects. This action can be technical, technological or
organizational. The example of technical control action is phlegmatization or inhibition; the example of technological control
action is technological operation such as silo filling; the examples of organizational control action are cleanup and wet
cleaning. Selection of the appropriate control action is prerogative of decision maker, but DSS on the base of the described
above mathematical model prompts the decision maker direction of the action, that is DSS recommeds the decision maker the
objects for immediate control action.

Solving of the described above problem enables to enlarge and to improve DSS for explosion-proof of the grain
processing enterprises of different types: elevators, flour milling plants, compound feed plants. This DSS enables:
 to specify the most explosive objects of the grain processing enterprise either in terms of the primary explosion or in
terms of the secondary explosion in presence of the primary explosion;
 to specify the most effective control actions (be technical, technological or organizational) for ensuring of the
explosion safety of the grain processing enterprise;
 to specify the most effective control actions for suppression of the secondary explosions, such actions prevent
development of explosions.

[1] S.K. Aslanov, V.E. Volkov, Integral method for study of hydrodynamic stability of a laminar flame, Combustion,
Explosion and Shock Waves, Springer, 1991, V.27, Nr.5, pp. 553–558.
[2] V. Volkov, Deflagration-to-detonation transition and the detonation induction distance estimation, Proceedings of Odessa
Polytechnical University, 2014, Nr.1(43), pp. 120–126.
[3] J.N. Mordeson, Fuzzy line graphs, Pattern recognition Lett., 14 (1993) 381-384.
[4] L.A.Zadeh, Is there a need for fuzzy logic, Information Sciences, 178(13) (2008) 2751-2779.
[5] Zhan, F. Benjamin; Noon, Charles E. (February 1998). "Shortest Path Algorithms: An Evaluation Using Real Road
Networks". Transportation Science 32 (1): 65–73.

Received by edition: 25.04.2016. Approved for the press: 12.06.2016

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

UDC 621.18-5


Y.M. Skakovsky1, A.V. Babkov 2, E.Y. Mandro 2
1, 2
Odessa National academy of food technologies, Odessa
ORCID: 0000-0003-4888-4469

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.171

Results of laboratory and industrial research allowed offering a way to improve the accuracy of estimation the optimal
criterion of boilers' operation depending on fuel quality. Criterion is calculated continuously during boiler operation as
heat ratio transmitted in production with superheated steam to the thermal energy obtained by combustion in boiler’s
furnace fuel (natural gas) .The non-linearity dependence of steam enthalpy from its temperature and pressure are
considered when calculating, as well as changes in calorific value of natural gas, depending on variety in nitrogen
content therein. The control algorithm and program for Ukrainian PLC MIC-52 are offered. The user selection
program implements two searching modes for criterion maximum: automated and automatic. The results are going to
be used for upgrading the existing control system on sugar factory.

Boiler, mode optimization, criterions, calorific fuel capacity, microprocessor-based controller, program.

Improving the running efficiency of energy-intensive steam-generating equipment in modern conditions of imported
energy price rising is high priority issue. Taking into consideration the high percentage of outdated equipment fleet and
limitation on financial resources for renewal of food enterprises the optimization of existing equipment operating modes is one
of the key direction of increasing the profitability and competitiveness in business environment.
Carrying out self supporting theme at ONAFT Research Institute the modernization of automation systems such as
DKVR-10-23 boilers that operate for a common steam header in Thermal Power Plant (TPP) for Krasilovskyi sugar factory
were accomplished. Control functions are implemented in system, including boiler‘s operating mode optimization on the basis
of proposed criterion [1, 2] also "thin client" technology for technical structure implementation were used [3].
Typically boiler unit control is based on regime maps compiled for three load modes. Efficiency coefficient as part of
parameters is calculated at the beginning of operation season with reverse heat balance method. As energy-efficient modes
shown in maps are defined at the beginning of operation period due to internal disturbances influence, extrema drift may
occurs during the season. The availability of automatically controlled parameters in required amount for modernized
automation systems allows carrying out continuous assessment of indicators, including the efficiency of boiler for entire
operating period. The proposed criteria for boiler optimization [1] take into account the change in enthalpy of superheated
steam for boiler operating period that allow improving the accuracy of these criteria assessment.
Currently number of enterprises‘ work experience shows significant changes availability in fuel quality parameters,
particularly the calorific value of natural gas, compared to those declared in supplier‘s technical specification (Quality report).
In some instances this is due to addition certain ingredients such as air or nitrogen into natural gas by supplier. This factor
gives high priority considering changes in assessing the boiler optimization criterion.
The main technical solutions
The research of variation range for basic steam generation‘s process variables: the temperature of superheated steam,
stack gases before and after economizer, feed-water; steam consumption and steam, gas, water, air pressure; underpressure in
the furnace and before the exhaust fan, etc., while boiler working during operation season showed the necessarily in taking into
account the possibility of indicators fluctuations that are included in boiler efficiency assessment. In work [1], a criterion
similar to the efficiency of the boiler is offered, which is calculated continuously during operation by direct method, which is

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

the ratio of thermal energy transferred to operation with superheated steam to thermal energy obtained by burning the furnace
fuel (natural gas) in boiler:

F п
( )  i ( ) d 
q steam
К boiler   T
q gas р
F г
(  )  Q n ( ) d 

where Кboiler – coefficient of boiler‘s efficiency;

qsteam – quantity of rejected heat from the boiler to production with steam, kJ (kcal);
qgas – amount of supplied heat to the boiler with gas, kJ (kcal);
Fst(τ) – instantaneous mass steam consumption, kg/s (m/h);
Fg(τ) – instantaneous volume gas consumption, m3/s (m3/h);
i(τ) – enthalpy of the superheated steam, kJ/kg (kcal/kg);
Qnр(τ) – net calorific value of natural gas, kJ/m3(kcal/m3);
[0;T] - billing period (shift, day, decade, etc.) per hour.

