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Grade 8 2023

Term 1 Vocabulary List

1. Abundant (adjective) – [a-BUN- dant] 

Existing or occurring in large amounts 
Use it in a sentence: The common Sparrow is the most abundant bird in Namibia. 
When to use it: Use abundant to describe that there was no shortage of solutions, products, or people.
Plentiful, ample (syn.) 
2. Alleviate (verb) – [a-LI -viate] 
To make something bad, such as pain or problems, less severe 
Use it in a sentence: The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering. 
When to use it: To relieve or subdue are both synonyms for alleviate. 
3. Assiduously (adverb) – [a-SI -juwis-ly] 
In a way that involves great care and attention to detail 
Use it in a sentence: I assiduously avoid buying products in plastic packaging. 
When to use it:  This word is best used in a situation where a person displays near perfectionism in
his or her execution of a task. 
4. Conscientious (adjective) – [kon -shi-EN-shis] 
Putting a lot of effort into your work 
Use it in a sentence: He is a conscientious student. 
When to use it: Save this word for the learners in your class who are always on task and working
5. Ecstatic (adjective) – [ec-STA-tic] 
Extremely happy 
Use it in a sentence: The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd. 
When to use it: You can use it to describe a friend whose emotions tend to work in the superlative. 
6. Exacerbate (verb) – [ig-ZA-ser-bait]  
To make something that is already bad, even worse 
Use it in a sentence: This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two
When to use it: Remember the figure of speech “Adding insult to injury”, this verb describes exactly
7. Abscond (verb) - [əbˈskɒnd / abˈskɒnd] 
leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to escape from custody or avoid arrest. 
Use it in a sentence: "the barman absconded with a week's takings" 
When to use it:  Use it when you talk about a thief that stole something. 
8. Loquacious (adjective) – [lo-KWA-shis]  
A loquacious person is someone who talks a lot, excessive talk 
Use it in a sentence: While Jared was shy, his brother was outgoing and loquacious. 
When to use it: Save this for people who are always talking, finding it a challenge to keep their
mouths shut! 
9. Prerequisite (noun) – [pre-RE-kwi-zit]  
Something that must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen 
Use it in a sentence: Passing a written test is a prerequisite for taking the advanced course. 
When to use it: Prerequisite is typically used in formal settings to describe what is needed or required
in order to carry out a further function. 
10. Sincere (adjective) – [sin-SIR] (Of a person, feelings, or behaviour) not pretending or lying;
honest Use it in a sentence: He was sincere in his wish to help us. 
When to use it: When you want to describe a true and honest person, attitude or situation use

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