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11 GRADE ENGLISH (2022-2023)
1. Read the first two paragraphs of the text on pg. 16 (English 11, 2014) and say how to speak
effectively in English.
There are four effectively speaking skills in English language: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Using language means acquiring all these four skills. Listening and speaking go together like a hand and a
glove. If you learn to be a good listener, you will probably learn to be a good speaker.
2. Write collocations with the following words: skill, checklist, knowledge.
1. academic skill, acting skill, adaptive skills, advanced skill, advocacy skills.
akademiki başarnyk, aktýorlyk ukyby, uýgunlaşma ukyplary, ösen başarnyk, wagyz-nesihat ukyplary.
2. a daily checklist, a (shopping, travel, vacation) checklist, a checklist of (tasks, items, questions,
equipment, accessories).
gündelik gözegçilik sanawy, a (söwda, syýahat, dynç alyş) gözegçilik sanawy, (meseleleriň, zatlaryň,
soraglayňr, enjamlaryň, esbaplaryň) gözegçilik sanawy.
3. abstract knowledge, accumulated knowledge, accurate knowledge, acquired knowledge
abstrakt bilim, toplanan bilim, takyk bilim, alnan bilim.
3. Speech topic: Talk about the Great Wall of China.
The Great Wall is huge! It’s the longest man made structure in the world. The entire wall is over 21,000
kilometres long. And it has an average height and width of about six to eight metres. It’s believed it would
take you three to six months just to walk along the main section of the wall. They weren’t joking when they
named it the Great Wall.
About 500 years later, Emperor Qin Shi Huang became the first person to unify China. He continued
construction with a plan to connect the original walls. Over time the wall was improved and expanded, all
the way up until the 1870s.
It’s older than you, that’s for sure! The wall was built in stages. But historians think the first bits began in
the 7th century BCE. That means the oldest sections are around 2,700 years old.
These days, the Great Wall is one of the most popular places to visit in China. But it’s a huge task to keep
the entire structure in good condition. It’s believed that about a third of the wall has disappeared over the
Despite that, large sections remain intact and are still an amazing sight. There’s really nothing else like it in
the world. It truly is a “great” wall.
1. Read the first two paragraphs of the text on pg. 18 (English 11, 2014) and say if you can use
When you call someone, start the conversation by identifying yourself to the person who answers the
phone. If you know the person well, you may give just your first name. It is important to identify yourself on
the telephone because your voice is not always recognizable.
If the person you are calling is not there, you should leave a brief and clear message. Leave your full name
and telephone number, and tell the message briefly.
2. Write three sentences with Complex Object. The complex object consists of two components, of which
the second stands in predicate relation to the first. The two components form an indivisible unit and
consequently must be regarded as one part of the sentence.
1. We found the house deserted. 1. Biz taşlanan jaýa gabat geldik.
2. I want this work finished quickly. 2. Bu işiň çaltrak gutarmagyny isleýärin.
3. They chose him as the leader. 3. Olar ony baştutan edip saýladylar.
3. Speech topic: My plans for future holiday.
Summer is the season of vacations and the longest holidays of the year, making this season the perfect time
to travel. I with my family want to visit Avaza to enjoy a beach holiday and see local attractions.
Hopefully, I can fully relax and enjoy the holiday there. Firstly, I’m fond of swimming and sunbathing.
Secondly, I have some close friends in Avaza, who will keep me a company. We like playing beach
volleyball and trying various water sports. Last year, we tried to learn surfing, but it was rather hard.
Perhaps, this year we’ll try it again.

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When I have some free time, I’m going to read my training aids. All in all, I think my summer is going to
be fantastic. After a good rest I can proceed again to my habitual studies.
1. Read the first paragraph of the text on pg. 22 (English 11, 2014) and say what the five steps for writing a
paragraph are.
The five steps for writing a paragraph are: 1. Chose a topic, 2. Write the first draft of your paragraph. 3. Revise your
paragraph., 4. Proofread your paragraph, 5. Make a final copy to share.
2. Write 5 sentences with the Conditional (I wish …). We say "I wish" + a condition when we regret something. We
can speak about either the present / the future, or the past.
1. I wish I had a million dollars. I don't have a million dollars, but it would be great if I did.
Meniň bir million dollarym bolsady. Meniň million dollarym ýok, ýöne bolan bolsa gowy bolardy.
2. I wish I had a job. I don't have a job now, but it would be nice to have one.
Käşgä meniň işim bolsady. Häzir meniň işim ýok, ýöne bolan bolsa gowy bolardy.
3. I wish I could fly. I can't fly, but it would be awesome if I could.
Men uçup bilsedim. Men uçup bilemek, ýöne uçmagy başarsam ajaýyp bolardy.
4. I wish I hadn't gone to that club. I regret that I went there.
Käşgä şol kluba gitmedik bolsadym. Men ol ýere gidenime ökünýärin.
5. I wish I had followed your advice. I regret that I didn't follow it.
Käşgä siziň maslahatyňyzy ýerine ýetiren bolsadym. Oňa eýermedigime ökünýärin.
3. Speech topic: Sandwich making recipe.
Ingredients: Method:
Tomato 1. Toast English muffin
Salt and pepper 2. 2 slices of tomato
English muffin 3. Add tomato on English muffin
Olive oil 4. Add salt pepper
Cheese grated 5. A drizzle of olive oil and some grated cheese.
1. Read the first two paragraphs of the text on pg. 29 (English 11, 2014) and say who the Celtic people are.
Celtic people were at one time all over Europe, from the British Isles in the west, to even as far as what is now
Turkey in the East, living in tribes or clans with their own chief or king.
2. Write down 4 sentences in the Reported speech.
Reported speech refers to using noun clauses to report what someone has said. No quotation marks are used. Notice
the changes in the verb forms from Quoted speech to reported speech in the following examples:
Quoted speech: She said, “I watched TV every day.” Reported speech: She said (that) she watched TV every day.
