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Girls face more peer pressure than boys


1. The “looking cool” culture has become an

all too familiar scene when it comes down to
boys. Recent studies have concluded that
majority of the boys becomes part of gangs,
commit crimes and get involved in drug cases
due to peer pressure.

2. Men often face the most peer pressure and

are often forced to fit into their role whether
they like it or not.

3. Right from the time of birth the one thing

that is common between all the men is their
parents telling them to not cry. This curtailing
of feelings puts a lot of pressure on men. At
the end of the day they are also humans and
have the right to cry.

4. 7 in 10 boys in the survey (72%) say they

personally feel pressure from parents, friends,
teachers, or society to be physically strong.

5. 44% of older boys (14-19) feel pressure to

be “willing to punch someone if provoked”
About one in 3 younger boys feel the same.
(35 %)

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