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Social Media Ramifications to Cavite Community Academy Inc.

STEM Students’ Academic Performance



Tore Martin Cerrero

Lance Ryster Jarred Timogan
Elijah Keith Ciria
Faith Ponan
Iezjay Ambion
Apple Rodriguez
Lendale Licaros
Vince Babera
Chrisitan Pamplona
Carl Belasa


Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study

Scope and Delimitation

Definition of Terms


Review of Related Literature


Background of the study

Social media has become an essential part of our daily lives, enabling us to easily connect with loved ones,
friends, or colleagues from anywhere in the world. It is also a popular source of entertainment, especially
among students. However, excessive or poorly managed use of social media can have negative consequences at
individual and societal levels, such as addiction, distraction, reduced productivity, and mental health issues.
Therefore, it is crucial to balance the benefits of social media with its potential risks and develop healthy and
responsible habits of use. According to Anne Tran (2021), cell phones, ubiquitous in many high schools, are
often credited with helping students connect with people and learn new concepts. However, literature indicates
that problematic cell phone and social media usage is negatively associated with student academic performance
and mental well-being. As cell phone technologies continue to evolve, they become an integral part of today’s
learning environment.

Many students spend several hours every day on social media, which can interfere with their academic work
and productivity. Studies have shown that excessive social media use is associated with decreased motivation,
attention span, and academic performance. Students who spend a lot of time on social media may find it
challenging to focus on their homework, assignments, or lectures and may develop a negative attitude towards
learning. Instead of using their free time constructively, they may engage in mindless browsing or chatting with
friends online, which can further disrupt their academic and personal development. Therefore, it is essential for
students to manage their social media use effectively and prioritize their educational goals and responsibilities.

Social media addiction is one of the consequences that many students experience, and there are various
aspects that can also be affected by poor management of social media use, such as time management,
multitasking, a student's characteristics and personality, a study system and strategy, and academic competency.
Many students think that time management is the other factor contributing to negative academic performance
besides excessive social media use. However, some researchers found that although students felt competent in
their ability to use social networking sites for academic purposes, they did not have the desire or willingness to
do so. As mentioned before, it was pointed out that seniors use Facebook less than freshmen, and they are better
at multitasking since they have understood what they need to do in order to be successful. Researchers
suggested that first-year students must learn how to balance academic and social demands effectively in order to
be successful. It is important that these new students balance this by building social connections. Generally
speaking, students with more self-regulation were more able to control Facebook use (M. Maqableh, 2015).

Thus, the goal of this study is to ascertain how social media use affects CCAI STEM students' academic
performance. According to Rabia, M., Nawaz, H., Mubarak, N., and Ali, S. (2019), the use of media is growing
daily. As a result, it will be interesting to watch how it impacts students' education. They used different
statistical methods (descriptive and inferential), the creation of graphical charts, and hypothesis formulation.
183 respondents, or 67%, agreed that students waste a lot of time on social media. Therefore, it is advised that
students be observed by their parents and teachers when they use social media.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the negative effects of social media to CCAI STEM student's
more specifically, it seeks to find answers to these following questions:

1.How much time do students spend using social media?

2.What results to social media addiction?
3.How does social media influence your sleeping habits?

The internet is now the most important source of information, and the increasing dimensions of student use
of social media cannot be overstated. Students have been observed to devote more attention and time to social
media than to their studies, and they cannot pass their exams if they do not learn. This research therefore seeks
to investigate the level of engagement of students in Cavite Community Academy Inc.


Alternative Hypothesis:
The academic performance of STEM students at Cavite Community Academy Inc. who spend too much time on
social media will be comparable to those who use it infrequently in terms of their proficiency.

Null Hypothesis:
The academic performance of STEM students at Cavite Community Academy Inc. bears no significant relation
to their social media usage.

Significance of the Study

This study aims to provide valuable information on how social media affects STEM students of Cavite
Community Academy Inc. with regards to their academic performances.
STEM Students - Due to their poor time management, STEM students spend the majority of their time on
social media. Therefore, this study aims to examine how these students will handle their social media addiction
to improve their academic performance.
Parents– This study will give them knowledge of how their children grow so uninterested in school and why
their kids spend so much time on social media neglecting their responsibilities as students.
Teachers– They will benefit from this study because they will understand how students became

Scope and Delimitation

This study encompasses an analysis of the ramifications of social media with respect to the portrayed
variables. Grade 11 STEM students from Cavite Community Academy Inc. are the subjects that will be
examined in this research exclusively during this school year 2023-2024.

