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Haris Ejaz

Ms. Khushboo Rafiq
Presented to the Faculty of Sindh Madressatul Islam University
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Department of Media Studies

Spring 2021


This is to certify that research work titled “Contribution of Digital Media in the
development of Science and Technology in Pakistan” is carried out by Mr. Haris Ejaz
bearing student Id MED-17S-010. It is further certified that this is his original work
and has not been earlier presented in any institution nationally or internationally.


Ms. Khushboo Rafiq


Table of Contents

 ABSTRACT..............................................................................................................................8

 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………9
1.1 Background
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Rationale of the Study
1.4 Objectives
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Hypotheses
1.7 Variables
1.8 Significance

 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………………..12

2.1 Literature Review


3.1 Agenda Setting Theory
3.2 Knowledge Gap Theory
3.3 Uses and Gratification Theory
3.4 Social Responsibility Theory
3.5 Development Communication Theory
3.6 Democratic Participant Media Theory
3.7 Media Dependency Theory
3.8 Modeling Behavior Theory
3.9 Diffusion Of Innovation Theory
3.10 Spiral Of Silence Theory
3.11 Limited Effect Theory

 CHAPTER 4 METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………….22
4.1 Research Design

4.2 Sampling
4.3 Research Tools
4.4 Categorization

 CHAPTER 5 FINDINGS…………………………………………………………………..24
5.1 Findings


6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Limitations
6.3 Recommendations

 REFERENCES……………………………………………………………………………...71



This research thesis is dedicated to my mother, family and my teachers. They have been supporting
me throughout period of writing this research, also to all the digital websites that has been
publishing science news stories in their digital websites.


First of all, I want to thank my Allah Almighty to bless me his endless courage and confidence to
fulfill this task of final thesis. My supervisor for helping me throughout my research journey, it
would not have been possible without her help and guidance. My Mother for motivating me
continuously to complete my thesis and all my friends for helping and gathering information for me.


Science Journalism being 3rd most important beat after politics and sports in developed countries
facing severe problems in developing countries like Pakistan. Digital websites either Urdu or
English completely neglecting the importance of science reporting, there are some factors like
scarcity of specialized reporting and poor market of science journalism in Pakistan. The size,
placement and frequency of science news clearly show the declining situation of this field of work.
The declining situation of science reporting is also due to low literacy rate. This research was
conducted by content analysis using quantitative approach. The two leading digital websites of Urdu
and English languages were selected for this study. Digital websites from March to May were under
analysis for this research. It has been observing the types, tone, size, frequency and placement of
science news in these digital websites. Results show that the frequency of science news is almost
similar in both digital websites Urdu and English but English digital websites are more towards the
coverage of environment related news compared to their Urdu counterparts. Due to very poor
readership, lack of demand, untrained reporters the quality of science reporting is not improving
since the emergence on digital media in Pakistan.

Key words: Science Journalism, digital media, Science and technology, Contribution, Coverage




1.1.1 Mass Communication

Mass communication is a process of transferring message in which a person, group of people or

organization sends a message through a channel to a large group of anonymous, heterogeneous
people and organizations. In other words, mass communication is referred to exchanging
information on a large scale to a wide range of people.

LittleJohn and Foss defined Mass communication that, “the process whereby media organizations
produce and transmit message to a large group of people and the process by which these messages
are sought, used and consumed by audience.”

Another definition is by McQuail (1994) states that mass communication is, “only one of the
processes of communication operating at the society wide level, readily identified by its institutional
characteristics.” McQuail wanted to say that the messages do have the content of institutes which
creates them. Those people who are creating the messages have their flavor into it. Mass
communication has various types of digital media, electronic media, digital media and new media.

1.1.2 Digital Media in Pakistan

Digital Media: is all the means of communication that millions of Internet users can see, hear and
read on the Internet from websites, Facebook, Twitter, etc. In other words, news and advertising
materials that have an electronic presence and no physical form.

Traditional media: including digital websites, t. V, and radio or telex digital websites. Now the
question arises that t. V, radio, etc. also have electronic content visual and audio, then how is the
difference between electronic and traditional media. All the resources of this medium are transmitted
by a station at its appointed time which is in the form of geo-electric and magnetic waves or
microwaves in the form of air. V reaches the room. You can't watch your favorite newsletter or show
or drama again if you don't watch or listen to it on time.

Now we come to the part where we talk about the middle ground. It would not be wrong to call
digital media electronic media. And if we take a closer look, with the advent of smartphones and
3/4G internet in Pakistan, electronic communication has surpassed traditional media.

Its greatest virtue is the freedom of time. You can watch your favorite podcasts whenever, wherever
and whenever you want. No problem if you want to watch last month or year podcasts. You have to
watch relatively little advertising content while watching the program of your choice. If you don't
like it, you can fast forward and watch the podcast. It also costs less. Internet packages for most
mobile telecommunications companies cost very little. You can enjoy a lot of movies on Netflix all
week long by subscribing to the package at a low price.

In addition, the world-famous tea. V and the digital websites are just a few clicks away in digital
form. C. N. Ann, New York Times, Washington Post, b. B. Other world-renowned news
organizations, including C, upload news from around the world. You can pay for digital websites
that are cheaper than hard copy. And 24/7 new news keeps being published. And there is a saying in
journalism that if the news is fresh then it is news. In other words, the age of news has become very
short in this age of internet.

One of the hallmarks of electronic media is that gatekeeping is not applicable. While gatekeeping is
the spirit of traditional communication. Gatekeeping is a theory of media communication which in
Silesian language means that any news reporter is checked by an assignment editor then a full editor
and a decision is made on whether to publish the news or on air. So, in digital communication, this is
not a restriction at all.

Any politician, actor or actress stays in touch with their fans on digital platforms. In the old days,
these people were given digital websites and TV. VK was proud to read. And thus, free from the
hassle of lack of time and space. And two They It is also a great example of communication.

If you look at the other side of the coin, the negative or weak aspects of digital media are also
apparent. The biggest flaw is the abundance of "fake news" or false news on digital media. Due to
the lack of gatekeeping, all kinds of false news can be seen on social networking sites. The literacy
rate in Pakistan is very low. People cannot recognize false and true news. And I don't think it's just a
matter of education, because in the 2016 US presidential election, Donald Trump's victory was
ensured by spreading false news on social networking sites and other news sites.

Nowadays, false news about Corona has spread fear in the world. False vaccine news or accusations.

Facebook has introduced an automated system for preventing fake news that immediately removes
any false news from Facebook. A report released by Facebook states that in the future, the system
will be able to work 98% correctly.

Spreading lies is not the fault of the medium but of those who misuse it for their own benefit. And
so, the wrong news is seen in the traditional media every day. This proves that the culprit is not the

Talking about digital media, now we should also talk about traditional media. Traditional media is a
means of slow communication. If there is an accident or any other big news, you will have to wait
for the next day's digital websites and follow. You will come even the next day. If t. If so, having a
scene image and audio content is essential for the broadcast, while a smartphone is enough for
digital media reporters. Now, in any case, TV Channel reporters also send to the main station by
recording and editing from Smart, which saves a lot of time. But the lack of timely viewing and
slowness is a major negative point of this media.

The world today has become a global village, the distances have narrowed, so digital media will be a
great source of news and entertainment in the future. And the last nail in the coffin of traditional

1.1.3 Science & Technology

Science deals the systematic search of natural and physical world by using its observational and
experimental tools whereas Technology is the applied form of theoretical and experimental based
knowledge of pure sciences.

