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CAN *habilidad en el presente - I can drive a car
(poder) *permiso informal - Can I go out?
*posibilidad - She can come to the party
*pedir algo - Can you lend me some money?
CAN’T *imposibilidad - I can’t lift this box
*deducción - Those can’t be my keys. I’ve got them
COULD *habilidad en el pasado - I could play the guitar when I was 4
(podía/podría) *preguntar formalmente - Could you tell me the time, please?
*especular - Whose could these glasses be?
*sugerir - We could go to the theatre.
COULDN’T * imposibilidad en el pasado - We couldn’t pay so much money
HAVE TO * obligation (external) - Simon had to finish his homework
(tener que)
DON’T HAVE TO * ausencia de obligación/ no ser - You don’t have to stand
(no tener que) necesario
MAY *permiso formal - May I go out?
(podría) *posibilidad - Take a taxi or you may lose your way
*especular - It may be too late to phone them
*pedir formalmente - May I have your opinion?
MIGHT *posibilidad remota - It might rain tomorrow
(podría) *especular - Andy might be waiting for us
MUST * obligación - You must be quiet in the library
(deber) * consejo fuerte - You must take this medicine
* deducción -John must be busy. He didn’t phone
MUSTN’T *prohibición - You mustn’t cross when the light is red
(no deber)
NEED/NEEDN’T * obligación - You need to do all the exercises
(necesitar) * ausencia de obligación - You needn’t do all the exercises
WOULD *pedir educadamente - Would you pass me the salt, please?
*ofrecer - Would you like something to drink?
*hábitos en el pasado - At that time we would go on foot
SHALL *ofrecerse a hacer algo - Shall I help you?
*sugerir - Shall we go to the park?
*determinación/amenaza - You shall not see me again
SHOULD/OUGHT *consejo - You should work less
TO/HAD BETTER *obligación moral - You should spend more time with the family.
DARE *atrevimiento - How dare you say that!

I am really exhausted! This is too complicated!

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