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Sports Med 2005; 35 (7): 585-595

REVIEW ARTICLE 0112-1642/05/0007-0585/$34.95/0

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Post-Activation Potentiation
Underlying Physiology and Implications for
Motor Performance
Matt Hodgson, David Docherty and Dan Robbins
School of Physical Education, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
1. Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP): Underlying Physiological Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
1.1 Muscle Twitch Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
1.2 Twitch Potentiation: Relevance to Human Motor Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
1.3 H-Reflex Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
1.4 H-Reflex Potentiation: Relevance to Human Motor Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
1.5 Summary of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
2. PAP: Applied Movement Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
2.1 Studies Supporting Short-Term Functional Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
2.2 Studies Failing to Support Short-Term Functional Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
2.3 Summary of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
3. Conclusions and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594

Abstract The response of muscle to volitional or electrically induced stimuli is affected

by its contractile history. Fatigue is the most obvious effect of contractile history
reflected by the inability of a muscle to generate an expected level of force.
However, fatigue can coexist with post-activation potentiation (PAP), which
serves to improve muscular performance, especially in endurance exercise and
activities involving speed and power. The measured response of muscular per-
formance following some form of contractile activity is the net balance between
processes that cause fatigue and the simultaneous processes that result in potentia-
tion. Optimal performance occurs when fatigue has subsided but the potentiated
effect still exists. PAP has been demonstrated using electrically induced twitch
contractions and attributed to phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chains,
which makes actin and myosin more sensitive to Ca2+. The potentiated state has
also been attributed to an increase in α-motoneuron excitability as reflected by
changes in the H-reflex. However, the significance of PAP to functional perform-
ance has not been well established.
A number of recent studies have applied the principles of PAP to short-term
motor performance as well as using it as a rationale for producing long-term
neuromuscular changes through complex training. Complex training is a training
strategy that involves the execution of a heavy resistance exercise (HRE) prior to
performing an explosive movement with similar biomechanical characteristics,
referred to as a complex pair. The complex pair is then repeated for a number of
sets and postulated that over time will produce long-term changes in the ability of
a muscle to generate power. The results of these studies are equivocal at this time
and, in fact, no training studies have actually been undertaken. The discrepancies
586 Hodgson et al.

among the results of the various studies is due in part to differences in methodolo-
gy and design, with particular reference to the mode and intensity of the HRE, the
length of the rest interval within and between the complex pairs, the type of
explosive activity, the training history of the participants, and the nature of the
dependent variables. In addition, few of the applied studies have actually included
measures of twitch response or H-reflex to determine if the muscles of interest are
potentiated. There is clearly more research required in order to clarify the
functional significance of PAP and, in particular, the efficacy of complex training
in producing long-term neuromuscular adaptations.

The response of skeletal muscle to volitional muscle activation; (ii) to review the applied move-
command or electrically induced stimuli is affected ment studies that have investigated the PAP phe-
by its contractile history. Neuromuscular fatigue, nomenon; and (iii) to discuss the functional implica-
which can briefly be defined as the decrease in force tions of these findings to human motor performance.
observed after a period of repeated muscle activa-
tion,[1] is the most obvious effect of contractile histo- 1. Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP):
ry. In contrast to fatigue, which serves to impair Underlying Physiological Mechanisms
force production, there is evidence that the contrac-
tile history of skeletal muscle may facilitate the
1.1 Muscle Twitch Studies
volitional production of force – this phenomenon is
known as post-activation potentiation (PAP).[2] Al- A twitch is a brief muscle contraction in response
though fatigue and potentiation have opposing ef- to a single presynaptic action potential or a single,
fects on force production in skeletal muscle, these synchronised volley of action potentials.[21] The
two mechanisms can coexist.[1] Force output follow- force of a twitch contraction is increased following:
ing contractile activity reflects the net balance be- (i) a sustained maximal voluntary contraction
tween processes that enhance force development (MVC);[14,22,23] (ii) an evoked tetanic contraction;[24]
and those that diminish it.[3] Identification of the or (iii) repeated sub-fusion stimuli.[25] In addition to
possible physiological mechanisms mediating alter- enhancing peak twitch force, preceding forms of
ations in force production will promote the develop- contractile conditioning (listed above) have also
ment of strategies that are effective in optimising been shown to increase the RFD in a twitch response
such production. and decrease its time to peak force.[2,26] This effect,
The two most prevalent measures of neuromus- known commonly as twitch potentiation (TP), is a
cular output used to quantify the effect of previous well established and reproducible phenomenon, al-
activation history on subsequent force production though its functional relevance to human motor per-
have been: (i) muscle twitch force (for a detailed formance is less clear.
review see Sale[2]); and (ii) H-reflex amplitude.[4-9] One proposed mechanism of TP is the phospho-
In addition to examining the mechanisms that may rylation of myosin regulatory light chains via myo-
account for PAP, there have been applied movement sin light chain kinase (MLCK), which theoretically
studies that have investigated the effect of contrac- renders actin-myosin interaction more sensitive to
tile history (induced by means of a maximal or Ca2+ released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.[27]
near-maximal preloading exercise) on subsequent The activated MLCK phosphorylates a specific por-
dependent measures of mechanical power perform- tion of the S-1 myosin head near its hinge region
ance, such as vertical jump height and rate of force with the S-2 component. It is suggested that phos-
development (RFD) in an explosive movement.[10-20] phate binding induces a conformational or structural
The purposes of this article are: (i) to examine the alteration in this portion of the myosin molecule,
possible physiological mechanisms underlying al- leading to an increase in the rate by which myosin
terations in force production following volitional cross-bridges move from a non-force producing