The following are restrictions imposed:

 Sample Size - involving 60% of subjects per classroom. The level of accuracy revolves around acquiring
an adequate number of respondents while maintaining the feasibility of the research. Furthermore, not so
less as half to avoid proposing conjectural findings nor more than three-fourths that may lead to
superposed interpretations of data.

 Research Timeline - selection of respondents, conducting a survey, evaluation and data interpretation,
and rectification of statistics.

 Sampling Method - resorting to Simple Sampling Method will allow us to classify subjects without
being biased.

Our group plans to utilize the following research designs:

1. Grounded Theory - outputs extracted from the investigation are expect to indicate something that will be
used in the formulation of a theory.

2. General Qualitative Inquiry - this will allow us to go more empirical with our social study given the fact
that this requires in-depth psychological scrutiny.

3. Narrative Method - suitable to our qualitative methodologies including mainly thematic analysis.

The study may appeal for further adjustments once we find something that is subjected or potentially
subjected to pliability. Our research critically focuses upon the sector of social science demanding modifications
if necessary.

Definition of Terms

Academic performance - refers to the measurement of a student's achievements on various subjects and aspects
of academics.
Addiction - the state of being addicted; a strong inclination to do, use, or indulge in something repeatedly.

Gadgets - an often small mechanical or electronic device with a practical use or does something useful.

Ramifications - a consequence of an action or event, especially when complex or unwelcome; outgrowth.

Social Media - refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange
information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

Technology - the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area: a capability given by the
practical application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life: the products resulting from
such efforts, including both tangible tools such as machines, and intangible ones such as software.

Time Management - the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different
activities: the coordination of tasks and activities to maximize the effectiveness of an individual's efforts.
Internet - a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities,
consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
Productivity - The ability to complete tasks efficiently and effectively.
Self-regulation - The ability to control one's own behavior and impulses, such as limiting social media use.

Descriptive (statistics) - Methods used to summarize and describe data.

Inferential (statistics) - Methods used to draw conclusions and make predictions based on data.

Mental health - The state of a person's emotional and psychological well-being.

Hypothesis formulation - The process of developing a testable statement about the relationship between

Respondents - Participants in a study who provide data through answering surveys or questionnaires.

Constructively (Constructive use) - Utilizing one's free time in productive and meaningful activities.

Excessive use – Over consumption or over reliance on social media.

Societal levels - Refers to the impact of social media use on communities and society as a whole


With the advent of smartphones and fourth generation mobile technologies, the effect of social media on
our society has stirred up some debate and researchers across various disciples have drawn different
conclusions. It is also increasingly noticeable that social networking sites and their applications present
enormous benefits as well as risks to students (Bano, 2019). Social Media provides students with convenient
platform to create and share educational content. However, social media use may have an addicting effect that
may lead to poor health, poor concentration in class, poor time management and subsequently poor academic
performance if not managed properly (Tanye and Nurudeen, 2022). For instance, a study concluded that a
significant and negative relationship was found between the social networking addiction and Iranian university
students' GPA. And considering the negative effects of social networking on students' academic performance,
the issue of addiction to social networking should be comprehensively reviewed and considered (Azizi et al.
BMC Psychology, 2019). Given the importance of addiction to social networking and its potentially destructive
impact on students' academic performance, similar studies are recommended in other universities and in
different fields to obtain a more conclusive result.

Social Network Sites (SNSs) have attracted millions of Internet users, who have integrated these sites in
their daily lives’ routines. Twitter and Facebook are among the most popular social networks where the students
spend most of their times. Social Media Network sites can have a positive or negative impact on students’
academic performance. However, time management is the factor that contributed towards negative academic
performance besides excessive social media use (M. Maqableh et al., 2015). As mentioned before, there are
positive impacts on social media use. Given the popularity of Social Network Sites (SNSs), many professors are
beginning to use SNSs for enhancing communication with and among students in their classes, class
discussions, and teamwork on projects to improve learning outcomes. However, many recent researches pointed
out that students’ addiction on SNSs can negatively affect student academic performance (M. Maqableh et al.,
2015). Although there are some studies that point out the negative impact of social media to students' academic
performance, some researchers still found a little to no negative impact on students’ academic performance if
good multitasking and time management is achieved by students. Therefore, we can conclude that students
could have better control on their usage of social media if they have more self-discipline and enhanced time
management skills. A research group suggested that online social networks could possibly be viewed as a
helpful educational technology if more academic staff actually knew how to incorporate them into their
curricula (M. Maqableh et al., 2015).

