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TEACHER: Liliana Esmeralda López Gómez

PPUPIL: Jonathan Antonio Luna Sánchez

Materials: clay/Green,Blue,Orange,Black

Wooden sticks

What is a nuclear reactor and how does it work?

Image result for NUCLEAR REACTOR

nuclear fission reactors

A nuclear fission reactor is a facility capable of initiating, maintaining and controlling fission chain reactions,

having the appropriate means to extract the heat generated. Its main elements are: Fuel.

What's a nuclear center?

A nuclear power plant is an industrial facility that generates electricity from nuclear energy. It is part
of the family of thermoelectric plants, which means that it uses heat to generate electricity. This heat

comes from the fission of materials such as uranium and plutonium.

Later we will see what radioactivity is, now we propose an interactive game to learn what a nuclear
power plant is.
Operation of a nuclear power plant

The operation of a nuclear power plant is based on the use of heat to move a turbine by the action of water vapor,
which is connected to an electric generator. To obtain water vapor, uranium or plutonium is used as fuel. The process
can be simplified into five phases:

The fission of uranium takes place in the nuclear reactor, releasing a large amount of energy that heats the water until it

This steam is transported to the turbine-generator set through a steam circuit.

Once there, the turbine blades rotate due to the action of the steam and move the generator, which transforms the
mechanical energy into electricity.

When the water vapor has passed through the turbine, it is sent to a condenser where it cools down and becomes a

Afterwards, the water is transported to obtain steam again, thus closing the water circuit.

The waste generated by the fission of uranium is stored inside the plant itself, in special concrete pools for radioactive

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