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Forming the Past Continuous

Task 1 - Form the Gerund form of the following verbs.
To form the verb in the Past 1) get  ___________________
Continuous Tense you need 2) open  __________________
the correct form of ‘to be’ 3) take  __________________
(was or were) and the –ing
4) travel  _________________
(Gerund) form of the verb.
5) do  ____________________6) lie  ____________________
I 7) run  ___________________
He 8) make  __________________
She Task
9) cut 2
- Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
Itwasreading a book. 10)the
in eat  ___________________
Past Continuous Tense.
watching TV.
1) They ___________________________ in the lake yesterday
going to the cinema.
playing basketball. afternoon. (swim)
raining.You 2) He ___________________________ on the coach. (sleep)
We 3) I ___________________________ a book. (read)
4) We ___________________________ breakfast at 7 am
Spelling rules
yesterday. (have)
Mostly the verb gets an –ing in 5) Sarah ___________________________ the fence. (paint)
the Present Continuous Tense. 6) The kids ___________________________ the picture. (colour)
E.g.: starting, playing, looking,
7) You ___________________________ about the accident. (talk)
skiing …
If the verb is monosyllabic, it 8) The dog ___________________________ all last night. (bark)
ends with a vowel + 9) We ___________________________ to the radio yesterday
consonant, and the vowel is morning. (listen)
short (pronunciation) then the
10) Pete ___________________________ his car last weekend.
consonant at the end of the
verb doubles. E.g.: run  (wash)
If the verb ends with –l, it
doubles. E.g.: travel  Task 3 - Write the correct forms (Past Continuous) of the verbs
travelling on the lines from this list.
If the verb is multisyllabic,
and 2nd point holds true of the
to cookto singto drinkto washto hideto watchto plantto waterto
last syllable then the
consonant at the end of the playto write
verb doubles. E.g.: permit,
admit 1) When I saw him he ___________________________ some milk.
If the verb ends with a mute –
2) You ___________________________ football when you broke
e, you have to leave it out.
E.g.: make  making your leg.
There are verbs ending with – 3) Steve ___________________________ TV when the lights
ie, like ‘lie’. In the Gerund form went out.
the ‘ie’ changes into ‘y”.
4) We ___________________________ when the guests arrived.
e.g.: lie  lying
Other verbs: die, outlie, 5) Mum ___________________________ up when someone
tie, untie, …etc. knocked at the door.
6) Nelly ___________________________ songs at the concert.
7) John and Jim ___________________________ behind a tree
There are some verbs that we when they were playing hide-and-seek.
don’t use in the past continuous 8) I ___________________________ the flowers when you came
tense. (Because they aren’t in.
action verbs.)
9) You ___________________________ a test at 10 am yesterday.
e.g.: like, love,
hate, smell, 10) They ___________________________ some seedlings
seem, believe, yesterday afternoon.
realise, belong,
know, want,
need, depend,
suppose …

© Susan V Toth

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