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Reading Journal Assignment

Unit 4: Journal Assignments Instructions: Upload your completed Reading Journal.

The format of your journal should look like this:

Chapters 1 & 2 Example:

Summary of events: In chapters one and two, we meet the main character and get a lot
of background information. You will talk about specific events that take place in these
chapters and note anything you feel is important to the plot. I don’t want to give anything
away, so I will let you summarize the first two chapters on your own.

My thoughts, feelings, and reactions: I was really excited when we met the main
character. This novel is not what I expected because it’s based on a real person and I can
really relate to him. I relate to him because he doesn’t really like material possessions and
I can see how concentrating on stuff can make you forget important things in life. I also
really like this sense of adventure and a calm attitude when things go wrong. I think this
is one of his important qualities, especially because I can see lots of things going wrong
with how Chris is choosing to live his life.
Reading Journal

Chapters 1 & 2

Summary of events:

My thoughts, feelings, and reactions:

Chapters 3 & 4

Summary of events:

My thoughts, feelings, and reactions:

Chapters 5 & 6

Summary of events:

My thoughts, feelings, and reactions:

Chapters 7 & 8

Summary of events:

My thoughts, feelings, and reactions:

Chapters 9 & 10

Summary of events:

My thoughts, feelings, and reactions:

Chapters 11 & 12

Summary of events:

My thoughts, feelings, and reactions:

Chapters 13 & 14

Summary of events:

My thoughts, feelings, and reactions:

Chapters 15 & 16

Summary of events:

My thoughts, feelings, and reactions:

Chapters 17 & 18

Summary of events:

My thoughts, feelings, and reactions:

Journal Assignment Grading Rubric


Content / Demonstrates a clear Maintains focus on Some focus on the Lacks a clear focus on
Meaning focus on the assigned the assigned assigned task/topic the assigned topic; does
task/topic and task/topic and yet focus is not not address the task
addresses all parts of addresses most of entirely clear
the task the task

Analysis Reveals an in-depth Conveys a thorough Conveys a basic Provides a confused or

and analysis and understanding of understanding of the inaccurate
Interpretation interpretation of the task and novel/issue; task and the understanding of the
novel/issue; makes makes explicit novel/issue; makes task or the novel;
insightful connections connections few or superficial unclear or no
connections connections

Development Ideas are clearly and Ideas are clearly and Ideas are briefly Ideas are largely
and fully developed by consistently developed using incomplete; one or
Completion making effective use developed by using some details from the more parts of the task
of relevant and relevant and specific novel; all parts of the are incomplete
specific details from details from the task are complete, but
the novel; all parts of novel; all parts of some parts lack
the task are completed the task are complete development
with care

Language and Exhibits correct Mostly correct Exhibits errors that Exhibits many errors
Conventions spelling, grammar, spelling, grammar, somewhat hinder that hinder
punctuation; project punctuation; uses comprehension; some comprehension; uses
uses sophisticated appropriate/effective appropriate/effective few or no effective
language and vivid language and language and sensory words or sensory
details from the text incorporates sensory language language

Thematic Makes insightful Makes explicit Makes few or Little or no connections

Connections connections connections superficial made

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