Sitata sözlemi: Ol aýtdy: “Men günde telewizor gördüm” Habar sözlemi: Ol günde telewiror görendigi barada
Quoted speech: He said, “I am reading a book.” Reported speech: He said (that) he was reading a book.
Sitata sözlemi: Ol aýtdy: “Men kitap okaýaryn” Habar sözlemi: Ol kitap okaýandygy barada aýtdy.
Quoted speech: Maral said "I admire you. Reported speech: Maral said she admired me.
Sitata sözlemi: Maral aýtdy: “Men saňa buýsanýaryn” Habar sözlemi: Maral maňa buýsanýandygy
barada aýtdy.
Quoted speech: My friend said "I will do it for you." Reported speech: My friend she would do it for me.
Sitata sözlemi: Dostum aýtdy: “ Men muny seniň üçin ederin” Habar sözlemi: Dostum muny meniň üçin etjekdigi
barada aýtdy.
3. Speech topic: Why do you think Ependi’s stories are special? I think Ependi’s stories are special, because he is
a prototype of a witty joker, Hodja Nasreddin, well known in the East and beyond. According to the legends that have
survived to our days, not all people were happy to encounter him. Pretentious noblemen, for instance, felt uneasy
about his ironic jokes and witty tricks. However, Hodja Nasreddin had a kind and fair heart. By ridiculing rich men,
Ependi managed to win people’s love.
… Ependi bought a donkey to travel to town. However, Tersa Hodja, a crook, stole it from under Ependi’s nose, took
its bridle and put it on his head.
- Where is my donkey? Ependi was quite agitated.
- You see, dear Ependi, I was a donkey until now. This is how I was punished for my gambling addiction. However,
Allah had mercy on me and turned me back into a human. Take me into your service, and I swear you will not regret
it. ...
Nasreddin appears in thousands of stories, sometimes witty, sometimes wise, but often, too, a fool or the butt of a
joke. Ependi story usually has a subtle humour and a pedagogic nature. The International Nasreddin Hodja festival is
celebrated between 5 and 10 July every year in Akşehir.

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In 2020, an application to include "Telling tradition of Nasreddin Khoja" in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural
Heritage list was jointly submitted by the governments of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan,
Tajikistan, Turkey and Turkmenistan.
1. Read the first three paragraphs of the text on pg. 34 (English 11, 2014) and say if you liked the story.
Yes, I like the story ‘Your Cauldron has Died’. Ependi is very wise man. Ependi was able to trick his neighbor and
exchange his small cauldron for a large one.
2. Write three sentences related to travelling.
I enjoy travelling, especially to very different Men syýahat etmekden lezzet alýaryn, aýratynam örän
places. täsin ýerlere gitmekden.
I dream to travel to London. Men Londona syýahat etmek hakynda arzuw edýärin.
I want to go to travelling this summer. Men şu tomusda syýahata gitmekçi.
3. Speech topic: Popular sports in our country.
Sport in Turkmenistan has ancient roots. Many types of wrestling are traditionally considered national sports,
however football and wrestling are currently the most popular sports.
Football is one of the key areas of sports activity in the republic. Football has been considered one of the most
beloved sports in Turkmenistan for many decades.
The Football Federation of Turkmenistan is an organization that controls and manages football in the country. The
headquarters is located in Ashgabat.
Hockey, an exotic sport for a hot climate, owes its birth to the appearance of the Ice Palace, built in 2006 with stands
for only 1,000 spectators. The Cup of the President of Turkmenistan, the first in the history of national hockey,
became a good incentive for the development of this sport.
1. Read the first three paragraphs of the text on pg. 39 (English 11, 2014) and say what moral the story has.
What you sow is what you reap. Ependi enjoyed the smell of the kebab and paid with the clink of coins.
2. Make up five sentences using some borrowings in English.
Throughout history, English has been highly affected by various cultures, countries, and languages. And that is when
the borrowed words came into view.
brother, garden (borrowed from French language) 1. I have two brothers. 2. This garden is very beautiful.
1. Meniň iki agam bar. 2. Bu bakja örän owadan.(Iňlis diline fransuz dilinden gelen)
labor, video (borrowed from Latin language) 3. The end of labor is to gain leisure. 4. I like to watch video about
animals.3. Zähmet soňy rähnet. 4. Men haýwanlar hakynda wideo görmegi halaýaryn. (Iňlis diline latyn dilinden
Kindergarten (borrowed from German language) 5. My mother works in the kindergarten as a nurse.
5. Meniň ejem çagalar bagynda eneke bolup işleýär. (Iňlis diline nemes dilinden gelen)
Chocolate (borrowed from Aztec language, Mexico) 6. Children like to eat chocolate very much.
6. Çagalar şokolat iýmegi gowy görýärler. (Iňlis diline meksikan dilinden gelen)
3. Speech topic: The best way to learn English.
1. Read everything you can get your hands on. Classic literature, paperbacks, newspapers, websites, emails, your
social media feed, cereal boxes: if it’s in English, read it.
2. Actively take note of new vocabulary. This tip is a classic one for good reason: it works! When learning, we often
enjoy a new word of phrase so much that forgetting it seems impossible.
3. Talk with real live humans. Speaking a language helps it stick in your head far better than only reading or writing
it. 4. Subscribe to podcasts or Youtube channels (in English). Like humor? Politics? Blogging? Cooking? With
topics covering every interest imaginable, there’s an English-speaking podcast or Youtube channel out there for you.
6. Ask a lot of questions. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it also propelled the language learner to fluency!
7. Take a lead from the stars. Mix up your learning by picking a native English-speaking actor or singer you like.
8. Don’t kick yourself while you’re down. When you start to feel like you’re not making ground – which happens to
all learners at some point – don’t say, “I don’t speak English,” or “I’ll never get this.”
