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I had a lot of fun throughout the year, in those two semesters of CWTS. At first, we were

in online learning because of the outbreak of COVID-19. We learn a lot from our

professor and taught us about different things about the community and about oneself.

The next semester is face to face; our section is assigned to a barangay to provide

community service. At Brgy. Calicanto Batangas City, we were tasked to clean and clear

all the garbage and make the barangay neat as possible and to prevent harm and

pollution for the people in the barangay. On March 4, 2023, it is our first day to serve at

the barangay. It was fun all our classmates brought their respective gloves, brooms, and

trash bags. Even though the sun is up, we still managed to do our task and provide a

better work for the people in the barangay. Every Saturday is our schedule to clean the

barangay designated to us, we bring the things we need and perform the task that it is

assigned to us. It lasted for two months, and we have fun especially when our professor

is joking and having some quality time with us. We also eat “taho” every time we saw a
vendor when we’re picking up trash and cleaning the side of the road. A fulfilling and

significant pursuit might involve giving back to the community while expanding your

knowledge and experiences. It not only helps those who are in need, but it also gives

you the chance to learn useful skills, see things from fresh angles, and form deep

relationships. It's important to keep in mind that while assisting the community is a

laudable endeavor, doing so requires an open mind and a sincere desire to have a

beneficial impact. You may improve your own learning, obtain priceless experiences, and

build a stronger, more inclusive community by actively participating in these events.

I, Jose, once set out on a journey to aid the community while advancing my knowledge

and experiences at the start of the semester. I was motivated to have a positive effect

because I was well-versed in several subjects and fluent in several languages. I began the

first week of the semester by looking at nearby community organizations and figuring

out how I might help. Offering my services as a virtual assistant and educational

resource, I contacted a few non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and

community centers. The Community Learning Center was one organization that warmly

accepted my offer. They were seeking for a solution to improve their tutoring program
and give kids more academic support. Together, we created a website where students

could access interactive learning tools and individualized instruction. As the weeks went

on, I worked with the Community Learning Center personnel to develop a curriculum

that was customized for each student. I helped students with a variety of disciplines,

including math, science, literature, and history. I was able to communicate with students

virtually, respond to their inquiries, and mentor them as they navigated complex ideas.

Along with providing academic support, I also assisted in planning online webinars and

workshops for parents and guardians on subjects including effective study techniques,

college readiness, and career exploration. The purpose of these workshops was to arm

families with the information and tools they need to support their children's education. I

extended my reach outside of the Community Learning Center by collaborating with

neighborhood libraries and running online book clubs. I led discussions on a variety of

literary works, inspiring community members to consider various viewpoints and

exercise critical thinking. These reading groups developed into a setting for deep

discussion and intellectual expansion. To create a chatbot-driven treatment resource, I

worked with mental health specialists since I understand how important mental health
and wellbeing are. The objective was to offer easily available and private support to

people dealing with stress, anxiety, or other emotional problems. I guided users through

their feelings, offered coping mechanisms, and urged them to seek professional

assistance, when necessary, through compassionate talks. My contacts with the

neighborhood gave me the chance to learn and develop over the semester. My

comprehension of human experiences was expanded by the distinctive ideas and views

that each conversation presented. I improved my ability to recognize people's needs and

modify my responses to fit their unique circumstances. I took part in ongoing

professional development to increase my education. I took part in online seminars,

webinars, and conferences to broaden my expertise in a variety of fields. My

communication, empathy, and active listening abilities improved as I researched areas

like psychology, education, and social work. We set up computer laboratories, conducted

workshops on digital literacy, and gave away refurbished computers to individuals in

need with the aid of neighborhood businesses and volunteers. I was able to see how

much I had changed and how rewarding it was to help others when I looked back on the

semester. My understanding of the world will always be shaped by the experiences I had
and the connections I formed. I learned that by fusing knowledge, empathy, and

technology, I could significantly impact people's lives. I realized that my adventure was

far from ended as the semester came to an end. I was excited to continue my aim of

assisting the community, disseminating knowledge, and promoting positive thinking

because I had learned and experienced so much this semester. An effective and practical

method to give back to your town is by cleaning the streets. By actively taking part in

street cleaning initiatives, you show that you are a responsible citizen who is dedicated

to keeping everyone's environment clean and safe. It promotes a culture of cleanliness

and environmental management and fosters a sense of pride and ownership in your

town. Cleaning the streets offers a chance to spread awareness of environmental

problems such littering, pollution, and trash disposal. You can gain knowledge about the

negative effects of inappropriate waste disposal through this experience and motivate

others to adopt more environmentally friendly habits. While sweeping the streets, keep

safety first. Wear the proper safety clothing, utilize the specified tools and equipment,

and adhere to any instructions or protocols given to you by your neighborhood or

community organizations. By actively taking part in street cleaning campaigns, you may
make your neighborhood cleaner and more habitable while learning useful skills, making

new friends, and getting a better understanding of the environmental issues in your

area. These learning experiences are not all-inclusive, and every person's experience will

be different. Participating in street cleaning initiatives can offer unusual insights and

development chances that support your own progress and have a beneficial impact on

your neighborhood.

To sum it all up, I just wanted to say that it has been a hell of a ride for the past months,

it was fun and enjoying, all those times that we’re cleaning and having a chit chat with

our friends, it was a good core memory that we share till our future. We also had the

best professor, a kind and responsible man that kept us united and smiling all the time,

thank you sir!

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