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xt ab ou t yo ur fa m il y’s daily routines in

Write a te
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Negativ quency adverbs
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and the prepositions. (2

Here you are 2 samples.

My daily routine
HI, GUYS! My name is Consuelo Crisólogo. I’m an
English teacher. I’m 40 years old. I live in Trujillo.
I’m going to talk about my daily routine.
I get up very early in the morning. It is around 6.00am.
I take a shower quickly, and then I have breakfast. It
consists of a piece of bread with avocado, egg or cheese
and a cup of oatmeal or hot chocolate.I live with my little
daughter, my mother and my brother.
Then, I help my little daughter with her school activities.
After, I start working. I have lunch at 2.00pm.
In the afternoon, I can relax for a while: I sing English
songs, My daughter uses the internet, My mother makes
a cake, My brother doen’st do exercises because he
prefer to read a book, I watch TV, or maybe, I take a nap.
Later on, I return to work until 8pm. Then, my family and I
Jhoanna’s routine

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