The fact of enthalpy dependence on two variables: temperature and pressure, and the non-linear nature of these
dependence were took into consideration while calculation: i = f (t, p),
where t - temperature of superheated steam, ºС;
p - superheated steam pressure, MPa (atm).
Gas net calorific value that is used commonly in such assessments was determined according to gas supplying
organization data or with laboratory methods.
Analyzing boiler‘s long operation periods [1] superheated steam temperature changes are 30-35 ºС, which leads to
significant changes in steam‘s enthalpy that have to be considered evaluating the proposed criterion. Data collected with
support of boiler‘s operator functioning workstation №5 Krasilovskyi sugar factory TPP.
Analysis of superheated steam properties in given workspace shows that steam pressure variety influence on enthalpy
changes is less than that steam temperature variety, however this effect may not be taken into account in case boiler‘s self-
contained operation mode, while stabilized steam pressure circuit in boiler drum. Managing group of boilers that operate on a
common header there is a need taking into account those influences on steam enthalpy. The use of well-known control method
based on principle of optimal load distribution between the parallel operating units is constrained with these conditions due to
implementation complexity so management is based on principle of several boilers separation with extensive efficiency
coefficient for operation in basic mode and one (two) for operation in adjusting mode, which achieves pressure stabilizing in
generally steam collector. Thus, there is the goal of enthalpy estimating based on two embodiments: one-parameter (depending
only on the temperature) and two-parameter (temperature and pressure depending).
Studies on Krasilovskyi sugar factory showed that superheated of rejected steam from the boiler to the general collector
has an area of pressure change (19,6 – 22,0 atm or 1,922 - 2,157 MPa) and the steam temperature (Т=340 – 370 ºС) which
allows to define the range values of superheated steam enthalpy in accordance with the IS - diagram and table of water and
steam thermodynamic properties. The enthalpy numerical values calculation were carried out with support of computer
program (is_diagramma, Osan 2002), which allows to calculate these values with high accuracy (up to the fourth decimal
place, kcal/kg). Two decimal places is enough for our calculations taking into consideration the monitoring instruments‘ sets
class accuracy (0,5 – 1,0). Figure 1 shows parameters‘ variety operating area of superheated steam in DKVR-10-23 boiler on
IS-diagram detail fragment.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016
Enthalpy I, kJ/kg

Operating area

Entropy S, kJ/(kg.K)

Fig. 1 – IS-diagram fragment with specified operating area of superheated steam parameters

The range of initial parameters variety (steam pressure and temperature) taking into account control sensors accuracy
class were divided into pressure intervals of 0,4 atm (0,04 MPa), temperature – 1,0 ºС. This breakdown allows to provide
enthalpy calculations with inaccuracy no more than 0,05%. Thus, nonlinear dependences occurred tabular (Table 1) were laid
in computing device and calculating procedures were organized in real time.
Multiplying the instantaneous enthalpy value with instantaneous mass steam consumption, integrating within the
calculated time interval [0;Т] the desired value amount of heat qgas were calculated. Likewise, after integrating, qgas value for
supplied heat by gas was calculated, multiplying instantaneous volume gas consumption with its lower calorific value. The
ratio of two values obtained in accordance with (1) gives the desired Кbоiler criterion value.
All calculations of criteria numerical values and procedure of its maximum search (by memorizing the extremum) were
performed with a programmable controller connected to sensors, actuators and computer equipped with a SCADA-system.
The fuel consumption (natural gas consumption) Fg(τ) and fuel net calorific value (calorific value) Qnр(τ), which is used
for energy calculations should be necessary to calculate qgas in (1). The latter (Qnр(τ)) may be calculated only in the laboratory
with special equipment, which complicates implementation of proposed calculation method. To enable practical calculation

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

implementation and automated execution Qnр value given in fuel supplier data sheet and the same (natural gas) nitrogen
content in fuel (N2п) value also given, is proposed to conduct with further measuring the actual nitrogen content in gas by using
gas analyzer and entering these data into controller to generate corrections in order to improve Кbоiler calculations‘ accuracy.

Table 1 –Superheated steam enthalpy values in operating area calculation (kJ/kg)