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Post-Activation Potentiation 587

state to a force producing state.[26,27] Increased Ca2+ ance, it was concluded that fatigue produced by the
sensitivity exerts its greatest effect when myoplas- conditioning 10-second MVC suppressed any bene-
mic Ca2+ levels are relatively low, as is the case fit that could be realised from the induced TP.[14]
during twitch and low-frequency tetanic contrac- More specifically, the authors found that peak ve-
tions. In contrast, increased Ca2+ sensitivity has no locity and power attained during performance of
observable effect at saturated Ca2+ levels, such as dynamic knee extensions was not increased 15
those associated with high-frequency tetanic con- seconds post-MVC when TP was still at a high level.
tractions.[3,28] Thus, with respect to the force-fre- It is possible, however, that a longer recovery inter-
quency relationship, TP increases the force and RFD val would have minimised the effects of fatigue,
of low-frequency tetanic isometric contractions; allowing the TP mechanism to subsequently en-
however, it does not increase peak force of high- hance dynamic performance.[14]
frequency tetani, where only the RFD is enhanced.[3] Although the application of TP and its mecha-
With regard to TP induced via voluntary contrac- nism(s) to human performance has yielded indeter-
tion, the magnitude of potentiation is dependent on minate results, there is evidence to suggest that
both the intensity and duration of voluntary effort[23] strength and speed performance can theoretically be
and muscle fibre type.[22,29] The TP in human tibialis affected by TP.[2] As previously noted, TP has been
anterior (TA) and plantarflexor (PF) muscles fol- shown to increase the RFD of isometric force even
lowing maximal voluntary isometric contractions at high stimulation frequencies >100Hz,[3,28] analo-
(MVICs), were found to be maximal after MVICs of gous to those observed during voluntary ballistic
approximately 10 seconds in duration; after longer muscle actions.[30] It is theoretically possible, that
voluntary contractions, the potentiation was partial- TP, through subsequent increased RFD and acceler-
ly suppressed by fatigue.[23] Moreover, it was shown ation, would increase peak velocity and power at-
that voluntary contractions that were <75% of MVC tained during the performance of dynamic muscle
produced little or no potentiation. It appears that contractions.[14] However, this hypothesis has yet to
maximal (vs submaximal) voluntary contractions be confirmed and further research attempts using
lasting approximately 10 seconds cause the greatest strategies to produce TP and its subsequent effects
TP.[23] are required.
TP has also been found to be greater in fast, type
2 muscle fibres as these fibres demonstrate a greater 1.3 H-Reflex Studies
phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light chains in The H-reflex is another measurement tool
response to previous contractile conditioning.[27] In utilised by researchers to study the effects of con-
response to tetanic stimuli, the extent of TP was tractile history on neuromuscular response. The H-
significantly greater in the human gastrocnemius reflex is traditionally defined as a monosynaptic
muscle (which exhibits a higher percentage of type 2 reflex (MSR) induced by an electrical stimulation of
fibres) compared with the soleus.[29] Furthermore, in Group Ia afferents of the muscle nerve.[21] Initially
a recent study examining the correlation between viewed as a purely MSR, modification of H-reflex
fibre-type distribution and TP in human knee exten- amplitude via oligosynaptic pathways (e.g. Ib inhib-
sor muscles, individuals with shorter twitch contrac- itory affects from Golgi tendon organs and large
tion times and a higher percentage of type 2 fibres cutaneous afferents) has demonstrated that only the
demonstrated greater TP.[22] rising edge of the H-reflex waveform is monosynap-
tic.[31] Additional evidence indicating H-reflex mod-
1.2 Twitch Potentiation: Relevance to
ulation through mechanisms that influence levels of
Human Motor Performance
presynaptic inhibition has further disconfirmed its
Attempts to correlate TP with related measures of use as a direct measure of α-motoneuron excitabili-
human performance are limited, and have failed to ty.[32] It is also important to note that even though it
identify a functional role for this post-activation is frequently employed as an estimate of spinal
phenomenon. In a recent study investigating the reflex processing, a number of methodological is-
effect of TP on dynamic knee extension perform- sues exist that can influence interpretation of the H-

