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Name : Eka Yunita

NIM : 1112823013
Study Program : Early Childhood Education
No. Participant : EPSS-2305124


The relationship between listening to stories in Indonesian language subjects and the
emotional intelligence of children aged 7-8 years

Today behaviors that reflect low levels of emotional intelligence of children is increasing.
Therefore we need a method of learning that children can develop emotional intelligence. Listen
to stories believed to be the learning activities that chidren can develop emotional intelligence,
and tell you a lot of activities encountered in indonesian language teaching. Through telling the
teacher can convey the values that may be more influenced the chid's emotional intelligence, but
its told through a child trained to be able to empathize or understand the feelings of the
characters in the story.
Description of the problems, researchers interested in conducting research on "Listen to stories in
Indonesian language subjects with emotional Intelligence Chidren aged 7-8 year in
Saadatuddarain Mampang Madrasah Ibtidaiyah"
This study use quantitative approach to research, ex post facto methods . The Population of this
study were all students in the class MI Saadatudarain mampang number of 68 children from two
classes, while samples friesom the study were grade 2B, amounting to 30 people who were
selected using purposive sampling techniques, namely the selection of samples based on certain
criteria. The data was collected using a questionnaire consisting of 30 statements with four
alternative answers. Measurements to see the relationship between listen stories with emotional
intelligence of children aged 7-8 years performed using pearson corrrelation test with product
moment formula.
The study concluced the following results : there is a significant relationship between emotional
intelligence methods to tell the children aged 7-8 yaers. The alternative hypothesis (H1) states
that there is a significant correlation between hearing listen to stories with emotional intelligence

A. Background

Today behaviors that reflect the low level of emotional intelligence of children have appeared.

Currently we witness low emotional intelligence not only seen in adults, but also seen in


We can find the condition of a decline in children's emotional intelligence in everyday life in

children, in dealing with everyday life now we find children withdrawing more from association

or social problems, preferring to hide, a lot of moping, lack of enthusiasm, feeling unhappy and

depend. In training children's emotional intelligence, it is necessary to provide a series of stimuli

that can develop this emotional intelligence. As according to Gardner, a psychologist from

Harvard said that one of the healthiest ways to teach children is to motivate them from within

instead of threats or lures. (Shapiro, 1997). Teachers and parents as adults who are closely

related to child development should be able to provide a stimulus that can encourage children's

emotional intelligence. One of the roles of the teacher in developing children's emotional

intelligence at school is by applying fun learning methods that can develop children's emotional


One of the fun learning methods for children is telling stories, stories are an activity carried out

by teachers to their students, parents to their children, teachers tell stories to their listeners. An
activity that is artistic in nature because it is closely related to beauty and relies on the strength of

the words used to achieve the goal of the story. Stories are a way of conveying information in

the educational learning process, especially for early childhood. Where children can develop

their psychological aspects according to their stage of development. Through storytelling

activities the teacher can convey values that can develop emotional intelligence, besides that

through storytelling activities children are trained to be able to empathize or understand the

feelings of the characters in the story. Children's sensitivity in understanding the feelings of

others can encourage them to establish good relationships with other people in their environment.

The researcher is interested and wants to examine how the relationship between listening to

stories (in Indonesian language lessons) and the emotional intelligence of children aged 7-8 years

at MI Saaddatudarain Mampang. which further in this study researchers will examine and

analyze the influence of these two variables.

Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problems , writer will limit the discussion of the problem to:

Hearing stories The development studied is only on the aspect of emotional intelligence. The age

studied is 7 -8 years. The lessons studied were only Indonesian language lessons

Problem Formulation

Based on the limitations of the problem, the formulation of the problem can be made as follows:

Is there a relationship between listening to stories and the emotional intelligence of children aged

7-8 years

Research Objectives

This study aims to get an overview and obtain empirical data about the relationship between

hearing stories in Indonesian lessons and the emotional intelligence of children aged 7-8 years.

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