1.1.4 Role of Science and Technology In The Development Of World

There is major role of science and technology in 21st century, with the help of new advancements in
the field medical science day by day because of new technology and availability of high-tech
machines. Artificial intelligence and robots are considered as future from making food to helping in
industries robots are playing major role in helping humans. Who would have thought that one day
we would be just a click away from each other, science and Technology have brought this new
revolution in the field of communication? From using satellite phones to accessing internet our
whole world of communication has been changed and just because of communication the present
world is called globalized today.

To deal with the need of upcoming challenges, the role of science and technology can be more
complex and critical into human lives where the high-quality artificial intelligence is emerging and
replacing human workforce. Artificial intelligence is bringing new debates in western media weather
AI can be human friendly or human’s enemy. The role of technology is not only limited towards
such big deals and inventions a little invention from a countryside dwellers can change the fate of a
country. Because media has emerged as fastest medium where everyone can have excess towards
knowledge and knowledge can be spreads in minutes.

The amalgamation of historians and scientists in first half of 18 th century mainly among French and
English scholars paved the way for science stories to be popularized among public. This alliance
finally allowed science to be part of public talk and turned it into a genre. This amalgamation made
it possible for readers to understand contextual facts to understand progresses and developments.

1.1.5 Science Journalism

Type of journalism mainly related to field of science and conveys science news to the public is
called science journalism. The field of medicine, astronomy, technology, and environment fell in the
category of science journalism. the term science journalism is not that old to be heard decades
before, but this is fasting emerging field of work in media industry everywhere in the world. World
universities are offering science journalism as a subject to their 4-year media curriculum.

Science journalism is a bridge where knowledge through which knowledge flows from scientist to
the general audience in prescriptive, descriptive and filtered form.
According to written documents the beginning of science journalism can be traced back from Britain
where James Gerald Crowther started his career as a science correspondent when he was dismissed
from Cambridge. By 1924 he was recognized as most senior correspondent of Oxford University
Press in science publications. Crowther suggested Manchester Guardian in 1928,

‘The public should be helped to realize the greatness of science, and it’s significant for society and
the mind.’
His suggestion was accepted and encouraged by Manchester Guardian, and they ultimately
appointed Crowther as an official scientific Correspondent. Crowther’s previous knowledge and

experience brought Manchester Guardian at its peak where it optimizes the desire of Public science
and hence science since then in Europe became core topic of public talks.
This provided new era for scientific publications where original inventions were written for the
general audience into digital websites. They would not need to go through specialized science
publications having complex scientific language Latinate.

Science Journalism has become specialized fields of mass media and it has immense importance in
21st century’s world where there is open acceptance for new ideas. But science journalism should not
only follow the rules of science but also should follow the ethical view of news values in Journalism.

1.1.6 Functions of Science Journalism

The core function of science journalism is to transform the accurate and understandable version of
the detailed jargon laden science-based information by scientist for the general audience. The
trained, organized and two-way scientific communications in print can change the mind set of
society towards technology, environment, climate change and health. Science reporting helps to
mitigate the conservativeness, out datedness, negativity among the people living in a society.

Science journalism paved the way for open dialogue between audience and scientist which directly
relate to their lives. The audience with knowledge of science and technology can understand their
lives in a better way. They can learn about different diseases and their precautions to protect

The foremost purpose of science journalism is not just to provide infotainment about science and
technology but to critically analyze the information coming from firsthand sources.

Therefore, critical science journalism requires a careful analysis of all the data presented in a paper
and is likely to uncover key limitations and flaws that scientific researchers themselves do not
readily divulge. This form of science journalism can also encompass some degree of investigative
journalism. Journalists lack the resources to check the validity of scientific data by performing
experiments themselves, but they can track scientific research in a certain area over the course of
months and years as multiple research groups attempt to replicate published scientific findings.

1.1.7 Importance of Science Journalism

Science Journalism has become one of the most important channels in terms of delivering scientific
information to popularize science among public. Experienced science Journalist in their field is
credited to simplify complex topics before disseminating it in audience and it could be great
contribution towards any underdeveloped society. It is important because in 21st century it is not
important to have scientific background to understand science-based news. Societies has become
more complex, modern, luxurious completely dependent on technology. Everyone wants to know
about new advancements so that they could avail or at least peruse for.

1.1.8 Relationship Between Science Journalism and Digital Media

In modern world digital media is playing the role of intermediary between science and public, how
science is penetrating the minds of Public. Conversation about science and technology has become
common public talk in developed countries. Hence Science reporting is one of the most important
beat of western media channels. Infect some media outlets has their channels, magazines and
particular science digital websites. According to some writers it is because their audience is well
educated who have basic knowledge and education about science. But this is not in the case of
developing countries like Pakistan where literacy ratio is very low, and quality of education is
another question over the education system. After all these problems, Pakistan is first atomic Muslim
country who has atomic power. The standard of higher education id little bit batter as compared to
school levels hence this argument can’t be completely justified for a country who has been
producing scientist like DR. Abdul Salam.

Health related news in digital media is one of the major sources for audience to get to know about
latest technologies and advancements for their diseases. Therefore, science journalism took that task
to enhance our information about health care from a scientific perspective. The role of journalist is
to transform advancements into a balanced and understandable for to its readers. Press is considering
being more authentic than digital media to convey their message to lay public to inform them about
their health care issues.

1.1.9 Science Journalism in Pakistan

In Pakistan, Politics is considered to as one of the most important beat either in print or electronic.
After politics sports and entertainment are also published and broadcasted on daily bases. While
business, economy and international affairs could be found somewhere but Science and technology
has become a missing genre and completely ignored from past few decades.

While talking about Pakistan, research could be found on political news, social news, national news,
international news and much more but very rare research on science coverage could be found.
Research is such a huge and detailed study, apart from it, our media channels don’t even bother to
discuss this phenomenon.

Science coverage in digital media of Pakistan is gradually decreasing despite its importance and
significance. When we go into past there used to be weekly news articles and features on Science
and technology but now the statistics are continuously changing. Technology times is one and only
significant digital websites on science and technology in Pakistan. Whenever science magazines and
digital websites comes into industry, they soon disappear due to less readership and public
awareness. The famous saying about science journalism in Pakistan is that,

“If you want to commit financial suicide, launch a popular science Journal.”

Ahmed, 2005

Lack of market value is the most popular argument regarding science journalism in Pakistan. But in
a society where parents want their daughters to be doctor and sons to be engineered how could we
believe that people are least interested?

Whereas science journalist is drastically declining in Pakistan, but German digital media
experienced unprecedented development in Science Journalism in among German digital websites.
According to one study the overall boom in science reporting in Germany is 48%. There could be
many factors like high literacy ratio, understandability level towards science stories and high market
value of science stories.

Digital media is the only cheapest main sources of science stories for a lay audience. Hence it is
important for a science journalist to study about topic selection before preceding furthermore.
According to practitioners’ selection of science topic that contains news values like general news is
more public friendly hence there should be some identified news values for science stories too. The
general theory of news values can be considered as starting point but there should be distinct news
value especially for science stories.

Another argument among scientist is that the difference between science and digital media is that
science is mainly based on detailing, technicalities, facts and figures and being right. On the other
hand, Journalism is mainly based on timeliness, clarity, stories and being right now. These
differences create lot more tensions and criticism rather than cohesion.

Digital media of Pakistan is producing quality journalist in all respected beats weather its politics,
sports, business, entertainment, economy but why not Science? University offers 4-year degree in
journalism and during this crucial time for any student who wants to pursue that field they don’t
even bother to offer him a single subject related to the coverage of science journalism. Chairman
PSF Manzoor H. Somroo while talking about Importance of Science Journalism in Pakistan said,”
That science needed a prominence in media in developing countries, because science and technology
are central to development. It should be included in the curriculum of Journalism about how
journalists covering science and Technology”. Domain of journalism in Pakistan has become more
specialized field rather than applied field.

