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Recinto Dajabón

Carrera: Lenguas Modernas

Tema: Assessment

Nombre: Juan José Solís Liriano

Matrícula: 1-20-9638

Asignatura: DID. ESPEC. INGLES

Maestro/a: Marlene Reyes

Fecha: 03/05/2023
Recall everything you have learned about summative assessment, then
write five activities to assess specific content.
Learning Students will be able to
Objective  To measure overall learning outcomes and achievement of
 To evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning
strategies and methods
 To inform grading, ranking, and selection decisions
 To provide feedback to students, parents, and other
stakeholders on progress and achievement
 To inform program evaluation and improvement efforts.

Materials Content and Resources Needed

1. Tests (e.g. multiple choice, essay, short answer,
matching, true/false)
2. Projects (e.g. research papers, group presentations,
creative works)
3. Performance assessments (e.g. musical or theatrical
performances, oral presentations, simulations)
4. Portfolios (e.g. collections of student work over time,
including reflections and self-assessments)
5. Standardized assessments (e.g. state or national
exams, benchmark assessments).

Timing Estimated Time Required

 Summative assessment is usually done at the end
of a teaching unit or a set period of time, such as a
semester or a school year. The specific moment to
carry it out depends on the planning and
programming of the teacher and the educational
institution. It can be a final written test, an oral
presentation, a research project, a practical exam,
among other formats, and can last from a few
minutes to several hours, depending on the
complexity of the task and the educational level of
the students.

1. Final exam 2
2. Term paper
3. Project presentation
4. Performance assessment
5. Portfolio review

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