1. Read the first paragraph of the text on pg. 44 (English 11, 2014) and say when the holiday originated.
The festival of Nowruz originated in time immemorial. ‘Nowruz’ goes back to two words, which originally meant
‘new+ day’. But it was not just ‘a new day’, actually it was ‘The New Year’s Day’ with our ancestors, who celebrated
the New Year in the spring time, on March 21.
2. Complete the degrees of comparison of irregular adjectives and make up three sentences of your own with
Many -more-the most. There is nothing better and more expensive in the world than Motherland.
Dünýäde Watandan eziz, ondan has gymmatly zat ýokdur.

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Much-more-the most. In your opinion, what is the most difficult profession in the world?
Seniň pikiriňçe dünýäde iň kyn hünär nämekä?
Little-less-the least. Try to make as little noise as possible when eating.
Iýýän wagtyňyz azrak ses çykarjak boluň.
Good–better-the best. Who is the best student in your English class?
Synpyňyzda iňlis dilinden iň ökde okuwçy kim?
Bad –worse-the worst. It was an awful film. It was the worst film that I’ve ever seen.
Bu elhenç kinody. Bu meniň ömrümde gören iň erbet kinomdy.
3. Speech topic: My virtual visit to the Great Pyramid.
There are few monuments in the world as iconic as the Pyramids of Giza, that dates back nearly 5,000 years.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World still standing, which was
acknowledged when the new seven wonders of the world were introduced in 2007.
As a history buff, I've read more books about ancient Egypt and seen more photos and videos of the pyramids than I
can remember.
My virtual visit to the Great Pyramid, I will catch my first glimpse of the pyramids, a sight I will been waiting to see
since childhood.
The pyramids are there, and they are very real and very big. Seeing them for the first time induces the distinct feeling
of vertigo.
I will take a full day to visit as many of Egypt's 138 discover pyramids as possible, including the Pyramids of Giza,
as well as the Step Pyramid of Djoser, the Pyramid of Unas, the Bent Pyramid, and the Red Pyramid.
The experience will be unforgettable, for both good and bad reasons.

1. Read the first two paragraphs of the text on pg. 50 (English 11, 2014) and ask three wh-questions on it.
When was founded the Parthian State? Who was leader of the nomadic people? Who was the Parthians?
2. Make up 5 sentences using ‘used to”.
We use ‘used to’ to talk about things that happened in the past – actions or states – that no longer happen now.
She used to be a long distance runner when she was younger. Ol ýaş wagty uzak aralyga ylgamagy endik edipdi.
I used to have long hair, but now I have short hair. Men uzyn saçymyň bardygyna öwrenişipdim, ýöne şu wagt meniň
gysga saçym bar.
He used to smoke, but now he doesn't smoke. Ol çilim çekmäge öwrenişipdi, ýöne şu wagt ol çilim çekenok.
They used to study English every day at school. Olar mekdepde günde iňlis dili sapagyny geçmegi endik edipdiler.
Did you use to play video games when you were a child? Sen çagakaň wideo oýunlaryny oýnamagy endik edipdiňmi?
My teacher didn't use to give us any homework. Now we get homework every day! Biziň mugallymymyz bize hiç hili
öý iş bermezligi endik edipdi. Ýöne şu wagt bize günde öý işi tabşyrylýar.
3. Speech topic: What is healthy eating? This is why they say that “We are what we eat”. Our daily menu should
include meat, milk products, fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain different vitamins and give us energy.
People usually avoid eating fast food. For a healthy person there’s no room for smoking, alcohol or drugs because they
are sure to destroy both body and brain. Your body works very hard to keep you healthy so you should not do things
that work against your body. Another component to being healthy is exercise. You should exercise daily, even if it is
just for an hour. Exercising keeps the body in shape and youthful. People who exercise also have good strength and
are able to perform physical activity for a good amount of time. Having a healthy lifestyle is something you can make.
It is not as hard as it may seem. It is just the matter of having to change habits and getting used to eating healthier.
Your food and physical activity choices each day affect your health – how you feel today, tomorrow and in the future.
1. Read the first two paragraphs of the text on pg. 65 (English 11, 2014) and name the Seven Wonders of the
World. The world is full of beautiful and interesting buildings and places. Here are some of them.
 the Great Pyramid of Giza
 the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
 the Statue of Zeus at Olympia
 the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
 the Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
 the Colossus of Rhodes
 the Lighthouse of Alexandria
2. Make up 4 sentences using Present Perfect.
Present Perfect Tense describes an action that in the past and continues up to the present. Have/has + Participle II.
1 The pupils have written a dictation. 1. Okuwçylar diktant ýazypdyrlar.
2 My friend has helped me to solve a difficult problem. 2. Dostum maňa kyn ýagdaýdan çykamaga kömekleşipdi.

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3 I have learnt a poem. 3. Men goşgyny öwrenipdim.

4 She has told them an interesting story. 4. Olara gyzykly hekaýany gürrüň beripdir.
5 Kate has swept the floor. 5. Keýt poly süpüripdir.
3. Speech topic: The ‘Green Belt’ project of my country.
Every year, the President of Turkmenistan launches nation-wide action for tree planting. Green belt has been formed
around the capital, which makes positive effect on the ecology and comfort of urban environment. The head of the
state has also set a tradition of regular cycling rides.
Cycling rides are ones of the most popular forms of public events, which are held in many counties to support
various social, sport and ecological projects. In Turkmenistan, these rides unite residents of cities and villages, elder
and younger generations, supporters of jogging and motor vehicles.
The cycling rides, which are organized in the country, promote health improvement of the population and
popularization of the cycling movement. Similar events motivate the participants to go in for favorite sports and bear
positive emotional charge combining entertainment of propaganda functions.
