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Reiki Rays

Children of
Light 2
Table of Contents

Heal your Childhood with Reiki .............................................................................. 4

Healing Childhood Trauma with Reiki ..................................................................... 8
How to Incorporate Reiki into Children’s Lives ...................................................... 10
Reiki Families: Sharing Reiki with your Children .................................................... 13
Reiki Is a Mother’s Best Friend ............................................................................. 18
Top 3 Ways to Use Reiki with Special Needs Kids and Families ............................. 21
Reiki Yourself and Your Children to Sleep with the Help of the Angels .................. 23
About the Authors ................................................................................................ 25 3
Heal your Childhood with Reiki
By Haripriya Suraj

Image by zbigphotography

How do you feel when you recall your childhood?

Does it bring feelings of warmth and happiness? Does it evoke feelings of

sadness and pain?

Or does it lie somewhere in between, with neither an excess of happy or painful


Some pointers of a wounded childhood are:

1. Having parents that were unhappy together.

2. Growing up in an environment where fights and drama were commonplace.
3. Being an unwanted child that was born by accident.
4. Being born a girl when the parents preferred a boy and vice versa.
5. Being subject to physical abuse and violence.
6. Being subject to emotional abuse, manipulation and frequent trauma.
7. Being a victim of sexual abuse within the family.
8. Suppression and being forced to do things against the will. 4
9. Being forced to take on the role of parent. Parents confide in the child and
get the child to take sides. The child is forced to be mature beyond his age
and cannot live like a normal child.
10. Lack of love in the family and cold home environment.
11. Lack of cuddling and physical display of affection (especially for babies and
younger children).
12. Basic needs of physical care and comfort not met.
13. Child abandoned or separated from parents (especially mother) at an early
14. Death of one or both the parents.

If you can relate to any of the above points, it is quite likely that there is a
wounded child still living inside you. The degree of childhood trauma varies
from person to person. Reiki, being an intelligent energy, knows exactly how to
facilitate healing in each individual. It can cause a direct healing and set you free
in one go. In the case of deeper issues though, it may direct you to the right
teachers, therapists, books and other resources that can help you heal your
childhood. In order to heal fully, it is a good idea to connect frequently with the
child within and to keep him or her happy. Once you take the initiative to heal
your inner child, Reiki and the Universe will support you and guide you on
further steps.

Connecting with Your Inner Child

Healing the inner child can be an intense yet enriching journey that usually
happens in stages. While working independently, it can be a daunting task to
figure out where to begin and how to go about healing your inner child. It’s best
to start in simple ways and thereafter allow Reiki to show you the path.

Recognise the Inner Child: The first step to healing the inner child is to
recognise the presence of the child in you. Many of us may not even be aware
that there is a child still living in our adult bodies. You can recognise the child in
you whenever you find yourself in the grip of intense emotions. This is especially
true when your emotional outbursts feel illogical or unreasonable but you can’t
help feeling them anyway. This is a sign that an unhealed part of you (your inner
child) is calling out for attention. For example, moments when you strongly feel 5
you are not good enough are a definite sign of trauma to the inner child. All
children naturally feel they are good enough until they are repeatedly told by
well meaning adults that they are not. They grow up believing this and relive this
misery many times over. You can also recognise your inner child in those
moments when you feel light, carefree and joyful for no reason. When you have
fun, live in the moment and enjoy life, it is the work of your inner child.

Connect with the Inner Child: As you learn to recognise your inner child in day
to day life, make an effort to connect with him or her. When you experience
emotional turmoil that does not heal despite all effort, connect with your inner
child using the distance symbol and give him or her some Reiki. Use a childhood
picture of yours and give Reiki to the picture. You can also have a teddy bear or
doll represent your inner child and give Reiki to it. Hug and comfort the teddy
bear like you would comfort a troubled child. This is a powerful act that can help
you heal your inner child. In moments of happiness, allow your inner child to
surface again. Stop being a serious adult all the time! Whenever possible, play,
have fun and enjoy life like a child. Have you seen children skipping around for

no reason? Can you do that?

