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Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed.

rather than to work for a

company or organization. Why might be the case? What could be the
disadvantages of being self-employed?

It is true that independent studios have been thriving recently, and there are a
variety of reasons for that trend. However, something negative appears with that at
the same time.

There are several reasons for people to start their own business instead of being
hired by organizations. Firstly, revolutionary technology make it possible for self-
employees to earn profits by their own. For example, they can publish their clips,
which are recorded and edited on their laptops or celephones, and get money from
Youtube. Secondly, freelencers have freedom to allocate their own time and
workload, and thiscan satisfy their sense of control. Finally, there is an increasing
number of well-educated prople nowadays, so people have more talents and
methods to strive for a better life by starting their own business.

Even though independent studios are trendy at present, it also brings about some
drawbacks as well. To begin with, rather than those who are employed in big
company, they lack job security. What's more, they also have less chances to interac
with their associates because they complete projects alone. Furthermore, they may
suffer pressure from judgements from the public. For instance, their parents or
friends may not be able to realize how they work and make money and ask them to
find another stable jobs.

In conclusion, I believe more and more people will commence their career with new
technology and fulfill their sense of achievement. Nevertheless, individuals who
intend to have their own firms absolutely need to take potential negative issues into

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