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Semana 6/Week 6
A day in the life…Describing routines
Part 1:

1. Write a paragraph of 40-60 words and describe your routine using the
vocabulary you learned. Explain what you do in the morning,
afternoon and evening.
(1. Escribe un párrafo de 40-60 palabras y descríbelo tu rutina diaria. Explica lo que haces en
la mañana, tarde y tarde-noche. Usa el vocabulario que aprendiste)

My name is Juan Arrezola I wake up at 8 o´clock, go out to smoke and back to bathroom.

I see some videos of tik tok, at 10 morning I dress and go to work. In the office I take
breakfast and check pending and I do it. Later I eat with coworkers and go out in the night to
my house. I dinner with my family and go to sleep.
2. Choose a person that you like (your mom, dad, movie star, etc.)Write
a paragraph of 40-60 words and describe his/her routine using the
vocabulary you learned. Explain what he/she does in the morning,
afternoon and evening.
3. Escoge una persona que te cae bien (tu mamá, papá, celebridad). Escribe un párrafo
de 40-60 palabras y describe su rutina. Explica lo que esa persona hace en la mañana,
tarde y tarde-noche. Usa el vocabulario que aprendiste)

My father gets up very early in the morning, takes a shower and goes to works.

He drives a delivery car an travels many streets of the city.

He back home with dinner form the family, later he watches tv and goes to sleep.
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