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588 Hodgson et al.

reflex and, in some instances, undermine its validity (eight sets of ten repetitions) every subject was
as a measurement. Thus, rigorous experimental con- found to demonstrate an initial depression of the
trols must be implemented to safeguard against a lateral gastrocnemius (LG) and soleus (SOL) H-
multitude of confounding factors that can affect the reflex immediately post-conditioning.[8] The dura-
accurate interpretation of H-reflex measurements tion of this depression lasted 10–60 seconds, which
(for a detailed list see Zehr[32]). is consistent with previous reports of PAD following
In regard to H-reflex modulation following voli- volitional activation.[4,33] After the period of depres-
tional activation, two main effects have been found: sion, a significant potentiation of H-reflex amplitude
(i) post-activation depression (PAD); and (ii) PAP of the LG muscle was reported. A non-statistically
or reflex potentiation (RP). PAD of H-reflexes post- significant potentiation of the soleus H-reflex was
voluntary contraction has been consistently docu- also documented.[8] It is important to note that while
mented.[4,6,8,33] PAD is presumed to be caused by group mean values demonstrated a significant
mechanisms acting at a presynaptic level, most like- potentiation of H-reflex amplitude, this effect was
ly related to the phenomenon of a reduced transmit- found in only five of ten subjects. Moreover, the
ter release from previously activated fibres.[7] PAD data reported by Trimble and Harp[8] revealed
develops immediately upon muscle relaxation and, marked inter-subject variability regarding the time
depending on the nature of the preceding contractile course of PAD and the onset and duration of poten-
activity, its time course can be relatively brief, last- tiation. This observation is consistent with previous
ing 10–60 seconds,[4,5,33] or can persist for several literature regarding the temporal profiles of H-reflex
minutes.[6,8] modulation post-conditioning, regardless of whether
H-reflex potentiation induced via high-frequency the preceding contractile activity was induced via
electrical stimulation of the Ia afferents of the ho- electrical stimulation or volitional activation.[4,6,9,34]
monymous muscle, known more commonly as post- In a similar study conducted by Güllich and
tetanic potentiation (PTP), has been previously ob- Schmidtbleicher,[6] H-reflex amplitude was mea-
served in the human soleus muscle.[9,34,35] Following sured in the LG and SOL muscles before and after
tetanical stimulation of the test muscle nerve, RP performance of a series of isometric maximum vol-
develops after several seconds and can last any- untary plantarflexions (five repetitions of a 5-second
where from 1 to 16 minutes depending on the sub- MVC with a 1-minute recovery interval between
ject and the specific parameters of the tetanic stimu- contractions). Subjects were differentiated by their
lation employed.[9,34,35] Stimulation frequencies level of training status as either elite speed-strength
>100Hz are required to produce PTP of the H-reflex athletes, or untrained physical education students.
in humans,[9,34,35] whereas lower frequencies of elec- Consistent with the findings of Trimble and Harp,[8]
trical stimulation have been shown to be ineffective the immediate post-conditioning H-wave amplitude
in eliciting RP.[34] The PTP mechanism has been was significantly depressed for all subjects. Follow-
attributed to the effects of a residual elevation in ing the initial depression, H-reflex amplitude was
presynaptic Ca2+, which causes a corresponding in- significantly potentiated in the LG muscle of the
crease in the probability of neurotransmitter release trained speed-strength athletes, however, this was
from the presynaptic membrane terminal.[36] not the case for the untrained physical education
H-reflex potentiation post-volitional activation students. This perhaps indicates an adaptation inher-
has received considerably less attention than either ent to spinal reflex processing found only in highly
PAD or PTP. It is theorised that if some attributes of trained subjects. Also, in accordance with previous
tetanic electrical stimulation, such as the sustained findings,[4,6,8,9,34] the time course and peaks of PAD
recruitment of high-threshold motor units, are re- and potentiation varied to a great extent between
flected in the volitional conditioning stimulus, the subjects. The approximate time for the onset and
potentiation of the reflex could occur in response to period of RP among speed-strength athletes was
previous voluntary activation.[8] Studies that have between 4 and 11 minutes,[6] which is consistent
demonstrated this effect are limited.[6,8] Following a with the data from Trimble and Harp.[8] It is impor-
cyclical concentric-eccentric triceps surae exercise tant to note, however, that the authors of this study

