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Governments should spend more money in support of the arts than in support of athletics such as state-

sponsored Olympic teams.

For my point of veiw, the government should to be interesting the same way, how in arts and in the
sport. Unfortunately, the governement spend a lot of money to encourage the athletics, but the artisting
people aren't consider benefics for them. Howover, in the following pasages I will explain the reason
that I encourage that government should spend more money in support of the arts.

Firstly, art is the perfect sourses to contribute in the travelling. During the life, with help of statistics,
people visit to country to see the building, museums, becouase this atract them more then the sport.
The most popular sport is fotball, but not a lot of countrys have the atracted team for people, for
example in the world people are going to see just the match in the Barselona or Liverpool, but in the
Greek or Ukrain, people consider them boring. Howevemore, every country have museumes, that
atracted people, or they specifecs houses. For example, in Czezh Repoublic, the gouvernment is
interesting to spend more money in the new building, which has stranger view, but people like. Or if the
Chines people didn't build the longest castle in the world, now the country wouldn't be so popular.

Secondly, the art help the people to be more concetrating, or help with mental. Most of phychologist
use the painting to hepl people to face stress. For example, if hadn't existed the art, people ilss by
sizothrenics would have had more ils. Howover, the artest people help to grow helthing societist.
Furthemore, the paiting help to create knew movies, dance. It is how a muse, and improve and other
creations. For example, the paint ''Cry'' is influesed a lot of movie, to become popular.

In coclusion, the art should be helping by the governments, becouse the art inluence in a lot of sfera,
how traveling, helth people and other arts

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