Ecological actions are deserving continuation of good traditions for careful treatment of the environment.
1. Read the first three paragraphs of the text on pg. 57-58 (English 11, 2014) and say if you liked the story.
Yes, I like the story about Pinocchio. After all of the poor decisions that he makes throughout the story, Pinocchio
eventually learns his lesson. He does the right thing by saving his father and earns the chance to be a real boy! From
this, we learn that no matter how many mistakes you make, it is never too late to do the right thing.
2. Make up five sentences using “should and would”.
Use "should" to say that something is the right thing to do; use "would" to talk about a situation that is possible or
1. You should eat some fruit or vegetables every day. Sen günde ir-iýmiş ýada gök önüm iýseň gowy bolar.
2. You shouldn’t watch too much TV. It’s not good for your eyes.
Sen telewizory gaty köp görmeli däl. Bu seniň gözleriň üçin gowy däl.(zyýanly)
3. We would wait for a bus. It’s about to come. Biz awtobusa garaşmaly. Ol basym geler.
4. Would you like to help me to find the book on history?
Siz maňa taryh kitabyny tapmaga kömek edip bilmersiňizmi?
5. I wouldn't ever hit a child. Men hiç wagtam çagany urup bilmerin.
3. Speech topic: “Sharing is caring”.
I’ve come to believe that the simple formula for happiness and success in life lies in caring about others, helping
them in any way we can, and sharing what we have. I learned this the hard way. In the beginning, when I was striving
for success, better relationships, improved overall health and mental well-being, I thought others had nothing to do
with it, that it’s a battle I had to win on my own.
With this mindset, though, I made my life more complicated and didn’t improve personally, spiritually, or
professionally any time soon. Then, I decided to give another approach a try. To make others part of my journey in
small ways, but do it every day. I began talking to both strangers and people in my surroundings more, opening up,
sharing my goals and giving them advice, or simply listening to their problems and showing compassion.
I stopped investing my time only in ‘me’ activities, and began doing ‘we’ activities. All that paid off tenfold
because I received so much in return that my career, happiness level, relationships and peace of mind were all
improving. After experiencing the wonderful benefits of helping others, I did my research and found out all these
positive effects were actually science-backed.
1. Read the first two paragraphs of the text “The Taj Mahal” on pg. 68 (English 11, 2014) and say what you
liked about this story.
I like the story about great love of India's Mughal ruler Shah Jahan for his beloved wife Arjumand Banu Begum. The
Taj Mahal is a symbol of pure love.
2. Write four sentences using different forms of the Passive Voice.
In a passive voice sentence, the subject and object flip-flop. The subject becomes the passive recipient of the action.
1. London are visited by many people each year. (Present simple passive)
Her ýyl köp adamlar tarapyndan Londona barylýar.
2. An email is being written by myself. (Present continuous passive).
Hat özüm tarapyndan ýazyldy.
3. An interesting book has been written by my friend. (Present perfect passive)
Iň gyzykly kitap dostum tarapyndan ýazyldy.
4. Great literature was written in the late eighteenth century. (Past simple passive)
Beýik edebiýat XVIII asyryň aýagynda ýazyldy
3. Speech topic: How to save the environment.

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We must protect the environment. Because everything we need, we get from nature, from the environment. The air we
breathe, the water we drink, the vegetables we eat. Air pollution, wastewater and soil pollution can eventually lead to
disease. As students, we can save electricity, not consume too much water, do not through garbage on the street, we
can protect the environment.
1. Read the first paragraph of the text “The Great Pyramid” on pg. 67 (English 11, 2014) and say what the
word “Pharaoh” means.
The word ‘Pharaoh’ means ‘Great House’.
2. Write four sentences with the words “borrow’ and ‘lend’.
“Borrow” means to take something from another person, knowing you will give it back to them.
“Lend” means to give something to another person expecting to get it back.
1. Mario lent the computer to me. Marýo maňa kompýuter iberipdir.
2. Sarah always borrows me her comb. Sara hemişe maňa daragyny ulanmaga berýär.
3. Can you lend me your umbrella? Maňa saýawanyňy iberip bilmersiňmi?
4. Do you want to borrow the coat to me? Maňa paltoňy ulanmaga berip bilmersiňmi?
3. Speech topic: W. Shakespeare’s birthday celebrations.
One of the most famous writers of the world William Shakespeare was born on the twenty-third of April, 1564 in
Stratford-upon-Avon. The world community gather on Shakespeare’s birthday to pay tribute to his genius.
Shakespeare’s Birthday in Stratford is one of these characteristically English occasions where small-town pomp is
commingled with the respect of the world.
The tradition of the Birthday celebrations is so well established that it has become a day of almost rigid charm.
The Mayor and Corporation of Stratford follow the Town Beadle in procession through the town, first to the Birth-
place and then to Holy Trinity Church. Entering the Holy Trinity Church they lay wreaths on the poet’s tomb. During
the morning, local children dance on the broad green sweep of the Bancroft. By noon the diplomats, ambassadors and
VIPs are arriving for the Birthday Luncheon – strictly for dignitaries- with its toasts, “The Immortal Memory of
William Shakespeare” and “The Drama”.
1. Read the first two paragraphs of the text on pg. 75-76 (English 11, 2014) and say a few words about this great
Many people believe William Shakespeare is the best British writer of all time. His many works are about life, love,
death, revenge, grief, jealousy, murder, magic and mystery. He wrote the blockbuster plays of his day - some of his
most famous are Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet.
2. Use the words “insist” and “demand” in your speech.
I didn't want to go, but she insisted. I demand to see the manager.
She insists the book is hers. You can't give in to children's demands all the time.
I heard a soft, insistent rapping at the door. There was little demand for tickets.
