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Gene Therapy

By: Ian and Patrick

Natural Selection Artificial Selection

• Natural selection is organisms' • Artificial selection is selective breeding

ability to adapt to new by which humans choose what traits
surroundings. they want from a species and breed
• Organisms that are more adapted them together.
to their environment are more • Artificial selection is the identification
likely to survive and pass on the by humans of desirable traits in plants
genes that aided their success. and animals, and the steps taken to
enhance and perpetuate those traits in
future generations.

This picture represents natural selection because the darker colored rabbits
have a better chance of surviving because their harder to see.
What is Gene Therapy
Gene therapy is the process
of living humans receiving Examples of gene therapy:
treatments and therapy Immune deficiencies, such
through genetic as hereditary blindness,
modification. The hemophilia, blood disease,
transplantation of normal
genes into cells in place of fat metabolism disorder,
missing or defective ones to and Cancers.
correct genetic disorders.
Pros and Cons of Gene Therapy
Pros: Cons:
• Genetic therapies can be used to • Risks could include certain types of
prevent, treat, or cure inherited cancer, allergies, or damage to organs or
disorders, such as the ones tissues especially if injection is involved.
mentioned earlier.
• Another risk is that genetic therapy could
• They can also be used to treat be an unwelcome immune response, and
cancers or infections such as
HIV. it could cause serious illness or death.
• Gene therapy is used to treat There is also a possibility of genetic
other infection and diseases such therapy causing a tumor.
as cystic fibrosis, alpha-1 • The cost of gene therapy surgery is very
antitrypsin deficiency, expansive to the point where some
hemophilia, beta thalassemia, people can't afford it.
and sickle cell disease.
Is Gene Therapy Good or Bad?
Although gene therapy has its pros and Is it worth getting it? We
cons, overall, we think it is good. Even think Gene Therapy is overall
with all the pros and cons, overall, genetic good, but with how expensive
therapy is lifesaving, and beneficial in the
gene therapy is, it is not
future. Gene therapy can improve life by
improving the body's function, reducing worth it. Gene therapy
or eliminating any pain or suffering, and surgeries can cost anywhere
overall improving the psychological sense from 1M – 3M dollars per
of a well-being. treatment (according to
Based on our research, gene therapy has Google).
successfully treated several inherited
immune deficiencies.
Thank You!
Gene Therapy
By: Ian and Patrick

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