In Pakistan all most all media houses are owned by those who have degrees in humanities, or they
have business background. Their concern is either business or art. Plenty of dramas, programs on
social issues, entertainment program, religious programs but you won’t find a single science show.
Art and entertainment related shows are backbone of our media industry.

The role of national TV is also not satisfactory in this regard. There used to be study oriented shows
on PTV but with time these shows are also gradually replacing over entertainment-oriented content.
PTV is a channel which is mostly available in every corner of the world. Its content is being watched
across the country, but priority of Pakistan Television is not Science and technology.

Same goes in print expect few. Few digital websites try to maintain their standard and they
occasionally publish science relayed news. But they don’t have backing of society and students
hence such segments start and soon disappear. Another is presence of lack of professional science
journalist. In country like Pakistan where universities offering four years’ degree in Media studies
containing various amazing subjects. Unfortunately, they yet did not offer a single subject related to
science journalism.

In country like Pakistan much work is needed to systematically investigate the frequency, volume,
quality, scope and types of news related to science and technology. According to the senior student
of University of Karachi, our media especially electronic media is actually a business oriented and
Pakistani society is not that educated to take interest in science and technology at general level hence
we have very less amount of TRP (television rating point) and readership of science and this does
not suit for any industry which is running for earning money.

1.2 Statement of The Problem

Every research is conducted to find out answers for questions raised in a research based on
hypothesis. The origin of these questions is based upon a problem which might be obvious of
sometime not in a society or organizations of society. Media is considered as third pillar of state and
it has great responsibility on it to educate, entertain and inform audience. On the other hand, digital
media is a medium which can be taken as most reliable and authentic in terms of accuracy and
truthfulness. The responsibility of digital media is to provide news regarding all aspects of society
including science and technology. In Pakistan digital websites are filled with news coming from all
directions weather national, international, countryside’s, suburban having news related politics,
entertainment, sports, crimes, violence except science and technology. There is lack of proper
reporting on daily bases in digital media of Pakistan. On the other hand, science and technology as
being third biggest beat in developed world has become a platform to discuss and argue about
scientific ideas, theories, conflicts and criticism. The development in science and technology has
become key for success of any country in 21 st century and this genre is constantly declining and
missing in digital media of Pakistan.

1.3 Rationale of The Study

Science Journalism is key to simplify complex theories and ideas to the ordinary public. It is not
only necessary for the developed countries but countries like Pakistan also need regular publication
of science features and articles to create general understanding. In Pakistan this genre is totally
missing and gradually declining from traditional media.

1.4 Objectives

1: to know the coverage of digital media regarding science.

2: to identify space, place, length occupied by the science news in digtal media.

5: To compare the coverage of science news in English and Urdu language digital websites.

6: To examine the content, types and frequency of Science articles, features published in the digital

1.5 Research Questions

RQ1: How digital media is providing coverage regarding science.

RQ2: What space, place and length is occupied by science news in digital Media?

RQ3: What is comparison of science news in Urdu and English digital websites?

1.6 Hypotheses

H1: English digital websites publishing science news more than Urdu websites.

H2: Environmental news is published more than other science news.

1.7 Variables

The title “Contribution of digital media in the development of science and technology in Pakistan”
has two evident variables dependent and independent. Here digital media contribution is depending
over science and technology hence the digital media is dependent variables whereas development of
science and technology is not dependent over print therefore it will be taken as independent

1.8 Significance

This research will provide a door for upcoming researcher to understand the ground reality of
Science Journalism in Pakistan. It will also provide an argument for further studies regarding
coverage of science reporting in digital media of Pakistan. It will not only be beneficial for
researchers but also for digital websites to experience the innovative world of science and
technology. This research will also be helpful for Journalists and reporters covering this field or
want to pursue this in future to understand the condition and nature of science reporting in Pakistan.
The study of media is vast and rapidly growing with time in Pakistan and this research will help to
explore blind spots of media industry to bring diversity among content. Awareness and knowledge
are key to success for everyone therefore, it will establish an impact to generalize science journalism
in digital media and will bring science and technology into public talk.



It is evident that the role of media is to simplify thick scientific concepts, theories and research for
the public. There has been very few research to examine the role of media in covering science
reporting in digital media.

Holliman (2005) briefly explained in his book “Media risk and Science” how media coverage of
science could be helpful to understand the science controversies. Science journalists see scientific
stuff as an ordinary public, and this helps a lot for any invention to understand public behavior
towards technological advancements and acceptance ratio. Media can play more effective role in
relationship between media, science, society and popular culture. He in this book also discussed
about the science fictions and how media is more towards science fictions rather than reality. One
research dealt with climate changes issues in Pakistan says that there is huge communicational
vacuum between media and the science audience due to which media industry weather digital
websites, magazines or TV channels usually don’t even put a little effort to cover severe issues like
climate changes due to low level awareness and communicational gap. The awareness level among
Pakistani audience is quite low not even comparing to developed nations but also countries in South
Asia. Apart from media side Pakistan’s contribution towards research sector about climate change
don’t even exist as compared to Nepal, Bangladesh, India and Afghanistan, Sri Lanka. Though there
are some small-scale research conducted by students and they are mainly based on content analysis
of digital websites.

Sharif (2018) pointed out that according to proponent of Political – Economic approach media works
on certain propaganda based on financial returns achieved through commercials for its existence.
Hence media mostly works for those who have economic and political means to control news and
content and media role here becomes not more than a private enterprise.

Lopez (2015) said that scientist has always been referencing media coverage of science to enhance
their work in this field. The standardization and selectivity of information were characteristics of
science journalism in the printed medium that the digital editions of journals have inherited. This
essay explores this fact from the international perspective, with a special focus on the Spanish case.

To highlight the importance of role of news media in New Zealand, research says media play role of
bridge between public and scientific and technological development. But due to public demand of
material news such as politics, sports, business and owners’ pressure to meet the deadline, science
reporting is gradually declining. Scientist says the foremost purpose of media is to serve public and
science is humanitarian subject but majority media outlets devaluing the field of line.

Ashwell (2014) mentioned that according to one media expert group in UK the significance of
science reporting of media cannot be neglected, as print history witnessed how science discussions
of time have been debated on the front pages in public news. Hence Science Communication has
become one of the populist fields of work for researchers, policy makers and science writers to
explore more out of it. Gregory (2007) highlighted that trend of scientific research in industrial
countries transferred from older journalistic agendas of investigations towards a privatization since
1980’s leads a new shift of science communication.

Brumfiel (2009) said about science Journalism that mostly science journalists are turning towards
science websites and this creating burden on those who are remaining. This situation is worst
towards quality regarding to science coverage in digital websites and news channels. According to a
survey in UK 61% respondents believed that the quality of work among reporters of science beat at
national level is in decline. Declining conditions among reporter’s productivity echoed in United
States and Europe due to economic crises that affected digital websites too.

Another research about medicines emphasizes the relationship of science and scientist and how they
are experiencing with media. How media is reporting medicine and genetics studies (Genetics in
Medicine, 2005). According to Thomson, “trust facilitates the access the access that science writers
have to scientists, as well as higher quality interviews between scientists and science writers, trust
might also contribute to higher quality media reporting. Therefore, scientists and science writers
have an ethical obligation to foster trusting relationships with each other.”

Warmer (2002) conducted a study and analyzed that how scientific news becomes a topic of
Journalist’s interest. For example, for other news like politics, sports and business several factors
have been identified. This research explored the process and how to select a scientific topics and
news which has news values and contains public interest.

Hansen (1994) mentioned that British digital websites conducted a study to generalize the role and
characteristic for journalist who is involved in covering of science. It shows how Journalist shares
their characteristics with scientist and they give it too much importance to the covering as compared
to any other field of work.

