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Nowadays there is no deny that gadgets such as mobile phones have

comprehensively taken part in our daily lives, especially for the younger generation.
The majority of the youngsters spend an excessive amount of time using smart
phones. In this essay I will explain why I feel this phenomenon is considered a
downside, while also exploring some beneficial effects on this trend.

Firstly, kids who are obsessed with those electronic devices might result in some
mental problems. The youngsters are used to hide themselves behind the screens
and hardly prefer hanging out with their friends. In addition, some of them are adept
in creating their own virtual character and chat with online friends spontaneously,
which might be extremely opposite from their true personality. For instance, it was
reported that 43% of teenagers in Korea had problems having a communication with
other people in reality.

However, some says the development of electronic devices accelerate the level of
education. As cellphones can be used for searching, they help teenagers reach for all
sorts of information. In the past, students could only receive limited knowledge by
finding in dictionaries or learning from textbooks at schools. On the contrary, kids are
able to use Google to receive the answers as long as they switch on their
smartphones. In Hong Kong, some junior high school students can bring their
mobiles or iPad in class, as they are allowed to search for deeper contents

In conclusion, with the development of technology, digital devices have already been
an inevitable part for the youngsters. Although those intelligent gadgets can be
regarded as educational applications, it should be aware of the over-obsession,
which might lead to a mental situation of transforming the virtuality to the reality.

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