(1 kcal = 4,18605 kJ; 1atm = 1 kg/cm2 = 0,09807 MPa)
Variable Т, Р, МPа, 1,90 1,94 1,98 2,02 2,06 2,10 2,14 2,18
ºС (KgF/cm2) 19,37 19,78 20,19 20,60 21,01 21,41 21,82 22,23
340 3117,27 3116,38 3115,48 3114,58 3113,68 3112,81 3111,90 3111,00
341 3119,50 3118,61 3117,72 3116,83 3115,94 3115,06 3114,16 3113,26
342 3121,73 3120,85 3119,96 3119,07 3118,18 3117,31 3116,42 3115,52
343 3123,96 3123,08 3122,20 3121,32 3120,43 3119,57 3118,68 3117,79
344 3126,18 3125,31 3124,43 3123,56 3122,68 3121,82 3120,93 3120,05
345 3128,41 3127,54 3126,67 3125,80 3124,92 3124,07 3123,19 3122,31
346 3130,63 3129,68 3128,90 3128,03 3127,17 3126,32 3125,44 3124,57
347 3132,85 3131,99 3131,13 3130,27 3129,41 3128,56 3127,69 3126,82
348 3135,08 3134,22 3133,37 3132,51 3131,65 3130,81 3129,94 3129,08
349 3137,30 3136,45 3135,60 3134,74 3133,89 3133,05 3132,19 3131,33
350 3139,52 3138,67 3137,83 3136,98 3136,13 3135,30 3134,44 3133,59
351 3141,73 3140,89 3140,05 3139,21 3138,36 3137,54 3136,69 3135,84
352 3143,95 3143,12 3142,28 3141,44 3140,60 3139,78 3138,93 3138,09
353 3146,17 3145,34 3144,51 3143,67 3142,84 3142,02 3141,18 3140,34
354 3148,39 3147,56 3146,73 3145,90 3145,07 3144,26 3143,42 3142,59
355 3150,60 3149,78 3149,00 3148,13 3147,30 3146,50 3145,67 3144,83
356 3152,81 3152,00 3151,18 3150,36 3149,54 3148,73 3147,91 3147,08
357 3155,03 3154,22 3153,40 3152,58 3151,77 3150,97 3150,15 3149,32
358 3157,24 3156,43 3155,62 3154,81 3154,00 3153,20 3152,38 3151,57
359 3159,45 3158,65 3157,84 3157,04 3156,23 3155,44 3154,62 3153,89
360 3161,66 3160,86 3160,06 3159,26 3158,45 3157,67 3156,86 3156,05
361 3163,87 3163,08 3162,28 3161,48 3160,68 3159,90 3159,10 3158,29
362 3166,08 3165,29 3164,50 3163,70 3162,91 3162,13 3161,33 3160,53
363 3168,29 3167,50 3166,72 3165,93 3165,13 3164,36 3163,56 3162,77
364 3170,50 3169,72 3168,93 3168,15 3167,36 3166,59 3165,80 3165,00
365 3172,71 3171,93 3171,15 3170,37 3169,58 3168,82 3168,03 3167,24
366 3174,91 3174,14 3173,36 3172,58 3171,80 3171,04 3170,26 3169,48
367 3177,49 3176,35 3175,58 3174,80 3174,03 3173,27 3172,49 3171,71
368 3179,32 3178,56 3177,79 3177,02 3176,25 3175,49 3174,72 3173,94
369 3181,53 3180,77 3180,00 3179,24 3178,47 3177,72 3176,95 3176,18
370 3183,73 3182,97 3182,21 3181,45 3180,69 3179,94 3179,18 3178,41

Nitrogen is selected as the largest air component (approximate volume percentage is 78%).
The fuel (natural gas) technical specification gives its percentage values for example: methane (СН4) - 92%, ethane
(С2Н6) – 3,9%, propane (С3Н8) - 11%, butane (С4Н10) – 0,4 % pentane (С5Н12) – 0,1%, nitrogen (N2) - 1,6%, carbon dioxide
(CO2) - 0,1%. Thus, excluding a small fraction of CO2 gases, which combust and generate heat are: (100 -%N2)%. If the actual
nitrogen content is increased with respect to passport the actual fuel calorific value decreases, respectively, compared with
certified value.
The current Кbоiler value is calculated in controller with entered data in real-time according to such dependence:

F п
( )  i ( Т п , Р п ,  ) d 
q steam
 
К boiler T
 100  % N 2 ( ) 
q gas р
F g
( )  Q n ( )  п d
0  100  % N 2 ( ) 
where % N 2 – nitrogen content value in natural gas, given in fuel technical specification (Quality report), %;
% N 2 - nitrogen content value in natural gas, measured by a gas analyzer, %.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Thus, if technical specification and measured nitrogen content are the same (air in the gas supplier is not added) then
technical specification value Qnр is used in calculation. If as a result of the addition air in the fuel actual nitrogen content
exceeds technical specification, correction in shares is automatically calculated, which allows to increase the accuracy of Кboiler
calculations and as a consequence gives better definition to "gas-air" correlation coefficient optimal value, which is used as set
up in boiler control circuit ("combustion efficiency" loop).
The proposed effectiveness method is confirmed by a simple example, if in fuel technical specification the value of
п р
% N =1,5% and according to gas analyzer % N 2f = 3,5% then Qн values given in technical specification decreases in (100 -
ф п
%N )/(100 - % N ) = (100-3,5)/(100-1,5) = 96,5/98,5 = 0, 9797 times. That shows the possibility of more accurate
calculation with more than 2% for optimal Кbоiler value.
To calculate qsteam the boiler capacity F п is to be measured and enthalpy value to be calculated, which changes during
boiler operation, depending on steam temperature and pressure. The steam enthalpy is calculated in controller according to data
measured by temperature and pressure sensors of superheated steam, based on laid in controller dependence according to data
got in water and water steam properties tables or a well-known «is - diagram» computer program may be used. Therefore,
Кbоiler calculation accuracy significantly increased. At the appropriate time interval an extremum is to be searched (maximum
Кbоiler). At that time, when there the corresponding extremum К кот max
is been calculated and the values of this fuel (gas)– air
Ксi flow ratio coefficient is fixed (or input furnace pressures ratio), then control of boiler operation is conducted due to this
value in the next time period while obtaining new К кот value, that is, respectively, Kс(i+1)оpt.
Therefore, the internal perturbations inherent to boiler units (heat transfer coefficient changes) are taken into account and
that lead to unsteadiness in steam parameters of production process and in case of adding an air in natural gas by supplier a
technical specification‘s correction of value for lower fuel heat combustion is conducted, which allows to define Кbоiler
calculations more exactly.
Program of test procedures realization for Кbоiler evaluation, its extremum (maximum) search and the usage of found
optimum «fuel-air» ratio coefficient in air supply control circuit for boiler‘s burners is designed in FBD-like editor that is
Alpha for MIC-52 controller program creating (by MICROL company) and is shown in fig. 2 (program debug mode is
Algobloks (AB), AIN (05), 1-3, 24-27 are used in that program for inputting and pre-processing sensors signals and
therewith the established limit values of variables changes provide the formation for corresponding logic outputs to listed AB
(02, 03) signals that are equal to figure of one in case of reaching these limits, which allows to treat them according to the
scheme of logical "OR" in the SCADA system, to generate a message about the unreliability of the calculations performed
automatically. In this case, until debugging control is carried out according to the latest clean data. Digital input AB that is
DIN (06) 39 is used for program external management allowing, if necessary to put a stop to AB timer TIMER (38) 38 or
carrying out program restart. Similar function is performed by AB dSET (83) 41, when program controlling with attached
screen form.
AB LIMIT (34) 4-11 provide branching calculation algorithm in occurring the signal by superheated steam pressure in
one of the ranges (columns in table 1) installed in these AB (from 0 to 100% percentage). To calculate the enthalpy as
temperature function the LINEAR AB (52) 14-21 serves that are installed in each branch of calculation algorithm, where a
piecewise linear approximation of the nonlinear enthalpy dependence on temperature (the lines in each table 1 column) is
implemented. Each calculated algorithm branch contact entering to appropriate AB LINEAR (52) is provided by the joint work
of AB IF (80) 12 and MUX (36) 22. Technical specification of natural gas and contained nitrogen net calorific values are
entered by AB SP (53) 29, 30. The correction calculation that includes variety in natural gas quality is carried out in AB
SUMM (13) 31, 32 and DIV (14) 33.
The AB DIV (14) 28 coefficient current value of air and gas pressures ratio entering the burners is calculated. The
program calculates the inverse ratio Ксо=Рv /Рg, which allows to use while formatting task for the air pressure regulator (as
pressure ratio controller analogue) AB Multiplication MUL (12) 47, 56 instead AB dividing in order to minimize the
probability dividing on zero. In addition, the program assure the availability of delay in controlled object channel «gas pressure
- steam pressure - steam consumption» by AB AVRG (32) 50. An implementation analysis of these variables of boiler
automation systems operation on previous seasons archive data makes possible to estimate this delay as close to 55 - 60
seconds values.
The program calculates evaluation criterion integrated in AB DIV (14) 36 by dividing the integrated in AB INTEGR (17)
23 and 37 current values amount of heat transmitted to consumers qsteam(t) and incoming with gas qгаз(t). This assessment, as
well as other indicators and data is transmitted to the SCADA system, which used it for visual presentation, archiving and
further technical managers‘ analysis. Calculating period (integrating) may be selected for shift (12 hours), days (24 hours) as
shown in the program, or for a longer period.
To implement the search maximal value criterion and its corresponding optimum value of «air-fuel» ratio coefficient -
AB extremum extraction EXTREM (33) 43, AB memorizing MEM (43) 44, 45 are used that are driven with AB OSC (40)
monostable trigger circuit 51 and AB dividing DIV (14) 28, 42. Since criterion variety may be caused by components low-
frequency (parametric perturbations) and also high-frequency that are associated with fluctuations in flow, steam, gas, air,