The knowledge about severe issues like climate change, energy turnaround and the global spread of
virus infection is subject of specialized scientific disciplines hence cannot be understood nor handled
without scientific knowledge. In this context the role of journalist is to fall back on scientific data
and facts to make it familiar for non-specialized audience (Summ & Volpers, 2015).

Wilkins (1993) in his research of greenhouse effects emphasized on the role of science journalist in
spread negative effects of greenhouse on our lives and how frequently digital websites covering
news on this issue. “There are at least three additional values that help frame news of the greenhouse
effect: progress, the institutionalization of knowledge, and innocence.”

According to the Guardian report Science Journalism in Africa had much more potential to drive the
continent’s sustainable development goals but suffered several setbacks. Most of the science stories
remain untold in Africa because news manager’s lack has a very low understanding of basic science
(Mbamalu, 2017).

Lilbury (2012) highlighted that in South Africa situation is worst ever journalist seems more towards
celebrities’ royalty and glamour rather than feeding masses with the fire of knowledge. According to
a content analysis of 2004 less than two percent of editorial space in the country’s top publications
was awarded to the topics of science and technology.

Ward and Jandciu in his study identify challenges faced by science journalist. According to them
science journalist faces two types of challenges and he named them as individual challenges and
systemic challenges. Individual challenges are merely concerned with reporter’s personal abilities
like personal skills, personal abilities and qualifications. Whereas systemic concerned with reporters
challenges he faced in newsroom on daily basis. According to Ward, science journalist is unable to
control systemic challenges and systemic challenges manipulate his work far more than individual
challenges. According to Jandciu, reporters are not given enough time to have had enough
knowledge to report thick scientific topic hence they mainly depend upon science journals as their
main sources towards science stories (Appiah et al., 2015).

According to Caselli (2015), the content of print in regarding health is mostly out of reality in terms
of benefits, risk and actual cost. Does the health-related articles publish in press support or sabotage
health? is still a big question. But it is evident that these articles weather published in national or
local media provide incomplete and biased point of view sometime inaccurate information.

Metag (2012) in his study examined the behavior of media content towards the coverage of Nano
technology. However, the media coverage of latest technologies is not biased as they were used to be
in past. This study reveals that the technophobia especially in terms of Nano technology is not
supported but digital media of these days. Infect study says media is rather trying to promote such
technologies and creating more space in public’s life through there vibrant content and techniques of

Howes & Leach (2017); Metcalfe & Gascoigne (1995) surveys show that media attention to science
and technology has increased considerably over the past decade. Yet coverage seems shallow and
technology-based and does not appear to have succeeded in making a real impact on people or in
changing the ways they think about science and technology and its impact on their lives. Scientists,
science communicators and science journalists interact to deliver science news to the public. Yet the
value of interactions between the groups in delivering high-quality science stories is poorly
understood within Australia. A recent study in New Zealand on the perspectives of the three groups
on the challenges facing science journalism is replicated here in the context of New South Wales and
the Australian Capital Territory. While all three groups perceived the quality of science journalism
as generally high, the limitations of non-specialists and public relation materials were causes for
concern. The results indicate that science communicators are considered to play a valuable role as
facilitators of information flow to journalists and support for scientists. Future studies on the
influence and implications of interactions between these three groups are required.

Reed (2005) identified several causes and reason for which both failed to buildup healthy
relationship to help each other and make them agree over a certain points of interest. Journalist fixed
time frame to complete an assignment consider to be a problem between good relations. Scientist is
an arrogant and they should change their attitudes towards.

Allan (2011) in his research mentioned that science journalism in digital age stated the all most all
media houses are owned by those owners who have degrees in humanities. They are not aware in a
way a person having scientific background can be. They usually in their science stores underestimate

the power of science and technology. Their story topic is chosen to do some parody over there which
totally ridiculed the 200 years of western history of science.



There are limitless theories that discuss the nature, purpose and working of mass media. Through
these theories we can find out questions raised in this research. The first ever theory present by
regarding the effects of media was magic bullet theory which says audience is passive and accepts
everything from media. The base of this theory was behaviorism observed in Nazi Propaganda and
Hollywood movies in 1930s and 1940s.


(Naveed 2017) Agenda setting theory was presented by Max McCombs and Donald Shaw in a study
in 1968. The agenda setting theory says, media sets their agenda with the passage of time media’s
agenda becomes the public agenda and they are linked with on anther. This theory defined the ability
of media to influence people’s mind set and believes.

In developed countries science reporting has become third biggest beat because after enlightenment
they became aware and conscious about the importance of science and how science transformed
their life, and their nations became richest and most civilized in the world just because of science.
Media’s existence itself depends upon science. When they fully realized the fact science reporting
became their priority in news. Now they own such big science channels like discovery, National
Geographic channel. But Science reporting is not the priority of Pakistani news channels hence we
could not even begin with an appropriate science show.


Southwell (2015), Phillip J. Tichenor, then Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass
Communication, George A. Donohue, Professor of Sociology, and Clarice N. Olien, Instructor in

Sociology – three university of Minnesota researchers – first proposed the knowledge gap
hypothesis in 1970. Knowledge gap theory says that the knowledge level of society depends based
on socioeconomic status; hence, dissemination of media information acquired by these segments of
society depends upon their level of knowledge.

In recent times media has become an industry and it needs advertisement to generate revenue for its
existence. In Pakistan half of the population is not literate to be attracted by such thorough and deep
information of science. Hence in Pakistan science reporting could not generate appropriate revenue
for its owner due to less knowledge and understanding of this subject.


Bowhmik (2012) mentioned that UGT was presented by Herta Herzog in 1944. She was first to
present the idea of this theory on why people choose specific type of media. UGT says “people seek
mass media to fulfill their particular needs.” This theory is a transfer from what does media do to
people. To what do people do with media? This theory has contradiction with magic bullet theory.

Every society contains different mind sets in human behavior. Some people like entertainment some
religious stuff and some wants to know about our world’s physical structure. Media’s responsibility
is to provide content for everyone so that each segment of society could fulfill their needs. But
Pakistani digital media is confined to publish news only.


McWilliam (2001) said that media should be given free hand to publish their content without
censorship but on the other hand public should also have authority to discuss and interfere to
regulate the media content. Media should be given total freedom and Public should have external

Digital media is free to publish content that is useful for society but in Pakistan this is not the
scenario and media only publish content about politics and entertainment. Public is bound to read
that is available in digital websites. In this case media is not fulfilling its responsibility.


Explored how media can play their role in a society by publishing development messages to bring
social changes for their target targeted audience. Here the role of communication is to educate the
audience rather than manipulation.

Role of media for every society is to bring social change and in this era science and technology
known as the most important agent of society. The development of mankind depends upon the
development of science and technology. If media keep ignoring the publishing of science and
technology than how a society without having scientific and technical knowledge can be ready to
accept any change.


Criticize the commercialized role of modern media and its nominal kind of participation for
democratic societies. This theory says media is more powerful but unfortunately working as business
entities rather than socially responsible institution.

Democracy is a system where every individual is free to exercise their freedom only at the condition
to not violate social and political laws. The role of media for democratic societies should be to
encourage and enhance the abilities of each section of society through educating them about
modernization, industrialization and urbanization. Science and technology is the considered as
foundation for modern democratic societies hence its responsibility of media is to educate under
develop democratic societies to learn new technologies and advancements to compete other modern


Media dependency theory was first presented by Ball-Rokeach and DeFluer, argued upon the some
basic questions regarding the motive of media and the dependency and need that media creates into
the minds of audience regarding media consumption by audience. This theory raised some basic
question like do media create needs? Does media is source to get gratification and satisfaction?


