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Hijab is one form of clothing that is prescribed by Islam for Muslim women. As stated in Al-

Tell believing men to reduce (some) of their vision and guard their private parts. That
is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is acquainted with they do. (An-nur 31)

“Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the prophet, and his angels (ask him to do so).
You who have believed, ask (Allah to confer) blessing upon him and ask (Allah to grant
him) peace”. (Al- ahzab 59).

Hijab in Arabic means cover. For non-Muslims it is the same with the headscarf are identical to
the symbol of modesty. Muslim women are required to use the hijab by the rules stated in the
Qur’an except in men who became relative.

Understanding the hijabers a piece of cloth used to cover the hair surrounding the head, ears,
neck, and (usually) the chest. Usage of hijabers also accompanied by using clothing that covers
up to the end of their hands and feet.

And it turns out the hijabers divided into several forms, among others:
1. Niqab is a covering of the face that can be closed all, of the face below the eye or even the
whole face. Experts agreed that niqab was not kind of hood are required in the Qur’an. In
worship hajj, niqab should not be used.

2. Shayla is piece of cloth using that kind of hijab that many women around the Gulf area. The
characteristic cover the head and settings above shoulder.

3. Al-amira is a kind of hijab consisting of two parts, usually have a kind of cap or cover the
principal front.

4. Khimer is long hijab covering the chest and to the hand

5. Abaya is A long garment which covers the entire body (robe). Discharging abaya usually
accompanied the use of a hood / a headdress called by the veil. Using that colour is usually
black or other neutral colours.



We have 15 informants from different department. In about hijab, many person have own
idea/thinking about it. In our find, there are 15 who wear hijab for all day or just for go to
campus. Some answers from informant about wearing hijab are they wear hijab because they
study in Islam universities so they must wear scarf when they study, Some of them have
already wear hijab since senior high school and some others just wear hijab when they go to

Some answer from informants using hijab because they think how beautiful that lady who wear
hijab” so they are interested to wear hijab and also hijab is the recommended attire for Muslim
women. Some of them wear hijab because it makes them more stylish and beautiful. That’s
whymost informants wear different hijab every day. They use different models depending on
each day they attend the event. If in morning they will go to the campus, they wear a simple
hijab and if they have a formal event, they will wear more exclusive hijab with fashionable
accessories. If they want to hang out with their friend or walking with their boyfriend, they will
wear simply hijab but not so many accessories.

The first impression when they wear hijab are hard to get used to wearing hijab whenever and
wherever they are because it’s complicated and takes time. Now a lot of inspiration hijab called
hijabers who shared their expertise using various models with creative. Example is Dian
Pelangi, Natasha Fahrani, or Hanatajima. They usually share their style on youtube, blog, or

Actually, there is no disadvantage at all from using hijab. Some people have some concerns
when they want to wear hijab. One of them is wearing hijab makes them hot or they are afraid
to look old-fashioned when wearing hijab. At least, that’s what the informants felt when they
decide to wear the hijab.

There are so many benefits for women who wear hijab. One of them, women who wear hijab
will more rewarded and more respected by men, women who wear hijab actually looks more
elegant and beautiful, body of a woman who wearing a hijab can be spared from the sun and
pollution. Because their clothes cover their body, hijab is a good indication of a good woman,
and hijab makes them looks more tidies.

This is one of advantage for a woman who wears hijab. Their spirit will more comfort and peace
full compared with women who didn’t wear hijab.



Hijab has become a trend among young people now. If the previous someone using only a
simple veil for all events, now the veil can be varied in different shapes and interesting
creations. Hijab can make us look elegant and beautiful without having to indulgence in private


Adjust hijab that we wear in the right time and the right place

Wear hijab because Allah not fashion or style

Keep be rewarded and respected girls for all men


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