You can do it in the privacy of your own space. Let your inner child come alive. It
does not matter whether you are twenty or ninety. Age is just a number. The
child is eternally alive in each of us. If you find it impossible to be like a child,
spend time with young children and connect with their energies. That will help
your own inner child come alive.

Reiki Practice and Other Resources: Finally, please practice self healing every
day. When you hold an intention to heal and you are in constant touch with
Reiki, you will be led to the right books, therapists and teachers that can help you
heal your childhood. This works like magic and accelerates healing. For starters,
you can read the book “Home Coming- Reclaiming and Championing your Inner
Child” by John Bradshaw. It has fantastic information on healing the inner child
and can serve useful on your journey to healing.

Healing our childhood is crucial as that is where many of our blocks have their
roots. When you heal your childhood, you water the roots of your being and the 6
effects start showing in other areas of your adult life. As you reclaim the natural
spontaneity, innocence and magic that you so naturally had as a child, life
blossoms like a beautiful flower and a new YOU that is wise, loving and
powerful takes birth! 7
Healing Childhood Trauma with Reiki
By Patti Deschaine

Is it possible to erase emotional scars from a painful childhood using Reiki? Sei
He Ki - the emotional healing symbol can greatly assist by bringing balance to the
brain and body.

Though sometimes the result of a single traumatic experience, in most cases, the
damage done was over time. A person may have suffered many years with the
same abuser at different stages of emotional maturity. Often the emotional
trauma is further complicated and exacerbated by physical and mental abuse.

It should be said that Reiki is not a replacement for traditional therapy. Group or
one on one treatment is advisable and should be seriously considered. Twelve
step programs can provide much relief as they involve sharing the burden with
other survivors, writing it down on an “inventory” and then releasing it.

Very commonly, we believe and internalize what we have been told about
ourselves as children and the damage continues to be (self) inflicted well into
adulthood. We repeat the negative things taught to us. We don’t believe in
ourselves because we were never taught to believe in ourselves. We don’t try to
do hard things because deep down we know we will fail. We don’t try to better
ourselves because we have been told we do not deserve it. 8
A lifetime of bruising does not heal in a single session, but it can be a new
beginning. Letting go of emotional energetic blocks can free us to look at things
from a fresh prospective; an adult perspective, not the overwhelming feelings
that we experienced with our 5, 7 or 10 year old emotions. Reiki, and specifically
Sei He Ki, can clear cobwebs from thinking clouded by childhood memory so
that we can see ourselves and our pain in a new light. It is certain to bring
comfort and understanding.

There are also cases where emotional pain presents as physical pain. Deal with
the issues behind the discomfort and that back pain that comes from feeling
“unsupported” may lessen or disappear entirely. The throbbing shoulder that
comes from “shouldering the burden” suddenly has an ease of movement that
has been missing for months, sometimes years. Sore joints, knees, ankles,
digestion issues, headaches...all can improve when warm, healing, universal
energy is applied.

So how many treatments will it take until you can see progress? One, two?
Twenty? It depends. Some people may come to you and not have an immediate
reaction, others may burst into tears mid session. If so, what do you do? Be calm,
supportive, continue the session if that feels okay to your client and stop if it
seems best. You are not a counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist. You are simply
the instrument through which universal healing flows. 9
How to Incorporate Reiki into Children’s Lives
By Justine Melton

One of the things that I love most about Reiki is how easily it can be used to teach
children about spirituality and how to be mindful in today’s busy world. I am the
mother of two children and have 15+yrs working with children. Being able to use
Reiki with children is something that is very special and enjoyable to me. I could
write a separate article on each method that I use here but I’d just like to briefly
touch on a variety of different ways to show you how easy it is to add Reiki in!