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

pressure - filtering signals as in AB extremum extraction 36 and for «air – fuel» current values of correlation coefficient in AB
FILTER (50) 46 are essential to use.
At the moment of maximum detection at a time equal to the controller cycle time - digital signal dMAX=1on a discrete
output dMAX is formed, which passed through AB monostable trigger circuit OSR (40) 51 is supplied to AB memory 44, 45,
which records criterion maximum value and the corresponding optimum «air-fuel» ratio coefficient value.
The program provides two modes: automatic and manual.
The first one involves analysis by a competent specialist in ratio graph Кboiler = f(Ксо) obtained by the SCADA system in
criterion maximum values for representative period (shift, day or more), and, in the case of criterion global maximum -
detection of corresponding Ксо value. Found optimal value is used as basic in regulation circuit of air and gas pressure ratio for
the next time interval (shift). The criterion dependence from «air-fuel» ratio coefficient (figure 3) has form as shown in [1].
The ordinate shows the criterion values in percentage.
Setting to regulator the air pressure AB PID (60) 64 is formed, as a multiplication Р air  Р gas  К с
in AB SP (53) 53
and MUL (12) 56. The controller output is connected to AB AOT (08) 49 analog output, so its signal goes directly to
frequency converter (FC) input of air blower drive on burners.
Automatic mode allows cyclic operation on days interval (24 hours), the search and memorization of found local criterion
maximum and its corresponding К с 1 value for first shift interval (12 hours), compared with the found local criterion
maximum on the second shift, selection one of them that is more and transfer К с value corresponding to more to the
correction controller unit AB SUMM (13) 48. This algorithm is implemented using AB counter COUNT (39) 54, switches by
number MUX (36) 55, 59, maximum selection MAX(31) 57, delay blocks AVRG (32) 58, 60 with time settings T.DL=12
hours (shift) that in simulation bench studies are scaled, as well as other time settings, T.DL=12 minutes.
In case of absence in detection the maximum test for the base period controller works with initial indicators (the last
optimal) without correction. Transmission terms to correct unit for initial indicators are fact of activation an automatic
optimization by setting (using screen form) in AB dSET (83) 62 of dSET = 1 parameter and finding the basic optimum
bas . оpt bas . оpt
values in range: Р w 
 (Рw
bas . init
 15 ); ( Р w
bas . init

 15 ) whose ambits

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Fig. 2 - Implementation program in Alpha editor for MIC-52 controllers

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Specified to implemented on previous operation seasons of boilers‘ information system. Joint comparator operation AB CMP
(37) 65, logical «AND» AND (19) 66, the monostable trigger circuit OSC(40) 61 and switcher by number MUX(36) 63 ensure
the implementation of described algorithm.