Modeling behavior theory says the audience imitates what media shows them. This behavior of
imitating if has some useful aspects becomes habitual and can be reinforced in society later.

Though consistency in media content after some time began to be imitated by public for example
latest trends in dressing, makeups and interior designing is one of the example of media consistency.
If media keeps publishing news about science and technology can bring changes into anti-
development mind set of society regarding science and technology.


Diffusion of innovation theory was given by Bryce Ryan and Neil Gross in 1943. This theory
explored the process which gradually helps to diffuse innovation. That innovation can be any
invention or idea need to be communicated to the public through channels. The following research
identified some factors through which people’s thoughts and actions can be influenced towards
adaptation of invention or idea.

Media play important role in terms of diffusion of any scientific invention and technology. The
inventions and new discoveries are key for the success of modern societies. Media can play
important role in diffusion such ideas and technologies. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s digital media is
not playing their role in terms of diffusion scientific ideas as compared to new ideas regarding
culture diffusion.


Spiral of silence theory was introduced by Elisabeth Noelle – Neumann. This theory says that media
only publish issues and opinions that are being publish in mainstream media. On the other hand,
people also perceive those media messages that are being under public discussion. Both media and
audience have a fear of being isolated.

The popular agenda of Pakistan’s digital media industry is politics, sports and entertainment. if
anyone wants to add science and technology as part of their agenda, they have a fear being isolated.

Hence the science and technology and science journalism could not grow properly and could not
play their role in terms of development regarding urbanization, modernization and industrialization.


Yusuf (2017) highlighted that limited effects theory totally changed the scene and it says that media
does not have major impact on the audience, or its impact is limited on the audience. The impact of
media varies person to person.

In the context of limited effect theory science reporting is declining in digital media because public
is not that interested in reading educated material especially thick concepts like science. That is why
media owners due to very less readership do not even bother to publish weekly or monthly news
about science.




The content analysis of quantitative type of research was used in this research in which researcher
analyzed and compared the content of two digital websites one from Urdu digital websites and
another from English digital websites.


The purposive sample technique was used in this research in which researcher selected two widely
read digital websites from both languages of Pakistan’s digital media. from English and from Urdu were selected. The period for content analysis was chosen three months for
each from 1st March to 30th May.


In this research that is mainly based on quantitative study is implanted on two leading digital
websites of Pakistan’s digital media industry from both languages Urdu and English. These digital
websites are recognized and authentic in their respective mediums and from March
to May. The entire study was based on 3-month analysis. Research was conducted by using content
analysis technique of quantitative approach. Here the types, frequency, space and placements
acquired by science news were analyzed in this research technique of quantitative approach.


Categories were organized in a way to cover all types of science news for thorough study and
analysis. There were six categories in which Technology, Discovery, Medicine, Environment and
Space science was covered. To accommodate the other news that are not directly related to Applied
of pure sciences but to generalize and enhance interest of public about science were kept under the
category of “others”





Date Technology Discovery Medicine Environment Space Others

1-3-2021 1 0 0 1 0 0
2-3-2021 0 0 0 1 0 0
3-3-2021 0 0 0 1 0 0
4-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
5-3-2021 0 0 0 2 1 1
6-3-2021 0 1 0 0 0 1
7-3-2021 1 0 0 0 0 0
8-3-2021 0 0 1 2 0 0
9-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
10-3-2021 0 1 0 0 1 0
11-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
12-3-2021 1 1 0 0 0 0
13-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
14-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
15-3-2021 1 0 0 1 0 0

16-3-2021 0 1 0 0 2 0
17-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
18-3-2021 1 0 0 0 0 0
19-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
20-3-2021 0 0 1 0 0 1
21-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
22-3-2021 0 1 0 1 0 0
23-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
24-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
25-3-2021 0 0 1 1 0 0
26-3-2021 0 2 0 0 0 0
27-3-2021 2 1 0 0 0 0
28-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
29-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
30-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 7 8 3 10 4 7

= 7+8+3+10+4+7


Trend of each Category from 1st March to 30th March



=17 %



=20 %






100 0
× 25 %



× 10 %



=17 %

1st April to 31st April

Date Technology Discovery Medicine Environment Space Others

1-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
2-4-2021 0 0 0 1 1 0
3-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
4-4-2021 1 0 0 1 0 0
5-4-2021 1 0 0 2 0 0
6-4-2021 1 0 1 0 0 1
7-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
8-4-2021 0 0 0 0 1 0
9-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
10-4-2021 0 0 0 0 1 1
11-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
12-4-2021 0 0 0 1 0 0
13-4-2021 1 0 0 0 0 0
14-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
15-4-2021 1 0 0 0 1 0
16-4-2021 0 0 0 1 0 0
17-4-2021 0 0 0 1 0 0
18-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
19-4-2021 1 0 0 1 0 0
20-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0

21-4-2021 0 0 0 2 0 0
22-4-2021 0 1 0 0 0 0
23-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
24-4-2021 1 0 0 1 0 0
25-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
26-4-2021 0 0 0 0 1 1
27-4-2021 0 0 1 0 0 0
28-4-2021 0 0 0 1 0 1
29-4-2021 1 0 0 0 0 0
30-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
31-4-2021 0 1 0 0 0 0
Total 8 2 2 12 5 4



Trend of each category from 1st April to 31st April



=24 %



=6 %



=6 %



=36 %



=15 %



=12 %

1st May to 30st May

Date Sci & Tech Discovery Medicine Environment Space Others
1-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
2-5-2021 0 0 0 2 0 0
3-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
4-5-2021 0 2 0 1 0 0
5-5-2021 1 0 2 0 0 0
6-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
7-5-2021 0 0 0 1 1 2
8-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
9-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
10-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
11-5-2021 0 1 0 1 0 0
12-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
13-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
14-5-2021 0 0 1 0 0 0
15-5-2021 0 0 0 0 1 0
16-5-2021 2 0 0 0 0 1
17-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
18-5-2021 1 0 0 1 0 0
19-5-2021 0 0 0 0 2 0
20-5-2021 0 1 0 0 0 0

21-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
22-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
23-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
24-5-2021 0 0 0 1 0 0
25-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
26-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
27-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
28-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
29-5-2021 1 0 0 0 0 0
30-5-2021 0 0 0 1 0 0
Total 5 4 3 8 4 6

= 5+4+3+8+4+6


Trends of each category 1st May to 30th May



=16 %



=13 %



=10 %



=26 %



=12 %



=20 %

COVERAGE OF GEO.TV is an English digital websites of Pakistan as well as most reputed among all
English publications of country. The researcher conducted content analysis for three month in which
news were categories in following categories

 Technology
 Discovery
 Medicine
 Environment
 Others






Technology Discovery Medicine Environment Space Others

Among the following fields of Science the environment was covered more than other fields. There
were weekly based publications related to climate change, deforestation, melting glaciers. The
United Nations general Assembly’s summit regarding climate change also importance in coverage of The Field of medicine was poorly covered as compare to others. Technology and Discovery
was covered but only as event base coverage rather than a regular or weekly based coverage.