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Post-Activation Potentiation 589

failed to include a comprehensive methodology with in reflex amplitude relative to a constant stimulation
regard to H-reflex measurements. As previously dis- intensity implies an equivalent increase in synaptic
cussed, there are number of methodological issues efficacy between Ia afferent terminals and the post-
pertaining to the use of the H-reflex in exercise synaptic membranes of the α-motoneurons of the
studies.[32] In order to accurately interpret modula- homonymous muscle. Recruitment of MUs by Ia
tion of H-wave amplitude across conditions, rigor- afferent inputs (as in the H-reflex) proceeds in an
ous controls must be implemented.[32] For instance, orderly fashion from smallest to largest according to
Güllich and Schmidtbleicher[6] failed to indicate the size principle.[32,39] Therefore, if H-reflex ampli-
their method for establishing stimulus constancy, or tude is increased post-conditioning, it is assumed
whether subjects were exposed to factors associated that in accordance with the size principle, the next
with sensory feedback related to variable aspects of motor units to be reflexly recruited would be the
posture and voluntary movement, which have been larger, high-threshold, fast MUs. In addition to mus-
shown to induce considerable modulation of H- cle cross-sectional area and the proportion of fast-
reflexes in many muscles.[32] Therefore, any conclu- twitch muscle fibres, the effectiveness of voluntary
sions the authors inferred from their H-reflex data neuromuscular activation (i.e. the ability to activate
must be approached with caution. as many high-threshold fast MUs as possible and
In contrast to the studies cited above, Enoka et have them discharge at a high frequency) is viewed
al.[4] reported only H-reflex depression following a as a main determinant of the maximal RFD and peak
5-second maximal effort plantarflexion. A signifi- force production.[6] In the presence of a potentiated
cant limitation to this study, however, was that the reflex response following contractile activity, an
duration of the H-reflex recording period post-con- individual may, in theory, increase the effectiveness
ditioning was limited to 1 minute. Although the of voluntary activation by optimising the reflex con-
findings are consistent with the time course of PAD tribution to neural drive.
following voluntary activation, the onset of poten- To test this hypothesis, Güllich and Schmidt-
tiation in the studies previously discussed did not bleicher[6] had the speed-strength athletes, who
evolve until at least 3 minutes post-activation.[8] demonstrated a significant H-reflex potentiation
Therefore, had a longer recording period post- post-conditioning, complete a second experiment in
conditioning (e.g. 10 minutes) been employed, a which they performed explosive isometric plantar-
potentiating effect may have been observed by flexions both before and at specified time intervals
Enoka and colleagues. (between 5 seconds and 10 minutes) following the
conditioning protocol. Subject positioning was iden-
1.4 H-Reflex Potentiation: Relevance to
tical to that used for the H-reflex recordings. Consis-
Human Motor Performance
tent with the temporal profile of H-reflex amplitude,
The theoretical link between a potentiated H- subjects had a significantly depressed rate of explo-
reflex and a corresponding enhancement of volition- sive force development immediately post-condition-
al force production can be described as follows: H- ing, followed by a gradual return to control values
reflex amplitude is a function of the number and size and subsequent significant potentiation of explosive
of the recruited motor units.[37] Variation of H-wave force development, which occurred between 4 and
amplitude relative to a constant stimulation intensity 11 minutes depending on the subject. Through re-
and constant efferent motor response (M-wave), is gression analysis, a comparison of the temporal
an indication of some form of synaptic modification profiles of H-reflex amplitude and explosive isomet-
occurring in the spinal cord, which can be explained, ric force development post-activation revealed a
assuming suitable methodological constraints are in significant Pearson correlation coefficient (r = 0.97).
place, by at least three possibilities: (i) alteration in These findings led the authors to conclude that a
the excitability of the motoneurons; (ii) variation in short-term potentiation of explosive force develop-
the amount of neurotransmitter released by the affer- ment can be induced via a preceding MVC, and that
ent terminals; or (iii) variation in the intrinsic the increase in force production is related primarily
properties of the motoneurons.[38] Thus, an increase to neuronal factors. Once again, however, due to the

