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Depression is a mental transmitters, serotonin and between depression and

disorder that affects an esti- norepinphrine, to leak into neurotransnnitters. One
mated 8 million people in the synaptic cleft. These type of drug prevents the
the United States alone. No neurotransmitters are in reabsorption of serotonin
one knows positively tliat the part of the brain that and norepinephrine by
depression has a biológica! Controls emotions. Within neurons. The drug thus
cause. No biochemical a f e w days after reserpine causes a buildup of sero-
abnormality has yet been enters a person's body, t o n i n and norepinephrine
discovered. most of the serotonin and in the synaptic cleft. As
Some researchers, h o w - norepinephrine in that part a result of this buildup,
ever, are convinced that in of the brain is destroyed. impulses can be generated
nnany cases neurotransmit- Patients then often in the normal manner. It
ters are at fault. Generally, become depressed. As a seems that when an abnor-
a neurotransmitter is either result, researchers have mally lo w level of neuro-
destroyed by an enzyme or concluded that a lack of transmitters is brought to a
reabsorbed by neurons serotonin and norepi- normal level, depression
nephrine in the brain is is no longer a p r o b l e m .
almost immediately after it
related to depression.
entera the synaptic cleft. • Predicting Conclusions
Reserpine, a drug used Drugs n o w used to What m i g h t be the effect
by patients with high blood combat depression aiso of an abnormally high
pressure, causes t w o neuro- indícate a possible link level of neurotransmitters?

Starting a Nerve Impulse To " f i r e " a neuron—that is, to

get a nerve impulse going in the first place—a stimulus must
have a certain level of strength called a threshold. I f the energy To measure response time
leve] of a stimulus falls below the threshold, the neuron will not to different stimuli, see
ifie; i^ííwcvc'í'; «^^-itimiiU!,»; . w i t b j i n x n e ^ v level^reater than the page 739.
threshold does not cause a faster or stronger impulse. The neu-
ron either fires or it doesn't, a phenomenon known as the ail-or-
none response. The intensky oía sensaúon depends on the num-
ber of neurons stimulated. After an impulse, the neuron must
rest for about one-hundredth of a second. A stimulus, no matter
how strong, cannot fire the neuron during this time.

Section Review
1. Comparing Ideas Compare dendrites and axons.
2. Summarizing Ideas Explain how depolarization occurs.
3. Analyzing Function How do neurotransmitters function?
4. Evaluating Ideas What is an adaptive advantage of <^Thinking C r i t i c a l l y
the all-or-none response?

Nervous Control and Coordination 731

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