Content Analysis of

1st March to 30st March

Date Technology Discovery Medicine Environmen Space other

1-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
2-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
3-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
4-3-2021 0 2 0 0 2 0

5-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
6-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
7-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
8-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
9-3-2021 0 1 0 2 0 0
10-3-2021 1 0 0 0 0 0
11-3-2021 2 0 0 1 2 0
12-3-2021 1 1 0 0 0 0
13-3-2021 1 0 0 0 0 1
14-3-2021 0 1 0 0 0 1
15-3-2021 1 0 1 0 0 0
16-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
17-3-2021 0 0 0 0 2 0
18-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
19-3-2021 1 0 0 0 0 1
20-3-2021 0 2 0 0 0 0
21-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
22-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
23-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
24-3-2021 0 1 0 0 0 0
25-3-2021 0 2 0 0 1 1
26-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
27-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
28-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
29-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
30-3-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 7 10 1 3 7 6

= 7+10+1+3+7+6


Trend of each category from 1st March to 30th March


× 100

=20 %


× 100

=29 %


× 100

=2.9 %


× 100

=8 %


× 100

=20 %


× 100

=17 %

1st April to 31st April

Date Technology Discovery Medicine Environmen Space Others

1-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1

2-4-2021 0 0 0 0 1 0
3-4-2021 0 0 1 0 0 0
4-4-2021 1 2 0 1 0 0
5-4-2021 1 0 0 0 0 0
6-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
7-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
8-4-2021 0 0 1 0 2 0
9-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
10-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
11-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
12-4-2021 0 2 0 1 0 0
13-4-2021 1 0 0 0 0 1
14-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
15-4-2021 0 0 0 0 1 0
16-4-2021 0 1 0 0 0 1
17-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
18-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
19-4-2021 1 0 0 1 0 0
20-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
21-4-2021 0 0 0 2 2 0
22-4-2021 0 1 1 0 0 1
23-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
24-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
25-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
26-4-2021 1 1 0 0 0 1
27-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
28-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
29-4-2021 1 0 1 0 0 1
30-4-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
31-4-2021 0 1 0 0 0 0
Total 6 8 4 5 6 8

= 6+8+4+5+6+8


Trends of each category from 1st April to 31st April



=16 %



=21 %



=10 %



=13 %



=16 %



=21 %

1st May to 30st May
Date Sci & Tech Discovery Medicine Environment Space Others
1-5-2021 0 2 0 0 0 0
2-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
3-5-2021 1 0 0 0 0 0
4-5-2021 0 0 0 1 1 0
5-5-2021 1 1 0 0 0 0
6-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
7-5-2021 0 0 0 0 1 0
8-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
9-5-2021 1 0 0 0 0 1
10-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
11-5-2021 0 1 0 1 0 0
12-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
13-5-2021 0 0 0 0 2 1
14-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
15-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
16-5-2021 2 0 0 0 0 1
17-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
18-5-2021 1 0 0 1 0 0
19-5-2021 0 0 0 0 2 0
20-5-2021 0 1 0 0 0 0
21-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
22-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
23-5-2021 2 0 0 0 0 1
24-5-2021 0 0 0 1 1 0
25-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
26-5-2021 1 1 0 0 0 0
27-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
28-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 1
29-5-2021 2 0 0 0 0 0
30-5-2021 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 10 6 0 4 7 6

= 10+6+0+4+7+6


Trends of each category from 1st May to 30st May



=30 %



=18 %



=0 %



=12 %



=21 %



=18 %

COVERAGE OF SAMAA.TV is an Urdu digital websites of Pakistan as well as most reputed among all Urdu
Publications of country. The researcher conducted content analysis for three month in which news
were categories in following categories

 Technology
 Discovery
 Medicine
 Environment
 Space
 Others





Technology Discovery Medicine Environment Space Others

Among the following fields of Science the Discovery was covered more than other fields. There
were weekly based publications related to astronomy, planets and new discoveries about mars,
spaceships etc. the new discoveries about the physical conditions of Mars by NASA and some
majors initiated by Pakistan’s ministry of science and technology regarding space program, satellite

program and new apps regarding government institutions was also covered. Medicine here was also
poorly covered.





March April May Total

39 33 30 102

Here all news related to Science appeared in three months in is included here. In month of
March total science related appeared in are 39, in April 33 and in May 30. These numbers
shows decline of coverage. The total news appeared in three months are 102.


March April May Total

7 8 5 20

Trend of Technology news in 3 month:


=19 %

Here all news related to Technology appeared in three month in is included here. In month of
March total technology related appeared in are 7, in April 8 and in May 5. Hence the total
news covered in three month related to science and technology is 20. The trend of technology news
in in three month is 19 %.


March April May Total

8 2 4 14

Trend of Discovery news in 3 month:


=13 %

The covered 14 news related to discovery in 3 month out of which 8 were covered in month
of March, 2 in month of April and 4 in month of May. The trend of Discover news in in 3
month is 13%.


March April May Total

3 2 3 8

Trend of Medicine news in 3 month:


=7 %

The entire coverage of medicine in is 8 news in 3 month out of which 3 were covered in the
month of March, 2 in month of April and 3 in month of May. The trend of medicine news is 7% in


March April May Total

10 12 8 30

Trend of Environment news in 3 month:


=29 %

The entire coverage of Environment in is 30 news in 3 months out of which 10 were covered
in the month of March, 12 in month of April and 8 in month of May. The trend of environment news
is 29% in, which was quite highest out of all other categories.


March April May Total

4 5 4 13

Trend of Space news in 3 month:



The following table shows that the total coverage of space news in is 13 news in 3 months out
of which 4 were covered in the month of March, 5 in month of April and 4 in month of May. The
trend of space news is 13% in


March April May Total

7 4 6 17

Trend of others news in 3 month:


=16 %

The following table shows that the total coverage of others category news. In the total
coverage is 17 out of which 7 were published in month of March, 4 in month of April and 6 in
month of May. The trend of others category in 3 months is 16 %.





March April May Total

34 37 33 104

Here all news related to Science published in three month in is included here. In month of
March total science related news published in are 34, in April 37 and in May 33. The total
news appeared in three months are 102.


March April May Total

7 6 10 23

Trend of Technology news in 3 month:


=22 %

Here all news related to Technology covered in three month in is included here. In month
of March total technology related news published in are 7, in April 6 and in month of May 10.
Hence the total news covered in three months related to technology is 23. The trend of technology
news in in three months is 22 %.


March April May Total

10 8 6 24

Trend of Discovery news in 3 month:


=23 %

The covered 24 news related to discovery in 3 months out of which 10 were covered in
month of March, 8 in month of April and 6 in month of May. The trend of Discovery news in
in 3 months is 24%.


March April May Total

1 4 0 5

Trend of Medicine news in 3 month:


=4 %

The entire coverage of medicine in is 5 news in 3 months out of which 1 were covered in
the month of March, 4 in month of April and 0 in month of May. The trend of medicine news is 4%
in Medicine is the category with lowest coverage in


March April May Total

3 5 4 12

Trend of Environment news in 3 month:



The entire coverage of Environment in is 12 news in 3 months out of which 3 were covered
in the month of March, 5 in month of April and 4 in month of May. The trend of environment news
is 29% in


March April May Total

7 6 7 20

Trend of Space news in 3 month:


=19 %

The following table shows that the total coverage of space news in is 20 news in 3 months
out of which 7 were covered in the month of March, 6 in month of April and 7 in month of May. The
trend of space news is 20% in


March April May Total

6 8 6 20

Trend of others news in 3 month:


=19 %

The following table shows that the total coverage of space news in is 20 news in 3 months
out of which 6 were covered in the month of March, 8 in month of April and 6 in month of May. The
trend of space news is 19% in





Figure 1.0

In this figure 1.0 shows that 53% of technology news is being covered in whereas 47% of
technology news is being covered by This pie charts shows that the is giving more
coverage on technology as compare to


Chart Title



Figure 2.0

The figure 2.0 shows that the 75% coverage of category of discovery is covered by and
only 25% discovery news are being covered by daily down as compare to other categories. This pie
charts shows that is giving more coverage on discovery as compare to


Chart Title



Figure 3.0

The figure 3.0 shows that the medicine and curable treatment related have more coverage in
which is 62% contrary to their Urdu digital websites that is only 38% in numbers. The coverage on
medicine is given more in


Chart Title



Figure 4.0

The figure 4.0 shows that the environment related have more coverage in English digital websites.
Here covers 71% of environment news whereas Urdu digital websites only covering
29% of Environment related news.