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590 Hodgson et al.

methodological limitations inherent to this study, increase in the RFD of dynamic muscle perform-
the above conclusion remains to be adequately con- ance. Complex training involves the execution of a
firmed. heavy resistance exercise (HRE) prior to performing
an explosive movement, such as a plyometric exer-
1.5 Summary of Findings cise, with similar biomechanical characteristics in
the belief that the HRE will induce PAP and conse-
With reference to PAP, the existing literature has quently increase the performance of the plyometric
classically ascribed this phenomenon to physiologi- exercise. When repeated over a training cycle, it is
cal events localised within the muscle, such as the postulated that complex training will produce long-
phosphorylation of myosin light chains.[2] However, term changes in the ability of the muscle to generate
in lieu of findings regarding H-reflex potentiation power. An example of a HRE and plyometric exer-
following contractile activity, PAP also appears to cise often used in short-term studies and complex
occur at the spinal level, through an increased syn- training programmes would be five repetitions of a
aptic efficacy between Ia afferent terminals and α- back squat followed by 4–6 vertical counter-
motoneurons of the homonymous muscle.[6,8,9,34,35] movement jumps (CMJs), referred to as a complex
It is also possible that PAP is the result of both pair.[15] It has also been suggested that performing a
myogenic and neurogenic mechanisms.[40] Further- heavy pre-load exercise to potentiate the muscle
more, although theoretically possible,[2] there is no may also be beneficial in enhancing short-term per-
evidence to date that supports a direct functional formance and possibly could be integrated into the
benefit of twitch potentiation. It would, therefore, warm-up prior to competition that requires explo-
appear instructive to establish experimental proto- sive power.[6]
cols that provide a valid index of force production Although the evidence for PAP has been estab-
with other concurrent measures of neuromuscular lished using electrically induced twitch contractions
output (i.e. twitch force and H-reflex), which may and in changes in the H-reflex, the effect on short-
reveal the locus or loci of mechanisms mediating term explosive movement would appear equivocal
potential alterations in volitional force production at this time. In addition, despite its current populari-
post-contractile conditioning. ty among coaches and athletes, no studies have yet
examined the long-term neuromuscular adaptations
2. PAP: Applied Movement Studies or performance changes produced by complex train-
The phenomenon of PAP would appear to be well ing strategies. The remainder of this review will
supported by increases in the twitch contractile present the studies that have examined the applica-
properties of muscle (TP) and, to a lesser extent, in tion of the principles of PAP to measures of short-
H-reflex amplitude following some form of pre- term explosive motor performance often used to
maximal or near-maximal contraction.[2,6,8] Only investigate the validity of the complex training ap-
two of these studies examining either the twitch proach. Only studies that have been published with
characteristics of muscle or the H-reflex also ex- complete design and methodological descriptions
amined the effects on voluntary force generation of have been included in the review and are sum-
muscle, usually by some form of rapid voluntary marised in table I.
contraction.[6,14] Recently, a number of studies have 2.1 Studies Supporting Short-Term
applied the concept of PAP to measures of explosive Functional Effects
force production or measures of motor perform-
ance.[10-20] Such studies have generally examined the In addition to examining the effects of contractile
short-term effects of a heavy preload exercise, either history on the H-reflex and the RFD of rapid isomet-
isometric or isoinertial, on subsequent ballistic ric contractions, Güllich and Schmitbleicher[6] also
movements. Many of these studies have been used investigated its effects on explosive dynamic mus-
to examine the concept of ‘complex training’ that cular performance. They found that 3–5 repetitions
incorporates the principles of PAP in order to induce at 90–100% of MVIC contractions in a bench-press
long-term neuromuscular adaptations, such as an position increased the RFD in guided barbell push

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (7)
© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.