Maral was insistently cheerful. Good teachers are always in (great) demand
Meniň gidesim gelmedi, ýöne ol gitmegimi talap etdi. Men başlygyňyzy görmegi talap edýärin.
Ol kitap özüniňki diýip talap etdi. Çagalaryň isleglerine hemişe boýun bolup bilmersiňiz.
Men çalaja hem-de tutanýerlilik bilen gapynyň kakylyşyny Petekleri almaga isleg bildirýänler azdy.
eşitdim. Gowy mugallymlara hemişe gerek
Maral talabedijilik bilen şatlandy.
3. Speech topic: Healthy lifestyles.
We should keep to a healthy lifestyle in order not to get depressed and not to feel bad. A healthy lifestyle consists of
active mode of life, healthy diet, avoiding stress and absence of bad habits.
If you are active, you feel better. You may go to a gym or a swimming pool, do some other sport or simply walk
more. Sport is a good way to reduce stress and improve your state of health. It is also possible to exercise or walk with
someone. If you train with friends, you will enjoy yourself even more.
A diet is also very important. You should eat regularly and choose fresh and healthy food. It is essential to eat
enough fruit, vegetables, and meat. Don’t eat too much sugar or consume sweet fizzy drinks. Sugar affects your heart
and can’t fill you for a long time.
Thus, it is not so difficult to lead a healthy life. It may become your good habit. As soon as you improve your quality
of life, regulate your diet and physical exercises, you will see good results and feel yourself much better. You won’t
have an idea of returning to your previous lifestyle anymore.
1. Read the first paragraph of the text on pg. 85 (English 11, 2014) and say what “A sound mind is in a sound
body” means.

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The saying brings into focus the importance of health in human beings’ lives. The Turkmen also have got an identical
saying, which sounds like “The best wealth is health”.
2. Make up 3 sentences with gerund and 3 with infinitive to demonstrate the difference.
• We form the gerund by adding –ing to a verb.
• We use the gerund as the subject of a sentence. In this case, it acts like a noun and usually goes at the beginning of
the sentence. I like listening to music. Watching TV is not always good for you. Doing exercise is important.
Men aýdym diňlemegi halaýaryn. Telewizora tomaşa etmeklik hemişe siziň üçin gowy däl. Maşk etmeklik möhümdir.
• We use the infinitive with to after certain verbs, like agree, ask, decide, learn, promise, want, would like, would love.
He went to buy bread. He learnt to drive when he was twenty. He agreed to buy a new car.
Ol çörek satyn almaga gitdi. Ol ýigrimi ýaşyndaka ulag sürmegi öwrendi. Ol täze awtoulag satyn almaga razy boldy.
He begins working at ten a.m. She forgot calling her friend. They like skiing.
He begins to work as soon as he arrives. She forgot to call her friend. They like to ski.
Ol irden sagat onda işe başlaýar. Ol jorasyna jaň etmegi ýatdan Olar typmagy halaýarlar.
Ol gelen badyna işe başlaýar. çykardy. Olar typmagy halaýarlar.
Ol jorasyna jaň etmegi ýatdan
3. Speech topic: My dream job.
My dream job is - to become a teacher of the English language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn't
come as a sudden flash. During all school year literature was my favourite subject. I've read a lot of books by English
and foreign writers.
I understand that reading books helps people in self-education and in solving different life problems. I would like
to teach my pupils to enjoy reading, to encourage them to learn our national language and literature, which is the
source of national culture.
It is known that teaching is a very specific and difficult job. It shouldn't be taken easily. The teacher is a person
who is learning as well as teaching all his life. Most jobs can be done within the usual office hours from 9 a.m. till 5
p.m., but teacher's work is never done and evenings are usually spent in marking exercise-books and preparing for the
next lesson.
Teachers do not only teach their subjects. They develop their pupils' intellect, form their views and characters, their
attitudes to life and to other people. It's a great responsibility and the teacher must be a model of competence himself.
It's not as easy as it may seem at first. But I think that love for children combined with the knowledge I'll get at the
University would be quite enough to succeed in my work. I'm applying to the philological department and I am sure
my dream will come true sooner or later.
1. Read the first paragraph of the text on pgs. 94-95 (English 11, 2014) and say what the Greenhouse Effect is.
The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to Earth's surface by “greenhouse gases.”
2. Make up six sentences in Subjunctive Mood.
Subjunctive Mood expresses something desired or imagined. We use it mainly when talking about events that are not
certain to happen.
1. If I were a bird I would fly around the garden. 1. Eger guş bolsadym, bagyň töwereginde uçardym.
2. I wish I lived near my school. 2. Käşgä mekdebimiň golaýynda ýaşasadym.
3. If only he were here now, he would know what to do. 3. Ol bärde bolsady, näme etmelidigini bilerdi.
4. I like swimming. I wish I lived near the sea! 4. Men ýüzmegi halaýaryn. Käşgä deňziň golaýynda
5. I wish I were older. I really want my own car. ýaşasadym!
6. If only I were able to read Chinese! 5. Käşgä uly bolsadym. Men maşynymyň bolmagyny
6. Hytaý dilini okap bilsedim!
3. Speech topic: Choosing a profession.
It is not easy to decide what profession to choose. Usually, pupils' plans for the future change many times during the
school years. There are so many people who influence you in choosing your occupation. Parents and friends play a
very important role in your choice. Teachers' influence on pupils' minds is also great.
My favourite subject is English. And I think this is my teacher who made it so. I understand the importance of
knowledge of a foreign language. It enables people from different countries to communicate with each other, to read
foreign literature in the original, to broaden their outlooks.
So I decided for myself to become a teacher of English. Of course, I know that it is not easy and takes much
patience and effort. A teacher has to know how to teach, how to make difficult things understandable, how to get
students interested in the subject. And of course a teacher ought to have perfect knowledge of his subject. I think the
ideal teacher is the one who can combine all these. My present teacher is just like this. She is a great specialist and
also a nice personality. I hope in future I can become as good teacher as she is.