How exactly do you incorporate Reiki with kids? It is so easy! I use it daily. I
make white light protection bubbles around my own children everyday. After I
(or they) make the white light bubble around themselves I simply draw a master
symbol on top of it. A short description of exactly how you do this can be found
at the end of this article. One way to make it fun for kids is to crouch down on
the ground like you are in a little ball. Then stand up lift your arms in the air and
say, “I surround myself in a white bubble of love and protection.” As you say this
expand your arms as wide and as far as you can and pretend to be making a
large ball around yourself from your head to your feet. This works great for kids
of all ages but is especially good with pre-school aged kids.

A good way to teach children how to be mindful is just the basic exercise of
pulling back the peeling of an orange. Many lessons can be taught here of how 10
things can look different on the outside than on the inside. Planting seeds and
watching them grow is another way to peacefully teach about mindfulness and
the stages of life. Using art and the color wheel to express emotions is another
way to tap into mindfulness and the spiritual world.

One of my very favorite ways to incorporate Reiki with kids is through the use of
guided meditations. I do so many meditations with children. A lot of them I
come up with as I am going but some I like so much that I take the time to write
down. A few of them I have shared here on Reiki Rays including one of my
favorite ones, “Put Yourself and Your Children to Sleep With Reiki & The Help
of The Angels.” There are so many endless possibilities with meditation. It
teaches children grounding, relaxation, mindfulness, creativity and to celebrate
having an open mind all in one! Use the Reiki symbols during the meditation to
add an extra special surge of positive energy to the meditation.

If you practice Animal Reiki this is a big way kids can get into Reiki and be
mindful. A lot of time kids just know what message the animals are trying to get
to you. They are more open and more freely able to communicate with the
animals. It is a beautiful thing to watch and be a part of.

Lost animals offer a great way to have children practice sending Reiki. I teach
children to send Reiki to animals that they see that are lost on the side of the

Being outside in nature, having children close their eyes and just listen to
everything around them is a great way to calm down, center and practice
grounding with Reiki.

Using the Reiki symbols on food, drinks, bath water, etc can be taught to children
as sending positive energy to all around you!

How to create a white light protection bubble around yourself

or other’s:

1. Make the Reiki Master symbol (or Cho Ku Rei) in front of yourself. 11
2. Visualize a bubble of white light going around yourself or whoever you are
wanting to protect.
3. Say, “I surround myself in the white light of God’s love and divine protection.”
4. Make another Master or Cho Ku Rei Symbol on the bubble of white light.

That’s it! You are done. Wishing you all love and light. 12
Reiki Families: Sharing Reiki with your Children
By Yvonne Brewer

Image by Amy McCartney

I became a Reiki Master in 2001, two years before I gave birth to my first son. It
has added so much more magic to my parenting journey that I could give birth to
two wonderful Reiki children, whose parents are both Reiki Masters, and our
children could receive the gift of Reiki from their very first moments of life in my
womb. However, with the busy lives we all lead nowadays it can become
difficult even for the most dedicated amongst us to constantly find ways to
encourage our children to use Reiki to support their daily lives.

I have devised a few tips in this article that I have used from time to time with
my two sons who are now aged 10 and 5. They both are attuned in Level 1 Reiki
and my 10 year old is attuned in Level 2 Reiki. These tips are suggestions based
on my experience as a Mum over the last ten years, as a parent who enjoys
sharing Reiki, meditation and developing spiritual awareness with my children.
Of course there are more detailed methods and games that have developed from
more extensive research by writers in this area but the tips I am outlining are
what I believe to be simple, practical and yet effective ways of integrating Reiki
into a family’s way of living based on my own and my children’s experiences. 13
1. Reiki for babies – when I was breast feeding my babies I would visualize the
breast milk filled with Reiki energy and do the Reiki symbols on my breasts as
my child was feeding. I would sleep peacefully with my baby feeding in my arms
knowing they were receiving the goodness of breast milk but also the blessings of
Reiki too! Mothers can also do this with babies who are being bottled fed too as I
did this when I changed from breast to bottles too! You will never ever have
them so close to you again so use this time to fill them with as much love and
light as possible!

