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Stir-Fried Glass

Noodles (Jap Chae)

Makes 10 servings

20 dried shiitake mushrooms

2 oz/57 g dried wood ear mushrooms

2 lb 4 oz/1.02 kg sweet-potato noodles

6 green onions, trimmed and thinly sliced

8 fl oz/240 mL light soy sauce

2 tbsp/30 mL sesame oil

1 oz/28 g sugar

8 fl oz/240 mL vegetable oil

12 oz/340 g onion, thinly sliced with the grain


⁄4 oz/50 g minced garlic

8 oz/227 g red pepper, cut into julienne

1 lb 4 oz/567 g green cabbage chiffonade

12 oz/340 g carrot, cut into julienne

Salt, as needed

Ground black pepper, as needed

10 eggs, beaten lightly, cooked to make an

omelet 1

⁄8 in/3 mm thick, cut into julienne

1. Rehydrate the shiitakes and wood ear mushrooms

separately in cool water overnight. Drain and

reserve the rehydration water.

2. Cut off the entire stem of the shiitakes. Cut the caps

into strips ¹⁄8 in/3 mm wide. Trim off the hard nodules and cut the wood ear mushrooms into strips

¹⁄8 in/3 mm wide.

3. Pour boiling water over the noodles to cover by at least

2 in/5 cm. Soak until rehydrated and elastic, 8 to 10

minutes. Drain, rinse with cool water, and reserve.

4. Whisk together the green onions, soy sauce, sesame

oil, and sugar.

5. Heat the oil in a wok and stir-fry the onions and

garlic until aromatic. Add the mushrooms, red pepper, cabbage, and carrots, and stir-fry until the
vegetables are almost cooked through.

6. Add the noodles and stir-fry until heated through.

7. Stir in the soy sauce mixture. Season with salt and

pepper. If the mixture appears dry, moisten with the

reserved shiitake liquid.

8. Garnish with the omelet julienne and serve immediately

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