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Lesson 2

1)Do you know some of these cities?

What kind of activity do you imagine you can do in those cities?

2)Have you visited different cities in your country?What can you tell me about them?
3)What do you think the video is going to be about? (Look at the cover of the video)
4)Let’s watch the text and check the predictions. What’s the video about?

5)What kind of information did you find in the video?

Art 🎨 🎭
Natural attractions 🌿🍃
Food 🎂🍝
Sports 🏈

6)What kind of questions would you ask to people that live there?

7)Imagine you want to advertise your city for tourists. Think and share what you would say to
attract people.

First, take a stand. Second, remember to give arguments in favor and against your point. These
are useful expressions to show agreement and disagreement.

In favor/against exploiting villages of Cordoba bringing more tourists .

★ What are the benefits of village life?

★ Are relationships better in cities or in a village? How would that affect tourism?
★ How would tourism affect that village?

● We learned about cities (Chicago and Argentinian’s cities)

● We described the activities a tourist can do in Chicago.
● We roleplay.
● We debate taking a position against/in favor of bringing tourists to villages.

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