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1. Read the first two paragraphs of the text “How can we stop it” on pg. 117 (English 11, 2014) and tell how we
can fight air and water pollution.
Use public transport: the less often you use a private car, the less combustion products will enter the atmosphere. In
addition, you will help reduce traffic jams.
Turn off the faucet when you don't need water, conserve water when bathing and washing dishes. Do not think that
you do not have a meter and you will pay a fixed amount for utilities, regardless of the amount of water used.
2. Complete the sentences using Subjunctive Mood:
We use the past in the same way after wish (I wish I knew/I wish you were etc.). We use wish to say that we regret
something, that something is not as we would like it to be:
I wish that I had a smartphone "Red me 13". "Red me 13" smartfonynyň bolmagyny isleýärin.
I wish that I hadn’t this mark on my daybook. Men gündeligimde bu bahanyň bolmazlygyny isleýärin.
I wish that I didn’t lose my dictionary. Men sözlügimiň ýitirmezligini isleýärin.
I wish I could drive a car perfectly. Käşgä men maşyny ajaýyp sürüp bilsedim.
3. Speech topic: The story of Taj Mahal.
An ancient and very beautiful romantic legend is associated with the Taj Mahal. The Indian Shah Jahan was
fascinated by the beauty of a poor girl who traded in the local market and married her. Soon she became his beloved
wife and lived with the Shah for 17 happy years. However, happiness was not destined to last forever, and Mumtaz
Mahal died during the birth of their fourteenth child. Jahan could not forget her and was never happy again.
In memory of his beloved wife and the years of their family happiness, the Indian ruler ordered the construction of
the most beautiful mausoleum in the world, the most beautiful of which is not in the whole wide world. The best
architects and craftsmen of India and Europe were involved in the work - about 20 thousand people in total. The
construction lasted for a long 20 years, and a luxurious building was built on the banks of the Jumna River, which still
delights everyone who sees it.
Despite numerous earthquakes in these parts, it was never destroyed and was not damaged at all.
1. Read the first paragraph of the text on pg. 102 (English 11, 2014) and say if you feel for the aged and needy
People age, they often find themselves spending more time alone. Being alone may leave older adults more vulnerable
to loneliness and social isolation, which can affect their health and well-being.
2. Paraphrase the sentences using the structure – I wish … .
We use the past in the same way after wish (I wish I knew/I wish you were etc.). We use wish to say that we regret
something, that something is not as we would like it to be:
I’m sorry that he goes to bed late. I wish he went to the bed early.
I would like you to keep quiet. I wish you were silent.
I’m sorry you aren’t coming with me. I wish you came with me.
Men onuň giç ýatanyna gynanýaryn. Men onuň giç ýatmazlygyny isleýärin.
Men siziň ümsüm bolmagyňyzy isleýärin. Men seniň ýuwaş bolmagyňy isleýärin.
Meniň bilen gelmeýändigiňe gynanýaryn. Seniň men bilen gitmegiňi isleýärin.
3. Speech topic: How we celebrate the Festival of Nowruz.
One of the brightest and impressive festive events is Novruz, which is celebrated as the national spring festival in
Turkmenistan on March 21-22. The main celebrations are traditionally held in the suburbs of Ashgabat in the foothills
of the Kopetdag Mountains, on the Novruz yaylasy site with a building in the form of a huge yurt – Turkmenin ak oyi.
Every year in March, a whole town, including in yurts, farmsteads, gardens, workshops, oriental bazaar, exhibition
showrooms, stages for theatrical performances, bakhshis and other musicians, dancers and singers, is erected at the
venue. The grandiose folklore and ethnographic performance demonstrates the art of carpet weaving, horse breeding,
the traditions associated with animal husbandry, gardening, and agriculture. Ancient artefacts are presented in museum
exhibitions here; and everyone can take part in the national games, see the best specimen of applied art, and sample
delicious dishes that reflect fertility of the Turkmen land, prosperity of Turkmenistan, and hospitality of its people.
One of the oldest festive events in the world – Novruz is inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.
Other national festive events are no less impressive, with the cultural programme complemented by solemn meetings,
art exhibitions, scientific conferences and concerts.
1. Read the first paragraph of the text on pg. 107 (English 11, 2014) and say if you have chosen what road to
take. I want to be doctor in the future, I chose the road in which I can help people to be healthy.
2. Write three sentences using the emphatic construction ‘It was N who …’.
1. It was Tom who won the competition. 1. Bu bäsleşikde ýeňen Tom bolmaly.
2. It was John who travelled around the country last 2. Geçen ýyl ýurdumyzyň ähli künjegine syýahat eden Jon

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year. bolmaly.
3. It was Mike’s uncle who is a famous actor. 3. Bu Maýkyň daýysy, meşhur aktýor bolmaly.
3. Speech topic: Tell a funny story from Ependi. “Ependi’s Guests”
One day a guest came to Ependi’s house. “I am your cousin from Urgench,” he said, “and I have brought you a duck
to celebrate the visit.” Ependi was delighted. He asked his wife to cook the duck, and set a table to serve the visitor a
fine dinner.
The next day another visitor arrived. “I am the friend of the man who brought you the duck,” he said. Ependi invited
him in and gave him a good meal. The next day another visitor arrived, and said he was the friend of the friend of the
man who had brought the duck. Again Ependi invited him in for a meal. However, he was getting annoyed. Visitors
seemed to be using his house as a restaurant.
Then another visitor came, and said he was the friend of the friend of the friend of the man who had brought the
duck. Ependi invited him to eat dinner with him. His wife brought some soup to the table and the visitor tasted it.
“What kind of soup is this?” he asked. “It tastes just like warm water.” “Ah!” said Ependi, “That is the soup of the
soup of the soup of the duck.”