1 - actual Кboiler figure = f(Кс);

2 - average Кboiler figure = f(Кс)
Fig. 3 - Criterion dependence from «air-gas» ratio coefficient

Auto mode does not involve global criterion maximum search within 12-hour shift, but provides selection of one greater
that was found between two adjacent shifts. However, it should be mentioned that the availability of several criterion
maximum found during the shift indicates the need to increase (DB) AB EXTREM(33) 43 insensitivity zone as boiler internal
perturbations is quite inertia.
Studies conducted on the specialized stand containing a programmable controller MIC-52, manual analogue and discrete
setting devices, interface conversion unit BPI-52 and a computer equipped with necessary software: α editor, SCADA-system
INDEL (INFOTEHPROM enterprise development, c. Poltava) confirmed program efficiency. Input signals ranges of change is
determined based on archive variables stored in workers‘ workstations computers on TTP plant. Program fine-tuning
adjustment and AB parameters refinement are going to be conducted at plant during the 2016-2017 years for system operation
As a result of laboratory research and in-process testing as part of modernized boiler section control system, a method for
efficiency increasing based on continuously evaluated indicators of equipment operation use was implemented. To improve the
accuracy of drum-type boiler‘ criteria optimality evaluation in variety fuel quality, a method proposed, which provides
technical specification of lower heat combustion values automatic correction. A program is designed in Alpha editor similar to
FBD-editor in order to implement this method on controllers operating in TTP Krasilovskyi sugar factory.

[1] Skakovsky Y. M. Primenenie innovacionnykh resheniy pri modernizacii sistemi avtomatizacii kotloagregatov v TEC
saharnogo zavoda/ Y. M. Skakovsky, V. D. Vitvitsky, A. V. Babkov//Nauk. pr. ONAHT/Ministerstvo osviti Ukraini.–
Odesa: 2012.– Vip. 42, Tom 2, S. 505-510.
[2] Patent na korisnu model №63774 Ukraine, MPK , Sposib avtomatichnogo keruvannia, kontrolu, zakhistu ta signalizacii
kotloagregatu/ V. C. Iluca, Y. M. Skakovsky, V. D. Vitvitsky; ONAHT.–opubl.:25.10.2011, Bul. №20, 2011r.–6 s.
[3] Skakovsky Y. M. Vikoristannia tekhnologii «tonkikh klientiv» dlia stvorennia informaciynoi sistemi kotelnogo viddilennia
v TEC cukrozavodu/ Y. M. Skakovsky, A. V. Babkov//Avtomatizacia tehnologicheskih i biznes-procesov.– Odessa: 2014
– №17.– S. 8–10.

Received by edition: 27.04.2016. Approved for the press: 14.06.2016

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

UDC 656.56/625.7


Fil’ N. 1
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University, Kharkiv
ORCID 0000-0003-2081-7176

Copyright © 2014 by author and the journal ―Automation technological and business - processes‖.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

DOI: 10.15673/atbp.v8i2.172

A functional model of the information technology for management of natural emergency situations on trunk roads has
been developed on the basis of the IDEF0 notation. The functional model of the information technology for
management of natural emergency situations reflects the causal relationships between objects and operations.

Methodology, modeling, decomposition, processes, management, operations, trunk road

About ten natural emergency situations (NES) occur in Ukraine every year. They are landslides, avalanches, floods,
glaze, etc. Therefore, the Decree of the President of Ukraine (№ 80 from 09.10.01) and the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers
(№ 215 from 07.03.01), the main purpose of which is to create a government information and analytical system for prevention
and liquidation of emergency situations to protect population and territories from NES [1-3], were adopted in Ukraine.
Such a system should provide for the use of the latest scientific achievements both in the sphere of ensuring health and
safety of the society and in the sectors of telecommunications and software development [2].
By management of NES we mean a process of constant purposeful activity on implementation of the best possible
measures to reduce risks of NES to a level that the society considers acceptable in view of the existing constraints on resources
and time. In a general case the process can be divided into three stages: the monitoring of NES, prevention of NES and
liquidation of consequences of NES [2].
The enormous complexity and dimension of such tasks, a large number of contradictory functional and economic criteria
and restrictions along with uncertain and incomplete initial information have led to the fact that the existing information
technologies do not allow to quickly make scientifically based and effective decisions on management of NES on trunk roads
(TR) [2, 3].
Analysis of publications
The lack of information about the nature of NES can cause a situation with disastrous consequences. Under these
conditions there become urgent the task of evaluating sources of NES on TR and the state of TR, analyzing and forecasting
NES development, choosing necessary means and volumes of resources of technical, human and information support, optimal
allocation of resources, which are involved in the prevention and elimination of NES on TR [2 ].
Studies and publications of many scientists and specialists are devoted to issues of management and building information
systems for decision-making support under conditions of emergency situations (ES). So a mathematical model of propagation
of external negative impacts across the structure of a complex system was built and described in [3].
The probabilistic and deterministic model is based on formalization of the system structure presented as a directed graph
and propagation of external negative impacts on the system presented by impulse forces.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

