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Dear Aina,

i am sorry to hear about your problem. I bet this situation happen to many of us. Dealing
with this kind of problem is a bit challenging as it involve with other people (our colleagues
at work for example). So, i have three solutions for your problem here. Number one, you
can talk and discuss with her nicely straightforward so that you can advice her about time
management and the burden that you carried when she refuse to do the work together.
Second, you can warn her that she will be reported to the superior and lastly, you can let
your superior talk or deal with her. Firstly you can discuss with her about her situation. Tell
her that she need to focus to her work when she is in the office. Her focus is important since
it involves with serious decision sometimes. Tell her that she cannot jeopardize her work
with her part time business. Her work is a priority and part time is still a part time. So she
better decide how to manage her time in order to keep both works. Otherwise she need to
choose which one is more important. 
Secondly, you can tell your friends that she needs to change her behavior now. She needs to
be serious with her work. she also needs to give full commitment to her job when she is at
work. She cannot let any other part time business distracts her attention.
And lastly, if she still doesn't change her behavior, you can let your superiors knows about
this and let your boss advise her. You don't have to deal with her anymore. you can focus on
your work and let your boss deal with her. she is not your problem. She is a wise as you
since she is your colleagues. 
Hopefully this advices can be of help to you. I wish that all the problems can be fixed soon.
And may your problem will be gone. A happy workplace is very important to avoid stress.
There are a lot of stresses that happen at workplace and if it keeps continue, you will find
yourself in trouble. So, make sure that your workplace is stress free. 

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