1. Read the last two paragraphs of the text on pgs. 107-108 (English 11, 2014) and say what job you have chosen
after leaving school.
I choose the profession of doctor. I want to help people to be healthy.
2. Make up 5 sentences with environmental protection.
1 Environmental protection has been a global concern.
2 If everyone could make a big contribution to environmental protection, our home will become much more beautiful.
3 This thorny problem on the environmental protection floored the new mayor.
4 You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.
5 How can you divorce the issues of environmental protection and overpopulation?
1 Daşky gurşawy goramak global alada boldy.
2 Her kim daşky gurşawy goramaga uly goşant goşup bilse, öýümiz has owadan bolar.
3 Daşky gurşawy goramak baradaky kyn mesele täze häkimiň ünsüni özüne çekdi.
4 Ykdysady ösüşi üpjün etmek üçin daşky gurşawy goramaklykdan el çekmeli däl.
5 Daşky gurşawy goramak we ilatyň köpelmesi bilen baglanyşykly jedeli nädip aradan aýryp bilersiňiz?
3. Speech topic: Explain the meaning of the saying “We are what we eat”.
The saying “We are what we eat” means if you eat lots of sugary donuts, fries and calorie laden foods you will
probably be overweight and sluggish and also have high blood pressure and clogged up arteries. If you eat good
homemade food and plenty of pulses fruit vegetables chicken and fish you will be more healthy and slimmer and have
more energy. You don't need to be fanatical just sensible. Your heart is only the size of a grapefruit so why give it the
strain of a huge body to lug around.
1. Read the first paragraph of the story “The Forbidden City” on pg. 68 (English 11, 2014) and make sure you
know in what country it is.
The Forbidden City in Beijing was home to twenty-four Chinese rulers between the years 1420 and 1911. The
Chinese ruler Yong Le built the palace when he made Beijing his most important city.
2. Make up 4 sentences with the modal verbs ‘must’ and ‘had to’.
The modal verb must is used to express obligation and necessity. The phrase have to doesn't look like a modal verb,
but it performs the same function. Have to can play the role of must in the past (had to) present, and future tenses.
It must be great to be rich. He must be fit if he can run 10 kilometres.
I have to call him. I had to wash my car yesterday.
Baý bolmaklyk örän gowy bolmaly. 10 kilometre ylgap bilýän bolsa, ýagdaýy gowy bolmaly.
Men oňa jaň etmelidim. Düýn men ulagymy ýuwmaly boldum.
3. Speech topic: How to use a telephone?
When you call someone, start the conversation by identifying yourself to the person who answers the phone. If you
know the person well, you may give just your first name. It is important to identify yourself on the telephone because
your voice is not always recognizable. If the person you are calling is not there, you should leave a brief and clear
message. Leave your full name and telephone number, and tell the message briefly.
The telephone is one of the most important and commonly used tools in business. The telephone is a link between
us and the world outside our business or department. Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t pay attention or make a
conscious effort to monitor what kind of message we are sending to our callers and the outside world.
1. Read the first paragraph of the text on Shakespeare, pg. 77 (English 11, 2014) and say what new information
you have picked up from it.

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1. The Mayor of Stratford participates in the Birthday Ceremony.

2. People lay wreaths on the poet’s tomb.
3. The world community pays tribute to Shakespeare’s genius.
2. Make up five sentences about your future profession.
1. I have made up my mind to be an engineer. 2. As my parents are an engineers they have made a great influence on
my choice and I can say that this profession runs the family. 3. My choice of this occupation didn't come as a sudden
flash.4. I think that nowadays this profession is of great need and importance to our country. 5. It is my aim to be a
qualified specialist and to serve the interests of my country.
1. Men inžener bolmak hakyndaky karara geldim. 2. Ene-atam inžener bolansoň, meniň bu käri saýlamagyma olar uly
täsir etdiler we bu hünäriň maşgalamyzy dolandyrýandygyny aýdyp bilerin. 3. Bu käri saýlamagym ýyldyrym çakan
ýaly bir salymda bolmady.4. Häzirki döwürde bu hünär biziň ýurdumyda gaty zerur we ähmiýetlidir diýip pikir
edýärin. 5. Meniň maksadym, ökde hünärmen bolmak we ýurdumyň bähbitlerine hyzmat etmekdir.
3. Speech topic: How to speak well?
There are four effectively speaking skills in English language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Using
language means acquiring all these four skills. Listening and speaking go together like a hand and a glove. If you learn
to be a good listener, you will probably learn to be a good speaker.
How effectively do you speak? Here is a checklist to guide you in your speaking skills.
1. If you run your words together or mispronounce words, you will not be understood.
2. Loud talkers can be irritating to listeners, and very soft speakers can hardly be heard.
3. If you speak too fast, you will be hard to understand. If you speak too slowly, it will be hard to pay attention to you.
4. People do not like interruptions. If you have to speak, excuse yourself for interrupting.
6. Body language and facial expressions add a lot to what you say.
1. Read the last paragraph of the text on “Healthy lifestyles” pg. 87 (English 9, 2021) and tell what we should do
to improve our lifestyles.
Having a healthy lifestyle is not as hard as it may seem. It is just the matter of having to change habits and getting
used to eating healthier.
2. Make up sentences using words ‘turning point’ ‘crossroads’, ‘career’.
This was a major turning point in my life. We turned onto a crossroad. She hopes to pursue a career in medicine.
Bu meniň durmuşymyň iň möhüm öwrülişigi boldy. Biz çatryga öwrüldik. Ol lukmançylyk hünäri bilen meşgullanmagy
umyt edýärdi.