The information and software support for ecological monitoring is analyzed in [4]. The considered information support of
the ecological monitoring system should comprise: ordered information flows (input, internal, output); infrastructure of the
information database itself; methods of data collection from fixed and mobile stations; techniques of transmitting the data
received from the stations of different levels; methods of data processing and calculation of integral indicators of the OS state;
methods for determining sources of emissions; structure of user network organizations and operational services.
The methodology of systemic research of complex dynamic systems and management in the context of uncertainty,
which is characteristic for NES on TR, requires the provision of decision-making support with regard to the regional aspect [6].
Presently there is no information technology, which could enable solving a complex task of monitoring sources of NES
on TR, TR themselves, evaluating, analyzing and forecasting the development of consequences of NES on TR and choosing
effective plans for liquidation of NES on TR as well as scheduling their implementation.
Under current conditions it is not possible to manage the plans and programs in the old manner as it is unreal to use the
abovementioned methods of neutralizing risks in the context of the deficit of financial resources. The financial reserves for the
plans implementation are being sharply reduced. It is not also reasonable to account on neutralizing risks by taking a credit.
The prices of contractors, as it usually happens under crisis conditions, are growing and currency fluctuations make the
situation uncertain. The schedule control has gained a more problematic nature than ever before. It has become difficult to
observe the schedule because the contractors encounter the crisis influence as well [5].
For describing the processes within the technology for management of NES on TR, the methodology of functional
modeling IDEF0 is of the greatest interest. The SADT (IDEF0) methodology is intended for the functional modeling, i.e.,
simulating the implementation of the object functions by means of creating a descriptive graphical model showing what
operations are performed within the functioning of any organization, how and by whom. The developed IDEF0 models involve
documenting the processes of management of NES on TR reflecting what information and resources are used at each stage of
management of NES on TR. Application of functional modeling enables solving not only technical problems of customers
associated with information technologies but those related to the sphere of their activities. It is recommended to use SADT at
early stages of the life cycle of developing automated information systems: for a deeper and comprehensive understanding of
the information system for management of NES on TR before its implementation. SADT allows reducing costly mistakes at
early stages of creating the information system for management of NES on TR, improve the contact between uses and
developers, smooth the transition from analysis to designing. Therefore, developing the functional model of the information
technology for management of NES on TR can neutralize the effect of unpredictability. It is possible to obtain a quite accurate
forecast on the budget and schedule of the plan for the chosen risk level even at the early stage of its implementation. It allows
evaluating in advance the chances to eliminate the risk and the time reserve for taking certain measures if the problems are
obvious. The most important element for a successful management of NES on TR is predictability even in the context of
uncertainty of all the plan parameters under crisis conditions.
Application of IDEF standards is the actual condition for obtaining by the organization the status of the one complying
with ISO 9000, ISO 9001 requirements. In the recent years the interest to methodologies of the IDEF family has been
continuously growing. The orientation to international standards contributes to the Ukrainian enterprises‘ entering the global
information space.
Thus, modeling the processes of management of NES on TR by means of information technologies will provide for
achieving main parameters of management of NES on TR with a preset probability [1, 2].
Setting the aim and objectives of the research
The aim of the work is to develop a functional model of the information technology for management of NES on TR and
determine the expediency of SADT using. The object of the research is the information technology for management of NES on
TR, the subject of the research is functional tasks and processes of management of NES on TR.
To solve the set objectives it is necessary to analyze tasks of management of NES on TR; develop elements of the
information technology for management of NES on TR; elaborate a functional model of the information technology for
management of NES on TR in the form of an IDEF0 diagram, carry out its decomposition.
The functional model of the information technology for management of NES on TR
BPwin is a powerful tool for modeling and documenting business processes. This product uses the modeling technology
of IDEF0 (Integration Definition for Function Modeling) — the most common standard accepted for business process
modeling [7, 8].
IDEF0 diagrams are clear and simple for understanding and at the same time they formalize the idea of simulated
processes helping to easily find a common language between the developer and the future user of the application [9, 10].
Let us analyze the structure of the information technology for management of NES on TR. As is known the information
technology is a combination of methods, hardware and software for information transformation [10, 11].
The elements of the information technology are presented in Table 1 according to the scheme: the considered operations
on transformation of information (function) on the basis of theoretical principles; data or material objects transformed by the
considered functions into input elements; data or material objects produced by functions (output elements); tooling used for
implementation of the functions (elements of the mechanism); data used for controlling the process of implementation of the
functions (control elements).
The structure of the information technology for management of NES on TR consists of the following parts: surveying

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

NES sources and sections of TR; choosing the goal and its decomposition into sub-goals; the application and updating of
information and reference support; making decisions on management of NES on TR; implementing the accepted project;
evaluating the results of management of NES on TR. It should be mentioned that Points 3 and 4 (Table 1) are divided into sub-
The general functional model of the information technology is presented in Figure 1 in the form of a diagram. To
represent the participants of management of NES on TR, the ability of BPwin to switch at any branch of the model to the
notation IDEF3 or DFD and create a mixed model is used. Let us describe main stages of implementing the developed
information system.
Stage 1. The studying of sources of NES and TR sections at this stage is conducted to determine danger coefficients of
NES sources and technical and operational parameters of TR sections. For this purpose it is necessary, first of all, to carry out
the analysis of meteorological conditions for the past period or at the current moment based on the data of the electronic
cadastre of sources of NES on TR. The results of surveying the sources of NES and TR sections are input parameters for Stage

Table 1. The elements of the information technology for management of NES on TR

Elements of the
№ Function Input elements Output elements Control elements
1 Surveying The electronic Results of surveying NES Experts, decision- The Constitution
NES sources cadastre of sources and sections of TR makers. of Ukraine,
and sections NES sources. Decrees of the
The staff of units of
of TR Technical and President, Orders
Ministry for
operational of the Cabinet of
Emergency Situations
parameters of Ministers of
and Ukravtodor (the
sections of Ukraine.
governing body of
TR. Normative and
automobile roads).
Material and documentation
l forecasts
technical support of
units of MES and
2 Choosing the Results of Technical specifications Experts, decision- Normative and
goal and its surveying for management of NES makers. technical
decompositio NES sources on TR documentation.
The staff of units of
n into sub- and sections of
MES and National and
goals TR.
Ukravtodor. international
Reports on standards.
of NES on TR
3 The Technical Information and reference Experts, decision- Specialized
application specifications support makers software
and updating for packages.
of the management
Normative and
information of NES on TR.
and reference
Reports on documentation.
National and
of NES on TR.
4 Making Technical The project on Experts, decision- Decision-making
decisions on specifications management of NES on makers. methods
management for TR
The staff of units of Specialized
of NES on management
MES and software
TR of NES on TR.
Ukravtodor. packages.
Information and
reference support

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

5 Implementin The project on The report on The staff of units of Information and
g the management implementation of the MES and reference support
accepted of NES on TR. accepted project Ukravtodor.
Material and
technical support of
units of MES and
6 Evaluating The report on Reducing the expenditures Experts, decision- National and
the results of implementatio of material and labor makers. international
management n of the resources at management standards.
The staff of units of
of NES on accepted of NES on TR.
MES and Ukravtodor Information and
TR project
Reducing the time for reference support
liquidation of NES
consequences on TR.

