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MBM 809: Strategic Management

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirement for the Degree of Master’s in Business Management

Zara, Jamaica Ramos

May 2023
Since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March

11, 2020, there have been many ups and downs in the business world. Since then, COVID-19 has

had a significant impact on many industries as countries implemented lockdowns in early March.

This is the first-time scenario that I can’t ever imagine that will be happening in my entire life. I

am working in a private company, that mainly deals with manufacturing of feeds for commercial

sale and to our paiwi system. Since are company mainly focus on agriculture, the main problem

we encountered is the movement of the subordinates, we the people of the company. At first, we

can’t barely feel how was COVID 19 looks like. But as months and months have passed, and the

government-imposed restrictions in mobility and threat of contracting the virus – it has become

hard for us to do our main task. Our company has been affected by the COVID 19 by the

following scenarios: we need to work under skeletal system. We worked three times in a week

with no pay no work policy unless we use our sick or vacation leave. We need to educate

everyone regarding the COVID 19 since not everyone believes in this matter. Some of our

employees got contacted the COVID 19 and have to rest for two weeks that cause panic in our

company. But fortunately, overall performance of our company was not affected. As a matter of

fact, our sales our getting higher and higher. Maybe because our products are one of the basic

needs in agriculture.

From unprecedented scenario happened, our company is generous and caring to our

people. Strategies have been implemented by our top management in terms of the following: (a).

workforce or personnel. Since we can’t take our works at home due to confidentiality and we

worked under skeletal system—our company offers free ride to company going back to home.
So, with this we can avoid contacting to many people and at the same time save transportation

fee. Aside from that our company give us hazardous pay and monthly groceries, vitamins and

face masks. (b). business operations. We still operate five days in a week but only having

minimum employees assigned by those certain days. Face masks and social distancing are still

observed. (c). products and services offered. We supply are feeds to commercial market and

mostly to our paiwi having thousands and thousands of hogs. Since we are in the city rich in

agriculture, manufacturing of feeds are basics needs for many farms that we supply. Overall, our

business industry makes a boom during this pandemic that’s why we are able to give all the

needs of our employees during those hard times in exchange of their sacrifices and efforts for the


If I will be the owner of the company, our recovery plan will perhaps “BE STILL”.

Though this pandemic became not hard for us unlike what other does. We extend also our help to

other people who are in those trying times. Social distancing is a must so skeletal operation is

mainly observed every week for the work schedule. Facemasks, temperature check and alcohol

are highly important in or outside the company premises. Always giving enlighten to our

employees that there is so called COVID 19. Encouraging them to undergone vaccine.

Biosecurity is also observed. It is important in our business, since we met different people from

different places. I believe that there is no recovery plan happened in our company. Since the

pandemic, our company became equipped from what’s going on around us. It always doing our

best everyday as we can amidst the situation without sacrificing health. Caring first for our
people is also caring first for our company. Working in this kind of environment is such an

honored. If I will be the owner of this company, I owe everything from my predecessor.

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