Chart Title



Figure 5.0

Figure 5.0 shows that space related news are being covered by 61 % in whereas 39 % in Here Urdu digital websites covers more news on space as compare to English.


Chart Title



Figure 6.0

The figure 6.0 shows the data analysis of category ‘others’. Here data shows that the category of
others news were covered by 54% in whereas 46% in Here Urdu digital websites
gives more coverage on others as compare to English digital websites.








Technology Discovery Medicine Environment Space Others

Figure 7.0

Figure 7.o shows the coverage of science news in both digital websites where blue bars showing the
coverage of and brown bars are showing the coverage of The lowest covered
category in both digital websites is medicine, and the category of environment is highest covered in and in Discovery is highest covered category.

5.1 Findings

It can be derived from the above study that the contribution of digital media towards propagation of
science and technology quite minimal to an extent. The coverage is inadequate and sometimes fake
to meet standards of reporting in Pakistan. some major factors from above research can be derived
which shows that how media houses policies, lack of cohesiveness between scientists and science
reporters, lack of proper training, lack in interest of media institutions, lack of public interest,
knowledge gap, cultural and religious barriers affecting coverage of science and Technology in

It is a common misconception regarding media is that the issue in trends get the audience attention
in contrary the issues gain media’s attention gain’s audience attention most of the part. It is believed
that media coverage of issues is mostly based on what audience wants to see hence news have
become commodity waiting to be purchased in a commercial media market.

There is shortage of proper skilled reporters to cover science and technology. Since there is no
proper training of covering science and technology in institutions. If a journalist has a personal
interest and capacity to build up a science story but media houses hardly accommodate their stories.
This attitude of media houses discourages them to pursue a career which is quite irrelevant for their
media outlet.

After conducting deep and thorough analysis it is evident that science reporting in Pakistan’s digital
media is covered inadequately. There is hardly single news on daily bases. The placement and size
of the news is another drawback for this side of work. There is hardly any news on front page the
entire front page is occupied by politics. The quality of science reporting clearly shows the lack of

The reporter’s capacity, media houses will power is important towards coverage of science
technology in Pakistan. To analyze the existing role of Pakistan’s digital websites some categories
were develop such as Technology, Discovery, Medicine, Environment, Space and others. In context
of current scenario, social and economic factors these categories are discussed below.

5.1.1 Coverage of Technology

Technology is one of the most important areas of science to be covered on daily bases. Because
technology is rapidly transforming our lifestyle and it has great impact on modern civilization. But
in Pakistani digital media there is hardly news about technology on daily basis in both Urdu and
English digital websites.

The frequency of Technology news in was one or two news per week. The space occupied by
technology in was mostly lower half in between middle pages of the digital websites. The
world count was about 200 to 250 words approximately. The types of news were mostly about
automobile and Mobiles phones. Technology is directly related to humans because we have become
addict of it and people would like to keep themselves informed about it. The overall percentage of
Technology news according to 3-month analysis was 19%.

In technology was covered weekly bases three to four news in a week. But the quality of
coverage was very general, and we can say poorer as compared to English digital websites. The
place occupied by technology news lower half sometime even on front pages. Size of headline was
quite smaller that it could hardly be visible for readers. World count varies according to the worth of
news. The overall percentage of technology news in 3 month was 23%.
19% 23%

5.1.2 Coverage of Discovery

Everyday new discoveries are taking place in the field of astronomy, medicines, technology and
development. International digital websites publish features and articles about new or even
discoveries that changed human civilization. In Pakistan as it was predicted the field of Discovery
could not get the attention of publications and it is also poorly covered.

Urdu digital websites though publish a bit of new discoveries especially about planets, starts,
galaxies, nature and physical structure of planets but English digital websites drastically ignoring
this important field of work. Most of the discovery section is covered in magazine where detailed

articles are to be published sometime weekly or sometime in a couple of week in Urdu digital
websites. The overall coverage acquired by discovery in Urdu digital websites is 23%.

It seems English digital websites hardly have any priority towards discovery. There was not seen any
consistency in the placement and space occupied by this field of science in Whereas the
average percentage acquired by discovery in English digital websites was 13%.
23% 13%

5.1.3 Coverage of Medicine

Medicine brought dramatic changes in human life. There was a time when towns were converted
into graveyards due to terrible plagues like Malaria, measles, chicken pox etc. but the invention of
medicines and surgeries saved human lives. This field of science is still working and bringing
dramatic changes. The use of Nano ASI in surgeries and invention of medicine for sever diseases.
But this field has less coverage as compared to all other fields of science regardless of its importance
in both Urdu and English digital websites.

The coverage of medicine and related developments in curable treatment is drastically low as
compared to other fields of sciences. There was two or three news related medicine in The
total percentage occupied by medicine was just 7% in three months.

The frequency in Urdu digital websites is even worse than the English one. There was hardly single
news in couple of weeks. The total percentage of Medicine news was 4% in Urdu digital websites.
7% 4%

5.1.4 Coverage of Environment

As compared to all categories of science here environment in given little bit importance and
coverage but this coverage is not enough to meet the awareness level this country needs. The field of
climate change is covered more and given importance mostly in English digital websites. Reason

behind this fact is that English in Pakistan is known as medium of elite class and elite in every
society thinks beyond general problems of poverty, inflation. Therefore, environment is given more
coverage in English digital websites. After industrial revolution environment for living creatures
either Humans or animals have become harsh. It is social responsibility of media to highlight
environmental crimes. International media is somehow much better in this regard, but Pakistani
media is gradually neglecting this field of work. Media could be used to educate public about
environmental crimes such as animal trafficking, smuggling of minerals and illegal tree cutting of

English digital websites covered climate change news more than Urdu digital websites hence the
placement and space occupied by climate change news in was quite better than other fields of
science. The total percentage of Environment news was 29% in English digital websites. On the
other hand, Urdu digital websites poorly published environment and the average news published in
Urdu digital websites were hardly 11%.
29% 11%

5.1.5 Coverage of Space

Our universe is complex filled with lots of mysteries. It is constantly expanding, and scientists are
working hard to find any life evidence over there. Space also has much impact on our climate and
every country has their satellite system in space due to this, it is very important to keep an open eye
on space life. There is fixed space in international digital websites for space news. But just like other
fields of science this field is also completely neglected by digital media industry of Pakistan.
Recently with the help of china, Pakistan installed its first satellite system in space but could not find
any detailed news and any follow ups about it.

When it comes to comparison English digital websites hardly publishes single news in a couple of
weeks whereas Urdu digital websites do publish some sort of articles and features regarding planets
and their physical structures. The percentage occupied in English is 12% whereas in Urdu is 19%.
12 % 19%

5.1.6 Coverage of Others

This category of others was created for news that is not directly related to pure or applied sciences
but indirectly encouraging this field of work. For example, a teacher of science was rewarded for his
efforts to encourage students towards science. Urdu digital websites frequently published such type
of news but there was very few news of such type in English digital websites. Such news was
published mostly on back pages occupying very little space.
16% 19%

Science and technology is not the agenda of Pakistan’s digital media industry. According to agenda
setting theory media works on their agendas to disseminate media messages. Public uses media
messages to entertain themselves rather than educate them. The role of media in terms of science
and technology is quite unknowable.



