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Nama : Muhammad rizki arival

Nim : 043344338

Upbjj : Serang

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris niaga


1.The provision of electric power has a very important and strategic role in realizing national
development, so that the supply of electric power is controlled by the state and in terms of supply it
must be continuously increased in line with development developments. Thus the availability of
electricity in sufficient quantities, evenly distributed and at affordable prices will be achieved. Currently,
the Government has enacted the new Law Number 30 of 2009 concerning Electricity which is the legal
basis for the business of providing electricity in Indonesia. The enactment of the new electricity law has
given a new color to the electricity supply business in Indonesia. This is proven by the non-enactment of
the holder of the Electricity Business Authorization so that the position of PT PLN (Persero) has changed,
namely giving first priority (first right of refusal) to PT PLN (Persero) as a manifestation of state control
over the supply of electricity. This makes the position and role of the state in the national economy very
dominant. The authority of the state in managing the industrial sector which affects the lives of many
people is in the context of implementing constitutional provisions. The electricity business sector in
Indonesia is included in the industry in the above sense. As long as the electricity business sector is not
opened in a competitive market, with the authority owned by the state, no party outside of PT PLN
(Persero) is harmed or becomes in conflict with the provisions of business competition law. PT PLN
(Persero) as the only BUMN that manages the electricity sector based on Law no. 30 of 2009 concerning
Electricity, which states that the electricity supply business is carried out by the state and is organized by
a State-Owned Enterprise established based on the applicable laws and regulations as the Holder of an
Electricity Supply Business Permit who has exclusive rights in this case is entitled to first priority for the
operation of the electricity business. Three aspects form the basis for granting exclusive rights to PT PLN
(Persero) in the operation of electricity in Indonesia, namely the juridical aspect, the sociological aspect
and the economic aspect. Monopoly is possible in our competition law, as long as its activities include or
involve branches of production that are important for the state and affect the livelihood of many
people. In addition, this monopoly action can have positive effects on the people at large and with this
monopoly a more efficient situation can be achieved.

2. Monopsony definition
Market conditions for certain goods where buyers are only made by one or a group of buyers so that
they can determine the price level (monopsony). Financial Services Authority

Monopsony, is a situation in which one business actor controls the receipt of supplies or becomes the
sole buyer of goods and/or services in a commodity market.

What Is Monopsony?

Monopsony is a form of market in which there is only one seller and one consumer be a single buyer.
Entrepreneur group as the sole buyer dominates the market commodity and can bring out the potential
unfair competition. Monopsony is an opposite of Monopoly, ruled by one big seller.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Monopsony Market

Pros of a Monopsony Market:

• Guaranteed product quality, because buyers only want to buy quality goods.

Sellers are motivated to always innovate in their business.

• Pricing is easier because it is not

affected by inflation.

Sellers will find it easier to find buyers

without having to do promotion.

• The sales flow is easier to manage because the production process will always run and it will be sold
directly to the buyer.
Disadvantages of a Monopsony Market:

• Buyers act arbitrarily, especially in


• Seller's complaints are not heard because buyers are too selfish to think about the benefits they get.

• Economic problems are only borne by the seller, such as inflation, deflation, to the scarcity of raw


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