Stage 2. Choosing the goal and its decomposition into sub-goals are substantiated. Technical specifications for
management of NES on TR, which present the result of this stage, are determined depending on the situation.
Stage 3. Management of NES on TR is considered as an information process, i.e., functionally including the receiving,
transmission, processing (transformation), storage and use of information and the hierarchy system of management of NES on
TR – as an information system.
Figure 2 demonstrates the point of ―The application and updating the information and reference support (IRS) for
management of NES on TR‖ in the DFD notation.

Fig. 1 – The functional model of the information technology for management of NES on TR.

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

The information and reference support (IRS) for management of NES on TR is a combination of the implemented
decisions on the volume, placement and forms of organization of the information circulating in the management system at its
functioning. It includes data bases (DB) of operational information, normative and reference information (NRI) and procedure
information (PI). The DB of the operation information (DBOI) contains the information about a certain object and is stored
during all the period of its management. The DB of normative and reference information contains the largest volume of
Stage 4. Making decisions on management of NES on TR with regard to a certain purpose and set granularity of the
model. For this purpose the information obtained at Stages 1-3 is used. The result of the stage implementation is the structural
model of ―Making decisions on management of NES on TR‖ (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2 – The functional model of the stage ―The application and updating of the information and reference support‖ (Stage 3)

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Depending on the goal set by the technical specifications on management of NES on TR there determined one of the
processes of management of NES on TR: preventing NES on TR, monitoring NES on TR or liquidating consequences of NES
on TR (Fig. 4-6)

Fig. 3 – The functional model of the stage ―Making decisions on management of NES on TR‖ (Stage 4)

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Fig. 4 – The functional model of the stage ―Preventing NES on TR‖ (Stage 4.1)

Fig. 5 – The functional model of the stage ―The monitoring of NES on TR‖ (Stage 4.2)

Automation of technological and business-processes Volume 8, Issue 2 /2016

Fig. 6 – The functional model of the stage ―Liquidation of consequences of NES on TR‖ (Stage 4.3)

Stage 5. The decision made is realized at this stage. The result of this stage is the report about the implemented project of
management of NES on TR.
Stage 6. Analysis of the results on the basis of the report, in particular, formation of conclusions concerning the goal of
management of NES on TR is carried out at this stage.
The result of the realization of the given stage is either a conclusion about achieving the set goal or development of
recommendations on revision of decisions on the basis of the evaluation results.

The analysis of the problem of developing an information technology for management of NES on TR as a complex
technical semi-structured system based on the IDEF0 notation has been conducted.
The functional model of the information technology for management of NES on TR, which enabled describing the
simulated system from several standpoints regardless of its temporal characteristics, has been developed in the article.
The building of the functional model of the information technology for management of NES on TR allows for an
effective formalizing of properties and characteristics of the studied object in terms of its semi-elements and subsystems,
which provides completeness of the description required for analysis of the object and synthesis of the management system.

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Received by edition: 28.04.2016. Approved for the press: 15.06.2016


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характера в новом Международном научно-производственном журнале «Автоматизация
технологических и бизнес-процессов», зарегистрированном Министерством юстиции
Украины 16.10.2009 г., свидетельство: Серия КВ № 15895-4367Р, ISSN(print) 2312-3125,
ISSN(online) 2312-931X.
Редакция: Одесская национальная академия пищевых технологий, ул. Канатная, 112, г.
Одесса, 65039, кабинеты Д-426 и Д-428, тел: (048) 712-42-54, e-mail:

Основная тематика издания:

 объектами с распределенными параметрами и / или запаздыванием, в условиях интенсивных
возмущений (САУ инвариантны, каскадные, с изменяемой структурой, с прогнозированием, с
моделями объекта и т.д.);
 объектами с существенной неопределенностью и нестационарностью свойств (САУ с оптимизацией,
адаптацией, на основе искусственных нейронных сетей и нечеткой логики);
 объектами с ограничениями типа «аварийная ситуация» на значение их режимных переменных и
объектами с ограниченными ресурсами на управление;
 объектами с логико-динамическими свойствами
 математическое моделирование и идентификация моделей технологических процессов как объектов
управления, подходы к оценке адекватности, употребление моделей для разработки систем
управления и как компонент алгоритмов управления;
 новые подходы к разработке автоматизированных систем сложных технологических процессов
(функциональный, сценарный, эволюционный и т.д.);
 системы поддержки принятия решений операторами автоматизированных систем и принципы
разработки эффективных автоматизированных рабочих мест (АРМ) операторов;
 повышение эффективности и оптимизация автоматического управления группами технологических
агрегатов (включенных последовательно, параллельно, с рециркуляцией, смешанно);
 управления технологическими процессами в пусковых (переходных) и установившихся режимах
 физико-технические основы автоматических непрерывных и / или экспресс-методов измерения,
вопросы их метрологического обеспечения и программно-технической реализации;
 методы повышения точности прямых и косвенных измерений;
 восстановления значений переменных, которые для непосредственного измерения, в том числе
диагностика нарушений в техническом состоянии оборудования.
 обзоры и сравнительный анализ программно-технических средств сбора, обработки и представления
информации о ходе технологического процесса, средств интеллектуального ядра системы и средств
воздействия на процесс;
 организация сетей для взаимодействия контроллеров и компьютеров внутри интеллектуального ядра
системы, взаимодействия ядра со средствами сбора информации и влияния на процесс, с удаленными
пользователями и наладчика системы;
 практические вопросы целесообразного применения, наладки, настройки, монтажа технических
средств автоматизации, эффективного применения программных средств
 теоретические основы автоматизации бизнес-процессов, научно-методологические подходы к
управлению бизнес-процессами и их автоматизации;
 инновационные технологии автоматизации бизнес-процессов;
 практические решения вопросов автоматизации бизнес-процессов, опыт внедрения систем
автоматизации бизнес-процессов.
 направления и методы повышения качества подготовки специалистов в области автоматизации;
 эффективные формы организации учебного процесса, мировой опыт организации систем подготовки
высококлассных специалистов, системы управления качеством в образовании.
Авторы представляют в редакцию статьи в виде файла формата *.doc электронной почтой или
посредством платформы Open Journal System Каждый автор высылает
подписанный бумажный лицензионный договор либо на электронную почту скан последней страницы с
подписью (бланк на официальном сайте: К электронному варианту,
поданному через электронную почту, добавляют: бумажный вариант статьи, подписанный авторами
заверенную соответствующим образом рецензию; данные об авторе отдельным файлом, на отдельном листе
(фамилия, имя, отчество всех соавторов украинском, русском и английском языках, название статьи на
украинском, русском и английском языках, домашний адрес с указанием почтового индекса, телефона с
указанием кода города, место работы или учебы с указанием должности, ученое звание, ученая степень).
Согласно требованиям ВАК Украины (Бюллетень ВАК Украины № 1, 2003), каждая статья должна
обязательно иметь следующие элементы: Постановка проблемы в общем виде и ее связь с важными научными
или практическими задачами; Анализ последних исследований и публикаций, в которых начато решение данной
проблемы и на которые ссылается автор (количество ссылок на литературные источники - не менее 3-х,
рекомендуется в пределах 3-6), выделение нерешенных ранее частей общей проблемы, которым посвящена
статья; Формулировка целей статьи (постановка задачи); Изложение основного материала исследования с
полным обоснованием полученных научных результатов; Выводы по данному исследованию и перспективы
дальнейшего развития в данном направлении.


Поля со всех сторон - 20 мм. Шрифт - Times New Roman, 10 пунктов (кроме заголовка), интервал -
одинарный, выравнивание - по ширине. Абзацы в тексте - 0,5. Не добавлять интервал между абзацами
одного стиля. Отражать абзацы пробелами и табуляцией - запрещается!
УДК - в левом верхнем углу страницы.
Заголовок статьи печатается по центру строки заглавными буквами полужирным шрифтом на языке статьи
и отдельно обязательно на английском языке, размером 18 пунктов. Переносы слов в заголовке не допускаются.
Фамилии и инициалы авторов - после заголовка (через 1 интервал в 10 пт) на языке статьи и отдельно
обязательно на английском языке с указанием ученой степени и звания. Желательно указывать также свой
ORCID номер.
Название организации (без сокращений), город и e-mail автора - в следующей строке по центру
полужирным шрифтом.
Аннотация - через один интервал в 10 пт. курсивом (на языке статьи объемом не менее 1500 символов без
пробелов и соответствующий перевод на английском языке), а с новой строки обычным шрифтом - ключевые
слова на языке статьи и на английском языке (не более 8).
Текст статьи - через один интервал в 10 пт. после ключевых слов.
Литература - полужирным шрифтом, перед ним интервал в 10 пт. Список источников оформляется
согласно Electrical Engineering Citation Style ( Дополнительно ниже
приводится слово «References» и тот же список литературы но в романском алфавите (латиница). Количество
Интернет источников в списке литературы не может превышать 40% всего списка.
Рисунки, диаграммы и графики - черно-белым в любом графическом редакторе, который поддерживает
форматы bmp, gif, tiff, pcx, jpeg, dwg, cdr, mcd. Допускается использование диаграмм и графиков Microsoft Excel
в градациях черного. Рисунки нумеруют и подписывают по центру строки полужирным шрифтом без точки в
конце, расшифровку обозначений делают перед названием рисунка курсивом. Перед и после названия рисунка -
интервал в 6 пт.
Формулы набирают в редакторе Microsoft Equation 3.0 и центрируют. Нумеруют только те формулы, на
которые есть ссылки. Номера формул указывают в круглых скобках и выравнивают по правому краю страницы.
Центрирования формул и выравнивание номеров выполняется табуляцией (но не пробелами!) Параметры
настройки: переменная - курсив, другие - обычные, размеры (пт.): обычный - 10; крупный индекс - 7; мелкий
индекс - 6; большой символ - 16; мелкий символ - 10.
Таблицы, как правило, располагают под текстом после первого упоминания или на следующей странице.
Название таблицы указывают через короткое тире после номера по центру строки полужирным шрифтом без
точки в конце. До и после названия таблицы, а также перед абзацем, следующего после таблицы, устанавливают
интервалы в 6 пт.

Редакция оставляет за собой право на незначительное редактирование

статьи (с сохранением главных выводов и стиля автора). Предоставленные
материалы не возвращаются. Адрес редакции: Одесская национальная
академия пищевых технологий, ул. Канатная, 112, г. Одесса, 65039, кабинеты
Д-426, Д-428, контактный телефон: (048) 712-42-54.

Редакция АТиБП Научно-исследовательская лаборатория Мехатроники и робототехники была создана на базе кафедры
+38 (048) 712-42-54 Автоматизации технологических процессов и
робототехнических систем Одесской национальной
+38 (067) 483-27-12
академии пищевых технологий. Лаборатория
занимается разработкой промышленной, бытовой
робототехники, робототехнических узлов и комплексов
для военной промышленности.

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