Post-Activation Potentiation
Table I. Summary of studies examining the short-term effects of heavy resistance exercise (HRE) on subsequent dynamic muscular performance

Study No. and Training status Pre-load exercise Dependent measure(s) Results
sex of
Baker[10] 16 M Rugby league players; 6 reps of bench press at Highest average PO during 5 4.5% ↑ in post PO
different playing levels; 1y 65% 1RM reps of concentric-only bench-
exp. in CT press throw
Chiu et al.[11] 12 M, 12 F 6mo exp. in squat 5 sets of reps at 90% 1RM; Percentage potentiation for Initially no sig. effect. When divided
exercise; M able to squat 2 min rest between sets average and peak power for into ATH and RT groups found sig.
1.5 × BW; F 1.0 × BW loaded jumps at 30%, 50% and effect for CJ but not RJ for ATH
70% 1RM squat-loads during RJ
and CJ
Duthie et al.[12] 11 F Resistance trained 3 sets of 3RM half-squat Mean of 4 reps of loaded (30% Initially no sig. effect. Sig. correlation
(5 h/wk); hockey and load 1RM half-squat) squat jumps for between absolute strength and peak
softball players jump height, peak power and power and max. force. Divided into
max. force high- and low-strength groups. High-
strength group showed 2% ↑ in max.
French et al.[13] 10 M, 4 F Track-and-field athletes 3 × 3 sec MVIC of knee Max. jump height of 5 CMJ and 3 × 3 sec condition produced 5.03% ↑
with at least 2y resistance extension or 3 × 5 sec 5 DJ, GRF, 5-sec cycle sprint; in CMJ height; 4.94% ↑ max. force and
exercise exp. MVICs of knee extension isokinetic knee extension torque 9.49% ↑ in acceleration impulse; 6.12%
at 250°/sec; EMG of VM ↑ in knee extension torque. No change
in CMJ or 5-sec sprint cycle. No
change for 3 × 5 sec MVIC condition or
in any EMG activity
Gossen and Sale[14] 6 M, 4 F Moderately active 10-sec MVICs of single Dynamic knee extension at No sig. difference in any of the values
knee extension 15%, 30%, 45% and 60% of – results failed to support hypothesis
MVIC in random order for peak
torque, power, velocity and total
Gourgoulis et al.[15] 14 F Intercollegiate basketball 5 sets of half-squats with 2 Mean of 2 CMJ on Kistler 2.9% ↑ in mean vertical height. Divided
players reps at 20%, 40%, 60%, platform for vertical height and into 2 groups (<160kg 1RM squat and
80% and 90% 1RM velocity, power output >160kg squat). Stronger group ↑ 4.0%
compared with 0.42% in less strong
Güillich and 45–46 Speed-strength athletes at 3–5 MVICs in bench-press Mean of 5 force/time curves for ↑ in explosive force in upper body;
Schmidtbleicher[6] M and F national and international position; 3–5 MVICs in guided barbell pushes; mean of 1.4cm ↑ in CMJ height (no statistics
level competition unilateral leg-press position 8 CMJ reported)
Hrysomallis and 12 M Average of 3.1y resistance 1 set of 5RM load bench- 3 max. efforts of explosive No sig. effect for any of the dependent
Kidgell[16] training press push-ups on force platform for measures
Sports Med 2005; 35 (7)

impulse, mean RFD, peak force

and average force divided by

Continued next page

592 Hodgson et al.

ATH = athletically trained group; BW = bodyweight; CJ = concentric-only jump; CMJ = counter-movement jumps; CT = complex training; DJ = drop jumps; EMG = electromyogram;

National Collegiate Athletic Association; PO = power output; reps = repetitions; RFD = rate of force development; RJ = rebound jump; RM = repetition maximum; RT =
exp. = experience; F = females; GRF = ground reaction force; HJ = horizontal jumps; M = males; max. = maximum; MVIC = maximal voluntary isometric contraction; NCAA =
No sig. differences for any measure of
ups. Performance of 3–5 repetitions at 90–100%
No sig. effect for any measure in any
rest condition even when divided into

No sig. effect for the mean or max.