2. Reiki bubbles – Children and adults love bubbles! Simply blow lots of bubbles
or if your child is old enough they can blow the bubbles too. As each bubble
grows, imagine a magic light is blowing into the bubble..whoever bursts this
bubble will release its magic and will receive a bubble of positive, loving energy!

3. Massage and touch are so important for babies as much as for adults. At bath
time, Reiki the water or Reiki some massage oil and gently pour the water or oil
over your baby. It is also helpful to say the symbols and the Reiki precepts aloud
when bathing or massaging your child to introduce the words and language
from as early an age as possible.

4. Getting creative with Reiki!

• Painting or drawing with toddlers or older children is a creative way of

exploring the symbols, colours or chakras. Draw the symbols on a chart. Ask
them what colours they would use to paint them. Have a chart on your wall
for them to stroke the lines of the symbols. Chat together about what
different types of energies or colours or temperatures etc that you all feel
when receiving or sending the various symbols. Or if your child is like my
second son, they will draw their own symbols too!
• As well as painting or drawing, other creative methods of working together
could be to tell or write little stories together, writing meditations or
affirmations. For example, by reading the five Reiki precepts ..”Just for
today, do not worry …”etc children could write their own personal precepts
or affirmations such as “…Just for today, I will believe I can do it “, “Just for
today, I will share with my friends…etc” 14
5. Creating a room or space in your home is important in order to illustrate how
important quietness, stillness and reflection are for our development. Luckily, I
have a room in our home where I practice Reiki and reflexology and our children
are free to use this room too. It is the only room in the house free from television,
computers, noise or gadgets! It amazes me that my children from time to time
will voluntarily walk away from their computer, x-box, television and choose to
spend time in this room to do Reiki or meditation or to look through my decks of
angel and tarot cards or sometimes just to read or relax. If you do not have space
in your home to devote a full room for this then there are other ways of creating
such spaces – a corner of the living room or a bedroom could be used or once a
week or month all televisions etc could be switched off to allow for stillness and
Reiki to flourish!

6. Reiki with pets or younger siblings: if your children are attuned in Reiki then
the more practice they get the better. Allowing your child to share Reiki with a
pet or other sibling is a wonderful way for them to bond with each other as well
as sharing Reiki with a loved one! It also gives them confidence and trust in
using the energy and a real sense of responsibility. At first, do not worry about
the symbols being used for the various body parts, just allow them to place their
hands on their pet/sibling in whatever way they are drawn to doing it and
comfortable with it. Afterwards chat together about what they felt, saw or
experienced. If they are old enough they can keep a journal to record their

7. Connecting with their angels and guides. I actually cannot really suggest
many ways of helping a child to connect with angels or guides as such as both of
my children just automatically seemed to do this from a really young age! And
all children do, so maybe it’s a matter of reminding ourselves or them about
doing it as certainly they do not need to learn it as a new skill! My 10 year old
spoke about Arch Angel Michael from a really young age and before he could
speak he would go to statues in churches or cards in shops with Arch Angel
Michael on them. He has a really special connection with Michael and he asks
him for help when he needs it with school work or sporting events etc. My
second son who is 5 years old speaks of fairies and Masters all the time. He seems
to have a special connection with Dr Usui I think as since about 3 years old he
referred to “the Master in the Temple” as helping him. When I visited Mount 15
Kurama in 2013 and showed him photos of me standing outside Kurama Temple
he said “that’s the Temple my Master lives in” as if he had also visited him there
too, and who knows he probably did! So I would say that it is important to allow
your child to develop a connection of their own rather than “telling” them to
pray to Jesus or Buddha or whoever, though it can be helpful if they need some
guidance firstly to mention such figures.

8. Sending Reiki for your child’s personal issues such as to their sporting
events, exams, to a sick member of the family, or to any issue that worries them.
When there is something important going on for your child that causes any type
of stress or worry then this is an ideal time to sit down together and send
distance Reiki. This helps them to feel they are not powerless in the situation and
also helps reduce stress and worry for them. Having a Reiki box or Reiki list can
be a great idea here too. Encourage your child to select issues to put in the Reiki
box or list. It can also be effective if they make a box themselves too!

