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Sex Move Playing the Gorgon Like your famous relative Medusa your gaze turns

people to stone. Fortunately you are neither

If you and your partner can see each other when that old nor that powerful - it takes you
Scary and intense, the key to the Gorgon is that
you have sex your partner becomes Petrified and
they can’t meet anyone’s eyes without hurting minutes, not seconds. But they start
takes 1 harm. The next time you meet, tell them them. Some keep their eyes up and revel in this, shivering after only a few seconds.
either: others you can tell are feeling extroverted
because they look at your feet rather than their
And even if they don’t know what’s
● You think you were a pity-fuck, dare fuck, or
own. Either way their body language is wrong, or causing it they become uneasy or
notch on their bedpost
● You think they were mainly motivated by
they instil dread in the course of normal terrified, their skin clammy and
conversation. covered in gooseflesh So they try
affection and give them a string
Then they tell you whether you were right as This means that you always have at least one not to look at you, and you probably
either honesty or the audience demands. If you social condition on you. Your body language is try not to look at them if only not to
were you both take 1 forward. If you were wrong simply off, and it is very hard to avoid meeting see those looks of disgust or fear.
someone’s eyes by accident. Oops represents
and they laughed at you they take 1 forward. this.

Darkest Self Siren’s Cousin and Numb The Pain represent

making the best of your curse, while You’re
You’re done hiding your gaze. If people can’t Slowing Down represents your ability to take
meet it, that’s their issue. You meet the gaze of advantage of very slowly turned to stone.
everyone you encounter unless they are taking
Despite being really awkward, you might still
explicit precautions. If they try to hold your gaze want to help people out even if they won’t invite
you aren’t backing down. Escape your darkest you to parties for everyone’s safety. You Shall
self when either you actually turn someone to Not Pass represents you stepping in the way.
stone or someone takes 2 harm trying to talk Even scary things that go bump in the night get
(and stare) you down.
scared by you. And as well as a protector you can
patch people up. Name Look
Choose a Name Circle one in each list
Advancements Head full of snakes allows you to be
functional-ish without using your eyes. Your Shy, Wallflower, Brash, Harsh, Awkward, Ugly,
o Gain 1 Hot snakes don’t have good eyesight, able to make Intimidatingly beautiful, Threatening
o Gain 1 Cold out only outlines. But at least you won’t turn
people to stone... Also if you want to check for A rocky name, a gem name, a shy name, a harsh
o Gain 1 Volatile Downcast eyes, Dark eyes, Terrifying eyes, Sad
movement round a corner, do so. name, a powerful name, a shunned name
o Gain 1 Dark eyes, Nervous eyes, Kind eyes
o Take one move from this skin Your sex move explicitly allows them to lie to save Origin:
o Take one move from this skin face with their friends. The sex itself isn’t the Ordinary hair, untamable hair, writhing hair,
Like grandma, hatched from an egg, immortal
o Take one move from any skin issue - it’s the exposure. And it’s safer to think
they didn’t mean it. dalliance, spurned a God, infected, cursed by an shiny hair, Punk hair, Hair permed to within an
o Take one move from any skin inch of its life, sleek hair, “dreadlocks”, hissing
enemy, cursed by a rival, scarred, a wish gone
o You belong to a Museum of Gorgons Turned to stone is flavour for a form of death. snakes
Mechanically it’s treated as death.
Name: Carry Forward Gorgon Moves O Head full of snakes You can see very blurrily
through the snakes on your head without
You get this one then choose two more petrifying people. They can pick things up, bite,
and give you +1 to Run Away as you can always
Conditions * Petrification Whenever you look or gaze into
see what’s behind you..
Stats: someone’s eyes, roll to Shut Them Down. On a
hit give them the condition Petrified - or if they O Siren’s Cousin When you can’t see anyone
Add 1 to one of these: are already Petrified they take 1 Harm as well as
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 else and they can’t see you gain +2 to Hot
other consequences. If harm from this move
would kill them they turn to stone. If you can see O You’re slowing down Anyone with the
through it you can Petrify someone through it. Petrified condition takes -1 to any moves with a

Notes If you start a session (including the first) with no

physical element made against you.

O Numb the Pain There are times freezing

social conditions, gain your choice of:
someone can be useful, like when they are hurt.
* The condition Scary
If you give aid immediately after someone has
* The condition Freak
taken harm, they heal 1 harm. If you tend to
* Any social condition you’ve had before
their wounds add 1 extra to the harm healed. If
* Any social condition agreed by the table
they weren’t already Petrified they become so.
O Oops!
Harm Whenever you accidentally use Petrification on
O Not On My Watch When you come to
someone’s aid by glaring at someone threatening
I am fine someone you care about, gain an experience
them give them +2 to Run Away or +1 to Hold
I am slightly bruised or bloody point.
Experience: I will survive this Steady, Shut Down or Lash Out.
I need serious medical attention


Your Backstory: Strings Other Moves

You looked into someone’s you care about’s
eyes and hurt them. Tell them if they know
why. Either way they take two strings on you
and you take one on them.

Someone is afraid of you and doesn’t know

why. Take a string on them.

Gorgon v 0.64 by Francis Dickinson

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