1MVIC in a single leg-press position resulted in a

value for CMJ or HJ even after 4

1.4cm increase in the mean of eight CMJs. A five
high- and low-strength groups

EMG or kinetic performance

repetition maximum (5RM) half squat was also
found to produce a 1cm increase in the height of one

1cm ↑ in vertical jump

set of loaded CMJs.[20] More recently, the effects of
five sets of half squats with two repetitions at differ-
training sessions ing loads (20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 90% 1RM) on
subsequent measures of power output during two

CMJs were examined.[15] An overall improvement

of 2.39% in mean jump height occurred but the
increase failed to attain statistical significance. The
height at different rest intervals

Mean of 4 CMJ and 4 HJ for 4

group was then divided into two groups based on

following HRE (10 sec, 1, 2, 3

Mean of 5 loaded CMJ (1 set)

6 reps of single CMJ on force

CMJ; 3 DJ) for GRF, rebound

during 4 blocks of 6 jumps (3
EMG and kinetic measures

their 1RM squat performance. A significant 4.0%

platform for GRF and jump

height and power output.

increase in CMJ height was found for the group that

Dependent measure(s)

squatted over 160kg, whereas the group with

<160kg squat performance failed to demonstrate
testing sessions

any enhanced performance. No changes were found

and 4 min)

in the other dependent measures (vertical velocity

and power output) that were included to explain the
differences in performance.
Chiu et al.[11] also used a heavy squat load (90%
5 reps at 85% 1RM parallel

1RM) to examine the effects of contractile history

recreationally trained group; sig. = significant; VM = vastus medialis; ↑ indicates increase.

on vertical jump performance with a pre-stretch

5RM half-squat load

action (rebound jump) and without a pre-stretch

Pre-load exercise

5RM half-squats

component (concentric-only jump). They also used

several different loads during the performance
5RM load

jumps (30%, 50% and 70% 1RM squat). The aver-


age percentage of potentiation was calculated for

average and peak power for each jump. Initial analy-
anaerobic sports, trained in

sis failed to identify any significant effect. The

NCAA athletes involved in

Physically active and able

Experienced in resistance

(able to squat 1.5 × BW)

training and plyometrics
squats and plyometrics

group was then divided into athletically (ATH) and

1y exp. in half-squat

recreationally (RT) trained groups. Significant in-

to squat 1.5 × BW

creases in power output were found for the ATH but

Training status

only in the concentric-only jump. The results of this


study were confounded by the statistical analysis

that compared the post test values for both groups.
The performance of RT had actually declined 1–4%,
reflecting possible fatigue following the pre-load,
11 M, 10 F
No. and

compared with the ATH, that showed a 1–3% im-

sex of

19 M

10 M

provement in performance, reflecting a possible


small potentiated effect, so the direct effects of

potentiation on ATH were not determined.
Jones and Lees[18]

The effects of a HRE on subsequent upper-body

Young et al.[20]
Table I. Contd

power performance has also been investigated.[10]

Jensen and

Scott and

Athletes with at least 1 year of complex training


served as participants for the study and performed a


preload exercise consisting of six repetitions of a

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (7)
Post-Activation Potentiation 593