9. Reiki and family bereavement/loss. All families will encounter times when
they have to deal with a bereavement, separation, loss of a family member or pet.
These moments of pain and confusion are very important times for the family to
draw on the comfort of Reiki for support. Even if the family are feeling tired and
emotionally unable to connect with the energy at this time it can be so effective to
simply light a candle and make an intention together. Sending Reiki to the person
who has departed can be very comforting also and diminish any fears the child
may have of death or loss.

10. Share your spiritual experiences with your children. Talk to your child about
your experiences of receiving attunements and if they have been attuned
encourage them to share their stories also. Chat to your child about experiences
you have had during Reiki, meditation, card readings etc. And most importantly,
chat to your child when you feel unhappy with Reiki too! For many months I felt
I had “lost” my connection with Reiki and it was during a transitory period of
emotional instability! Interestingly enough, my children kept requesting Reiki
from me at this time. I was honest with them and said” Im not sure I can do Reiki
right now”. But with their insistence I actually did Reiki with them and they in
fact were the ones who helped to guide me back into practicing Reiki and
trusting Reiki again. My sons have really taught me so much and we all have so 16
much to learn from our children that it makes our relationships with them one of
constantly giving and receiving and teaching and learning in a lovely symbiotic
cycle. Truly, my sons are my true Masters!

Image by Pink Sherbet Photography

Final tips and points for Reiki parents!

• Go with the flow: Do not feel that you have to constantly practice Reiki and
speak about Reiki to your children. Go at their pace. Sometimes weeks pass
in my home and my children appear to be not practicing Reiki or discussing
it. Then, they ask for a Reiki treatment or decide to meditate and it gives
them so much comfort. It isn’t about preaching or forcing them to use it, its
all about allowing them the space to learn and use it when it is right for
them. And of course, it goes without saying they can decide not to use Reiki
at all and be assured that their decision is perfectly acceptable by you too!

• And most importantly for parents and especially new Mums, (who will
forever hold a special place in my Reiki practice) it is so important to self
Reiki everyday and / or send reiki to any parenting worries you encounter.
Personally after my first son’s birth I neglected my own self care and became
burned out very quickly. An important and valuable lesson to learn that has
helped me now to have a smoother parenting journey! Taking care of
ourselves and allowing our children to see us practicing Reiki are probably
some of the best ways our children will learn from us. After all, they can only
be ,what they see :-) 17
Reiki Is a Mother’s Best Friend

By Justine Melton

Image by mrhayata

I love sharing with people how Reiki can be used in a variety of ways. It can help
with every area of your life including the amazing journey of motherhood. What
I’d like to focus on today is how it can relieve so much stress from everyday
occurrences in motherhood. Reiki is a Mother’s best friend.

Reiki can help you be the best mom possible. It help’s everyday issues (being on
time to school, sibling rivalry, homework, dance class, etc) balance out and go as
smoothly as possible. Sometimes Reiki is like magic and after connecting and
using a symbol you are left with the perfect outcome for you. Other times you do
not see immediate results but you are given a new perspective on a situation that
in turn brings about new results. Either way change happens. The greatest good
for all is always the result.

Here are some of many everyday issues in Motherhood that

Reiki can help with:

• Sibling Rivalry
• Relationships between family members (including the relationship of you
and your child) 18
• Getting to school on time
• Bed time
• Sports
• Kids behavioral issues
• Patience
• Shopping with your children
• Needing to get a project done while being present with your children
• Building confidence
• Promoting independence
• Time-out/discipline
• The picky eater
• Kids parties
• Attracting the right friends to your child (happy playground at school)
• Homework/Kids Projects
• Attachment
• Finding quiet time for yourself
• Calming down your child and balancing any situation

• Anything!