Given that today's learning tools are innovative such as use of gadgets, social media, and internet, it is
essential to gain extensive knowledge and understanding of these to avoid poor handling and addiction. And
while there are many positive aspects to internet and social media, there are also some negative effects. And
unfortunately, one of the most concerning issues is the way social media can impact students' performance in
academics. Social Media addiction is one of the leading concerns that impacts students' academic performance.
Social Media stimulate the release of dopamine in our brains. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role
in pleasure, motivation and addiction. And the dopamine releases that social media platforms trigger can be
addictive for some people (Blackboard Jet, 2022). And while social media use can be addictive, it also results in
poor time management in some students. Consequently, poor time management results in poor academic
performance (Alyami et al., 2021). According to Pugh and Nathwani (2017), throughout the history, there has
been a great emphasis on the effective and efficient management of time, which has also been considered to
success. In addition, Nadinloyi et al. (2013) have revealed that there have been many studies that found
association between greater academic achievement and effective time management as students acquire
strategies that helps them in meeting competing demands. Students have previously linked negative educational
results with poor time management. Time management skills have indicated a positive effect on student learning
and associated outcomes. According to Romero-Blanco (2020), previous study on undergraduate nursing
students revealed that decreasing procrastination and increasing sleep quality will help students to have better
time management and better academic performance. Similarly, Elagra et al. (2016) suggest that decrease in
sleep quality and inconsistent sleep patterns among students also decreases their academic performance. These
evidences suggest that procrastination and decrease in sleep quality are associated with poor time management.
Moreover, poor time management among students is linked with social media addiction.

As discussed in the prior literature, it was revealed that social media use can be addictive. Furthermore, it
also results in poor time management in some students. But unfortunately, poor time management results in
poor academic performance (Alyami et al., 2021). The prevalence of cellphone addiction among students is also
associated with adverse effects of social media that contributes to poor academic performance. According to
Bragazzi & Puente (2014), cellphone use is strongly integrated into many people's daily routines to the point
where separation potentially causes anxiety. Students are no exemption here. And as a matter of fact, they are
the ones which are most vulnerable when it comes to this. Problematic cellphone habits can also affect students'
academic performance, especially those that have problems controlling their cellphone use (Li, Lepp, and
Barkley, 2015). According to researchers critical to the field (Felisoni & Godoi, 2018; Kates, Wu, & Coryn,
2018; Lepp, Berkley, Karpinski, 2015; Li, Lepp, & Barkley, 2015) cell phones and social media usage were
negatively associated with academic performance. These suggest that cellphone and social media addiction are
the leading causes to poor academic performance among students, which best explains why this study needs to
be conducted on our institution's context; to provide solution to this timely issue and improve students'
performances to prepare them for the future. Additionally, Jiang (2018) found parents of teens also faced their
own challenges related to cell phone distraction. Furthermore, a third (31%) of teens reported losing focus in
class because they were checking their cell phones. According to Li, Lepp, & Barkley (2015), high-frequency
cell phone users tended to have lower GPA, high anxiety, and lower satisfaction with life in comparison to their
peers who used cell phones less often. Nevertheless, there are existing gaps in the literature. These studies were
conducted mostly with college student populations utilizing self-reported surveys, which are often associated
with low reliability (Anne Tran, 2021).

As stated by Blackboard Jet (2022), social media can be a distraction for students. Additionally, many
students spend a lot of their time on social media networks when they should be studying. Unfortunately, social
media can also devastatingly impact one's mental health. Not to mention that cyberbullying still persists on
social media platforms today. Furthermore, sleep deprivation associated with social media addiction also causes
mental health problems to students. A study conducted by Rabia et al., (2019) concluded that the excessive use
of social media platforms not only destroys student's future but also causes stress, anxiety, and fear that
eventually leads to depression. Mental health of students also affects their behavior in learning which is
associated with their performance in academics. Though there are positive impacts of social media usage to
students, such as introduction of the public to user-generated data, ideas, and programming at a relatively young
age, that has further encouraged additional technological advancements and increased knowledge in student
communities, there are still more adverse effects of social media compared to its positive aspects. For instance,
web-based social networking and the pervasiveness of social media outlets have heightened depression in
students and drastically changed the social atmosphere in which students develop and learn (Abbas et al., 2019).
This study investigates prior literatures with regards to social media technology and its impact on student's
mental health associated with their behavior towards learning and academic performances to address gaps in the
literature. A thorough exploration of prior literature related to the adverse effects of social media to students'
behavior towards learning revealed that such studies are rare. Thus, this study attempts to fill the gap in the
literature on the field of the adverse effects of social media to students' behavior towards learning by
investigating the relationship between the particular selected variables. In addition, this study seeks to
investigate the adverse effects social media usage to students' academic performance, viewpoints, the opinion of
interest, problems linked with misuse of media, and other issues of the respondents.