bench press at 65% 1RM. The dependent measure jump height or ground reaction forces as measured
involved five repetitions of an explosive bench- on a force plate.[17] The length of rest interval (10
press style throw with an absolute resistance of 50kg seconds, 1, 2, 3 and 4 minutes) also failed to affect
in which the highest power output for the concentric the ability to elicit any enhanced performance. Fur-
phase was recorded. A 4.5% improvement was thermore, no significant effect was found when the
found for power output. male and female participants were separated into
The practical application of PAP to athletic per- high- and low-strength groups, despite a 6–8cm
formance was recently investigated using MVICs increase in mean jump height performance. The
and measures of dynamic exercise performance.[13] effect of five repetitions at 85% 1RM parallel squats
Three sets of single maximal-effort knee extensions, on kinetic measures (ground reaction force and pow-
using either 3- or 5-second muscle actions, were er output) and electromyogram (EMG) recordings
performed prior to doing vertical jumps, a 5-second during six jumps (three CMJs and three drop jumps)
cycle sprint, or isokinetic knee extensions. The re- were investigated by Jones and Lees.[18] Small dif-
sults indicated a significant improvement in jump ferences were found in the kinetic measures as well
height, maximum ground force, acceleration im- as EMG output, but again failed to attain statistical
pulse for drop jumps, and an increase in isokinetic significance. The authors concluded their results did
torque following the 3-second MVICs but not the not support the hypothesis that HRE increases neu-
5-second MVICs. In contrast, analysis of the CMJ ral activation. The effects of a 5RM squat on CMJ
data indicated no significant difference in mean and horizontal jumps has also been examined over
jump height for any of the experimental conditions. four subsequent training sessions.[19] No enhanced
It would appear that PAP is modulated by the vol- performance effect was found for either CMJ or
ume of the preconditioning isometric stimulus and horizontal jumps despite the repeated exposure to
the measured outcome is dependent on the nature of the loading protocols. Additionally, in contrast to
the subsequent exercise (drop jumps or CMJ). the findings of Baker,[10] one set of 5RM bench-
Duthie et al.[12] replicated a training paradigm press load failed to invoke any improved perform-
often used in complex training that involved partici- ance in explosive push ups performed on a force
pants performing three sets of a complex pair of platform[16] as reflected by measures of impulse,
exercises. The exercises consisted of a 3RM squat RFD, relative peak and average force.
load followed by four repetitions of a loaded CMJ
using 30% 1RM squat load. Jump height, peak pow- 2.3 Summary of Findings
er, and maximum force for each set of loaded CMJs Presently, the literature is equivocal regarding
were recorded. Initially no improvement in perform- the short-term effects of HRE on subsequent per-
ance was found, and in fact there was a decrease in formance of activities requiring explosive force. It is
performance. A significant correlation was found difficult to compare the studies because of differ-
between absolute strength and changes in peak pow- ences in methodology and design, with particular
er and maximum force. Participants were subse- reference to the mode and intensity of the HRE, the
quently divided into two groups based on the medi- length of the rest interval within and between the
an of the predicted 1RM squat load. A 2% increase ‘complex pairs’, the type of explosive movement,
in maximum force was found for the group identi- and the nature of the dependent measures. It is clear
fied with greater absolute strength. that fatigue and potentiation can co-exist[1] and there
is probably an optimal time when the muscle has
2.2 Studies Failing to Support Short-Term
recovered but is still potentiated. However, the opti-
Functional Effects
mal recovery time appears to be variable among
In contrast to studies that have found some en- individuals[6] and possibly masks any potentiated
hancement in explosive performance following effect in group design studies. It would also appear
HRE, a number of studies have not found any func- some individuals respond better than others in re-
tional performance affect. A set of 5RM squats did gard to being able to benefit from a heavy pre-load
not produce any significant effect on subsequent activity.[8] It may be that the individuals that are

© 2005 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2005; 35 (7)
594 Hodgson et al.

better able to utilise the PAP effect are stronger mains to be determined whether the magnitude of
compared with their peers.[12,20] However, these the effect would be sufficient to produce long-term
studies have been retrospective and the effect of changes in performance, especially when compared
strength on PAP needs to be established through with other HRE and plyometric training protocols.
longitudinal studies that increase strength and then Finally, most coaches and athletes train to enhance
determine its effects on subsequent PAP. It is possi- performance in selected sports or athletic events that
ble the stronger individuals are better able to benefit involve numerous complex movement patterns.
from PAP because they may possess a greater pro- Should complex training be found to be an effective
portion of type 2 fibres compared with their less training strategy for improving explosive power in
strong peers. Individuals that were identified as the selected movements, the actual transfer to enhanc-
highest PAP responders were found to have a higher ing performance in the actual sport or athletic event
percentage of type 2 fibres and greater type 2 fibre would still need to be established.
area than a group identified as the lowest PAP It is clear from this review that PAP can be
responders as reflected by the twitch contractile elicited following some form of maximal or near
studies.[22] However, the relationship between fibre maximal contractile history but its functional appli-
type and the ability to utilise potentiation for subse- cation to motor performance and training can only
quent explosive movement has not yet been estab- be determined through continued research.
lished. The studies that have clearly demonstrated
PAP have used electrically stimulated twitch con- Acknowledgements
tractile characteristics or an electrically evoked H- No sources of funding were used to assist in the prepara-
reflex. It is possible that the effects of PAP are more tion of this review. The authors have no conflicts of interest
easily elicited using electrical stimulation compared that are directly relevant to the content of this review.
with voluntary muscular actions and are less likely
to induce a direct functional benefit. References
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Correspondence and offprints: Dr David Docherty, School of
Appl Physiol 1993; 18 (3): 229-42
Physical Education, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
27. Sweeney HL, Bowman BF, Stull JT. Myosin light chain phos-
phorylation in vertebrate striated muscle: regulation and func- V8W 3P1, Canada.
tion. Am J Physiol 1993; 264 (5 Pt 1): C1085-95 E-mail:

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