The digital media plays immense role popularizing new ideas, inventions, promoting technologies
among masses, communicating with masses about diseases and their precautions. Mass media has
been used as a tool for propaganda either negative propaganda or positive propaganda. Science and
technology are known as key towards modernization, industrializations and Urbanization. Modern
societies cannot compete with world without development which is mainly related with the
development of science and technology.

Here media has a responsibility to create knowledge and awareness regarding this field of work.
International media somehow working in this area, and they have developed coverage of science and
technology in systematic manners through science Journalism. The impact of such manners can be
seen in there societies also where Science communications, discussions has become common public
talk. Science and technology transformed their lifestyle, housing, education system, transportation,
communication infects each and everything has transformed manual to automatic.

When we see in Countries like Pakistan here people are still hesitated to acquire new ideas,
technologies and inventions. Country is not self-sufficient in manufacturing machines for which they
must buy them from western countries to full fill their people’s need due to less manpower and
machinery due to lack of scientific knowledge. Our country is mainly based on agriculture with
exporting some food items, sports items and Clothing. Pakistan is not producing single technological
items for even their indigenous market.

The role Pakistan’s media industry here is very important. Our media channels following western
standards in their respective departments but when it comes to covering science and technologies
their western inspirations become useless. Apart from standard of science reporting, there is huge
difference that can be seen in frequency of science news coverage as compared to Politics, sports,
entertainment. There can be seen regular coverage over politics, business, sports and entertainment
but hardly over science and Technology.

There are various reasons, lack of public interest, lack of resources, lack of skilled reporters, lack of
government’s will power and patronage. The most importantly lack of market value. Not a single
science Journal or science digital websites could sustain its existence in Pakistan. The reaming
coverage of science and technology does not meet the standard of science Journalism of western
infect some Asian Countries too. Different methods are being used to analyze the categories those
were drawn from the digital websites regarding their coverage. Both mediums Urdu and English
have their own priorities regarding categories identified during content analyses.

In the light of media theories weather its Agenda setting theory, cultivation theory, knowledge gap
theory, uses and gratification theory proved the questions rose in this research in a way that how
Pakistan’s digital media industry is working on their agenda’s set by authorities. For example,
political talk shows are priority of Pakistan’s digital media industry hence every digital websites
either its Urdu digital websites or English digital websites comprises more than 60% of political

Either it’s digital media or electronic media they according to cultivation theory cultivated the
politics as topmost priority into the minds of Public and it can be seen in this society where people
discussing, arguing, debating about political parties in public gatherings.

Another common narrative propagating by the media houses is about lack of public interest in
science and technology news. It can be considered somehow true, but it can be proved in the context
of cultivation theory that Pakistan’s digital media industry never tried to cultivate the demand
towards science and technology into the minds of audience. Hence as a nation we could not develop
a positive social attitude towards science and technology.

In the context of book media risk and science how science Journalism can be helpful to understand
science Controversies. Reporters covering science and technology observe technological
advancements as a general audience and their general view to report science and technology can be
far more effective in terms diffusing any invention of even idea. Media can be taken as change agent
among science society and popular culture.

Climate change is topmost priority in world media. Pakistan is among top 10 countries affected by
climate change due to melting glaciers, heat waves, marine life devastating, green houses gases. But
there has been huge communicational vacuum between media; environmentalist and public
regarding this sever issue. Still English magazines are publishing and covering Environment more as
compared to Urdu digital websites. But majority of Pakistan’s Population is not well educated to

understand medium of English hence the most affected section of society should be educated in their
respective medium to create awareness about the issue.

Where in world, science journalism is rising as a major branch of Journalism in Pakistan, frequency
of science news in Digital media drastically decreasing. According to some media practitioners our
universities offering 4 years bachelors in media studies or 2 years masters in media studies could not
develop a single subject about general science or science journalism to meet the standard needs of
science reporting in country. This attitude of university could not provide skilled science reporters
for media houses to full fill the need. The beat of science reporting does not even exist in most of the
media houses and whenever they need to cover any trending science topic, they have to cover it by
normal reporters which are a question mark over the authenticity of news fakeness, miss quoting
facts, contextual information and understanding level.

The development in the field of medicine is bringing out curable treatments for those diseases that
were known as incurable for centuries. New technologies in terms of therapies and treatment are
bringing out treatments without side effects such as cyber knife for brain cancer etc. the field of
medicine comes under the domain of coverage of science Journalism. Everywhere in the world
whenever new technologies are introduced, they after testing faces are to be disseminated through
media messages to educate public about them and their usage. But in Pakistan field of medicine is
completely neglected in both Urdu and English digital websites.

It is proved that in 21st century neither nation nor a country can compete a world without working in
the field of science and technology. However, the sector of science and technology either it’s in
applied form or pure form needs contribution of media houses as well as government will power to
upgrade it in the country. The mindset towards science and technology needs to be changed and it
can be only possible with the help of media because media is a medium of change media is a tool to
educate, media is agent of change.

6.1 Conclusion

Science and technology play the role of backbone in 21 st century. Media coverage of science helps to
encourage, educate and modernize public towards science and technology. Science Journalism is
used to communicate thick concepts and theories of science for general audience. But in Pakistan the
role of digital media towards science and technology is quite minimal to accommodate the country’s
need. There are factors such as media’s priority towards science and technology, knowledge gap
between general audience and science. Most of the Pakistan’s population is not well educated to
understand scientific information. The general audience can’t be deal with single message. In short,
the lack of shortage of science market in Pakistan is one major cause to it. Another factor is scarcity
of skilled and trained reporters as well as media houses neglecting science reporting. The field of
environment is more covered in English as compared to Urdu digital websites. It was estimated that
English digital websites cover more science related news as compared to Urdu digital websites. But
this research proved somehow the frequency of science news in Urdu digital websites is either more
or same as compared to English digital websites. it is generally considered that English digital
websites cover more science news as compared to Urdu.

6.2 Limitations

This research is limited to the coverage of science and technology in digital media of Pakistan. In
which the data was taken from only 2 digital websites of digital media. There was shortage of time
to increase sample size hence researcher was bound to catch up all these things in limited time
frame. The target audience of this research is students, digital websites publications, academics and
researchers who can be beneficial but not for general audience.

6.3 Recommendations

 The institution of media should not be a corporation to make money, the primary purpose of
media is to educate and provide accurate and information to the public. Politics, sports and
entertainment is not the only need of audience. It is as important as politics, sports and
entertainment to inform public about science, technology, inventions, and medicines.

 Science and technology have become part of our daily life, science has great impact on
human civilization and its importance and influence is gradually increasing with time.
Science reporting helps to generalize the knowledge of science and it makes public to
understand the rules and laws of nature. Science journalism should work as an institute
where general audience can have excess towards scientific knowledge in concise form
without going through scientific publications.

 It should be mandatory for every digital websites to publish at least single detailed news on
daily bases about science every day in their digital websites. Government should consider the
importance of science and they should use media as a tool to educate public.

 The emergence of science journalism will create demand for new talent and skilled reporters.
The environment where competition starts bringing out some hidden talent out of the
populations both in terms of reporting and in terms of scientific inventions.

 Agha Waqar case when he claimed the invention of water car Pakistan’s popular talk shows
immediately started giving him coverage due to lack of scientific knowledge, they could not
understand that it was not actually an invention rather than illusion. The presence of science
journalism could handle such cases in better way.

 Institution should play their role in popularizing science journalism in country where they
can offer a single subject related to basic science and coverage of science to the students so
that the interest among students could be encouraged.

 Sitting government should patronage the coverage of science and technology. Because in 21 st
century no country no nation no civilization can compete other nations in development
without having adequate knowledge about science. The knowledge about science can bring
new ideas; these ideas could lead a country towards invention. We have seen how a single
invention of steam engine, wheel, and bulb transformed not only a country but the entire
world that we are today.


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