3. Speech topic: My hopes and plans for future.
It is so cool to know that you are only 17 and all interesting things in the life are yet to come. I don’t like to think
what I will do when I am 20 or 40. I prefer to live and enjoy every single day of my 17. But I definitely have some
plans for my future and I hope one day all these dreams will come true.
I want to have a good job. For now I am not really sure what I want to be. Maybe I will become a doctor or a lawyer.
People today have few professions and can change them during the whole life.
In general my plans for future are to be happy and kind. I would like to help people and make my town little bit
better. I am sure if everyone does few good things everyday our world will become happier.
I think my plans are the same like the other people have. The difference is how we are going to make them true. I
have started already to implement them. I try to study well, I make new friends and I help my parents at home. And I
am sure in future I will be able to do more and more every day.
1. Read the two paragraphs of the text on pg. 52 (English 11, 2014) and find out when the Parthian State fell.
The Great Parthian State fell in the 3rd century A.D. Over these 5 centuries about forty kings ruled the country.
2. Write sentences using the words ‘ancient’, ‘tourist attractions’ and ‘castle’.
She studied both ancient and modern history. Most visited tourist attractions in the world is the Taj Mahal. We
visited an ancient ruined castle overlooking the sea.
Ol gadymy we häzirki taryhy öwrenipdir. Dünýädäki iň köp syýahat edilýän ýerleriň biri Taj Mahaldyr. Biz deňze
seredip duran gadymy weýran edilen gala baryp gördük.
3. Speech topic: The Parthian state. Who are the Parthians?
The Great Parthian State lasted for about 5 centuries. It fell in the 3rd century A.D. Over these 5 centuries about
forty kings ruled the country. The kingdom spread as far as the Amyderya River (the Oxus) in the north-east and the
rivers Tigris and the Euphrates in the south-west. The first capital of the state was the Old Nusay (Nisa), which
represents an ancient castle with fortifications built on the hills in the vicinity of the city of Ashgabat. The
archeological excavations of the castle were carried out in the 20th century and resulted in extremely valuable

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The Parthians were originally a nomadic tribe of Eastern Iranians known as the Parni who conquered the region of
northeastern Persia known as Parthia.
1. Read the last two paragraphs of the text on pg. 46 (English 11, 2014) and talk about the Turkmen hospitality
on Nowruz holiday.
During the Nowruz festival the Turkmen hospitality has no borders, extending itself to the neighbouring countries
and acquiring an international character and turning into a holiday of peace and humanism.
2. Write five sentences containing ‘Modal verbs with Perfect Infinitive’.
Modal verbs + PERFECT INFINITIVE are often used:
- to refer to the past 1. She can´t have passed such a difficult exam.
- to refer to unreal situations 2. You could have done it.
- to show that the activity was different from what we wanted 3. He can´t have missed the bus.
- to say how confident we are that something has happened 4. The little girl may have lost the key.
5. You needn´t have bought the flowers.
1. Ol şeýle agyr synagy tabşyryp bilmedi. 4. Kiçijik gyz açaryny ýitiren bolmagy mümkin.
2. Sen muny tamamlap bilersiň. 5. Size gülleri satyn almak gerek däl.
3. Ol awtobusy sypdyryp bilmeýärdi.
3. Speech topic: Where does the English language come from?
The English language is made from an international family of words, though most of the English words are of
Germanic origin and have been passed on from generation to generation. Many English words originally came from
Spanish, French, Italian, and other European languages. Explorers brought back to England riches from all over the
world. They also brought words from China, India, Turkey and Africa. Even today English is considered to be one of
the most open languages of the world. Words like ‘yoghurt, yashmak’ are of Turkic origin, the words ‘yoga, yogi,
pajamas, pagoda’ come from India, ‘alphabet, physics and psychology’ from Greek, while ‘algebra, algorithm’ are
Arabic loans. Russia also lent words like sputnik, cosmonaut’ to English. Early settlers in the United States found
much that was new to them. Even today new words continue to be added to English. They still turn to Latin and Greek
to name new ideas and discoveries, such as ‘phonograph and television’.
1. Read the fourth and fifth paragraphs of the text on pg. 29 (English 11, 2014) and tell where the place name
‘England’ comes from.
The name England is derived from the tribal name ‘Angles’ and the country was later known as ‘England’ (‘the land
of the Angels’), from which came England.
2. Make up 4 sentences related to education and schooling.
1. Tonight has been an education for me. 1. Bu gije meniň üçin sapak boldy.
2. Mr. Tim paid for my education and training. 2. Jenap Tim meniň okuwymy we bilimimi töledi.
3. Of actual schooling he had little. 3. Onuň hakyky mekdep bilimi ýokdy.
4. The money would assist in taking care of her schooling. 4. Pul onuň okuwy hakynda alada etmäge kömek eder.
3. Speech topic: Your virtual trip to a Wonder of the World.
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World - a list of famous ancient monuments compiled by ancient historians and
travelers, including the "father of history" Herodotus.
The list was repeatedly edited, and its classical version was formed 2.2 thousand years ago thanks to the efforts of
Philo of Byzantium. The list of "Seven Wonders of the Ancient World" includes: the pyramid of Cheops, the "hanging
gardens" of Babylon, the statue of Olympian Zeus, the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the mausoleum in
Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the lighthouse on about. Pharos in Alexandria.
And best of all I want to see the statue of Olympian Zeus. So my first virtual trip to a Wonder of the World will be
the statue of Zeus.
In 435 BC. e. in Olympia - one of the sanctuaries of Ancient Greece - a majestic temple was built in honor of the
ruler of the gods - Zeus. Inside the temple was placed a huge 20-meter statue of the Olympian god, seated on a throne.
The sculpture was made of wood, on top of which ivory plates were glued, imitating the upper naked part of the body
of Zeus. God's clothes and shoes are covered with gold. In his left hand, Zeus held a scepter with an eagle, and in his
right hand, a statue of the goddess of victory.

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