Social media use has become prevalent and nearly inevitable, changing the way students interact,
connect, and socialize; it has become an integral part of their social and cultural fabric. As a result, students
spend a significant amount of time on social media. Consequently, students are spending a large percentage of
their time on social media (Conquilla et al., 2021). As stated by Celestine and Nonyelum (2018), there is a
significant relationship between the use of social media and students' academic performance. Based on the
Smartphone Addiction Scale (Kwon et al., 2013), studies using smartphones on students to understand the link
between addictedness and usage usually divide them into two groups (potential addicts and non-addicts).
According to sociological research, there is a destructive relationship between social media use and academic
performance. For instance, Rosen et al. (2013) looked into the behavior and study environments of 263 students
from various educational levels, such as middle school, high school, and university. Students were observed for
15 minutes, and their on-task and off-task conduct was recorded every minute. Students become distracted in
less than 6 minutes on average before turning to technology distractions like social media and texting. Junco
(2012) investigated the relationship between Facebook use and academic achievement by polling 1839 college
students about their Facebook usage and compared it to their grades. These capabilities of smartphones
encourage multitasking (Lepp et al., 2015) or using social media while doing something else, which reduces the
amount of time available for academic tasks. Social media have some advantages and disadvantages; and one of
its positive aspects is shown by providing entertainment and convenience for our everyday lives. Additionally,
we all know that social media can have positive effects on students' academic performance. Yet, its adverse
effects are more prevalent due to students' lack of discipline. Therefore, this must be addressed as social media
addiction is one of the leading concerns why students persist in failing.

The negative effects of social media to students' academic performance come in different ways. There are
various elements that are associated and linked with students' poor academic performance and one is sleep
deprivation. Adequate sleep is crucial to be in an optimal state and perform well in school. However, addiction
and excessive usage of social media can cause insomnia which can hinder one from sleeping in time or
acquiring enough rest. A study conducted by De Ramos et al. (2020) concluded that their respondents are
attributed to lack of sleep because of social media. In addition, they also stated that based on the results, the
majority of the respondents showed negative effects of social media usage. However, if students are to use
social media correctly and for academic reasons, it can help improve their academic performance. For instance,
the prior literature stated that social media can help students understand their lessons well. With the help of
YouTube and Instagram, they are able to find videos that can help them further understand their studies by
providing them information and connect with their teachers. Additionally, it is also stated in the literature that in
today's system of education, social media is substantial because even teachers are involved in various social
media platforms to help their students engage in learning. Furthermore, educators also use social media to help
the learners actively participate in learning activities and enhance students' skills. Unfortunately, students
became too dependent on these platforms because they wanted to be updated on what is happening and what is
trending; which caused addiction that eventually led to sleep deprivation. We can say that social media can be
beneficial in education and academic performance, but we can't deny the fact that its adverse effects are more
prevalent among students. That's why it is important that students' social media use is monitored and minimized
so that its positive attributes are used efficiently to help students further improve their academic performance.
As stated by Almojuela et al. (2019), this generation relies too much on social media and technology.
Thus, calling it "Social Media Dependent" seems to be true and evident. Technology nowadays is really helpful
to easily access everything we need most especially in communicating and information. Moreover, it is also
stated that as the bridge of communication, interaction, and self-expression, social media applications will never
be out of the trend. However, as useful as it is, social media use can have its downsides if not used properly,
especially in students. According to what Almojuela et al. (2019) stated, students that are hooked with the social
media jeopardize their learning and loss of memory to remember the lessons in school. In addition, spending too
much time on social media rather than reviewing the lessons learned at school may cause students to inculcate
bad habits and poor grades, leading them to feel inadequate to reach their goals to have a better career in the
future. This is an important reason why this issue must be solved as it can also affect students' future especially
in senior high school students as this stage of their education is crucial to prepare them for their chosen career in
the near future. Based on the study conducted by Almojuela et al. (2019), the outcomes are evident. It was
concluded that some of the respondents answered that social media has negative effects on their academic
performance. This result indicates that the use of social media can affect the academic performance of students
and also proves that there is a significant relationship between the two particular variables. Based on the proven
studies, too much usage of social media among students will give them bad effects (Almojuela et al., 2019).
Additionally, based on the study of New Reader's Digest, new research suggests that heavy social media use
might be correlated with lower self-control. For this reason, students' time spent on social media must be
controlled and monitored. However, no particular solution was presented in the prior literature with regards on
how students will be able to properly manage their use of social media in order to help them improve their
academic performance.

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