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make a revision of unit 5,6

a speaking class.
this is conversation.
topics for a conversation.

what do people do in a conv: qand A

5: vote for me? can/can't

can you study at night?

can you exercise at night? I can study at night.
because I without distractions.
how often do you exercise?
I hardly ever exercise. I don't hear noises.
I can't exercise at night.
can you sing in front of people? in the morning
do you sing?performance in the afternoon

5b: what are you doing rn?

what are you doing these days? are I am doing sth different. This week,
you doing sth new or different? I'm not going to the hospital. I'm
taking care of enzo.
what is fav character?
are your nbr noisy? are they making noises I am working in the morning this week.
rn? I am watching grey's anatomy.
what are you doing at the weekend?
I like relaxing but on Sundays I

what do you remember?

in lr, the weather is usually hot, dry,
What is usually the weather like in lr? (habit, repetition)
what's the weather like rn?
Rn it is cold and it's raining.
what are the activities to do in ...LR In LR, you can visit Talampaya, Parque
in winter? JUrasico. you can go on a tour inTalampaya
at night. You can go only in a full moon
How often does it snow here in LR? night because the moon shines.
In LR, it hardly ever snows.
in la rioja departments, it often snows full moon night

see, walk, visit, buy , picnic,

can we make more questions? I don't mind staying and answering to

you decide questions
I don't mind continuing

what do you enjoy doing on cold, rainy I like sleeping, watching series, going out,
days like today? I enjoy eating chocolate.
that's it.
what kind of weather do you like?

write the email
write questions for unit 6C

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