How to use Reiki to help these issues:

1. One of the most beautiful things about Reiki is how simple it is. It brings so
much peace and yet it only takes a short moment to connect and tap into.
First, envision the situation you are having problems with or that needs
balance. A great way to do this is to simply pretend that you can see it on a
television in front of you.
2. Make power symbols on your hands and then make whatever symbol you
feel called to use on the front of the issue (t.v. screen).
3. Beam Reiki to it for 5 min and then ground yourself by making 2 power
symbols on the bottom of your feet.

I’ve used this over and over and every time Reiki has brought balance to
whatever issue I’m calling in it to help with. I’d like to share a personal way it
recently helped me to show you how simple it really is. Reiki can help with the
big and the small. 19
One of my daughters who is elementary school aged was going to have a b’day
party. She invited 30 people and we were only supposed to have a max of 15
where the party was to be held. I was starting to get really stressed about what to
do and was trying to come up with back up, alternative plans. I realized this
would be a good thing to use Reiki with. I pictured my daughter’s party in front
of me. I made a power symbol, emotional healing symbol, and then felt like using
the master symbol as well. While I did this out loud I said, “I am happy that my
daughter has the best party for the greatest good of all. I am happy that the
perfect amount of people come, that the right people come and that everyone has
a great time.” In this moment I gave everything over to Reiki and stopped

The day of the party was fantastic. The weather was perfect, the kids that would
have created multiple problems for some reason or another couldn’t make it, we
hit our max number right on the dot, and everyone had an amazing time. My
daughter was ecstatic and I was happy. 20
Top 3 Ways to Use Reiki with Special Needs Kids and

By Justine Melton

Image by Javcon117*

I have been a teaching assistant for children with special needs both in a
traditional classroom setting as well as with dance therapy in a dance studio. I
absolutely love seeing these kids succeed and making any kind of small
difference that I can in their lives. I have met so many lovely and interesting
people through the school system and dance studio. In my experience, parents
with special needs children (who are truly involved in their care) are open to
many non-traditional healing methods. Often times anything that has a positive
effect on their child’s life has a shot in their household and every day lives. I love
this and love seeing all of the different therapies that are used.

Reiki is an amazing tool for families experiencing special needs situations. It

helps alleviate stress and promotes positivity besides providing many other
healing benefits in day to day life. Being a parent of a non- special needs child is
hard enough. Being a parent of a special needs child is just as rewarding as a
mainstream child however it comes with a mountain of everyday challenges that
those families without special needs never experience. I love to offer Reiki to 21
these families and teach them how to do it on their own. Below you will find my
top 3 ways of using Reiki with special needs kids and families.

Top 3 ways of using Reiki with Special Needs Kids & Families:

1. Picture the special need that your family or the special needs family is facing
as if you are watching it on a bubble in front of you. Visualize that a pink
light of love suddenly surrounds it. Make a large power symbol over the
bubble and then beam Reiki to it for 5 min. At the end of the 5 min make a
grounding symbol. You can go through the whole color wheel here and
select any color you like for whatever issue you are trying to help. For
example, you can send the color blue to it before sending Reiki to provide
extra relaxation.
2. Send Reiki to a doctor’s appointment or therapy session. Picture the future
appointment or session in front of you. Make a power symbol and then a
distance healing symbol over the image of the appointment. Next, state that
you are sending Reiki to the future appointment so that the greatest good
occurs for all there. You may also add that there is no fear or nervousness
and that the experience is as relaxing and effective as possible. Beam Reiki to
it for 5-10 min and then finish the Reiki session with one grounding symbol.
3. Send Reiki to the parents or caregiver of the special needs child stating the
intention that Reiki give them an extra burst of energy and positivity
throughout their day. Picture the day in the bubble just as in method #1
above. Make a power and distance symbol over the bubble. Picture the colors
yellow and orange surrounding the day. Beam Reiki for 5-10 min and then
close the session with one grounding symbol.

