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A unit circle is a circle whose center is at the origin and the radius is equal to 1. The equation of the
unit circle:

𝑥2 + 𝑦2 = 1
Unit circle in a coordinate system:

Quadrant Angles Point of Intersection

0° (1, 0)

90° (0, 1)

180° (-1, 0)

270° (0, -1)

360° (1, 0)


Let (x, y) be the point of intersection of the terminal side of angle θ with the unit circle of an angle θ.
Then we have the following definitions:

cosine function: cos θ = x

sine function: sin θ = y

tangent function: tan θ = y/x , x ≠ 0

secant function: sec θ = 1/x , x ≠ 0

cosecant function: csc θ = 1/y , y ≠ 0

cotangent function: cot θ = x/y, y ≠ 0

Angles whose terminal sides lie on the axes:

Quadrantal Angle
Function 0° 90° 180° 270°
cos θ 1 0 -1 0
sin θ 0 1 0 -1
tan θ 0 Undefined 0 Undefined
sec θ 1 Undefined -1 Undefined
csc θ undefined 1 Undefined -1
cot θ undefined 0 undefined 0


A sine wave or sinusoid, named after the sine function, is a mathematical curve that describes a
smooth repetitive oscillation.

A function f is said to be periodic if there is a positive integer p such that f(x+p) = f(x) for all x in the
domain of f. The smallest number p is called the period of the function f.
The amplitude of a periodic function is defined as the absolute value of one-half the difference
between the maximum and minimum y-values.

Graph of sine function:

Graph of cosine function:

Graph of tangent function:

Graph of secant function:

Graph of cosecant function:

Graph of cotangent function:

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