Sending love and light your way! 22
Reiki Yourself and Your Children to Sleep with the
Help of the Angels

By Justine Melton

Image by susivinh

I am a Reiki Master and have used Reiki for all sorts of things from healings, to
room cleansings to protection, to charging things. I have my own Reiki business
and feel it is my calling in life. But even with all of this it was in a moment of
desperation, and burnout at the end of my day from being a single parent of two
little girls that did not like bed time that I came up with a way to easily put my
children to sleep.

While laying in bed one night completely and utterly exhausted from 2 hours of
bargaining, tears and deal making about bedtime with my children I thought to
myself that there has got to be a better way to do bedtime. Then it hit me like
lightning. Why had I not been using Reiki and all of the other work that I do? I
use it in every other area of my life. Why not bedtime with my children? At that
moment I formed a new plan. The method that I used uses a symbol that you
must be attuned to a Reiki Master level to use. However, I believe that use of the
other symbols would have wonderful effects as well and get you to the same 23
peaceful place. I do call in the help of Angels here. If you are a Reiki Practitioner
but do not believe in angels, you could just use the Reiki and color work alone.

My new routine is as follows

1. I put my daughters in their bed and Reiki their room.

2. I put the Master Symbol on every wall, window, bed, ceiling, floor and door.
3. I create a ball of white light in my hand that I then visualize going up and
expanding throughout the room removing all that is negative out.
4. I then begin a guided meditation where I call in the Angels. I have a special
connection with Archangel Raphael so that is the angel I start with but any
will work for you. I go through my mediation with each Angel standing
around my children’s bed throwing a color up into the room that clears the
room, goes down through their body (starting at their head then working
slowly down to their toes). Then finally the light goes down into the ground
taking all of their troubles away and then heals the Earth. I go through the
chakra colors here, one color after another.
5. I then end it with the Angles giving thanks for allowing them to bring these
loving colors to the children and do one big master healing symbol in the
center of the room.

The beauty of this routine is that you can make it as short or long as you like.
When I do it the session averages ten min and my kids are fast asleep by the end
of the guided meditation. These are children that normally fight bedtime. They
look forward to this routine and bedtime is no longer a struggle. I use this
routine on myself as well and it puts me in a deeply relaxed state. Allowing Reiki
and Angels to assist with bed time with their divine light has been one of my
favorite experiences with using Reiki so far. 24
About the Authors

Justine Melton is a Reiki Master/Teacher and an Intuitive Counselor.

Reiki came into her life a few years ago and changed it in amazing ways.
It is her passion now to bring Reiki to others and help them to heal in a
holistic way. Justine is lucky enough to be an Empath, Clairaudient,
Clairsentient, and Clairvoyant. She is able to use these gifts with Reiki if
asked to give extra messages during a session for the client’s highest
good. Justine believes that love is the greatest healing energy. She has
founded a holistic healing association called Amore Holistic Health
Group where people can go and choose from a variety of different healing

Yvonne Brewer is a Mum to 2 boys aged 10 years and 5 years and lives
in Cork, Ireland. She has been a Reiki Master since 2001 and practices
Reiki and reflexology mainly with her children, family and close friends.
In 2013 she launched her first e-book of pregnancy meditations that she
was inspired to write during her second pregnancy. Contact Yvonne on
her Facebook page or on
Twitter @BloomYvo or visit her

Patti Deschaine is a traditionally trained Usui Reiki Master and owner of

Maja Energy Works and Reiki Healing. She resides and practices in
Wilmington, NC. She enjoys all types of Reiki and particularly loves
using Reiki on animals.
Patti can be found at and

Haripriya Suraj is a Reiki Master, Angel Healer, and Spiritual Teacher.

She was drawn to Reiki right from her childhood and Reiki went on to
become part of her life’s purpose. Reiki is her constant companion from
which she derives peace and contentment. After reaping the fruits of
Reiki practice in her life, she was inspired to spread the joy of Reiki. She
is the founder of Aananda Holistic Center where she conducts as well as
teaches Reiki and Angel Healing. Haripriya resides in Bangalore, India.
Reach Haripriya at and at Aananda Holistic
Center on Facebook. 25

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